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Iraqi government shuts down Al-Jazeera

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Iraqi Government Shuts Al - Jazeera Station

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) -- The Iraqi government closed the Iraqi offices of the Arab television station Al-Jazeera for 30 days, accusing it Saturday of inciting violence.

A spokesman for Al-Jazeera called the closure ``unwise'' and said it restrained freedom of the press.

``It is a regrettable decision, but Al-Jazeera will endeavor to cover the situation in Iraq as best as we can within the constraints,'' spokesman Jihad Ballout said.

Interim Prime Minister Ayad Allawi said the government convened an independent commission a month ago to monitor Al-Jazeera's daily coverage ``to see what kind of violence they are advocating, inciting hatred and problems and racial tension.''
New York Times

[American imposed] democracy [in Iraq] in action.


Given the Bush administration's track record, they were probably doing something unspeakable.

Like telling the truth.


Al-Jazeera isn't interested in reporting facts, their thinly-vieled goal is to keep the Arab street enraged and embittered. And when people call them on it they wax indignant, firing away with specious arguments about freedom of the press.


You're not going ever see me defend FOX news as fair and balanced, I dislike the channel for the same type of reasons.


Just shut up about this being "American democracy in action". Al Jizzeria had the most angled news reports ever. Journalism? More like "Hey! Look at this! We found a random clip of some americans shooting weapons, let's lie and say they were firing at civilians who were having lunch, petting lambs or <insert holy animal here>!". They angled their reports to be anti-american, and that aint right. Besides, it was the Iraqi government who took the decision, and no matter what you think Uncle Sam doesn't control that.


Makura said:
Al-Jazeera isn't interested in reporting facts, their thinly-vieled goal is to keep the Arab street enraged and embittered. And when people call them on it they wax indignant, firing away with specious arguments about freedom of the press.

The same could be said about Michael Moore. Should the government step in and shut down his website and should it have banned "Fahrenheit 9/11" from ever being played on movie screens?

Drexon said:
Just shut up about this being "American democracy in action". Al Jizzeria had the most angled news reports ever. Journalism? More like "Hey! Look at this! We found a random clip of some americans shooting weapons, let's lie and say they were firing at civilians who were having lunch, petting lambs or <insert holy animal here>!". They angled their reports to be anti-american, and that aint right. Besides, it was the Iraqi government who took the decision, and no matter what you think Uncle Sam doesn't control that.

If it weren't for freedom of the press, you might have a point.


Drexon said:
Just shut up about this being "American democracy in action". Al Jizzeria had the most angled news reports ever. Journalism? More like "Hey! Look at this! We found a random clip of some americans shooting weapons, let's lie and say they were firing at civilians who were having lunch, petting lambs or <insert holy animal here>!". They angled their reports to be anti-american, and that aint right. Besides, it was the Iraqi government who took the decision, and no matter what you think Uncle Sam doesn't control that.
I'm speechless...


Running off of Custom Firmware
I do not know the exact reasons and circumstances of their closure, but this "news agency" is far from credible.


But where is the line? If a journalist's actions become the equivalent of shouting "FIRE!" in a crowded theater, should he still be protected? Can censorship ever be justified?


Running off of Custom Firmware
pestul said:
Are any? And how is credibility defined?

No. Through intelligent analyses of their reporting and obvious agendas.

I don't rely on any SINGLE news agency for news. I canvas rather broadly and try my best to put together a solid image of as many viewpoints as possible. Al-Jezeera, however, isn't on any of my go-to lists.
MIMIC said:
The same could be said about Michael Moore. Should the government step in and shut down his website and should it have banned "Fahrenheit 9/11" from ever being played on movie screens?

Our country is a great deal more stable than the current Iraqi situation. I'm all for freedom of the press but there's a limit to *everything*. If the current Iraqi government feels the situation is fragile enough, and I agree that it is, then Al-Jazeera should be shut down until things are more stable.


Al-Jazeera isn't interested in reporting facts, their thinly-vieled goal is to keep the Arab street enraged and embittered. And when people call them on it they wax indignant, firing away with specious arguments about freedom of the press.



Just shut up about this being "American democracy in action". Al Jizzeria had the most angled news reports ever. Journalism? More like "Hey! Look at this! We found a random clip of some americans shooting weapons, let's lie and say they were firing at civilians who were having lunch, petting lambs or <insert holy animal here>!". They angled their reports to be anti-american, and that aint right. Besides, it was the Iraqi government who took the decision, and no matter what you think Uncle Sam doesn't control that.

Evidence. Where is it?


Mejilan said:
No. Through intelligent analyses of their reporting and obvious agendas.

Sorry but most news agencies are interested in being profitable - not promoting a political or social agenda.

I don't rely on any SINGLE news agency for news. I canvas rather broadly and try my best to put together a solid image of as many viewpoints as possible. Al-Jezeera, however, isn't on any of my go-to lists.

Admirable, but in the end what any person considers credible or acceptable viewpoints is going to vary. Even if I showed you raw footage of an event, how I present that footage could entirely alter your perception of what's really happening.


Unconfirmed Member
They angled their reports to be anti-american, and that aint right.

Why isn't it right?

Is it any better to have your medias bias as "anti-arabic"?

Since when was it a crime to politically have an anti-west agenda?

Inquiring minds, and all that.


Drexon said:
Just shut up about this being "American democracy in action". Al Jizzeria had the most angled news reports ever. Journalism? More like "Hey! Look at this! We found a random clip of some americans shooting weapons, let's lie and say they were firing at civilians who were having lunch, petting lambs or <insert holy animal here>!". They angled their reports to be anti-american, and that aint right. Besides, it was the Iraqi government who took the decision, and no matter what you think Uncle Sam doesn't control that.

Man, I really hope you can back that up.


pestul said:
And how is credibility defined?
I think a def for credible that fits the bill is: Capable of being believed; plausible.
And to answer your question - its generally not the media outlet itself that isn't credible. Its the news they recieve from the US gov't that isn't credible (at least in American media). Just look at news reports from the Vietnam era.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Phoenix said:
Sorry but most news agencies are interested in being profitable - not promoting a political or social agenda.

Admirable, but in the end what any person considers credible or acceptable viewpoints is going to vary. Even if I showed you raw footage of an event, how I present that footage could entirely alter your perception of what's really happening.

I agree, on both points. Thats why I do the best to counterbalance one coverage of an issue with another's. At the very least.


Phoenix said:
Admirable, but in the end what any person considers credible or acceptable viewpoints is going to vary. Even if I showed you raw footage of an event, how I present that footage could entirely alter your perception of what's really happening.
That's a great point. Trying to cover something that is as partisan as world politics probably cannot be done objectively.


Small balls, big fun!
Remember when the CPA shut down Moqtada Al-Sadr's newspaper? That turned out real great.

I'm sure Al-Jazeera tilts their coverage in a certain way or panders to a certain audience, but I don't think this is a great decision on ethical or practical grounds.


bad move. What if Fox News got banned? This might backfire alot.

Unfortunately the most popular news media is basically trash :p


Fight for Freeform said:
BTW, I'm not defending Al Jazeera as much as I'm pointing out that you guys are talking out of your asses. :)

An Al Jazeera person plain out states that they do it and that they don't try to "hide it" in that movie regarding Al Jazeera. Forgot what it was called. The control room or something like that?


have you actually seen this movie? i don't see how this shows that you're not talking out your ass.


*drowns in jizz*
Makura said:
Al-Jazeera isn't interested in reporting facts, their thinly-vieled goal is to keep the Arab street enraged and embittered. And when people call them on it they wax indignant, firing away with specious arguments about freedom of the press.

People like this are the type of people who bring down society as a whole.

Do you speak arabic Makura? How many hours of al-jazeera do you watch? Well I understand it perfectly, have been watching it for years, and in terms of news I divide my time almost equally between aljazeera and CNN. With this in mind, I can safely say you're an ignoramus. Maybe you're proud of it.

In any case, I guess this doesnt surprise me. The sad fact is the truth doesn't always look good, and many would like to see it sugarcoated, or spoken in a certain way. You know, Id rather they shut down aljazeera completely in baghdad rather than 'restructuring' it and destroying its integrity.

Please if you don't understand arabic, any of you, noone needs your opinion. Some things people just dont have the right to comment on. Its like me commenting on a taiwanese news channel. Id never do it, because I dont fucking understand it, and im not going to rely on tidbits from another news channel to frame my opinion. Have some self respect people.


*drowns in jizz*
Makura said:
Yeah, down with society!

I was dead serious Makura. People like you do. Because you contribute nothing. And I like how you ignored my questions. The fact is, you have no basis on which to form an opinion.


Sure I do. What about the words of the senior editor for aljazeera.net?:

"Of all the major global networks, al-Jazeera has been alone in proceeding from the premise that this war should be viewed as an illegal enterprise. It has broadcast the horror of the bombing campaign, the blown-out brains, the blood-spattered pavements, the screaming infants and the corpses."

Doesn't sound very neutral to me - they already decided what view they wish to put forth ("illegal enterprise"). And that's just the tip of the iceberg.


So far we've really managed to distinguish ourselves from Saddam, first the prison stuff now censorship. At least he could control crime and security.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Makura said:
Doesn't sound very neutral to me - they already decided what view they wish to put forth ("illegal enterprise"). And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

They're Arab and are thus speaking from an Arab point-of-view. Whether you want to admit it or not, this is the way many Arabs feel about the Iraq war.

Regardless, their coverage isn't as one-sided as most people like to paint it. Colon Powell and other administration officials are asked to come on and speak directly to the Arab audience fairly often.

I'm not an expert on this subject or anything. At the same time, I find Rumsfeld referring to Al-Jazeera as "the mouthpiece of Osama Bin Laden" to be completely absurd. You should really check out the movie "Control Room" to get a glimpse of what happens behind the scenes at Al-Jazeera. As far as I can tell, they make every effort to present perspectives that differ with their own.


Can someone please provide an example of how they incite violence?

I'm not saying it isn't true, but I'd like to know what they think qualifies. Whether it's simply not promoting America's cause or actually encouraging violence.


Socreges said:
Can someone please provide an example of how they incite violence?

I'm not saying it isn't true, but I'd like to know what they think qualifies. Whether it's simply not promoting America's cause or actually encouraging violence.

I'm not sure you could point out something as "inciting violence" without relying on your own agendas/views.

For example: if aljazeera calls the bomber that bombs an Israeli pizza place a 'martyr' they’re obviously supporting that act. In the U.S. (and 99% of the non-Muslim world) that would be considered terrorism. However, in the Arab world it could be heroism. Al-jazeera's coverage would be no different then CNN's coverage of the heroes of 9-11.


Still Tagged Accordingly
"It is a regrettable decision, but Al-Jazeera will endeavor to cover the situation in Iraq as best as we can within the constraints," spokesman Jihad Ballout said.
I think it's funny that the spokesman's name is Jihad.


*drowns in jizz*
And American stations utterly ignoring the horror of civilian casualties, and completely desentisizing this war much worse.


Slurpy said:
And American stations utterly ignoring the horror of civilian casualties, and completely desentisizing this war much worse.

Wow what a fucking joke. Listen all that the media does in both the west and the middleeast is go against Iraq. So much bullshit comes from both sides. And Al-Jazeera is fucking biased. I have it and watch it. They don't report the truth, they just report the wishful bullshit that the Arabs dream of happening, like Saddam defeating the US.

http://www.culturevulture.net/Movies8/ControlRoom.htm this is for my comment regarding the control room, and it also clearly states what i stated above.

Edit: forgot to mention that the media covers so little about the good progress being made, its just unbelievable. All you hear about are bombings, but in reality those are down a very good number and are only occuring in the same number of areas where these insurgents are located.
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