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Is a new Radiohead album imminent? - form new company similar to prior releases

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Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Oh man. After the post-TKOL "singles" and Tomorrow's Modern Boxes, I can't wait to see where they're going to end up.

Those of you knocking TKOL have obviously not heard its songs live. It's a different story once you have.

You speak the truth, although I still can't bring myself to like Little by Little.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Yo that Primavera lineup though... it's like my wet dream. Too bad I live in NA.

I'm fully expecting LP9 to release this week or the next. I've never been so ready for music in my life.


My hype has gone down after seeing their live shows on YouTube :/

If you can find it, Earl's Court 27th November 2003 is amazing. The energy is insane. A quick Youtube search only showed the 26th November gig though

Also, Glastonbury 2003

These don't have the newer stuff obviously, but show how good they can be live. I saw them on the In Rainbows tour (Manchester 2008) and they were brilliant


Nothing will beat seeing 2001 Radiohead for the Kid A/Amnesiac tour for me.

I was at the first date they ever played Like Spinning Plates.

Spectre was much better than most of the stuff that's on TKOL so I'm pretty optimistic!
I was at the O2 for the KOTL stuff. Even in such a vast space it was such a good show. There There and Give up the Ghost still stick with me.

New album please.

Also, that Primavera line up, HOLY SHIT.


Nothing will beat seeing 2001 Radiohead for the Kid A/Amnesiac tour for me.

I was at the first date they ever played Like Spinning Plates.
I've seen them 5 or 6 times and that tour takes the cake for me as well. Incredible energy and musicality. Hearing them focus on those albums with a smattering of OK Computer, Bends and B-Sides mixed in made for a show I'll always remember.


Can we expect the album this week? Or at least some news today or tomorrow?

I apologize if anyone thought that this bump included news on the album. I would have made a new thread if there was anything.
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