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[Insider Gaming] Ubisoft Being Pressured To Go Private As Share Prices Continue To Fall


I mean, both their new games I probably would have wanted to buy if things felt like they did in the 2000s but I'm tired of drivel now. Star Wars sucks, the AC trailer put me to sleep even if you ignore the identity crap.

It feels like being given a mealy candy apple covered in 3 extra layers of candy. I'm extra shiny! I'm nostalgic! You can't test me first!

But you can pay in advance for a bonus. I won't mourn these guys. I just hope some ips survive like Rayman and Splinter Cell. Which are dead now anyway.


Neo Member
ubisoft cant die... theyve made some of my favourite games... however i do think they need to go away and come back with a renewed burst of creativity


Yeah. I ain't buying shit just because we'll loose a publisher if they keep shovling shit out.

If they can do a massive 180 and go on a streak like Capcom did last gen, I'd buy their games. But I have little faith they can turn it around without gutting management who keep pushing for the same boring open world's they've been doing since AC2/FC3

Also, where the fuck is Splinter Cell? They announced it 3 years ago in December. Not even a single screenshot. Capcom had shown off RE2 remake by now and they announced that at the starting stages like Ubisoft did.
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Immortals Fenyx Rising was last good game I played from Ubisoft....that was in before years in 2020. They need to make better games then usual blunt open world games.


Paul Bearer Dance GIF by Jason Clarke

You have to wonder why they seem to think that railing against their potential customer base with culture wars is STILL a good idea. If thousands of people are calling Star Wars girl ugly, fucking change her look. Or at least don't provoke people on social media about it while not changing anything.

Or hell, just go bankrupt, I really don't care anymore about Ubisoft. Game companies are doing the ostrich play lately while their companies explode and their employees get laid off. It's fucking insane to me that everybody is just letting this happen by staying on the 'modern audience' course and not trying something else.


"Hurr durrr why nobody buy our games?"


There are a handful of great IPs that Ubi owns, that they've either abandoned, mismanaged, or ruined, so I think there's value in their IP catalog that they could shop around. That's probably the best case scenario for gamers.
I agree, ubi was one of the biggest devs and beloved. It's true that "lately" they release the same formula under a different skin, but at least they somehow tried to innovate.

Collectively bullying a game/company into bankruptcy is one of the most retarded moves the internet has done in many years. Protesting that we don't like something is good and we should never stop doing it, but from there to systematically shit on every release for the past almost 5 years...


I agree, ubi was one of the biggest devs and beloved. It's true that "lately" they release the same formula under a different skin, but at least they somehow tried to innovate.

Collectively bullying a game/company into bankruptcy is one of the most retarded moves the internet has done in many years. Protesting that we don't like something is good and we should never stop doing it, but from there to systematically shit on every release for the past almost 5 years...
Just 2 questions (in the frame of the past 5 years)-

1. what did they innovate?
2. why do you place the fault of Ubi's poor performance on the consumer?


always chasing the next thrill
Good fuck em.

I hope all their star creators get good management and will be able to make better games
Just 2 questions (in the frame of the past 5 years)-

1. what did they innovate?
2. why do you place the fault of Ubi's poor performance on the consumer?
1. That's why I said "recently" between quotations, I agree they barely done anything these past years, but hey at least a multiplayer boat game (albeit a shitty and overpriced one), and a free cod clone (people claimed they wanted the old mw gameplay, ubi gave it for free and nobody wants to play).

2. I don't blame their generic games on the consumer, even myself haven't bought outlaws avatar, or the past two ac games on release (picked mirage for like 10 bucks), but for me there's a distinction between not liking and not buying something, and going pitchfork on hand shitting on everything ubi posts on the Internet, even if a chunk of the people complaining aren't even consumers of their games.

For example the debacle that happened with the announcement of ac shadows. Not so many years ago people were demanding an ac japan, but currently they announce it and people go scrutinising every single detail of the videos to make points to complain, for the sake of "historical accuracy" in a saga that featured aliens and magic since the very first game. And some of the people gain revenue on social media by fueling this hate machine


Neo Member
Anybody who remembers the Ubisoft "#metoo" moment which was as always a powerplay move is not surprised by this.

The main question is: Is the old guard still around or they got ousted completely and how deep does the current rot goes?


Make good games and I'll buy them

It's incredible how Ubi have been making terrible decisions time and time again while having so many good IPs and talent there

Funny how by being so afraid of taking risks they are killing themselves bit by bit


1. That's why I said "recently" between quotations, I agree they barely done anything these past years, but hey at least a multiplayer boat game (albeit a shitty and overpriced one), and a free cod clone (people claimed they wanted the old mw gameplay, ubi gave it for free and nobody wants to play).
The best thing they've made recently in my opinion was that Prince of Persia game, but it failed to land because they decided that you wouldn't play as the titular character, piss poor marketing, and kind of a cheap visual art style. These are the types of decisions that have me scratching my head about Ubi. Why build a strong IP and then make those changes that literally nobody was asking for?
2. I don't blame their generic games on the consumer, even myself haven't bought outlaws avatar, or the past two ac games on release (picked mirage for like 10 bucks), but for me there's a distinction between not liking and not buying something, and going pitchfork on hand shitting on everything ubi posts on the Internet, even if a chunk of the people complaining aren't even consumers of their games.
The thing about this is, we've seen time and again that boycotts don't actually work. The infamous MW2 boycott, Hogwarts Legacy, etc. If a game is good, it finds an audience, even if it's not one that's talking about it on social media. These games just fell flat. No amount of organized shitposting and pitchfork waving can actually have the kind of results to prevent millions of people from purchasing something, people just don't have that kind of influence on others, especially in an entertainment hobby like gaming. (Along those lines, I wish I could get people to stop hate-watching Star Wars, but it's just not in the cards.) Ubi's games have just been THAT undesirable. I'm sure negative sentiment can be considered one of the pieces of the puzzle as to why they're undesirable, but again I think not controlling that, listening to feedback, that's Ubi's fault, not ours.
For example the debacle that happened with the announcement of ac shadows. Not so many years ago people were demanding an ac japan, but currently they announce it and people go scrutinising every single detail of the videos to make points to complain, for the sake of "historical accuracy" in a saga that featured aliens and magic since the very first game. And some of the people gain revenue on social media by fueling this hate machine
There are many overreacting nitpicks from the Anti-Yasuke and Pro-Yasuke sides of that discussion, and I'm not getting into that again, but it's another case of Ubi betraying the expectations of the fans. Literally nobody asked them to make the game about Yasuke, or even about a Samurai. People were expecting ninjas and kunoichi and stuff like that. If they'd have stuck with the ninja/assassin theme and made a Japanese guy and girl and continued from there, there would be zero drama over the playable characters. They chose the path that they're on with it. Again, not the consumer's fault there, at least in my opinion.
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This is very true. I have yet to finish it or even come close. I still try from time to time but I cant stay interested.

Characters arent as interesting for me, same with the setting.

It literally took me 12 moths to complete it :messenger_tears_of_joy: It was so fucking boring and bloated with weak content. Tragic...


Marlboro: Other M
Never try to save big conglomerates. It's stings when they go down, but it always lead to a lot of new and thriving companies to take their place eventually.


I haven't touched an Ubisoft game in I don't know how many years. Origins was the last one I had fun with. I tried Odyssey at least a couple of times. Nope. Personally, I wouldn't shed a tear for Ubisoft. I'm so tired of the Ubisoft formula.

Unfortunately, Ubisoft has mainly attracted negative attention in recent years. And has not necessarily contributed much good to the industry. Or have I missed something? They jump on trends and produce a lot of rubbish. It's hard to like them anymore.


Ubisoft problems are the fault of only one party - Ubisoft.

  • GaaS failures like AAAA Skull & Bones
  • Development hell for stuff like BGE2
  • Political messaging instead of good games, starting with Farcry 5 and Watchdogs 2 (especially Legion). Continued with Outlaws and AC Japan.
  • Keeping same formula for AC and running Farcry into the ground.
  • Not releasing games on Steam so essentially missing PC revenue
  • I am sure I am forgetting something.
And somehow “we” must not let Ubi fail?

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Ubisoft never had a huge IP that would allow them to be lazy forever like EA and Activision. In that way i feel for them. They finally had managed to make consistent net profit from 2014 to 2019 (and it wasn't really impressive numbers) but it was kind of the first time they succeeded. In large part because of Siege, but also the flow of AAA they managed to release in just a few years.

But they always remained fragile, and now their pool of profitable IP is shrinking. As much as i would like them to make a new Rayman, or a real Splinter Cell, it's clearly not those games that will turn the tide for them.

I think they' can't really survive in their current form.


Let it die.

Let newcomers replace those old and dysfunctional dinosaur publishers.
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Gold Member
I plan on buying it in 6 months or so. Does it have potential when in a more polished state? I mean general bug fixes, ai tweaks etc.
I don't think they are gonna fix much tbh, i can see a 7\10 in the future but i don't have much trust.


Not sure if the OP is confusing going private with going out of business because going private would be the best move to save Ubisoft.


I get the idea of less publishers is arguably bad for the industry, but Ubisoft needs to stop churning out bad games. When I think Ubisoft and games I really enjoyed, they're pretty much all 10-20 year old games like Assassins Creed 2, Far Cry 3 and Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory


Outside of a few smaller titles like AC Mirage and PoP TLC they've been awful since 2020 atleast. The last game that I truly loved was Odyssey, and a big reason why I'm keeping my eye on AC Shadows, despite its issues, is because it's the same dev team. However, all their other teams have shown that they are not reliable and aren't able to produce quality titles. Ubisoft Massive for instance enjoyed a relatively clean image with The Division but they fucked up Avatar and Star Wars back to back. Outside of the usual "maaan Massive really knows how to do environments!" nothing else is left.

Ubisoft Montreal killed Watch Dogs with Legion and with Valhalla created a game that people just couldn't bother finishing. Ubisoft Toronto did Splinter Cell Blacklist, then kinda went undercover to work as a support studio and are now gearing up to lead their own projects again, the first one being Far Cry 6. And that wasn't really great either. People were pretty fed up with Far Cry at that point.

Ubisoft Montpellier can't get their shit together and still can't show anything regarding Beyond Good and Evil 2, a game that is beyond all hope now. I do not want to make some detailed deep dive, but their major studios are all burning and lack talent and leadership. If AC Shadows disappoints you can add Ubisoft Quebec to the pile. Ubisoft has some crazy issues that affect all their big studios and IPs and I do not know how they can right the ship at this point. They'd need some heavy restructuring and the balls to get out of their comfort zone.

Oh and yeah, it is not the consumer's fault and responsibiliy to make sure a company survives. A company provides goods and services, the consumer simply chooses. If the provided product sucks it's on you to take responsibility and do better. Consumers aren't charity. I can't believe this even has to be said. If I cannot get a quality game from Ubisoft I'm simply going to save my money and buy something else, like the newest game from Game Science. Ubisoft needs to take a long hard look at itself.
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Ubisoft lost their way…. And they may not figure out a way back.

Shame… in their hey day, they could be counted on for a solid b-minus offering most times… maybe even higher.

(My last favorite was FC5… that soundtrack was absolutely god-tier).
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