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Is Metroid Prime:Echoes suffering from not enough hype?


FrenchMovieTheme said:
i'm looking forward to MP: echoes, but tell me this: am i going to be raped of all the weapons and visors i already have at the beginning of the game like i always do in metroid games? i hate that shit dude.

Shit, that's one of the basic cores of the franchise. Take that away and we Metroid freaks will probably spontaneously combust!


dark10x said:
Actually, to be fair, GTA-Vice City was really the first GTA to recieve a LOT of hype. GTA3 really didn't capture much attention until it was released. Good word of mouth and solid reveiws pretty much sold it. The series was known, but certainly not well known at that point. It was because of GTA3 that VC (and now SA) recieved so much hype.
Yeah, you're right. Although I wasn't really going for GTA 3 specifically, just a general sense of the high hype the franchise now has. Metroid never has and probably never will see the hype that GTA has now garnered post GTA3.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
It will be a great game but I think its obvious at this point that even Nintendo expects RE4 to be the bigger game. It got a lot more attention at E3, and it will probably continue to get more attention up until its released. Metroid Prime didn't exactly have blockbuster sales, so I don't see how it would be considered Nintendo's ace card against games like San Andreas and Halo 2.
People make it sound like MP sold really poorly. I didn't know that 1,000,000 copies on a system with that low of a userbase was a bad thing.

There's obviously hype for this game. Every thread it has had on this forum has had pages worth of posts. The general public doesn't really even know this game exists outside of a couple gaming-centric magazine blurbs and one or two articles. When it gets closer to its release date and Nintendo starts the print ads and instore displays, I'm sure the general hype will pick up.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
I don't think anyone said it sold "poorly" but Luigi's Mansion moved more copies. At this rate many of the people who plan to get it probably already have a Gamecube. RE4 stands a chance of selling the system to people who still like the series but weren't interested in REmake or RE0 because they didn't do anything radically different.
Luigi's Mansion also has the benefit of being one of a few Nintendo made GC launch games, a far longer amount of time on the market and Mario-related branding.

Maybe this game will not move a bunch of consoles, but I wasn't arguing against that lol.


they call me "Man Gravy".
Li Mu Bai said:
Dual-analog will most likely be a secondary control option. If that's the only scheme you consider "real."

Wait, are you kidding? Is this true? I might actually have to find out a way to pick up a cube now.

Metroid Prime joins Resident Evil as the only two games I have played at least halfway through but just gave up because the controls were so unintuitive that it seriously damaged the gameplay. If they fix that, I might just get excited about it.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Well the amount of "hype" is usually relative to how many people want it, and how long they've been waiting for it. When Metroid Prime and Metroid Fusion were coming out, it had been eight years since Super Metroid, so there was heavy anticipation. Right now this will be coming out about two years after the original Prime, so people already have a rough idea what it will be like.


This is an old argument but I would have prefered they did a 2.5D Metroid game instead a 3D sequel to prime...
But what can you ask to Iguana Studios...
Nerevar said:
Wait, are you kidding? Is this true? I might actually have to find out a way to pick up a cube now.

The GI interview refers to a dual analog setup many times. According to the guy from Retro that they speak to, the team is still considering it.

Personally, I think they should include it as an option just to shut people up.


Dual weilding, XBOX LIVE, new weapons, enemies, the list goes on.

wow now that is innovation


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Innovative or not, you'd be hard pressed to argue that people who liked the original aren't looking forward to those additions. They don't need to totally reinvent the game when people like it so much the way it is.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
SantaCruZer said:
yes but then he attacked MP2 saying that halo2 has "many" more additions than MP2...

It does, though. OK, maybe not "many"...but the improvements added to Halo 2 in comparison to Halo are seemingly much greater than the improvements being added to Prime 2 in comparison to Prime. Part of that is due to the fact that Prime was already a nearly flawless game while Halo had a number of flaws to correct.

Both should rock hard, though.


I never finished metroid prime and don't really have any intention to finish it, so why would I be interested in its sequel... ?

On top of that it's still a first person game which is my biggest gripe with the first one. Keep metroid in side scrolling thanks.


Nintendo DS, the new GameCube Zelda and nextgen Revolution seemed to have sucked up most of the hype, leaving MP2 gasping for breath/attention.
Frankly I'm glad MP2 isn't getting too much hype yet. Still months from release. One thing I've noticed is that the longer a game gets hyped for the less interesting it becomes, the less exciting it becomes and the less fresh it feels when you finally get it because it's been debated into the ground.

The only thing that internet hype achieves is to make insecure fanboys feel better about themselves. The things that decide whether a game is a success or not, like advertising and good word of mouth from actually playing it, will not come until it's actually released.

So frankly I ask people to please, not endlessly debate their navel over MP2 so that I can actually get the most out of the game when we finally do get it.
I think MP2 will have longevity, its not going to blast out the gates. As time passes it will start to get a steady flow of sales possibly pushing it pass the first MP. If RE4 sale Cubes this year I can see it happening.

Li Mu Bai

This will easily outsell Prime IMO. (given time) But even Prime should've sold more than it has, although a million+ sales is definitely not a number to be scoffed at. I was simply referring to the hype behind the game, given it's improvements. (esp. the multiplayer) The duality of light & dark worlds theme has not been overused, & is a first in a console fpa/fpser game to say the very least. I think this game will surprise critics, & gamers alike.


The way I look at it, if the hype is strong within the core console fanbase, then it will reverberate throughout to mainstream gamers and multiconsole owners.

The question I have is, how many GC gamers plan to pick this up on day 1?

I, as a multiconsole gamer, wasn't too enthralled by the first game, and if certain gameplay improvements have been made, I'll pick this up (most likely not on launch day).

I know many Halo fans, that will be going nuts on November 9th. Heck, I memorized the release date months in advance. I don't do that for many games! There are some sites with a countdown until that date (at the moment it's 4 months, 17 days, 18 hours, 36 minutes and 6 seconds until the game is released, according to Xboxsolution.com).

The anticipation from the Xbox fanbase is quite evident. Perhaps it's due to the game being over-due, as it was supposed to come out earlier this year, but nevertheless the hype is there and it's growing.

Also consider that Bungie and Rockstar are doing a good job of releasing info in bitesized amounts at calculated intervals, to help build hype. They are doing a better job than Sony/PD (as far as GT3 is concerned) and Nintendo/Retro (as far as MP2 is concerned).

These morsels will be eaten up by the fanbase, and then the hype will trickle out to the rest of the gamers.


I've come to a point where I no longer care about how succesful a game is in the marketplace so long as it is able to make a decent profit, and I believe Metroid Prime did that, as well as get many industry accolades on the way.

I loved what I played of MP2 at E3 and it is definately my most anticipated game of the year, especially considering how much wasn't even shown after reading the GI feature. I'm sure MP2 will get its share of advertising and hype and will perform well enough, thats all that matters to me.

Kon Tiki

ourumov said:
This is an old argument but I would have prefered they did a 2.5D Metroid game instead a 3D sequel to prime...
But what can you ask to Iguana Studios...

You mean former Valve and ID employees. ;)


Fight for Freeform said:
The way I look at it, if the hype is strong within the core console fanbase, then it will reverberate throughout to mainstream gamers and multiconsole owners.

The question I have is, how many GC gamers plan to pick this up on day 1?

I, as a multiconsole gamer, wasn't too enthralled by the first game, and if certain gameplay improvements have been made, I'll pick this up (most likely not on launch day).

I know many Halo fans, that will be going nuts on November 9th. Heck, I memorized the release date months in advance. I don't do that for many games! There are some sites with a countdown until that date (at the moment it's 4 months, 17 days, 18 hours, 36 minutes and 6 seconds until the game is released, according to Xboxsolution.com).

The anticipation from the Xbox fanbase is quite evident. Perhaps it's due to the game being over-due, as it was supposed to come out earlier this year, but nevertheless the hype is there and it's growing.

Also consider that Bungie and Rockstar are doing a good job of releasing info in bitesized amounts at calculated intervals, to help build hype. They are doing a better job than Sony/PD (as far as GT3 is concerned) and Nintendo/Retro (as far as MP2 is concerned).

These morsels will be eaten up by the fanbase, and then the hype will trickle out to the rest of the gamers.

Yeah, but Halo 2 is the Xbox's only gargantuan game for pretty much the rest of its life. Metroid Prime 2 isn't really up there on that level (maybe for just this year though). The Halo 2 equivalent on the GC is more like The Legend of Zelda XII, and I doubt we'll see info on that for nearly a year. It will have more hype than Metroid Prime 2 ever will. It already does.


needs to show more effort.
AniHawk said:
It's not like MP came out 6 months ago, it came out 1.5 years ago (should be 2 when it's released). Ratchet & Clank, Jak, and even Sly Cooper have roughly the same waits, what's the difference?

I don't care about those either. Unless a Sequel comes like... not until the next console generation, its too soon for me.


they call me "Man Gravy".
Semjaza Azazel said:
The GI interview refers to a dual analog setup many times. According to the guy from Retro that they speak to, the team is still considering it.

Personally, I think they should include it as an option just to shut people up.

Or maybe include it so that people actually enjoy and finish the game. Out of my 5+ friends who played the game, only one of us actually finished it (the rest got bored / frustrated, mostly with the control scheme, and just quit out of boredom). BTW, not to start a flamewar, all 5 of these people played / finished Halo. I think that should say something about the relative importance of the control scheme.

Then again, Metroid Prime might've just not been that great of a game, but I firmly believe I might've gone back to it if I didn't have to deal with that awful control scheme. And yes, this does pique my interest in actually buying a gamecube, so Retro damn well better include the dual-analog control scheme for it. Now I just need to find a way to hook my PS2 / xbox controls up to the gamecube.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Nerevar said:
Or maybe include it so that people actually enjoy and finish the game. Out of my 5+ friends who played the game, only one of us actually finished it (the rest got bored / frustrated, mostly with the control scheme, and just quit out of boredom). BTW, not to start a flamewar, all 5 of these people played / finished Halo. I think that should say something about the relative importance of the control scheme.

Then again, Metroid Prime might've just not been that great of a game, but I firmly believe I might've gone back to it if I didn't have to deal with that awful control scheme. And yes, this does pique my interest in actually buying a gamecube, so Retro damn well better include the dual-analog control scheme for it. Now I just need to find a way to hook my PS2 / xbox controls up to the gamecube.

You and your friends are skilless gamers then. I'm sorry, but if you are unable to adapt to it, you are unskilled. I'm not trying to flame here, but it is true. Many people have finished the game and a lot of us really enjoyed the control scheme. It is different, and it should be. It isn't an FPS and it doesn't require the same type of controls.

For casual gamers, I could see how they could have problems with the game...but for any serious gamer to be unable to "handle" the controls is just sad.


they call me "Man Gravy".
dark10x said:
You and your friends are skilless gamers then. I'm sorry, but if you are unable to adapt to it, you are unskilled. I'm not trying to flame here, but it is true. Many people have finished the game and a lot of us really enjoyed the control scheme. It is different, and it should be. It isn't an FPS and it doesn't require the same type of controls.

For casual gamers, I could see how they could have problems with the game...but for any serious gamer to be unable to "handle" the controls is just sad.

This is the most retarded argument I've ever read. "Because you didn't like it, you're unskilled." Get off your high-horse. I said I didn't like it, not that I was incapable of playing it. It just got boring, and the control scheme made the game feel very limiting. Not having freelook is disorienting in a first-person game. Hell, it's disorienting in a third-person game too. It limits the fun in the game. Stop pretending you're such a hard-ass with what you're saying - it's been my experience that people have significantly more trouble adapting to the dual-analog control in the first place (something that I'm convinced played a major factor in Retro not using it in the first metroid prime, "adventure game" arguments be damned). It's an easy inclusion that'll make the game feel more natural and, therefore, more fun.

BTW, almost all of us have also beaten halo on legendary. Alone. I hardly think we're just "unskilled gamers". Ironically, the only kid who finished Metroid Prime is the one who didn't beat Halo on legendary.


I agree that controls can be un-intiutive...but that doesn't automatically make it bad. It does alienate people who aren't willing to put in the time and effort to learn the new controls though.



Kon Tiki

I beat Halo on Legendary and I beat Prime (several times). So much for that argument.

The game does not force you to NEED a freelook. Sounds like somone is having trouble switching weapons on the fly.


needs to show more effort.
Nerevar said:
This is the most retarded argument I've ever read. "Because you didn't like it, you're unskilled." Get off your high-horse. I said I didn't like it, not that I was incapable of playing it. It just got boring, and the control scheme made the game feel very limiting. Not having freelook is disorienting in a first-person game. Hell, it's disorienting in a third-person game too. It limits the fun in the game. Stop pretending you're such a hard-ass with what you're saying - it's been my experience that people have significantly more trouble adapting to the dual-analog control in the first place (something that I'm convinced played a major factor in Retro not using it in the first metroid prime, "adventure game" arguments be damned). It's an easy inclusion that'll make the game feel more natural and, therefore, more fun.

BTW, almost all of us have also beaten halo on legendary. Alone. I hardly think we're just "unskilled gamers". Ironically, the only kid who finished Metroid Prime is the one who didn't beat Halo on legendary.

your problem isn't the control scheme, its merely hidden by it. You and your friends wanted another halo, not another metroid. The end.
Nerevar said:
This is the most retarded argument I've ever read. "Because you didn't like it, you're unskilled." Get off your high-horse. I said I didn't like it, not that I was incapable of playing it. It just got boring, and the control scheme made the game feel very limiting. Not having freelook is disorienting in a first-person game. Hell, it's disorienting in a third-person game too. It limits the fun in the game. Stop pretending you're such a hard-ass with what you're saying - it's been my experience that people have significantly more trouble adapting to the dual-analog control in the first place (something that I'm convinced played a major factor in Retro not using it in the first metroid prime, "adventure game" arguments be damned). It's an easy inclusion that'll make the game feel more natural and, therefore, more fun.

BTW, almost all of us have also beaten halo on legendary. Alone. I hardly think we're just "unskilled gamers". Ironically, the only kid who finished Metroid Prime is the one who didn't beat Halo on legendary.

Would you say your more of an action gamer than adventure gamer. Another thing is Halo controls may be what you experienced first behind the first person aspect so when encountering any game with same aspect you would assume it should have the same control design. I accepted the controls of MP because I allowed the myself to understand the difference in gameplay, getting frustrated because controls didn't mirror another game wasn't the approach. When I first encountered dual analog I had problems, but I realized I had to get used to the controls. Its frustrating when your playing multiplayer and your being shot and when you respond your shooting at the ground or up in the sky.

Li Mu Bai

Mooreberg said:
Well the amount of "hype" is usually relative to how many people want it, and how long they've been waiting for it. When Metroid Prime and Metroid Fusion were coming out, it had been eight years since Super Metroid, so there was heavy anticipation. Right now this will be coming out about two years after the original Prime, so people already have a rough idea what it will be like.

I disagree, people do not know "what it will be like." Mechanics & gameplay-wise, yes. Weapons effects, visors, environments, player attributes, story, puzzles, exploration, etc. People do not know what it will be like until experienced. As well as some of the other aspects I mentioned in the primary post.
slayn said:
your problem isn't the control scheme, its merely hidden by it. You and your friends wanted another halo, not another metroid. The end.


Here's a question: should Nintendo make a normal FPS? Geist (from N-Space) seems more puzzle-based, and Metroid has a control scheme that normal FPS fans dislike. Sony has Killzone and MS has Halo. Should Ninty try a 'normal' game just once, for kicks?


This game is almost guaranteed to sell just as much if not more than the original. That's one million copies already. Besides, hype will only let people down. Nowadays there are a dozen games released a week and lots to discuss about; let's just focus on the present okay?

Li Mu Bai

TheUnknownForce said:
Yeah, I mean something like Rare made. They have Retro; let's use them for something new after MP2, or better yet, have two games in development.

I've heard they're reseurrecting some old projects. Like the rpg. Raven Blade & Carmaggedon.


I still can't understand why everyone hates the scanning. It's like they hate it so much that it compells them to scan many things that they do not need to.

Most complaints about Metroid Prime make me wonder how much they played the game, including control complaints. Such as:

Not having freelook is disorienting in a first-person game.

Which screams out the fact you haven't played many FPS games, as well as holding an illogical sense of movement. Looking straight ahead and moving straight ahead is much less disorientating to the human mind than looking left and going forward. Being locked on to a target and circling it is basically the same technique ballet dancers use during spins in order to not get dizzy.

Personally, the fact that Metroid Prime bitchslapped modern gaming around in the area of level design and atmosphere would make me want to play more of it.

I also don't understand how mulitplayer is not a big change for a metroid game. Trust me, for metroid fans, this is a big and almost unwelcome change.


TheUnknownForce said:

Here's a question: should Nintendo make a normal FPS? Geist (from N-Space) seems more puzzle-based, and Metroid has a control scheme that normal FPS fans dislike. Sony has Killzone and MS has Halo. Should Ninty try a 'normal' game just once, for kicks?
Considering how many clone FPS's there are right now on the market, NO.

I want Nintendo to stay different and unique. Having Metroid as their key FPS (FPA) is a way of doing that.
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