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Username is gtrowles443
Apologies in advance if this is deemed off topic.
Just a shitload of diamonds. Most of the rocks are filled with diamonds too. Raked in 200,000 in one dive earlier (not in my pants).Wow. So deep. So really nothing past the hard wall at 500 huh.
How long has it been? Looking for recommendations?
Just a shitload of diamonds. Most of the rocks are filled with diamonds too. Raked in 200,000 in one dive earlier (not in my pants).
For now, anyway. The developers are on Touch Arcade touting much in the way of expansions. There's alot of scope. The game can only get better!
Love this game.
Nope. It's not that in-depth. It's ultimately a coin grinder, like Jetpack Joyride, where you go on a dive, accumulate as much loot as you can, which gets turned into money, which you then spend on upgrading your shit. It's very compulsive, and it plays very nicely. It has a lovely aesthetic, the developers are extremely devoted and it's a fantastic timewaster. But it is simplistic, so it might not be for some.Maybe I should get Deep Loot, how its the IAP? Its like a metroidvania (like Mines of Mars) where you need specific minerals to build better gear?
Certain loot, items, locations and enemies are only available at certain depths, and I'm pretty sure loot gets more valuable and prolific the deeper you get, so it is worth going well past 100m.I nearly bit on the coin doubler today, but as I reached 400km I realized that the returns began to get smaller and smaller. I pull in about 25,000 coin each run, so naturally to get 50,000 each run would be wonderful, right? However, the thing that I noticed is that the game does not start to throw more rare collectible at you the deeper you get. You just start to accrue more rare items once you get past 100km it seems. You don't run into more valuable items as you cross a certain barrier, which you would feel would be a natural occurrence. It's a bit disappointing. However, the game has so much potential for expansion that I'm not mad! The game has so much room of growth and the devs have made it clear that that is on their agenda. It's a great game, but right now it is a bit limited in terms of risk/reward.
I never played this saga of TD, and I am in the mood for one, which one should I get, first or second? or Fieldrunners 2?
Damn, they fucked up Fieldrunners 2? For a while that had been my favorite TD gameBoth Kingdom Rush games are awesome. I'd play them in order.
And Fieldrunners 2 should be free. They added tons of IAPs, and the difficulty is suspiciously way too high.
This reads like paid advertisingReminder - The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 1 is the IGN Free Game of the Month for August:
iOS copies can be grabbed 100% for free (no account needed) in 42 countries. And after a year of waiting, we're finally able to move on getting a few more countries added to the list. So... hopefully some good news there in a month or two.
This reads like paid advertising
Finally caught up to the current Episode, enjoying the season a lot, although I felt more connected to the characters in Season 1. Will be interesting to see what Telltale has planned for Season 3
That was my poor attempt at humor (see the thread title)It's just a reader service.
Reminder - The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 1 is the IGN Free Game of the Month for August:
iOS copies can be grabbed 100% for free (no account needed) in 42 countries. And after a year of waiting, we're finally able to move on getting a few more countries added to the list. So... hopefully some good news there in a month or two.
I am checking and season 2 still costs money.
He's not saying it's free on the App Store. IGN is offering codes for a free download if you follow the link in his post
I will be heartbroken if Telltale doesn't make a Wolf Among Us Season 2. I enjoyed that series far more than TWD
I've been playing this pretty solidly for the past few days, but it has now officially gotten to the point where the grind has hit (I'm around level 23) and the game is basically begging me to buy some in-game currency.Guys, give Arcane Soul a try. Very fun hack and slash with RPG elements. It's free and it's very fair, with only one currency and no timer, ads or DRM shenanigans. Looks gorgeous and it's running at glorious 60 fps, which makes combat fast and fun. Three different characters to play with.
Nothing groundbreaking, but a good amount of fun for free. Reminds me of Muramasa and Dragon's Crown, but obviously not as good.
Anyone played Oceanhorn? Thinking about picking it up.
Anyone played Oceanhorn? Thinking about picking it up.
That was my poor attempt at humor (see the thread title)
Great to see you active in the IOS threads though. Have you seen Deep Under The Sky, from Colin Northway (Incredipede)? Comes out next week, got a preview build, really fun so far
Ok, guys, I finally am going to try to get my ass in gear and try to get back into socializing about iOS gaming.
Many of you already know me from my long time at TA. But I'm quite happy to find a friendlier home here
One thing I need to figure out is the format of things here. So is there basically one monthly thread for iOS games?
Oh snap, you made it. Nice to see you here. So yeah, there's a monthly IOS Games thread, and a few other IOS-centric threads (see the links to Hidden Gems and Why IOS Rocks in the OP). Occasionally more notable games gets their own threads, games like Wayward Souls, Monument Valley, and 80 Days. But to be honest, outside of these threads, many have an indifferent or ignorant perspective of mobile games.Ok, guys, I finally am going to try to get my ass in gear and try to get back into socializing about iOS gaming.
Many of you already know me from my long time at TA. But I'm quite happy to find a friendlier home here
One thing I need to figure out is the format of things here. So is there basically one monthly thread for iOS games?
Ok, guys, I finally am going to try to get my ass in gear and try to get back into socializing about iOS gaming.
Many of you already know me from my long time at TA. But I'm quite happy to find a friendlier home here
One thing I need to figure out is the format of things here. So is there basically one monthly thread for iOS games?
Don't know enough about Pokemon or the original tweeter to know if this is real or fake, but...
Josh Wittenkeller ‏@TheJWittz 3h
It looks like Pokémon TCGO is in works for the iPad! Should be a huge way to expand the game. #PlayPokemon pic.twitter.com/SPlx3QZaTC
Question. Are in app purchases linked to the phone or account? Going to get an iPhone soon and in the mean time I'm borrowing my dads. If I sign out of my dads account, log into mine, and buy some iAP will they still be there when I get a new iPhone?
Wanting to buy the cases in Ace Attorney: Dual Destines if that makes any difference.
They're bound to account (unless consumable, of course).
Is it just me having problems with the new recommendation layout? No names...
Mobile version on iPad, dark theme, btw.
The no-names thing is related to thisIs it just me having problems with the new recommendation layout? No names...
Mobile version on iPad, dark theme, btw.
That's right, in-app purchases are 100% tied to the account and treated like part of the app. Just be aware that if you leave AA5 installed with the chapters purchased on your dad's phone he'll still be able to play them normally even after you log out and he logs in. Who's logged only matters during the installation of the app and purchasing/restoring process. After that, any account can use whatever app/IAP is installed on the device.So after I buy the DLC can I just log out and log my dad back in without any issues?
That's fine. I just wanted to download the app, buy the dlc, and then log my dad back in so he could continue to use the app store as he normally would. So it's all tied to the account then? I don't have to use iTunes or anything? Sorry for all the questions but I just want to be really sure I don't end up losing my purchases or that it ends up getting tied to my dads account.That's right, in-app purchases are 100% tied to the account and treated like part of the app. Just be aware that if you leave AA5 installed with the chapters purchased on your dad's phone he'll still be able to play them normally even after you log out and he logs in. Who's logged only matters during the installation of the app and purchasing/restoring process. After that, any account can use whatever app/IAP is installed on the device.
You can log on any number of devices, install the app and restore purchases, then any account you log in with can play with that DLC/IAP just fine. I've been doing it on other devices in the family (and vice-versa) for a while now. Log in, install/restore purchases, log out. I bought AA5 and will be installing the chapters on my brother's iPad next time I meet him for example, and I did the same with the IAP in Ghost Trick, Republique, Where's my Water and others.
Void Mode in Nihilumbra...damn, the devs don't mess around. Hard as nails from the get go
Yep, it's totally tied to your account and it doesn't matter on what device you originally purchased the IAP, and no iTunes usage necessary. Whenever you log with your account on any other iPad or iPhone you will be able to restore that IAP without having to purchase it again. It won't get tied to your dad's account in any way.That's fine. I just wanted to download the app, buy the dlc, and then log my dad back in so he could continue to use the app store as he normally would. So it's all tied to the account then? I don't have to use iTunes or anything? Sorry for all the questions but I just want to be really sure I don't end up losing my purchases or that it ends up getting tied to my dads account.
Void Mode in Nihilumbra...damn, the devs don't mess around. Hard as nails from the get go
Tap the arrow to go to the bottom of the page:Wish Nihilumbra would get widescreen support.
Anyway, another noob question. I'm having trouble logging in on my Android tablet. Might be a Java script issue? But I find it really hard to navigate these forums on my iPhone 5S so I'd like to use my tablet.
Another thing in regards to mobile viewing is I wish there was a "last page" button at the top. Annoying to have to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the first thread page then click the last button.
Yeah, minor gripes but want to get used to the navigation around here.