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It's been almost two years. How do you feel about the 69 (+3) Generation VI Pokemon?

I like Gen VI designs quite a bit, most of them really. I actually don't like most of the Megas though.

My favorites are probably Pancham/Pangoro, Aegislash, Phantump/Trevenant, Goomy/Sliggoo




Also Avalugg is amazing, don't hate.

And of course, Chesnaught.
I think there are three pokemon in gen 6 that I don't think are a hot mess with poor visual identity. Those being Talonflame, Hawlucha and Tyrantrum.

Which, thinking about it, is better than my opinions on gen 5 which was literally just awful apart from Braviary (who is actually probably my favourite pokemon alongside Scizor).


Pumpkaboo made the generation for me. I remember following the leaks of people playing the game, and they posted a bad quality camera shot of them encountering Pumpkaboo and I pretty much screamed.

I love its look, its typing, its unique mechanic and its unique attack, it is just the best.

Tyrantrum was awesome as well.

I was slightly disappointed with the low number, but I ended up liking most of them and it brought 2 pokemon that I was dying to see (a Pumpkin Pokemon and a T-Rex Pokemon)


Still haven't bought any of its games, I didn't care much for R/S/E back in the day and I'm waiting for the "definitive" versions of X/Y. I won't buy any Pokémon game which doesn't have a Battle Frontier.

I've played Rumble World, but none of the new designs have caught my eye.


Still haven't bought any of its games, I didn't care much for R/S/E back in the day and I'm waiting for the "definitive" versions of X/Y. I won't buy any Pokémon game which doesn't have a Battle Frontier.
If they follow the same pattern as last generation, there won't be a "definitive" version of X/Y, but sequels instead.
Hit or miss but I was fond of quite a few of them, like the Pumpkin ghost one and the T-Rex. There were more than enough good designs that I felt good about the sixth generation.

Dr. Buni

For me it was the best thing about Gen VI, bar none. There are far too many Pokémon already, Game Freak needed to slow down on the creation of more. Even for someone like me who have been playing Pokémon since the 90s, so I got to know the new Pokémon as they were introduced in past generations, the sheer number of species already started to overwhelm me back in Gen V. Remembering all the names and types can be though, let alone remember names, types, abilities, etc etc.

So hopefully Gen VII will introduce roughly 50~60 Pokémon at most with a couple new mega evolutions, of course. If you feel you need 100+ new Pokémon introduced in a new generation in order to enjoy, then you only have yourself to blame.


Such amazing Pokémon and strategies have come out of Gen VI, even if we ignore Mega Evolutions (which we shouldn't)


Malamar is a favourite. It's always in my competitive teams and seems to throw people so often


Gourgeist is also amazing. Its unique move helped create this amazing strategy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-LxIYygfd4

And it'd be wrong to ignore Hawlucha

Overall, I'm very happy with the Gen VI Pokémon
I think I have a special soft spot for Pumpkaboo/Gourgeist as it was my first ever shiny Pokemon. Found it while farming for a super Pumpkaboo. Can't believe it took me this long to get a shiny. :(
I'm really into this gen's Pokemon. Hawlucha, Greninja and Pangoro are instant classics. Plus the legendaries weren't crazy this time -Yveltal has shades of Lugia, which is always a good thing.


I still don't like the vast majority of the Unova Pokemon, but for the most part the Kalos designs were great. Greninja and Pangoro have even become genuine favourites.

Best cover legendaries since Hoenn as well.
I think Gen 6 designs were the most important since Gen 1.

People attack later generations for not matching the designs of Gen 1, but that's a spectacular missing of the point on their part - Gen 1 was black and white, low resolution. It laid out a style guide that worked within those constraints.

As sprites got higher resolution and multicolour, it enabled more complex designs within that aesthetic, and Gen 6s move to 3D is the biggest leap yet - you simply couldn't do something as visually complex as Klefki in Gen 1 and have it work in the same way.
I think Gen 6 designs were the most important since Gen 1.

People attack later generations for not matching the designs of Gen 1, but that's a spectacular missing of the point on their part - Gen 1 was black and white, low resolution. It laid out a style guide that worked within those constraints.

As sprites got higher resolution and multicolour, it enabled more complex designs within that aesthetic, and Gen 6s move to 3D is the biggest leap yet - you simply couldn't do something as visually complex as Klefki in Gen 1 and have it work in the same way.

I'd say Aegislash, a Pokemon frequently changing forms, is a good example of this too. That presence of animation is essential.


I can't believe Fennekin doesn't evolve to become some majestic 4 legged fox with fire fur or some other beautiful attribute and instead becomes some sort of weird abomination by its final form.

Delphox is awesome, don't get the anti-girly hate. Flame-wielding pyromancer shamans are badass.



I have to agree with Watch Da Birdie, gen 6 has been very disappointing and Kalos lacks a strong identity.

It feels like that Game Freak put more focus on Mega, the meta game and pandering to fan's nostalgia than focus on the gen 6 Pokémon.

The low number count get worse when you take away the Starter, regional rodent, regional bird, regional bug, the Pikachu clone, the fossil, the Pseudo-legendary, The box art legendary and the event Pokémon.

Mega don't help since aren't new Pokémon and are built for the meta game, something not everyone does.

I think this is the first mistake, Mega pokemon are essentially new evolutions for pokemon that can´t or shouldn´t get one more stage and its designs are a huge part of what made XY felt new.

Mega aren't evolutions.

I agree with Mega Evolutions not counting as new Pokémon, although I understand the arguments from those who do count them as new. To me, they're in-battle form changes. Sure, they're slightly more drastic than the in-battle form changes of other Pokémon, but Mega Charizard is still a Charizard (even down to the Pokédex number). Maybe it comes down to whether you prefer collecting or battling.

This is exactly how I view Mega and just call them mega burst mode

The pumpkin/tree ghosts were created because they were exclusive to each version. Not really surprised by that. It's like complaining why did they make two fire dogs in Red/Blue with Growlithe and Vulpix lines...

They aren't version exclusive.


I thought the designs were really weak and the only pokemon I ever really wanted on my team from Gen VI was:


I didn't enjoy the campaign in Black and White, but it had a ton of pokemon that I really liked:

Eelektross (looks awesome in 3D)

EDIT: I think most of the design focus went into Megas and there are some pretty awesome Megas out there.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I actually wrote a big follow-up post about Mega Pokemon, but it got deleted before I posted it...

I realized though despite never using them, I legitimately do like a decent amount of the Mega Pokemon. I'm just pissed their implementation felt so half-baked in XY and ORAS...they need more story presence honestly.

And I'm looking forward to see what Mega Pokemon Z/20th Anniversary game introduce.


This thread kinda sums up that when it comes to Pokemon, you're never going to please everyone. I can't understand criticising Kalos for having poor designs while simultaneously being a fan of Palpitoad/Seismitoad, but that it a surprisingly common opinion today.


This right here is everything that's great about gen 6.

Awesome new Pokemon with really cool ideas and great animation.

Shame they only made half as many as they should, really.
Agreed. The new ones are great. And they should've just invested in more Pokémon or actual evolutions instead of mega evolution forms.


I haven't played X/Y enough for them to be as memorable to me as the previous 5 generations, but I hardly dislike any Pokémon of any gen. Different types of already represented animals or the generally disliked object-based Pokémon, they're all cool to me and they all bring something new to the table.

I'm not going to individually rate each of them, but Chespin, Furfrou, Espurr, Swirlix, Clauncher, Hawlucha, Dedenne, Goodra, Phantump and Hoopa stand out for me of this new batch. I like those.
Oh and Bunnelby. Bunnelby is the cutest damn thing (I'm generally a sucker for all those route 1 mammals though)


The great thing about this thread excluding Mega Pokemon is we can make a separate thread looking at Mega Pokemon and admiring how awesome they are

Best thing to happen to the franchise in years


Can't think of one design I like tbh. Greninja is okay I guess. Also, it's the only generation where none of the dragons look like dragons. One of them is a DQ slime, the second one is a seahorse/dragon, the third one is a bat and the fourth one is a slug/snake/lizard/whateverthefuckisit thing.
The exact opposite of OP for me. I found the Gen 4 and 5 designs to be mostly awful, whereas Gen 6 Pokémon feel much simpler and have excellent colour schemes. Some of my favourites this gen are Meowstic, Pumpkaboo, Greninja, Dragalge, and Florges. There are some designs that I don't care for, but I think focusing on quality instead of quantity was the right thing to do.


Overall I really like this generation. My only real complaint is that there were only 72 new ones.

I guess if most of the Megas are indicative of where the new pokemon would have gone I should be glad.

Not my favorite generation designs, but it is up there.


I was bothered by it at first but I think that was because I followed leaks so closely and just spoiled everything for myself lol. Overall lots of pokemon I like from this gen. Like this awesome fucker.



Most designs are pretty good, much better than gens 3 and 4. Megas though (I know you said to leave them out but I don't care) are absolute garbage and killed my interest in pokemon.


Greninja, Talonflame, Aegislash, Heliolisk and Sylveon are really, really awesome. Some of my favourite Pokemon ever. Stuff like Tyrantrum,Noivern, Amaura and Delphox are great Pokemon too. The base starters along with the cover legendaries are awesome too. Generally, I'm fine with this generation even though it had some really terrible Pokemon like almost all the other fairies that aren't a Mega and the Binacle family.


Overall I think the designs were a step down from Gen V, but Gen V had the best designs since Gen I, so it's a hard act to follow. There's some solid designs in there (Spritzee is amazing, Clawitzer and Tyrunt are up there as well)... overall they're mostly forgettable, though.

Really do love Chesnaught though. Dude's boss. Best Grass Starter of all time, easily.


I found the designs to be some of the best in the series and the perfect example of quality over quantity. It also gave us Talonflame and for that I'll always be thankful. The legendary trio is also my favorite one in the series by far. Love the designs and whole theme they have going.

It's just a shame all the Gen I pandering and Mega Evolutions took some of their spotlight away.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Delphox is awesome, don't get the anti-girly hate. Flame-wielding pyromancer shamans are badass.


You know, I actually really like the Global Link artwork in general because it looks more lively than the Sugimori Art (which I've grown to dislike, since he doesn't do action poses as much---see Ferrothorn as an example of him doing art that looks dynamic actually and far more cooler because of that), and Delphox looks neat here.

But like its design when I see it in the Sugimori Art, in-game, and even in the show just bugs me.


It's the first generation that I couldn't be assed to remember all of, though that may have been because X/Y were too boring and I got sick of playing them.


Mega Evolutions would probably be more accepted if they were better integrated into the main game. I'm a fan of them from a competitive standpoint, but as someone who likes to use the new Pokemon each generation, having 30 of the new designs locked away until after you beat the Elite Four (and collect all of their stones) kinda sucks. Barely any NPC's use them during the story either. Oh, and I understand why they have the rule, but only being able to use one of them on your team also heavily restricts their use. No wonder the argument of whether or not they 'count' always pops up. Hopefully they fix this going forward.


I really like Greninja, Heliosk, Goodra and Noivern. That's probably more Pokemon than I was fond of from Gens 4 and 5 which says a lot considering the smaller number.

I really dislike the other two starters though and some of the Mega Evolutions such as Heracross and Alakazam are such a waste of potential. Don't get me started on Klefki either.



Quite the standout, really.

I remember when I first fought Korrina and she sent out her Hawlucha I did a double take, thinking "what the hell is that?"

Had I not already passed by the area where you can catch Hawlucha I would've used one on my team. But I guess that'll have to wait for Z.
Umm well they're pretty inoffensive. I'm struggling to think of a single one that stands out to me outside of Greninja, the other two starters are terrible too. Even Gen V which mostly sucks has a few standouts. They're more fun in gameplay than design for the most part I think. Talonflame is cool but not an all time great. The sea animal ones like Barbaracle, Malimar, Clawitzer, and Dragalge are probably as cool as Gen VI gets. Looking over a list, it's better than I remembered. I just don't remember them really. But like wtf Carbink and Avalugg. And Delphox. And new fairy types. And pangoro. And Furfrou. You suck.

Edit: Okay, Hawlucha is cool. Too bad it looks like Lucha Pikachu stole his slot in Pokken.
In a rare case with Pokémon less is actually more, a lot of the designs are great and more well thought out. Don't play the six gen games because I personally think they're trash but I play the TCG and a lot of them are really nice.

Obvious stand outs being the likes of Pangoro, Aegislash & Sylveon. Really like Hoopa Unbound a lot too.

Good thing this isn't about Megas though. lol


Neo Member
I'm sorta teetering on my feelings about them. There were some neat ones, but I guess I mostly felt indifferent. The ones I enjoyed, I REALLY enjoyed though.

Pangoro, Hawlucha, Greninja, Noivern and Aegislash. Love 'em.


I was disappointed with the amount of new Pokémon. I personally don't count Mega evolutions as new Pokémon, just as I don't count alternate forms as new Pokémon.
That being sad, there are quite a few designs I like. Aegislash is the one true GOAT of Gen VI (sorry Gogoat) and one of my favorite Pokémon of all time. Cool design, awesome typing and unique (and great) gimmick. That's an absolute winner on all accounts. Even got an awesome name. #Aegislash4pokkenharadapls
I also like Trevenant, Tyrantrum, Pangoro, Malamar and Noivern and think the cover legends have interesting designs. Not my favorites, but not bad either. Funnily enough, many of my favorites from Gen VI seem to have been designed by the same person. They should get this person back for Gen VII.
Also interestingly enough, I think two of the biggest fan favorites of Gen VI, Greninja and Hawlucha, are absolute stinkers design wise. To be fair though, I don't like any of the starters final evos, I just dislike Greninja the most (yes, i was quite salty when he got confirmed for Smash 4). If I had to make a "Top 10 ugliest Pokémon of all time" Greninja and Hawlucha would definitely make the list. Not saying anyone who likes them has bad taste, just my opinion on these two. Actually, I wonder where all the people went who were like "these Pokémon are so ugly they have to be fake" when Greninja and Hawlucha leaked. I remember I wasn't the only one with that sentiment, but nowadays I see them only being mentioned in a positive light.
Overall, I think it was a good Generation for Pokémon designs though, it's just a shame that the number of overall new Pokémon was so low, especially coming from Black/White.
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