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is kazaa ****ed?

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How come almost every song I try to download off of kazaa is totally screwed up [about 20 secs in it starts this loud screeching noise]...is it my comp or something? or has the RIAA totally ****ed over kazaa? I haven't used it in a while.




No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Yeah, I can't find anything at all to sample on Kazaa. I have to resort to the radio. I don't care about the legality of any of it, all I know is that I bought a hell of a lot more CDs while I was sampling music from Napster and Kazaa than before or after.

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I long ago stopped using Kazaa.

That screeching was a common occurance.

Is lime wire any good? Tried it once and got exactly what I wanted within about 2 minutes, heaps of results, quick transfer as well.


I download all kinds of songs on kazaa, maybe it's the version your're using. I'm using an older version Kazaa Lite. Also, do you have access to the usenet? That's an excellent place to get mp3s, people almost always answer any requests, sometimes guys will haul off and post the whole album without you even asking they're so generous sometimes.


catfish said:
I long ago stopped using Kazaa.

That screeching was a common occurance.

Is lime wire any good? Tried it once and got exactly what I wanted within about 2 minutes, heaps of results, quick transfer as well.

Didn't you just answer your own question ?


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Cerebral Palsy said:
three letters... IRC

I've found IRC to be great for whole albums, but not for individual songs... is that usually the case? What IRC search engines are people using?
If you happen to be on a Mac, I can't stress enough how incredible Acquisition is. Never had one bad file on it, and when you do get the occasional dud, it gets noticed by the program so it doesn't waste too much download time.


Perfect integration with iTunes too, for previewing/playing etc.
Ok I just realised/realized how retarded I must sound. Of course he's on PC, he's using KaZaA. But anyhoo, anyone else who actually is on Mac should get Acquisition.
can someone comment on these three programs

1) WinMX
2) Soulseek
3) Bearshare

i use bit torrent, but thats really only good for albums, like IRC. i as lookin for a kazaalite alternative. thanks


WinMX was great for me when I had 56k, then when I got DSL, it wouldn't work well.

Soulseek is amazing.

Never used Bearshare.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
IRC is great if you know what you're doing. Audiogalaxy has yet to be surpassed tho. R.I.P.


Queen of Denmark
Bearshare and Limewire, the last time I tried them, had AWFUL spyware. Do NOT use them unless you're prepared to deal with all kinds of third-party shit.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Burger said:
Didn't you just answer your own question ?

human5892 said:
Bearshare and Limewire, the last time I tried them, had AWFUL spyware. Do NOT use them unless you're prepared to deal with all kinds of third-party shit.

Nope. But this guy just did.
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