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Is a new Radiohead album imminent? - form new company similar to prior releases

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Those of you knocking TKOL have obviously not heard its songs live. It's a different story once you have.

Anyways, I know they'll deliver something great. Really hope they tour this year, too.
Yeah, lucky enough to see them live and TKOL tracks are so much better. And not just because it's loud and live, they've changed up the instruments and such so it sounds a lot more interesting and energetic (imo).


1. The Bends
1. OK Computer
3. Kid A
4. In Rainbows
5. Amnesiac
6. Hail to the Thief
7. King of Limbs
8. Pablo Honey

It's amazing that an album like In Rainbows can be listed 4th in an artists list of works. Just shows how strong a career they've had.

I'll have to go...

1. Kid A (my #1 album of all time)
2. OK Computer
2. In Rainbows
4. The Bends (was my #1 album of all time - time wasn't kind)
5. Hail to the Thief
6. Amnesiac
7. TKoL
8. Pablo Honey

Amnesiac could be up there with OK & In Rainbows with the right mix of B-sides & unreleased tracks from the Kid A/Amnesiac era. Live version of Like Spinning Plates, Fog, Orgy, and maybe Cuttooth on there... It's doable.

Pablo Honey is the only album I don't really listen to nowadays. It has some decent enough pop/rock songs on there, though.


I knew this thread would turn into an obligatory album ranking thread.

I didn't like the king of limbs.
Ok Computer and In Rainbows are my favorites.
I'll skip the formal rankings, but time hasn't been too kind to The Bends, Hail to the Thief is probably my least favorite 00s Radiohead, and I share the common opinion of Pablo Honey.

OK Computer, Kid A, Amnesiac, In Rainbows, and The King of Limbs are all in my regular rotation.


Excited for new stuff.

King of Limbs would have been great if it had the like 4 other songs they released/played just after completing the album. As it is, it's just too fucking short. The second half of it is pretty great, but then it just ends.

If we're ranking:

1. The Bends
2. In Rainbows
3. OK Computer
4. Amnesiac
5. Kid A
6. Hail to the Thief
7. King of Limbs
8. Pablo Honey

With those other 4 songs I think King of Limbs would almost jump to 4 on my list.


Woo! Radiohead album rankings are even more exciting than Final Fantasy rankings.

1. Kid A
2. In Rainbows
3. OK Computer

Though you can interchange 2 and 3 for me depending on mood.

4. The Bends
5. Amnesiac
6. The King of Limbs (^true that the second half is fantastic, and much more classic Radiohead)
7. Hail to the Theif
8. Pablo Honey
Any list with Kid A, In Rainbows, and OK Computer in the top 3 is fine in my book. I personally love King of Limbs, but can't imagine why they left Staircase off of it.


I think that when they dropped their track for Spectre that was a really good indicator that something is coming.


Pablo Honey has a great sound for summer drives. How do you always makes me drive a little faster.

I'd take it over Hail to the Thief which has some good songs but isn't a good album.


When I saw them they opened with Lotus Flower. The song packs so much punch live that it doesn't on the album.

Also I don't understand why the release is imminent if this company has existed since October and nobody notices until now. Sure, comparing the dates there's a few months from company creation to album release, but I think imminent is a stretch.


can't fucking wait!

I didn't like TKOL at all back when it was released, but since last year I've listened to it quite a lot and I seem to have fallen under its spell. I love how rhythm/beat/percussion heavy the first half of the album is. It's driving yet minimalistic, and I quite like that. The "From the Basement" versions helped a lot, too.

Also, Staircase is definitely one of the best things they've recently done and it totally should've been in TKOL.


King of Limbs haters: It hurts, I know.

But to move on as band, Radiohead eventually had to leave some of their more philistine fans behind. We heard this before when Kid A was released. Hopefully one day you'll catch up to them again.

I only listened to it once but it struck me as music for the philistines. Sounded like a Radiohead cover band devoted only to the outfit's safest material.
I'm so glad I finally got to see them live with In Rainbows. I knew I would love it because I love Radiohead but it became the best show of my life.


I always feel the TKOL haters never gave the album a shot. i know I'm in the minority but I actually think it's a better album than In Rainbows, and Hail to The Thief. It's the first album they had made since Kid A / Amnesiac that felt "new" , and not a rehash of their previous work.
I would also agree that the songs sound incredible live. It was basically organic dub step.

If there is one complaint I agree about King of Limbs is that it's too short

It also helps if you add the 4 or so bsides that came out after the album. Daily Mail / Staircase were awesome songs.


Neo Member
I always feel the TKOL haters never gave the album a shot. i know I'm in the minority but I actually think it's a better album than In Rainbows, and Hail to The Thief. It's the first album they had made since Kid A / Amnesiac that felt "new" , and not a rehash of their previous work.
I would also agree that the songs sound incredible live. It was basically organic dub step.

If there is one complaint I agree about King of Limbs is that it's too short

It also helps if you add the 4 or so bsides that came out after the album. Daily Mail / Staircase were awesome songs.

I agree - In Rainbows is easily one of my favorites, but to me it was a lot more transitional. King of Limbs has a very interesting and specific theme across the whole album that feels like they were treading on something brand new. I tend to listen to TKOL in its entirely, where as In Rainbows i can kinda jump around from track to track. I like them both a lot regardless, but TKOL really grew to be one of my favorites too.


I agree - In Rainbows is easily one of my favorites, but to me it was a lot more transitional. King of Limbs has a very interesting and specific theme across the whole album that feels like they were treading on something brand new. I tend to listen to TKOL in its entirely, where as In Rainbows i can kinda jump around from track to track. I like them both a lot regardless, but TKOL really grew to be one of my favorites too.

I'm kinda with you on In Rainbows (and to a lesser extent OK Computer). I can bounce around between the tracks on both of those albums, while Kid A is something I absolutely have to sit down and listen to from start to end.

TKoL is neither for me, honestly. I don't dislike it, but I don't love it.


If the songs are so much better in a live setting then it follows that they fucked up the production of the album and it deserves to be criticized for it.

The album arrangements came first, the live ones came later. It's not like they started with the latter and fucked them up during recording.

A lot of Kid A/Amnesiac sounds much better live than on the album, doesn't mean they fucked up those albums.


war of titties grampa

dat genius and his weird eye!

1. In Rainbows
2.Hail to the Thief
3. OK Computer
4. The Bends
5. Amnesiac
6. Kid A
7. King of Limbs
8. Pablo Honey


The album arrangements came first, the live ones came later. It's not like they started with the latter and fucked them up during recording.

In either case, that doesn't make the album above criticism. TKOL isn't perfect. Radiohead isn't infallible like people like this would want you to believe:

King of Limbs haters: It hurts, I know.

But to move on as band, Radiohead eventually had to leave some of their more philistine fans behind. We heard this before when Kid A was released. Hopefully one day you'll catch up to them again.


I always love it when Radiohead release a new album because

a) My favourite band and even if its a weaker overall package like TKOL, there's still enough quality there to make it worth the wait.
b) The release windows are so large, I use it as a 'How is my life doing' check-in since the last album release (hint: it's been a tremendously upward trend since the low of the In Rainbows release!)

Also, TKOL defo has a better second half, but Bloom is in the first half. Bloom

Also also, Separator is one of my favourite RH songs purely because it's in a very small group of their songs which emanates a real warmth from the sound. It's truly lovely.

I'm ready for the new album, which I think will be imminent because the timelines match with other albums and I'm pretty sure Jonny/Phil said they were at the mastering stage in an interview from october/november.
i think spectre highlighted some of the amazing work johnny greenwood has been doing with the OST's he has scored recently.

I think TKOL has some great moments and sounds fantastic live (watch the basement stuff)

I'm hoping for another in rainbows. That album seemed to marry the guitars and electronic aspects of their music perfectly.
It's amazing that an album like In Rainbows can be listed 4th in an artists list of works. Just shows how strong a career they've had.

I'll have to go...

1. Kid A (my #1 album of all time)
2. OK Computer
2. In Rainbows
4. The Bends (was my #1 album of all time - time wasn't kind)
5. Hail to the Thief
6. Amnesiac
7. TKoL
8. Pablo Honey

I'll skip the formal rankings, but time hasn't been too kind to The Bends, Hail to the Thief is probably my least favorite 00s Radiohead, and I share the common opinion of Pablo Honey.

OK Computer, Kid A, Amnesiac, In Rainbows, and The King of Limbs are all in my regular rotation.

Yeah, even though I agree that The Bends isn't their best work objectively (that probably goes to either In Rainbows, Kid A or OK Computer), I do still love the shit out of it. It had a powerful combination of energy and melancholy even back when it was released and it's all the more potent for me now that so many years have passed. And Planet Telex is such a brilliant opener.

Excited for new stuff.

King of Limbs would have been great if it had the like 4 other songs they released/played just after completing the album. As it is, it's just too fucking short. The second half of it is pretty great, but then it just ends.

If we're ranking:

1. The Bends
2. In Rainbows
3. OK Computer
4. Amnesiac
5. Kid A
6. Hail to the Thief
7. King of Limbs
8. Pablo Honey

Glad I'm not the only one who's got it at the top though :).


i think spectre highlighted some of the amazing work johnny greenwood has been doing with the OST's he has scored recently.

I think TKOL has some great moments and sounds fantastic live (watch the basement stuff)

The weird strings were the best part of spectre, pyramid song redux not so much.

They never played Scotland during the TKOL tour, so I'm still reasonably salty about the lack of seeing TKOL live.


OKC is the best album ever.

1. OK Computer
2. Kid A
3. Amnesiac
4. The Bends
5. Hail to the Thief
6. In Rainbows
7. The King of Limbs
8. Pablo Honey
Radiohead tends to change it up live quite a bit. Check out Earl's Court 2003 for tons of fantastic renditions of HttT (and other) songs.
lolol is it me or does every radiohead thread on the internet ever eventually turn into a damn list war.

Wouldn't call it a war exactly, since this is one of those rare cases where pretty much everyone can be right.
Unless they got Pablo Honey at the top, which would raise some eyebrows probably.

OKC is the best album ever.

That's the album I always think of whenever this question comes up.


Yeah, I didn't really like TKOL until I heard Live From The Basement version.

I didn't know about Spectre until yesterday. Went looking for it last night and stumbled across a set Thom Yorke did in Paris last month. It's got an awesome version of Bloom on it along with a couple of new songs and a version of Default played on guitar.

I'd link to it but I'm at work and can't.


Kid A
In Rainbows
Ok Computer

King of limbs
Hail to the thief
The bends

I won't dignify Pablo with a mention.

After mostly listening to electronic stuff and hip hop for the last five years I'll be interested to hear what they do. I kinda found thom's falsetto pretty grating in spectre.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
eeeee exciting

no one but you actually cares about your album order list, no one ever really knows the real you, and life is brief
Woo! Radiohead album rankings are even more exciting than Final Fantasy rankings.

1. Kid A
2. In Rainbows
3. OK Computer

Though you can interchange 2 and 3 for me depending on mood.

4. The Bends
5. Amnesiac
6. The King of Limbs (^true that the second half is fantastic, and much more classic Radiohead)
7. Hail to the Theif
8. Pablo Honey

i can get behind this.

I think consensus is best 2 are kid a/okc, then in rainbows/bends, then amnesiac, then kol/httt, then pablo.


Killer Cars
The Amazing Sounds of Orgy
India Rubber
Banana Co

We're ranking B-Sides, right?

I would listen to a new Radiohead album if they have one ready for me to listen to.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Amnesiac disc 2 > in rainbows disc 2
eeeee exciting

no one but you actually cares about your album order list, no one ever really knows the real you, and life is brief

Still, you could learn something about someone by looking at the way they rank Radiohead albums, no?
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