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Infinity Ward doesn't get enough props. Modern Warfare has the best gunplay in the medium, as well as the best audio design.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
Yes, a positive thread from me.

I have felt this way for quite a while now. But man, Infinity Ward is a really talented studio that gets no recognition in the industry because of how big and popular the COD IP is.

Finished the MW2 campaign and jesus christ, the audio design is practically unparalleled. The sound was on another level. The multiplayer, while playing matches of Ground War, sounds like a fucking real large scale battle. The sounds of the guns, all individually amazing, the sound of the guns actually makes them feel different from one another. The explosions that can be heard from across the map, the air strikes, tanks, etc, all sound incredible. If you're playing this on some dinky little TV speakers, you're doing yourself a disservice.

And Im just going to come out and say it, because maybe the "hardcore" community seems to have a hard time admitting this. But the reason COD sells so well, every year, is because the gunplay (specifically Modern Warfare) is fucking untouchable. It's by far the best in the genre, and I cant think of another game where the core gun mechanics are as perfect. It feels fucking good. If it aint broke, dont fix it. Theres a reason its inspired so many copycats, but none of them play/feel half as good. Best gun mechanics in gaming.

Infinity Ward with a 4+ year development cycle like other major devs get would be an unstoppable force. I hope MS doesnt fuck it up like they did with Rare. Leave them alone.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
CoD has the best gunplay, yes.

It's the game design that lets it down in SP which is still following the blueprint they laid out in 2007's Modern Warfare reboot which itself heavily borrowed from COD2. They need to switch up the formula for SP like they have done with MP. Warzone is amazing and the new ground war stuff they have added since MW2 is a nice change of pace from the small maps running around until the spawns flip. However, the ground war stuff still doesnt come close to what Battlefield does. At least in its better entries. They still have ways to go.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
My gaming has unexpectedly come full stop since it came out. It’s so fun, and Warzone 2 is some of the most fun I’ve had with friends since peak PUBG days in late 2018 or so.
Same. Was playing Calisto Protocol but dropped it as I just wanna keep playing MW2 Headquarters. God damn it feels good


You know what's weird, the gunplay is definitely fantastic but its good in the single player and SUCKS in warzone - the impact you get from guns in the single player campaign is lost in WZ2.

It feels like shooting rubber bullets in a toy gun, esp when you hit players

Idk if im alone in this
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Represent(ative) of bad opinions
CoD has the best gunplay, yes.

It's the game design that lets it down in SP which is still following the blueprint they laid out in 2007's Modern Warfare reboot which itself heavily borrowed from COD2. They need to switch up the formula for SP like they have done with MP. Warzone is amazing and the new ground war stuff they have added since MW2 is a nice change of pace from the small maps running around until the spawns flip. However, the ground war stuff still doesnt come close to what Battlefield does. At least in its better entries. They still have ways to go.
Agreed. As much praise as I give them, they still piss me off. This is a game made by like, 2000+ people with an unlimited budget, it should have destructable environments, grenades should cave-in walls, bullets should tear through walls, etc. No one is thinking about this stuff.


Agreed. As much praise as I give them, they still piss me off. This is a game made by like, 2000+ people with an unlimited budget, it should have destructable environments, grenades should cave-in walls, bullets should tear through walls, etc. No one is thinking about this stuff.
They actually made shooting through walls less likely in this game - its like they're going backwards.

everything you listed has been a dream of mine for FPS games for a long time, idk why they're not focusing on it. Maybe because it might frustrate casual players? idk.


Agreed. As much praise as I give them, they still piss me off. This is a game made by like, 2000+ people with an unlimited budget, it should have destructable environments, grenades should cave-in walls, bullets should tear through walls, etc. No one is thinking about this stuff.
Does any game running as well at 120 FPS have that level of destruction?


Now play some Warzone and tell me it has the best audio design when you have enemies running right up behind you and there's absolutely zero footstep audio.

I've got thousands of hours in Warzone and have been playing Warzone 2.0. The engine seems to have an issue where it can't process all of the audio going on at once, and it seems to prioritize just about anything over footsteps.

There gunplay is incredibly inconsistent in Warzone 2 at the moment, to the point where damage values are bugged and inconsistent. Jackfrags did a good video about that. It's so bad that people have theories of "skill based damage," which I don't believe to be a thing.

The game is fun but it's incredibly bugged and flawed right now.
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It is. And it better be since they swallowed an entire company wide in order to do so. And even then, they have the best of the best gunplay yet you don't get the best feedback when hitting your targets.


So this is not representative of mw2 gunplay? Because it looks pretty unreamarkable here, like fear 1 from almost 20 years ago looks more punchy and with better ragdoll\gore.

I know you love tlou2 gunplay so this post is really surprising dude.

Admittedly i haven't touched a cod game since the original modern warfare 1 or 2, and the gunplay back in the day felt like shooting card board enemies...
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I dont play any COD since the 2007, but I'm having a blast with 2042. Maybe I will check COD later this year. And want play Destiny but I have 0 friends to play FPS.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
Does any game running as well at 120 FPS have that level of destruction?
Cut out that 120fps crap and take it to the next level with next gen gameplay with environment destruction, I want to force snipers to move by shooting the walls out of weak concrete structures. 120fps should be for high end PC's only. The ones that can handle both.
Now play some Warzone and tell me it has the best audio design when you have enemies running right up behind you and there's absolutely zero footstep audio.

I've got thousands of hours in Warzone and have been playing Warzone 2.0. The engine seems to have an issue where it can't process all of the audio going on at once, and it seems to prioritize just about anything over footsteps.

There gunplay is incredibly inconsistent in Warzone 2 at the moment, to the point where damage values are bugged and inconsistent. Jackfrags did a good video about that. It's so bad that people have theories of "skill based damage," which I don't believe to be a thing.

The game is fun but it's incredibly bugged and flawed right now.
Havent touched a second of Warzone tbh, not my thing. Im mainly talking about the traditional MP and the single player. Both amazing sound and gunplay


Halo infinite has by far the best 3d audio and dynamic range I have even encountered on my dolby atmos setup, not even movies (that I have seen on my setup) come close. Metro exodus, Last of us part 2, God Of war are distant second. I havent tried the recent COD games but I am sure that they would be very good.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
So this is not representative of mw2 gunplay? Because it looks pretty unreamarkable here.

I know you love tlou2 gunplay so this post is really surprising dude.

Admittedly i haven't touched a cod game since the original modern warfare 1 or 2, and the gunplay back in the day felt like shooting card board enemies...

The lack of gore is definitely the downside. If it had TLOU 2 level gore it would be beyond perfect.
Im more so talking about the actual feel of the guns, the controls, the sound, the way they feel to shoot etc.

Game needs gore though, that would bring it to the highest levels
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The lack of gore is definitely the downside. If it had TLOU 2 level gore it would be beyond perfect.
Im more so talking about the actual feel of the guns, the controls, the sound, the way they feel to shoot etc.

Game needs gore though, that would bring it to the highest levels
It's not just gore, ragdoll seems wonky\lighter more close to far cry ragdoll than tlou ragdoll if you get what i mean.

Honest to whatever god you believe, fear 1 looks better than this.
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Cut out that 120fps crap and take it to the next level with next gen gameplay with environment destruction, I want to force snipers to move by shooting the walls out of weak concrete structures. 120fps should be for high end PC's only. The ones that can handle both.

Havent touched a second of Warzone tbh, not my thing. Im mainly talking about the traditional MP and the single player. Both amazing sound and gunplay
I'm happy to keep 120 thank you very much. But I understand there is a trade off, so I get why you feel that way.


Gold Member
I don’t think Activision gets enough credit for what they do with COD yearly, because they do it yearly. They put out a relatively polished, high quality game on time, and support it in exactly the way they say they will. People like the games, play them, and then move on. There will always be people who don’t like or criticize the games, and yea they’re not totally wrong, but there’s a reason why these are the best selling games every single year and Warzone is one of the most popular F2P games.

Yea, it sounds stupid, why give them credit for making the game they say they will make, but look at what a mess 343 made of Halo Infishit, and what DICE did with Battlefield 2042. Look at what a disaster Destiny 2 was at launch and how Bungie locked away content people paid for just to be able to handle the game they made. These studios are in general not capable of doing what they say they will do anymore, and they can’t maintain their games.
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Is it better than Doom Eternal gunplay wise? I mean is it even an impeccable 60 fps throughout? I used to see posts like this about Id software.


GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
They released the buggiest and the worst COD in the last 4 years. Only thing they deserve is a trash can full of shit. Yes the gunplay feels amazing but everything else sucks and is worse than before. The game released with 10 maps only and less game modes than all previous cod games. And the 2 maps they add in 3 months time is the same fukcing maps we been playing for 10 years. There was not even a fucking leaderboard or stats check list before last month. Also its the most buggy COD, sorry not only COD fucking game i have ever played. Constant crashes, constantly missing sounds, perks that don't work, mute button that don't work,.... Also the SBMM is cancer in this game, it fills my lobbies with campers who stick a riot shield on there ass and run with broken dual pistols like a imbicils. Play 2 good games and you will get butt fucked in the next 10 lobbies. There are soo many issues in this game that im tired of typing it down. Its the worst game of 2022, not even the gunplay can save it. And don't even start about WZ2, thats a whole different fuck up.


I want to get back into MW2, but I was getting more crashes than I'd like from time to time. It's a shame. Between that and Darktide on PC, I love and enjoy both. But the crashes have really held me back.


One of the many reasons Modern Warfare II’s campaign is so good. Dare I say it, probably the best FPS I’ve played in quite a good few years.


I don't think anything has matched Counterstrike 1.6 in gunplay, but at the end of the day just a matter of preference.


Except infinity hasnt made a decent multiplayer game since mw2009 but sound design has always been top notch even on the bewest game but anyone talented that worked there has left plus they work with 6 different studios


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
Is it better than Doom Eternal gunplay wise? I mean is it even an impeccable 60 fps throughout? I used to see posts like this about Id software.

And yes its a solid 60 throughout, unfortunately - I wish they had a 30fps fidelity option.


I’m still playing MW 2019 and it’s outstanding, the controls are pin sharp and the feedback is tangible.
COD gunplay is awful, it feels toyish and cheap and takes no skills in general.
lol, literally nobody in this thread shares that opinion, what does that tell you. Even detractors of the franchise will admit that the gunplay is industry leading.

You just sound salty to be honest, because that post is ridiculous.


I mean, they've been making these games for over 20 years, so they should be able to offer decent gunplay...that's the bare minimum they should be delivering.
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Warzone 2 is great when it works. It launched a mess but it has improved steadily.

Modern Warfare 2's campaign was not good. It was uninspired, it was (and still is) buggy, it's full of insta-kill mini games that offer no adaptation, creativity or replayability.
Gunplay is definitely the best in the industry for an FPS game, but I still think older Battlefield titles like Bad Company 2 through Battlefield 4 have superior sound design. The way bullets echo through the large-scale maps and the sound of an RPG being fired inside a building as opposed to outside in the open were all amazing. Not sure if the quality has held up recently however as I haven't played the Battlefield franchise for a few years.

Iced Arcade

Years ago Infinity Ward was the premium COD dev and Treyarch was the B class filler studio that covered off years. Was no shortage of IW praise.

Majority of IW left and went to Respawn but returned in 2019 so not surprised that team is showing again.
MW2 is the best shooter of the year from a content and gameplay perspective. Halo infinite is close in gunplay but the amount of content MW2 puts out on a regular basis is insane. This is why cod is still king, they have an insane amount of power behind keeping a level of consistency no other company can on a year to year basis...even a game as underwhelming as vanguard was better than its competition.
Not enough props and no recognition? The same IW that makes the best selling COD series Modern Warfare, whose games are constantly polled as the favorite over other CODs? 🤔
Umm, no. Battlefield was the undisputed when it comes to gun mechanics, but it hasnt been the same since they made Battlefield 4. That was around when you could get a long range sniper head shot with a revolver in COD....

The best audio I ever heard in a FPS on console was Battlefield 3 and 4, when Jets or helicopters fly over. Add that with explosions and destruction, its a experience I have yet see replicated again. Too bad EA killed DICE. This was CODs only competition.

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