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Iraqi government shuts down Al-Jazeera

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American press is very much anti-arabic and provides us with a VERY slanted view of the world. EVERY media outlet does this. I will not defend Al-Jazeera, but they are no better or worse than FOX, MSNBC or CNN. They just cater their broadcasts to a different audience. This is censorship. It is totally unnecessary. Is the US-funded arabic station still on the air in Iraq? Yup. How convenient. So, with Al-Jazeera down, that's one less popular station to get in the way of American propoganda.

I don't like the media anywhere. It's all propoganda that different governments use to brainwash us through repetition. Why do most people dislike communism so much? B/c it's been beaten into our heads that it's bad for the last 30-odd years. Most people don't know jack shit about its workings and the pros and cons. They just know it's bad, and so they run with it. The media just plain sucks. But censorship is not the way to defeat it. If they want to drown out Al-Jazeera's message, why not present a counter argument and allow the people to vote with their remotes. Oh wait, that might actually constitute democracy, something we haven't quite gotten right here in our republic. Killing in the name of......democracy?!? PEACE.


*drowns in jizz*
Aljazeera gets attacked from the arab world just as much for being pro-american. So I honestly don't give a shit. I can watch for myself and decide. The truth is, I find the channel more intelligent, more rational, more rational, and more indepth than any other. For those that watch it on a regular basis, they are free to disagree with me. For those that can't frikkin understand it, you have no right.


Fight for Freeform said:
Still waiting for proof...Makura? Drexon? SKluck? Where'd you guys run off to?

I provided the proof that would support their claims.

Slurpy said:
Aljazeera gets attacked from the arab world just as much for being pro-american. So I honestly don't give a shit. I can watch for myself and decide. The truth is, I find the channel more intelligent, more rational, more rational, and more indepth than any other. For those that watch it on a regular basis, they are free to disagree with me. For those that can't frikkin understand it, you have no right.

Well then thats your opinion. But having watched this channel while living in an Arab country, everyone I met believed everything they saw on it. And the channel is no where near intelligent. Its a pathetic joke. The only worthwhile newstation is BBC.


as far as i can tell my point stands. you haven't seen the movie. i have, and you're talking out of your ass.


fart said:
as far as i can tell my point stands. you haven't seen the movie. i have, and you're talking out of your ass.

Your point stands that I haven't seen it, but I'm not talking out of my ass because I provided proof. Regardless of what your going to say next, I'll leave it to anyone who reads what was posted to make judgment for themselves, because no matter what, a person rarely accepts being wrong so I'm not gonna continue disputing that point.


Unconfirmed Member
Firest0rm said:
I provided the proof that would support their claims.

Huh? All I saw you provide was a link to somebody elses opinion.

Well then thats your opinion. But having watched this channel while living in an Arab country, everyone I met believed everything they saw on it. And the channel is no where near intelligent. Its a pathetic joke. The only worthwhile newstation is BBC.

How does that differ from the masses that believe everything they see on Fox news?

And even the BBC has it's own agenda...

There is no such thing as an unbiased media, All stations/publications have their own agenda or editorial slant.


i think we need to censor the word proof. my head tries to explode on me every time someone here tries to use it.


Freeburn said:
Huh? All I saw you provide was a link to somebody elses opinion.

How does that differ from the masses that believe everything they see on Fox news?

And even the BBC has it's own agenda...

There is no such thing as an unbiased media, All stations/publications have their own agenda or editorial slant.

Did you read all of the link? Because it refers directly to parts of the film, thats what I used it for.

It doesn't, I was talking about how he claims that it gets attacked just as much for the claim that its pro-American.

And obviously there is not such thing as an unbiased media.


Unconfirmed Member
I read the link, you were not being pushed to support the assertation that Al-Jazeera has it's bias, but rather your ignorant statement of:

Firest0rm said:
They don't report the truth, they just report the wishful bullshit that the Arabs dream of happening.

Thus far you have failed to back that up. You know, with like... proof?


Freeburn said:
I read the link, you were not being pushed to support the assertation that Al-Jazeera has it's bias, but rather your ignorant statement of:

Thus far you have failed to back that up. You know, with like... proof?

I see, well now that your being more specific then I understand what you meant. But that is not something i can provide a link for. Because its from my own knowledge. I watch Al-Jazeera and I have family relatives and family friends in Iraq who are always telling us the news that they experience or see first hand.

And its not an ignorant statement, because I am very well aware of both sides of the story, or should I say all three sides.


Al-Jazeera is just as biased as most of the crap that is considered "news" these days, American or otherwise.

But the point is that there are things Al-Jazeera is doing right now that probably aren't helping the situation in Iraq, such as validating and encouraging kidnappings by continuously airing the ransom/decapitation videos they receive. If the Iraqi gov. has aksed them to hold off on this kind of stuff, and they haven't, then I would shut them down too. And I'm totally against most forms of censorship, especially coming from an American-controlled governement. But sometimes it's necessary.

Now if someone shut down Fox News (or Fox altogether for ruining so many shows and all the stupid "reality" T.V)...


Setec Astronomer
Now, while a media outlet may have a slant or an agenda, do remember it doesn't have to be a political slant or agenda.


Hitokage said:
Now, while a media outlet may have a slant or an agenda, do remember it doesn't have to be a political slant or agenda.
Was that directed at me? A slant does not have to be political to influence things in a political way.

And I just want to say that slant/bias from a major news source can be political if the politics have a significant stake in that news source. ;)


Should I stop waiting? The strongest allegations cames from Makura and Drexon...though I have a suspicion that it was not based on any real evidence, but from what they've heard from their own conservative sources (who are known to make up "facts" out of thin air).


Wow this is horrible, especially considering the history of freedom of the press in that region. =\

WTF you act like they are entitled to all the rights of the US constitution without earning it. What do you expect everything to just fall into place. We removed a leader of a country. You have the former soldiers, their leaders, power grabbers, terrorists, and a whole lot of confused people. The goverment has to make some sort of attempt to take control. Terrorist need an audience and Al Jazeera provides a stage. I agree with them shutting it down for a while to let things calm down until they can establish a government and some sort of stable society.

Just because you like what they have to say doesn't mean that they are helping the situation.


Let's just say an Al-Jazeera camera crew comes across a maimed Iraqi family which they film, interview the locals which claim it was a US missile that caused the damage and then they take these images and show them on prime time news. Assuming then that this is all accurate (as it most often has been), does this display of fact equate to inciting the masses? Put more simply, does accurate and factual news reporting contrary to the interests of the controlling power equate to inciting the masses? Or is Al-Jazeera required to fall in line with western media outlets and act as another propaganda arm of the US military so as not to have their service suspended?
Most likely the Iraqi interim government knows (or knew, this bit of news is getting stale) that the long drama of radical cleric Al-Sadr is reaching an endgame. To this end, fighting between US and Iraqi forces in particular and the insurgents in some areas is likely to get really, really ugly.

Al-Jazeera for the most part broadcast freely during the US' criminal and inhumane siege of Fallujah back in April (our reprisal for the killing of the US contractors murdered there was probably the low moral point in the war, worse than Abu Grahib but not as telegenic, if you will). It wasn't the kind of television that stabilizes a country, and the Iraqi government and the US/Coalition want to try to keep that kind of coverage from happening again in towns and principalities with significant insurgent and the Mahdi army presences.

The hostage issues is a diversion for the real deal-which is ensuring that Al-Jazeera has at least impeded coverage of these military actions over the course of the next month or so during the "Al-Sadr Endgame". Not doing so would run a great risk to the interim government.


I can't believe it's been OVER A YEAR since the war ended and there is still fighting going on... :(

The U.S. is not going after those militants and bombing them for the hell of it. I'm sure if they stop and divert their energies to improving iraq PEACEFULLY things will go on much smoother. Maybe in 4-5 years of the U.S. is still there and they don't like it they can revert to violence but doing so right now is only setting iraq back.

At least they should give peace a chance and get iraq back on its feet as soon as possible in these times. Unless Sadr is dreaming of becoming a "khomeiny" and becoming the leader of a theocratic iraq... then I can see no end to this until iraq has its own efficient army/police.

fart said:

Yeeesh... Do you really enjoy acting like a moron?


Drexon said:
Just shut up about this being "American democracy in action". Al Jizzeria had the most angled news reports ever. Journalism? More like "Hey! Look at this! We found a random clip of some americans shooting weapons, let's lie and say they were firing at civilians who were having lunch, petting lambs or <insert holy animal here>!". They angled their reports to be anti-american, and that aint right. Besides, it was the Iraqi government who took the decision, and no matter what you think Uncle Sam doesn't control that.



Well this is the last time I'll ask for proof. You guys got 24 hours, or you'll eat your words. I'll provide the ketchup.

The Island. What the referr to I have no idea though.

Bahrain? Isn't that where it started?

Heh, I just realized that Makura, SKluck and Drexon probably wouldn't know that Bahrain is an island...
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