People are trying to argue the actress that played Young Rey was 10?
Probably used to watching anime where girls that look like that are thousand year old dragons, they don't know
People are trying to argue the actress that played Young Rey was 10?
Somehow I knew Thanos wasn't her father.
Well yeah that's what my post is claiming in my response to you.
Obi-Wan being involved explains how Rey survived so long on Jakku..
it might even epxlain the coincidence of how the Falcon shows up on Jakku with perfect timing.
uh...force ghosts are pretty much useless outside of communicating with other force users. There weren't any on Jakku.
They have zero influence over non-force users?
Well yeah that's what my post is claiming in my response to you.
Obi wan out there, Jedi mind tricking from the grave, confirmed.
Kenobi: "Unkarr, Rey requires extra payment portions today...she didn't eat well yesterday."
Unkarr: "K"
If Luke isn't her father, then I'm satisfied. That's just a boring script. Betcha she's like related to Kylo or something.
Could be much more subtle; influencing peopel to essentially leave her be.
It doesn't make much sense that this young girl just lives on her own on this planet.
Based on Rey's parallels to Luke, her Force abilities, and her very Skywalker-centric Forceback with the Skywalker lightsaber - it would almost be a giant slap in the face to not deliver on her being Skywalker or at least a child that Luke "adopted" because he realized her potential and wanted to make sure she wasn't seduced by the dark side. Kylo turning was Luke's realization that had had failed the Jedi order. More specifically he doubted his ability to guide Rey. He hides her on Jakku and then removes himself from the picture entirely.
You realize, that abandoned/ orphaned children live on their own, right here on Earth and forge a living for themselves, right?
Without the help of weird Force ghosts influencing people or whatever on their behalf.
Ah yes the orphans of the desert who live in downed starships.. I had forgot about them, this totally destroys my theory about Star Wars.
Naw, just the orphans that live in war torn/impoverished areas which isn't that far fetched from our SW squatter that is Rey.
Having some ghost look out for her diminshes Rey being a strong, resourceful and independent character. It means she wasn't capable of surviving on her own.
She needed a Jedi ghost or whatever.
We have already established around here that Lucas is a piece of shit who never really knew what he was doing in any decade, yes.
I should have said "and maybe" instead of "or maybe," apologies. Made it look like I was trying to rebut you instead of further supporting you.
Why do some of you get so mad saying it better not be Luke, or it better not be Kenobi
Why do u guys get so upset over that. It's not a big deal, and it would be cool either way.
I don't get it.
Do you have an actual theory?
These stories are supposed to be about the Skywalkers. All the chaptered Star Wars films will always be about them and their family drama. Of course she COULD be a Skywalker, it would only make sense in the context of this being a soap opera, focused on one family (as Kathleen Kennedy herself has said). People getting upset that she could be a Skywalker because it's makes that family too important...well, that's how stories work. It's a moment in time and this family just so happens to be extremely powerful and always having an effect on the universe. That's literally the story. Her being anything but someone who is somehow related to the Skywalkers (Palpatine/Snoke creation, Kenobi's kid) or a Skywalker her self IS part of the story. Watch the spin-offs if you're tired of this family and get over it. 10-12 will be related to the Skywalkers as well if they're made and so on and so forth.
VII-IX will still be a Skywalker story because at the center of all of it is the story of Kylo Ren's betrayal, struggle, and (presumably) redemption. Everything revolves around that series of events. It's more important to the narrative than what Finn does, what Poe does, or what Rey does. Without Kylo there is no story to be told here.
That doesn't prevent OTHER protagonists from having an impact. Han Solo was not a skywalker in the OT. Kenobi was not a skywalker in the prequels. Yoda wasn't a skywalker and the droids weren't even carbon based lifeforms. All of them were crucial to the narrative.
it's still possible to have protagonists that are important to the narrative and overall story without having them all be related to Luke Skywalker somewhere. The only reason I'm on board with Rey being a kenobi (or related to an already established jedi family) is that its been determined that she's an unusually strong force user- stronger than a (somewhat trained) Kylo which shouldn't be happening for someone completely random.
Oh no, I agree with you now. You're right. My point being, there will always, always be a Skywalker in the story and they will always impact the story more than any other character. These chapters are going to always be about them. That was directed at the people complaining about their influence on the universe or why there always has to be one in these stories. It doesn't make any sense. You're watching the wrong film if you don't like how it makes the universe smaller. It doesn't, it's just their story. What makes the universe smaller is shoehorning Jabba the Hutt and Chewbacca into the prequels. There's a difference.
I'm gonna guess it goes something like this:
Rey is Luke's daughter. Early on, Luke sensed that she could become extremely powerful at using the Force. Fearing what might happen if she turned to the dark side, he thought it best to hide her.
He'll try to keep the secret in the movie, but it'll eventually come out. The rage she will feel at being abandoned by him will end up being what tempts her to the dark side.
the problem here (timeline aside- again Rey was abandoned long before the massacre) is that Luke was actively rounding force sensitives up and training them at the time. Why would luke take a "random children can train with me in a specialized academy, but Rey? We're going to abandon her on a desert planet with scavengers and smugglers. nothing but the best for MY kid" approach?
You have to consider that Rey's situation wasn't any kind of "hiding" for safety. It was actively dangerous and it was more likely she would have been killed or enslaved than not.
ryutaro's mama: Thanks! Interesting read; I'll search other threads if I feel like delving further.
I guess I just think there's more to Rey's existence and persistence on Jakku then the "waiting for her parents" concept. She seems smarter than that; it isn't really logical to stay there waiting so long seeminly making no attempt to research her parent's fate, and it feels to me like there is a greater power holding her back on Jakku. If her parents are so important to her, why is "waiting" the only thing she is doing to be put in contact with them? She is smart, resourceful, powerful, can fly ships.. yet she waits on this planet for years and years doing nothing to find her parents?.
One thing I noticed that was odd in the TFA is Maz asking Han, "Who's the girl?", and then immediately the scene changes and leaves the conversation. The way it was done made me believe that Han knew her origins and they were discussing it off screen. Not sure exactly what that means though. Immediately after that, all the wierd shit with the Lightsaber and Maz happens. And, of course,so he wouldn't be around to tell her anymore.Han dies at the end
Then that's terrible fucking writing. Obiwan had a lover during the clone wars? Seriously? So he shat all over the (terrible) teachings anyway? Cool, so he was an asshole. Poor Anakin.
Han didn't really seem to know anything useful about her- he wasn't really all that concerned when she was taken captive (neither was anyone else) and staging a rescue was "Finn's idea." If she were someone significant like skywalker's daughter they would have definitely put some effort into getting her back from the First Order for obvious reasons.
People really wanted Rey to be a Skywalker? That would have been embarrassingly bad. There's nothing more that I hate then generational stories where every character seems to be related or named after some famous friend their parents knew at some point in life. As if a whole universe of characters is completely irrelevant aside from this one lineage. Unless that's the point of the story (ie. Jojo's Bizarre Adventures) I rather new characters not be connected to old ones. I don't need Rey to be Luke's child. I don't need Finn to be Lando's child.
He actually has it wrong. Obiwan when he was still a padawan was sent with Qui Gon to Mandalore to help end a civil war threatening the young Duchess who had become leader. The Duchess and Obiwan hit it off with all that entails. Then He and Qui Gon left. The Duchess knowing Obi Wans commitment to the Jedi lets him leave without trying to get him to stay. He admits years later that yeah if she had asked he would have left the order but at that point he was basically a teenager in love.
There is obviously a degree of feelings all the years later but they clearly are not in any sort of relationship.
Siri Tachi was a female Human Jedi Master, apprentice of Adi Gallia and Master to Ferus Olin. She was a talented pilot who participated in the First Battle of Geonosis, fighting alongside Master Gallia guarding the Galactic Republic transports in space above the planet.
She was one of Obi-Wan Kenobi's closest friends, and at one point they were romantically involved. During the Clone Wars, she met an early death on Azure while on a mission with Kenobi.
Kenobi confirmed
Something to make you seem like less of an ass next time is alot of creators even with some of the most famous stories were usually winging it for most of it, infact, usually they have a beginning and maybe know the end, but dont know what they are gonna write to get to it.
Snoke was after a an heir to Anakin skywalker to raise and manipulate as is own. Parallels to Palpatine controlling the chosen one.
You know Yoda had more lines in that vision than Obi-Wan did right?
I really think that look between Luke and Rey at the end of Episode VII was this look of Luke seeing himself in her, young and ready to fulfill her destiny just as he was at her age.
Weren't they both welling up with tears though? It was such a heavy, emotionally filled, drawn out stare that it had to be much more than that.
No. Rey had some "holy shit it's Luke fucking Skywalker" eyes, but there was no tearing up or anything between either of them.
I think it was more of "I've sacrificed so much to find you, help us and by the way wtf is happening with me helpohgodineedafatherfigure" look.