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[Insomniac]Miles Morals will be the main Spider-Man going forward


I cry about Xbox and hate PlayStation.
i think peter will probably be the "2nd" protag, while miles will be the focus


Lol with this woke crap, anyone who's actually played the damn game knows this is 100% gonna be Peter's trilogy & 3's gonna be the big finale for him before Miles takes over. His worst nightmares were all being setup in SM2 for a reason, we haven't even seen the best yet.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
If you want different, you won't be getting it from Miles. He's a Peter Parker rehash, and it's always been that way. They only difference and qualifier for his current standing in media is his ethnic makeup, and that's a fact.

Different than the norm is the point.

We know Peter and Miles have a lot of similarities, but they are still different in their own way.

Here's the thing: Most people who have played these games didn't read the comics at all. Their introduction of the series either came through the TV shows or the movies. They didn't even have to bother going deep into Spider-Man's origin story in the game because most people knew it already. People are far too familiar with Peter than they are with Miles. I'm sure many people were expecting to see Gwen Stacy, but it turned out to be Cindy Moon.

Just as I said before, writers typically finish a character's arch in three movies/games and this is likely where it's headed. They told nearly all of Peter's story in their universe and people are upset that they want to focus on another Spider-Man character.

I'm sure if the eagle-eyed individual were to have called out Miles' mere inclusion in 2018 as setup for replacing Peter, they would've been called paranoid and racist. Now look.

People would have been called this because they're likely upset about the idea of something like this happening when it's not that big of a deal.

I'm sure if Kill Bill 1 and 2 were made recently and in the third movie it starred Vernita Green's daughter as the main protagonist, people would call that woke too.
Bleh. I can't stand Miles Morales. Peter Parker is Spiderman. I get that this is essentially a race swap and 'b-b-but it's the multiverse' or 'b-b-but the comics said it was okay', but I don't care. The same way as Doctor Who isn't a woman or a gay black guy, Spiderman is Peter Parker.
It's interesting that no one fucked around with this over on the DC side of things. Clark Kent will forever be Superman and Bruce Wayne will forever be Batman. I don't know why Marvel can't respect it's iconic characters. I blame Disney, the MCU is notorious for it's wokeness and the rest of Marvel has been infected by that.


You are taking a few minor points about a game you haven't even played and extrapolating it for the entire experience.

The whole "woke" nonsense basically boils down to a few non-narrative missions that involve a gay couple or a deaf girl.

In a 30 hour experience, it's like 30 minutes total. Do I think it's needed? No. Do I think it's pandering? Yeah. Does it change the fact that it's the best superhero game made with some fantastic villains, combat, and emotional beats for the main cast? No.
Trust me, once you play it you won't want to stop. It's highly addictive and the perfect holiday game. There's a reason it has a 90+ MC. It's a fantastic game.

Not sure if the PS5 Pro will really add anything to the experience, I'm getting a PS5 Pro but I'm not going to wait on every single game that's coming out now just to play it with some better RT or resolution. The title, visually, looks amazing.

As for what they mean with the title moving away from Peter Parker to Miles...I don't know what to take from that. There's not much context in it. The ending doesn't really say much either. I can say that I don't really care as long as it's a good game, but I don't really see why they'd need to take time off Peter when Spider-Man 2 struck a really good balance between Miles and Peter.
Steve Harvey Familyfeud GIF by ABC Network


Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
I'm black and the only Spider-man I ever cared about was Ben Reilly

Miles Morales is fucking boring they have done absolutely nothing interesting with that character ever.

But Miles is a good fit for these crap ass modern spider-man games aka QTE Hell (I know you can turn it off but geez)

Web of Fire on the 32x is more fun no pandering and it features the highly underrated Super-Adaptoid and Dragon Man

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It's interesting that no one fucked around with this over on the DC side of things. Clark Kent will forever be Superman and Bruce Wayne will forever be Batman. I don't know why Marvel can't respect it's iconic characters. I blame Disney, the MCU is notorious for it's wokeness and the rest of Marvel has been infected by that.

I do blame Disney and it's stupid fans that perpetued this argument that "everyobody can be a hero", which is exactly proved by the retard behind MJ actions.


I won’t be playing Spidey 2 until it hits PC so I’m going to bow out and try not to have anything spoiled.

But damn. Peter Parker is Spiderman. I hope there’s a damn good reason for this.


They need to make Miles cooler and more mature then. His little whiney voice is so annoying to me. He sounds more like a middle schooler than someone about to enter college.


I just want to play as Peter Parker Spider-Man.

Not Sony games junior Spider-Man who has no personality. Who already got a spin-off and consumed about 40% of this game.:messenger_unamused:

Not MJ.:messenger_unamused:

Not ridiculous deaf girlfriend.:messenger_unamused:

Just Spider-Man. You know.. the name of the character right there in the game's title.

Have the whole game be the intro and showdown with Green Goblin, and resolve that dangling plotline.

Then you can have Miles Morales all you want until you are bored to shit with him as I am. Or until they incorporate Into the Spider-Verse Miles Morales to replace the generic video game character.
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They are lucky they have some amazing engineers there to sell their games thanks to the graphics. Just like Remedy.


Maybe they plan on doing another Miles Morales? I can see Peter taking a “break”, but not being completely sidelined in a Spider-Man 3.

Out of whatever villains they have set up for the next one I would think their motivations would be more to go after Peter than Miles.

I’m sorry, but Miles was just not handled very good and I didn’t find his gameplay differences to be very interesting. He just feels like an inferior Spider-Man.
The Venom may be a new twist for Spider-Man, but I never cared for it.
The framing of this article is very leading. That's not what Insomniac said in the interview and that's not what happened in the game.

Miles said he was good with picking up the slack while Peter focused on being Peter for a while. Nothing implied Peter was retiring as Spider-Man.

Now maybe next game Peter can retire if he and MJ end up having a daughter.


I have not finished Spider-Man 2 yet, but if anything Peter Parker deserves to retire at some point. The tragedy of his character in every iteration of Spider-Man is that he doesn’t want to be a superhero. He just wants to be a scientist and live a normal life. That’s the happy ending for him.

The deeper read of “With great power comes great responsibility.” is that Peter never asked for that power or responsibility, it was all forced on him. He feels that he has to prioritize being Spider-Man over having a normal life and that plays out disastrously for him over and over.
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Well that's woke, congrats insomniac, well done

I like to play a protagonist I can relate to rather than forcing whatever woke crap of the day down my throat, next spiderman will be black, trans, a lesbian lover with 2 male gay parents and have a gay cat who's lover can't decide if it's gay or straight but by the end realises it's gay, I can't wait.......
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Well that really stinks. I like Miles and all but I’ve grown up with Peter and would like more stories around him. I personally wish they would have just been completely separate games/universes.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
It's interesting that no one fucked around with this over on the DC side of things. Clark Kent will forever be Superman and Bruce Wayne will forever be Batman. I don't know why Marvel can't respect it's iconic characters. I blame Disney, the MCU is notorious for it's wokeness and the rest of Marvel has been infected by that.

I take it you havent actually read any comics, especially not DC comics?

This ↓ isnt Bruce Wayne:

Dont even get me started:

Bruce Wayne is NOT in this ↓ picture:

This ↓ isnt Clark Kent:

Then of course you have the Green Lantern.

Chill man.
Peter Parker is still Spider-Man, its not like he died or something.

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Frustrated World Cup GIF

As much as Insomniac is a super-talented dev, this would be a surefire way to kill any further interest in future sequels.

Forget that Miles Morales is NOT fucking Spider-man. He's Miles Morales. Also, forget the fact that his comic sales fucking tanked when they pulled this shit too. Miles Morales is just not at all anywhere near as interesting a character as Peter Parker. He's just not. He's vapid as fuck and as tokenized a character as I can possibly imagine.... he's literally just a race-swapped Peter Parker, who owes his entire existence as a superhero to Peter Parker and inexplicably has more powers than Peter because well of course (because spiders can discharge electricity now).

There's no reason to replace Peter Parker in his own fucking universe. By all means, maintain Miles Morales as a spin-off series. But fuck making him the main Spider-man. Fuck that shit good and hard. I'm not interested.
Of course. White males are not allowed to be leads in modern Sony games anymore, it's been pretty obvious for a while now.

You can fully expect Drake, Kratos, Atreus, etc. to be replaced as well. I give them one Wolverine game before he gets axed, they're probably fuming they have to use Logan at all.
Nathan Drake is already retired as of Uncharted 4's ending

The spinoff title The Lost Legacy starred 2 women birthing units

Power Pro

Of course. White males are not allowed to be leads in modern Sony games anymore, it's been pretty obvious for a while now.

You can fully expect Drake, Kratos, Atreus, etc. to be replaced as well. I give them one Wolverine game before he gets axed, they're probably fuming they have to use Logan at all.
I don't even give them that...I honestly wouldn't be surprised if a big part of the Wolverine game revolves around X23.

I don't want to sound like I'm coming from a mean spirited place, I don't read comics, but I remember really liking X23 in Marvel vs Capcom 3, but at this point, the pandering being done across all media is just exhausting. Can't even have a game or movie about the title character anymore, gotta make sure we prop up side characters and show how superior they are.

I just straight up don't like Miles though, because he screams diversity character. Like TheThreadsThatBindUs TheThreadsThatBindUs said, Miles is just a dark skinned Peter Parker in most of his characteristics, except he's got more powers than Peter, and in Spider-man 2, we're constantly told he's the better Spider-man. That game was annoying as hell to play through because of the writing. It also wasn't very fun to play when all was said and done to be honest. It was tedious, and not much different than the first game.
Of course Miles is the main Spider-Man in that universe. If you finished the game it makes sense why, it feels like some people haven't even played the game.
But there is ZERO chance the third game won't be about Peter again, they setup a lot of stuff for him and we still need to see the debut of his arch-nemesis.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
I don't even give them that...I honestly wouldn't be surprised if a big part of the Wolverine game revolves around X23.

I don't want to sound like I'm coming from a mean spirited place, I don't read comics, but I remember really liking X23 in Marvel vs Capcom 3, but at this point, the pandering being done across all media is just exhausting. Can't even have a game or movie about the title character anymore, gotta make sure we prop up side characters and show how superior they are.

That actually sounds awesome.
First half of the game Logan hunting down his failed clones.
The 23rd and final clone he finds out is Laura....not only that but shes not a failed clone and is actually functional and not a berserker........but a frikken a Weapon.


Power Pro

That actually sounds awesome.
First half of the game Logan hunting down his failed clones.
The 23rd and final clone he finds out is Laura....not only that but shes not a failed clone and is actually functional and not a berserker........but a frikken a Weapon.

If she looked and acted like that, I'd probably be all for it, but they'll probably find a reason for her to prefer wearing a burka.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
On side note I can't wait for the inevitable prequel Marvel Spider-Man Origins that'll be the best one in the series.
Shit they could probably get a whole trilogy out of it as he was Spider-Man for 8 years before Spider-Man 2018
Imagine that, a Spider-Man game set in 2010
Miles doesn't have any stakes with Otto Octavius and Norman Osborne like Peter Parker does. He ruins the story between Peter Parker and Harry.
Miles Morales is fucking boring they have done absolutely nothing interesting with that character ever.

But Miles is a good fit for these crap ass modern spider-man games...
basically, yes. miles is very much the spidey equivalent of the new, declawed, 'wholesome' version of ratchet...
Of course. White males are not allowed to be leads in modern Sony games anymore, it's been pretty obvious for a while now.

You can fully expect Drake, Kratos, Atreus, etc. to be replaced as well. I give them one Wolverine game before he gets axed, they're probably fuming they have to use Logan at all.
This. They’re phasing out the straight white nails protagonist in the story driven first party games. You also forgot Joel got the shaft. And gaming “journalist” jumped down bends throat for Deacon Saint John


Peter is finally grown up and seeming more established as Spider-Man. I’ve been waiting years for them to let Peter finally grow up, even though they have really been thinning some of his classic rogues gallery.

He’s far too young to “retire” and he has plenty of villains that are still going to be out to get him. Just wouldn’t make any sense. Everything feels like it’s been setting up more, and everytime Peter tries to take a break it doesn’t work out.


Is easy to like Mires Morals when you intentionally make Peter unlikeable and weaker.

Can't wait to Santa Monica replace Kratos as well.

He's also great in the spiderverse movie which also has a fantastic peter and is the best non comic story to come out of the spiderman franchise
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