Definitely not an STD, as I'm a pure.
When do preorders go up?
Im in for either of the black pluses at 128gb
When do preorders go up?
Im in for either of the black pluses at 128gb
How quickly do online pre-orders usually sell out? Is it within seconds or can I comfortably get my pre-order in? How was it for the iPhone 6 and 6s? I'd hate to wake up at 3am just to miss out because my connection was slow or something.
How does the lightning to 3.5mm adapter work? Does it have a built in DAC? Does the phone have a DAC... but why would it?
My 6s has a scratch on the screen, wonder how this will work...
Honestly nothing, I believe they did the same bill credits deal last year and there were no caveats.
The adapter will have a DAC because Lightning is purely a high speed serial bus. The phone still has a DAC because it needs to play audio through the speakers.
How long can backorders take to ship?10 minutes until back order isn't uncommon.
hmmm so the audio quality should be comparable to a 6S native 3.5mm port with same headphones?
Unless they changed up the DAC on the phone.
How long can backorders take to ship?
Do you guys think that lightning to 3.5mm cable will work with my beats?
If your Beats have a 3.5mm jack, yes of course.Do you guys think that lightning to 3.5mm cable will work with my beats?
Honestly nothing, I believe they did the same bill credits deal last year and there were no caveats.
The time though
The new one for the 7 looks even better, seems they've finally got a good solution for pressing buttons. That was really my only complaint with the current one.
It's usually 3:01 AM eastern.
So to get on the apple upgrade program for T-Mobile I have to go in the apple store? Does this mean I will automatically miss the initial shipment?
They'll have in-store appointments available at the 12:01am/3:01am PST/EST frenzy for you to go in and they'll have stock reserved for you. They line you up, send you in 40 at a time, process your order and send you on your way.
It's usually 3:01 AM eastern.
yep...this is like a filler step to get people used to the idea but I imagine the feel will be identical.![]()
next year
So I would have to be at the store at 12:01am EST on the 9th?
Or do I just set the reservation online at midnight and go in store sometime later during the day?
Reservation online at midnight and go into the store on the 13th at your appointment time.
Normally they open before the mall so you drive around looking for Apple employees, park nearby, tell them your reservation and they'll put you in a line for your timeslot.
My last four phones have been iPhones but the way they handled this headphone jack thing just rubs me the wrong way. They didn't even say something like "In order to maximize the phone's battery..." or "To accommodate our new home button...". Instead they had the gall to say that 'courage' bullshit. Lightning headphones seem to have no advantage over standard headphones and wireless headphones are a neat concept, but generally seem to be lower audio quality at a much higher price. It could not have been more clear from that event that the prime reason they got rid of the headphone jack was to sell us more accessories. There's nothing here to justify the inconvenience of losing the jack. My 6 still works great, I guess I'll wait to see if Samsung or Google catch my eye or see if the iPhone 8 is the revelatory iPhone it's rumored to be.
Cool. Could I buy mine and my wife's phone or is it one per person?
Wait the Apple store is open at 3AM in the morning?
next year
Highly doubt they'd redesign the existing case for the current phones.I wonder what the chances of them redesigning the 6 leather case is. This is the first I've heard of them and I think they look pretty nice.
How hard is it to push the buttons in? I'm genuinely thinking about getting one.
Like a blackberry storm? Eww.