Jedeye Sniv
Indeed it is, but I'd never liken it to WH Quest
It's a turn based action game though, pretty similar to both of those game, more complex in some areas but it's in the same wheelhouse.
Indeed it is, but I'd never liken it to WH Quest
No RPG elements in NC. Here's my review of the PC version, the dev said the IOS game is the same content-wiseThis looks really good...looking forward to it.
Can't say no to Threes+Roguelike+RPG elements.
The Nightmare Cooperative is a compact game, a roguelike distilled to its base elements. You won't find complex skill trees, or a multitude of loot to collect and equip, or expansive environments for you to explore and perish in. That's not a bad thing; if you're looking for something simple but challenging, simplified yet also strategic and tactical, The Nightmare Cooperative excels.
I couldn't get into FF:T at all, it seems like a rather poor port of a good game.
What are good turn-based action game like WH Quest? This game and X-Com made me appreciate this genre and I want more![]()
First I've heard of it. Is it doing anything original? I played a ton of Tiny Tower but I struggled keeping my interest with Tiny Death StarTiny Tower Vegas releasing on Thursday.
Yay! ^_^
Shadowrun Returns is an RPG but the turn based combat in it is pretty fun. Don't know when the Dragonfall expansion is out on ios
I can't unrecommended that game enough. The combat/art/writing is as bad if not worse than random f2p crap no ones ever heard of.
Possibly my mostvregretted iOS purchase.
First I've heard of it. Is it doing anything original? I played a ton of Tiny Tower but I struggled keeping my interest with Tiny Death Star
I didn't think it's fantastic but your opinions should also come with a disclaimer that they are often very black and white. Meanwhile we're discussing this in the context of the person enjoying Warhammer Quest (which is relatively simple combat) so I think it will be something he would probably like
Excellent. Posted this on an earlier pageHas anybody played Battleheart Legacy yet? I haven't bought it yet but I keep seeing it in the great role playing games selection. Apparently it's predecessor and this sequel based on reviews have been really good, but was curious on the thoughts from Gaf.
I never played the other Battleheart games, but very impressed by Legacy. Charming graphics, a huge amount of freedom and depth in how you develop your character, the best tap to move/attack controls IMO. Want to be a teleporting archer or melee-heavy mage who can call down meteors from above? All those options are available
Won this last week in a giveaway. Damn shame that devs already had to drop the price due to sales, because this is a great platformer that deserves more attention and exposure. It feels like a mix of Escape Goat and Leo's Fortune: you choose levels from a hub, unlocking new level sets as you progress, precision platforming with diverse and varied traps, wonderful lighting and visualsSo this is weird.
I consider myself pretty informed on everything iOS gaming related...but...
My son told me to download a random game from the App Store, probably attracted by the icon...was free so why not? seems a great game, with really nice graphics!!!
It's called Dodo Master, it's free for iPhone and 1 dollar on iPad (no universal)
It's a weird platformed where you control a Dodo...I played just 20 minutes but so far it's pretty great, nice controls and even a bit difficult too.
If you like platformers, check it out.
Never heard about that before, reminds me both Penumbear and Shadow Complex for some reasons.
iTunes Link
Won this last week in a giveaway. Damn shame that devs already had to drop the price due to sales, because this is a great platformer that deserves more attention and exposure. It feels like a mix of Escape Goat and Leo's Fortune: you choose levels from a hub, unlocking new level sets as you progress, precision platforming with diverse and varied traps, wonderful lighting and visuals
I'm still anxiously awaiting that game Kingdoms. They said by the end of August, I thought?
Ha, I am, I am! Will have reviews for Dodo Master and Pentumble on my blog and Game Mob this week. (Check out Pentumble as well, another good platformer that dropped in price due to poor sales)It's great really...I didn't know anything about it...found now even a TA thread.
Buying the iPad version (60 FPS too).
I suggest everyone interested in platformers at the very least check out the free iphone version.
It may look 'childish' and such but this seems a real gem. are the man needed in case like these...great devs that know NOTHING about a bit of hype building BEFORE the game is out....DO SOMETHING!!!
Spread the word!![]()
Ha, I am, I am! Will have reviews for Dodo Master and Pentumble on my blog and Game Mob this week. (Check out Pentumble as well, another good platformer that dropped in price due to poor sales)
I'm still anxiously awaiting that game Kingdoms. They said by the end of August, I thought?
GOLD AWARD from PocketGamer:A cunning and addictive sim, Motorsport Manager offers enough that genre fans will love it, and casual players won't be put off
First I've heard of it. Is it doing anything original? I played a ton of Tiny Tower but I struggled keeping my interest with Tiny Death Star
Has anybody played Battleheart Legacy yet? I haven't bought it yet but I keep seeing it in the great role playing games selection. Apparently it's predecessor and this sequel based on reviews have been really good, but was curious on the thoughts from Gaf.
I spent 30 minutes with Dodo Master and find it to be mostly terrible. Cheap deaths due to bad controls is not fun. I guess it's worth a shot since it's free but it's not for me and I love platformers
edit: To speak further on the game, graphically it's gorgeous but between the controls and the items they place on the UI covering up traps, it's incredibly frustrating. It should be noted I'm playing it on the iPhone which may not be ideal for this game.
Yeah it might be the case that iPhone is not ideal for this game. On my iPad I find the traps easy enough to find. I don't have any problems with the controls. It's pretty standard fare and only two buttons (jump and stomp).
That said, the game is fun but not groundbreaking or anything. Maybe because I'm coming from They Ned To Be Fed 3 which I really liked. It sure is a looker though.
Colossatron is fucking weird, huh.
I want to like it, because Halfbrick, and I'm winning. But I actually have no idea what I'm doing.
Any feedback on the current design of the OP? Does it work out alright with dark mode for people? (I think it does personally but I'm always seeking feedback!)
Overall it uses much less data than the previous design, which is always a stickler when the games keep piling up.
Also I fucking suck at F1 management, my 'Palooka Tuners' racing team is scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Excellent. Posted this on an earlier page
I've played the first one and recommend it entirely. The controls are simple and become intuitive from moment one. Varied classes give a good warm strategy feel, especially when you put together a small team that clicks the way you want it to.
My go-to was a simple tank, heal/buff and DPS combo for the longer battles and arenas. Every now and then, I'd switch to full DPS for quick clearing, a mix between ranged and upfront, which was mostly an all-in, glass cannon scenario.
Thankfully, you're not that important.OP utterly sucks, it didn't even aknowledge that August 12 was my birthday nor did the thread'a title, talk about fucking failing at life... you had ONE job for fuck's sake
Sweeeet, thanks for the heads up man!VVVVVVVVVVVVtho of course I own all of S1 already, lol
Loving this. Thanks!Looks like Icebreaker: A Viking Voyage will be free later tonight when the App Store updates. It's one of the Rovio Stars games that ended up getting 2014 GotY at Pocket Gamer.