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[Insider Gaming] Ubisoft Being Pressured To Go Private As Share Prices Continue To Fall


Ubisoft has no one to blame but themselves, constant shitty games should not be rewarded.
Adam Sandler Head Nod GIF


sloth no GIF

They make shit games and ignore quality IP that they own and they detest their own fans/customers.

The management sound incredibly incompetent, BGE2 in development hell for 12 years, Splinter Cell announced and assuming canned, Rainbow Six forgotten about, That Seige shit doesn't count, Ghost Recon poof, AC soulless, oh and Rayman finished too... Why would I support this terrible publisher.


Gold Member
The reason I want Ubisoft to stay alive unrelated to my avatar would be I don't want a stream of Ubi employees to be let out in a flood to get high positions in other gaming companies to poison all other games with what they do in Ubisofts games.

I like knowing most of the time they're all kept there away from me and my games for the most part so every time I see that Ubisoft logo on a game I skip it with ease.
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Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
I haven't enjoyed an Ubisoft game since Rainbow Six Vegas 2, and I think they're actively harmful to the industry as a whole at this point. We're better off with them gone.


Can't really say I give a crap if they go away. The last game from them that was of any appeal to me was probably Rayman Legends 10 years ago.

Can't think of any valuable IP they own either, at least to me.
AC was the only interesting one for a bit but they ran it into the ground to the point I think their recent games would have benefited from just being standalone historical action adventure games instead of part of the AC franchise


On one hand, Ubisoft has shown some of the most graphically impressive trailers of all time. On the other hand, none of those incredible looking versions resembled the games when they released. Losing another studio doesn't really benefit the gamers, but..

Larry David Reaction GIF


Neo Member
I'm a bit surprised that Ubisoft is in trouble. Wasn't ac valhalla their biggest ever hit? They've successfully transitioned their biggest series into live service despite it being singleplayer. I suppose they have nothing else to fall back on as EA does with FIFA or Activision did with COD.


If Ubisoft doesn’t want to die, go back to making competent games that people want to buy instead of making by-the-numbers games full of modern audience pandering.

It’s not my obligation to prop up a company so they stay afloat. It’s their job to keep themselves solvent and relevant. If they die, it’s on them.


Business, or in fact every entity, should be accountable for their decision.
If a business dies because of their major fuck up then so be it, no one should stop it.

I'd go one step further by saying It's a good thing.


Ubisoft has failed to evolve their open world formula. Instead, they doubled down, and forced minute variations of it into games like Avatar and Star Wars. So, if they die, it's on them. Which is sad - I think The Division 2 is one of the best looter shooters around and I'm still playing it.

But, when you're producing that many titles across that many franchises that all end up feeling the same, you're gonna saturate your own market and burn out the player base. If I don't buy Avatar, Star Wars, Assassin's Creed, or Far Cry because they all feel the same, you're doing something very, very wrong.


The downfall was bound to happen. When they killed Rayman 4 for Rabidds, the writing was on the wall
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I buy at least one Ubisoft game a year. I guess I am doing my part.

I love Assassin's Creed.
You know OP, as much as we all enjoy Ubisoft's epic decline, there was a time in which they almost reversed it. For me, it started with Watch Dogs 2 in 2016, then they had Wildlands, Mario + Rabbids and AssCreed Origins in 2017 and Far Cry 5 in 2018. Those games weren't PERFECT by any means, but they were fun. Enjoyable. Casual fun. Then Odyssey happened and that game turned their games into a grindfest. New Dawn then followed and that's when we reach rock bottom. The cancer had spread too much and they weren't able to recover since then.

I want future historians to acknowledge that New Dawn is the game that killed Ubisoft.
i'm with the op. i like many of the ubi games everyone else despises (including star wars outlaws). not sure what's wrong with me, but I don't seem to be getting better, unfortunately...


Ubisoft released the best Prince of Persia game, and an amazing Metroidvania just earlier this year.

so I can't hate them


also among the best fighting systems ever made by a western dev team. better than any God of War, better than DmC.
It's almost wasted on this type of game tbh. that's how good it is.

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On one hand I would very much like Ubisoft to die, on the other hand they seem to be a retard containment zone, so perhaps they should continue to exist. I shudder to think how much worse other companies would get if thousands of Ubisoft developers were unleashed onto the world.



+all the crap they pull in their awful games.

Serious Flame Thrower GIF by Graduation


Only ubisoft game for me that was worth playing was R6 Siege. Everything else has been a copy paste. No clue how they still are afloat.
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