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iOS Gaming Thread March 2013: It's $1 per post, $5 for 8 posts or $10 for 20 posts

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formerly "chigiri"
GC Name: Tunesmith
Score: 627.5 m




Added these to the OP:


Launch sale price!


I'm a huge SG-1 fan, but haven't personally played this game yet! If you have, please leave some impressions in the thread. In case the game turns out to be rubbish I'll remove it from the OP.



Blockheads is excellent, especially now that they patched it so that crafting/activity timers keep running in the background and your guy auto-explores when he's done. unk Jack's controls and UI pissed me off a lot and love Blockhead's controls way better for a 2D game on iOS. You can queue actions with one tap instead of having to sit there and pick away with your finger at every individual block.

Another good Minecraft game with probably the best controls out there right now is Block Fortress, and you get a nice Tower Defense/Resource Gathering/Base Building mode (which is actually the main mode) on top of it. But if you want, Block Fortress can be 100% played in Sandbox Mode, where it's essentially like Minecraft from my understanding. I haven't played Eden, so I don't know.

Just wish Block Fortress had iCloud support. I don't understand why it doesn't, as both of Foursaken's previous hit games (NY Zombies 2, Heroes & Castles) had it. Also Super Stickman Golf 2 has it, which I'm grateful for. The only thing that doesn't transfer is your dollar balance (or green bucks, or whatever they're calling it), which I'm okay with I guess, since you can just buy the hats on either device and they'll be synced.
Minus the pedigree and clone drama Ridiculous Fishing is a good game. much cheaper than IRL fishing and MUCH more fun.

Any game that can compel someone to stay awake hours past the time that they intellectually know that they should be fast asleep by is worth $3.
Blockheads is excellent, especially now that they patched it so that crafting/activity timers keep running in the background and your guy auto-explores when he's done. unk Jack's controls and UI pissed me off a lot and love Blockhead's controls way better for a 2D game on iOS. You can queue actions with one tap instead of having to sit there and pick away with your finger at every individual block.

Another good Minecraft game with probably the best controls out there right now is Block Fortress, and you get a nice Tower Defense/Resource Gathering/Base Building mode (which is actually the main mode) on top of it. But if you want, Block Fortress can be 100% played in Sandbox Mode, where it's essentially like Minecraft from my understanding. I haven't played Eden, so I don't know.

Just wish Block Fortress had iCloud support. I don't understand why it doesn't, as both of Foursaken's previous hit games (NY Zombies 2, Heroes & Castles) had it. Also Super Stickman Golf 2 has it, which I'm grateful for. The only thing that doesn't transfer is your dollar balance (or green bucks, or whatever they're calling it), which I'm okay with I guess, since you can just buy the hats on either device and they'll be synced.

Thanks Flunkie. I'll try out Blockheads for now.
Yeah, I still don't know what you're talking about. You sound like that guy who thinks music critics just pretend to love Sonic Youth to look cool. The fact is: There are no cool points in games because games are not cool and never will be. Ever.

I can't believe people still throw around "game journalist." It was obnoxious 10 years ago. There are no critical authorities left to tear down, so you can stop throwing your feces now.

I feel like I might have touched a nerve, I'm awful sorry.

I've seen this happen, and barely even a month ago. Hundreds has ruined the games press' opinions on indie games for me. It was super-hyped, it was hipster as fuck, and it got top marks all over the place as a result. Then I bought into the hype and bought the game, and it turned out that it was actually average at best. I'm not going to trust reviews of Ridiculous Fishing now because it had all the same elements that Hundreds did, the indie pedigree, the hype, the super-high review scores. I can see it happening all over again. Especially since all the reviews seem to say how omg amazing the game is and none of them can actually explain why that is, as if "it's brilliant just buy it" is somehow their job done.
I've seen this happen, and barely even a month ago. Hundreds has ruined the games press' opinions on indie games for me. It was super-hyped, it was hipster as fuck, and it got top marks all over the place as a result.

Or maybe, y'know, all those people actually liked the game.

As it happens, it got an 8 from Eurogamer, a 7 from Edge and a 6 from Pocket Gamer, which is hardly 'top marks'. Unless you're talking about the app sites that give almost everything 5/5.

Especially since all the reviews seem to say how omg amazing the game is and none of them can actually explain why that is, as if "it's brilliant just buy it" is somehow their job done.

I don't know what reviews you're reading, but I've read plenty that explain why it's great. Still, if you're happy to miss out on an amazing game because you disagreed with the consensus once, then I guess that's your prerogative.


Turn-based multiplayer for SSG2 is kind of a disappointment. IAP here we come?

-2 players only

-3 courses (do more unlock? doesn't look like it)

-No option to limit the gear someone can wear. Can't we just play on a level playing field?

I can understand that running multiplayer servers for a 99 cent game might make things tricky (and maybe why they're charging money for more simultaneous multiplayer games), but this mode could be so much more.

Opponent replays are pretty tedious, too. Makes you just want to skip them and be done with it instead of getting strategy if you're playing a hole last, etc.

-Slow to start for each replay stroke. Why not just design replays to trim out the pausing of the opponent, like Draw Something? Just show me the shots.

-Replay speed multiplier resets after each stroke


WOW, this week was overkill for me: I bought Super Crate Box, Ridiculous Fishing, Super Stickman Golf 2, Little Inferno and Infinity Blade 2! iOS gaming is worse than Steam sales for me, daaaamn.


Just wish Block Fortress had iCloud support. I don't understand why it doesn't, as both of Foursaken's previous hit games (NY Zombies 2, Heroes & Castles) had it.

The dev said they tried to add iCloud but couldn't because map sizes are several megabytes, which is way beyond Apple's ridiculous requirement for cloud saves. They didn't give up though, and are still trying to figure out a way to make it work.


I feel like I might have touched a nerve, I'm awful sorry.

I've seen this happen, and barely even a month ago. Hundreds has ruined the games press' opinions on indie games for me. It was super-hyped, it was hipster as fuck, and it got top marks all over the place as a result. Then I bought into the hype and bought the game, and it turned out that it was actually average at best. I'm not going to trust reviews of Ridiculous Fishing now because it had all the same elements that Hundreds did, the indie pedigree, the hype, the super-high review scores. I can see it happening all over again. Especially since all the reviews seem to say how omg amazing the game is and none of them can actually explain why that is, as if "it's brilliant just buy it" is somehow their job done.

I mean...have you never experienced not liking something that was well reviewed before? It happens to me from time to time, but I'm not going to just assume the whole world is out to trick me when it happens.


I feel like I might have touched a nerve, I'm awful sorry.

I've seen this happen, and barely even a month ago. Hundreds has ruined the games press' opinions on indie games for me. It was super-hyped, it was hipster as fuck, and it got top marks all over the place as a result. Then I bought into the hype and bought the game, and it turned out that it was actually average at best. I'm not going to trust reviews of Ridiculous Fishing now because it had all the same elements that Hundreds did, the indie pedigree, the hype, the super-high review scores. I can see it happening all over again. Especially since all the reviews seem to say how omg amazing the game is and none of them can actually explain why that is, as if "it's brilliant just buy it" is somehow their job done.

Sometimes people like things that you don't like. It's not a conspiracy.
Question regarding Ridiculous Fishing, how are the Boot and Bowling Ball items used? I've met the depth requirements but I don't see how to use them.


Not a fan of ridiculous fishing. The tilt controls are finely calibrated but I still don't like it.

The game is also missing a way for you to quickly quit the current session and retry.


Capsized+ is free for the week end apparently.
Go get it.

I'm at mission 9 (out of 12 I think)....enjoying this game a lot.
It's more than simply "I don't like something they do like,"

No, it's not. You think it is, but it's not. FWIW, I personally didn't enjoy Hundreds all that much, but I can see why some did, and I certainly don't think there's some weird conspiracy behind its mostly positive reviews.

I'm still not buying RF.

Well, more fool you. If you're prepared to ignore the reviews, fine, but there's a long line of GAFers saying it's great that you're dismissing, too. Or are they just concerned with THEIR "indie cred"?


Ridiculous Fishing is as good as advertised. So fun.

Also, is the music you get when picking up fish the same as when you cast your line, only in reverse? If so, the music on the first level is actually catchier in reverse :lol


Looking for a favor.

Could anybody post up some solid turn based strat games? Similar to Civ (is that game any good)? I've seen some options, but I don't know what's decent when you're looking at stuff that ten bucks plus (not that I wouldn't pay that much, it's just a big jump from some of the garbage on the app store).


Looking for a favor.

Could anybody post up some solid turn based strat games? Similar to Civ (is that game any good)? I've seen some options, but I don't know what's decent when you're looking at stuff that ten bucks plus (not that I wouldn't pay that much, it's just a big jump from some of the garbage on the app store).

Civ Revolutions is available if you haven't played it yet.

It's a very solid game.


Seagullman rank on 2 devices in Ridiculous Fishing. So good. Mechanically, Ninja Fishing isn't too far off though. I revisited it, and it's not bad at all, has a few unique hooks too.


I'm looking to sell a couple $10 iTunes (US Store only) codes for $8 each over in the B/S/T thread :
Buy/Sell/Trade Thread 2013

Hope it is not uncouth cross-posting, but figured there are likely more interested parties here that otherwise wouldn't see it.
Carry on.


erotic butter maelstrom
I really wanted to like the first Stickman game, but I could never get over how difficult it was to gauge the power of my shots. There was no indication of where a shot would land based on the amount of power behind it, so it felt like a crapshoot at times. Maybe I was missing something.

But I just bought Ridiculous Fishing. I'm not sure what it is but you guys convinced me.


I really wanted to like the first Stickman game, but I could never get over how difficult it was to gauge the power of my shots. There was no indication of where a shot would land based on the amount of power behind it, so it felt like a crapshoot at times. Maybe I was missing something

I found it took along time to get how much power was needed but in the end you could judge it. I also prefer 1 to 2, 2 adds too much weird stuff for me, first was more simple.


I've been playing a ton of iOS lately.

Year Walk was excellent and Puzzles and Dragons has sunk it's claws in me. Ridiculous fishing is pretty great too.

Has anyone tried Liberation Maiden or Rock Bandits?
Any new and noteworthy endless/auto runners lately?

I really like StickMan Golf 2. I know the IAP is there more, but I am good about resisting temptation. Very fine and relaxing game.

Does anybody know of any top down mini golf games?
No, it's not. You think it is, but it's not. FWIW, I personally didn't enjoy Hundreds all that much, but I can see why some did, and I certainly don't think there's some weird conspiracy behind its mostly positive reviews.

Okay, as an example, there's the idea that Hundreds has no filler at all. This was something the developer was pretty big on, mentioned it in pre-release hype, mentioned it in the app description, and it leaked into reviews. Eurogamer go so far as to claim that literally every new level has a new idea in it on its way to giving it 8/10. Various other sites laud the game for its constant new ideas and lack of filler.

Play the game, it's full of filler. A good 30-40% or more of the levels are just exactly the same as previous levels but with one extra circle on the screen. That the game has filler is a factual comment, it's not an opinion, it's a fact. Maybe the reviewers didn't mind the filler, maybe they liked the filler, it's still filler and to claim that the game has new ideas in every level is just an outright lie based on what the reviewer had heard about the game rather than what they experienced.

This isn't "I don't like the game and they do," this is reviewers believing the hype and letting it colour their opinions, or just not bothering to play the game enough to form a proper opinion on their own. Obviously it's true that I don't care for the game that much and they like it, but that is absolutely not what I have an issue with in this case, that aspect is irrelevant.
I finally bought Backflip Madness yesterday and I have to say I've been left pretty disappointed. The core back flipping mechanic is excellent, and is really satisfying to play with, but sadly the rest of the game is woefully under-developed.

The scoring system seems to be a complete after thought and offers no real incentive to go back and improve your score with more complicated backflips, and after around level 3 or 4 you're mostly just completing the same jumps over and over in a slightly different setting.

It's taken me just under a day of occasional play to complete all of the levels, and as it is, I don't really feel the urge to go back.

Also fuck it for requiring Facebook for achievements.
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