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January EGM: Most stacked review schedule EVER?

SyNapSe said:
MP2:E The sequel to an incredible game. They added a MP component, but I'm not really sure why.. It really is an adventure game from the first person view.

Yeah, but look what happened to Riddick. It's an adventure game that didn't include any multiplayer and it got slammed in the reviews for it. People have got multiplayer on their minds nowadays.

Kon Tiki

Halo 2: 10 10 9.5
MP2: 11 11 11 (GOTM)
Killzone: 9 9.5 6
MGS3: 10 10 10
Jak 3: 10 10 10
R&C3: 10 10 10
GTASA: 10 10 10

king zell

Halo 2: 10 10 9.5
MP2: 11 11 12.5 (BGE)
Killzone: 9 8.5 6
MGS3: 10 9.5 9
Jak 3: 8.5 9 9
R&C3: 10 9 9.5
GTASA: 10 10 9.5
Society said:
Halo 2: 10 10 9.5
MP2: 11 11 11 (GOTM)
Killzone: 9 9.5 6
MGS3: 10 10 10
Jak 3: 10 10 10
R&C3: 10 10 10
GTASA: 10 10 10

I think some game companies would love for you to be hired, immediately. :D
Society said:
Ever since MGS's 10s I do not trust EGMs reviews. They give way too many tens.

Haven't they only given like 4 or 5 platinums? When your scale is at .5's, I think 10's are perfectly legitimate scores. Now if your on a 100 point scale...

Tony Hawk 2

(others? are these even right?)


sonycowboy said:
Haven't they only given like 4 or 5 platinums? When your scale is at .5's, I think 10's are perfectly legitimate scores. Now if your on a 100 point scale...

Tony Hawk 2

(others? are these even right?)

You forgot Gran Turismo 2 (PSX), Metroid Prime, Soul Calibur


This is one of those magazine months when I miss Gamefan. IMO they had the best 2-4 page layouts of each game with great pics and good write-ups.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
I think you can pretty much rule out R&C3, if only because it'll be the safest one to rule out for GOTM contention since its fanbase is smaller than the others and not as rabidly overzealous. EGM can still give it a very good score but beating out the likes of Halo, GTA, MGS or MP has never been part of fan agenda, as far I've seen. As long as it scores better than Jak3, all should be right in the world ;)

Kon Tiki

sonycowboy said:
Haven't they only given like 4 or 5 platinums? When your scale is at .5's, I think 10's are perfectly legitimate scores. Now if your on a 100 point scale...

Tony Hawk 2

(others? are these even right?)

How long has EGM been in circualtion? How long was EGM in circulation before the first 10? How long has it been since then?


I get the feeling that the daily Halo 2 multiplayer sessions that are sure to crop up at ZD will swing it Halo 2's way.


Society said:
How long has EGM been in circualtion? How long was EGM in circulation before the first 10? How long has it been since then?

Issue number 1 debuted in 1988, founded by Steve Harris.

Kon Tiki

Culex said:
Issue number 1 debuted in 1988, founded by Steve Harris.

So 16 years total, and 10 years with out a 10. (heh, wonder if that was planned). In the last 6 years, they have given 7 10s and they still have 1 issue to go ( Jan is Dec EGM is two months ahead) with all the biggest games of the year.
If Metroid Prime 2 scores over an 8 from ANY reviewer, I'll *know* they're on the dole. This is EGM's chance to redeem itself after overscoring the previous turd in the series.


I've given in and watched all of the IGN Movies of Metroid Prime: Echoes and I have to say that the title feels like it's missing something both artistically and astmosphere wise.
To make sure I wasn't crazy I popped in Prime and started making my way through all of the areas and they each make Echoes seem generic and soulless in comparison.

I don't doubt Retro's ability to create a great game, but I am doubting their ability to recreate the atmosphere and the feel that made Metroid Prime so special.
Am I alone in my feelings?


olimario said:
I don't doubt Retro's ability to create a great game, but I am doubting their ability to recreate the atmosphere and the feel that made Metroid Prime so special.
Am I alone in my feelings?

Being a metroid fanboy myself I'd have to agree with you. I don't know what it is but I just can't get hyped for this game. Every screenshot I see I get less and less enthused. Maybe there is just a gaming overload this fall or something...


Drinky Crow said:
If Metroid Prime 2 scores over an 8 from ANY reviewer, I'll *know* they're on the dole. This is EGM's chance to redeem itself after overscoring the previous turd in the series.

What are you talking about? Zero Mission was awesome.

All Hail C-Webb

Hailing from the Chill-Web
Halo 2: 10 10 9.5
MP2: 9.5 9.5 9.0
Killzone: 9 8.5 8
MGS3: 10 9.5 9
Jak 3: 8.5 8.5 8.5
R&C3: 9.5 9.5 9.0
GTASA: 10 10 10

Big Predicition: Reviewers will gush all over the single player aspect of MP2, saying that it's even better than MP1. They will then proceed to dock points because the addition of the optional multiplayer mode. There will be complaints about the controls, and and even the omission of online play.


Sactown said:
Big Predicition: Reviewers will gush all over the single player aspect of MP2, saying that it's even better than MP1. They will then proceed to dock points because the addition of the optional multiplayer mode. There will be complaints about the controls, and and even the omission of online play.

I think that will happen everywhere. Exclude multiplayer and the score goes up.


Culex said:
If Halo 2 get anything over a 5, I'll know there are money hats involved. The first one was an overrated piece of trash that deserved a trip to the microwave oven.

Although I'm a big fan of Nintendo, I'm going to have to go with Halo2. If the single player is great and the multiplayer obviously will be with online aswell. MP2E should be close with MGS3 to follow. GTA:SA, I'm gonna read some impressions first. My mind may be changed after watching G4 and their GTA tuesday or wednesday allday show.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
olimario said:
I've given in and watched all of the IGN Movies of Metroid Prime: Echoes and I have to say that the title feels like it's missing something both artistically and astmosphere wise.
To make sure I wasn't crazy I popped in Prime and started making my way through all of the areas and they each make Echoes seem generic and soulless in comparison.

I don't doubt Retro's ability to create a great game, but I am doubting their ability to recreate the atmosphere and the feel that made Metroid Prime so special.
Am I alone in my feelings?

While I haven't looked at all media since I'm already set on getting it, I have not noticed any "natural" or earthy looking enviroments... specifically with any grass. Could that have something to do with it?


How is Metroid Prime 2 the underdog when it comes to predicting scores? Correct me if I'm mistaken, but isn't Prime the game with the best scores this gen?

I predict a 10 for both Metroid Prime 2 and Halo 2.


Anyone think Super Mario 64 DS could get a perfect score? Seems to be adding inquite a bit of content (new levels, new stars, new playable characters, multiplayer, tons of minigames, etc).
It's also adding uglified graphics, digital controls, and the scavenger hunt/stupid minigame gameplay hasn't aged THAT well for most of us sane folks.


jarrod said:
Anyone think Super Mario 64 DS could get a perfect score? Seems to be adding inquite a bit of content (new levels, new stars, new playable characters, multiplayer, tons of minigames, etc).

Uh no.


Drinky Crow said:
If Metroid Prime 2 scores over an 8 from ANY reviewer, I'll *know* they're on the dole. This is EGM's chance to redeem itself after overscoring the previous turd in the series.

You've got to be shitting me.


Drinky Crow said:
It's also adding uglified graphics, digital controls, and the scavenger hunt/stupid minigame gameplay hasn't aged THAT well for most of us sane folks.
In motion, Mario 64 DS looks much better than the original thanks to a doubled framerate and higher poly modeling. The only place the lack of texture filtering becomes painfully apparent is in transparencies (like chain/fence textures), otherwise DS does a great job with Mario 64's rather simple, colorful texture palette.

Digital controls are an optional addition also. And in terms of game design, I'd say Mario 64 holds up surprisingly well for a last generation classic, far better than something similar like Tomb Raider or Banjo-Kazooie. And really, new characters are bringing new mechanics of their own (block busting with Wario, egg throwing with Yoshi, etc) meaning there's likely new solutions to old puzzles as well as new objectives... really Drinky, I think you're letting your general public distaste of all things Nintendo (the fanbase primairily) get in the way of experincing a potentially great game.

Unless you're just having fun. Then nevermind.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
They should just combine EGM and CGW into one magazine. Every other major magazine (that isn't specific to a particular console) reviews all major games on each platform.

Anyway, I think Halo 2 or GTA SA stand a good chance of platinum (three 10s), but Halo 2 would get GOTM because of multiplayer features. Although the single player campaign sounds a bit meh from what I've been reading.


I'm guessing they'll give perfect scores to none of them. here are my 'predictions' for what they'll give the games:

Halo 2 - 9, 10, 9
Metroid Prime 2 - 8.5, 9, 10
GTA:SA - 8.5, 10, 9
MGS3:SE - 8, 9, 8
Ratchet and Clank 3 - 9, 9.5, 8
Jak 3 - 8, 8, 9
Killzone - 7, 7.5, 6.5

Of course this is not knowing which companies pay them. :)
Nope. Nostalgia got the better of the review crowd last time, but now that the novelty of OMG OMG SAMUS IN THREEDEE has worn off, I'm hoping they'll actually recognize the shitty-ass cumbersome controls and gimmicky scanning/visor mechanics for what they are: shallow Splinter Cell-styled Western game overdesign where context-sensitive actions are rejected in favor of giving the player THINGS TO DO (tm) all the while sorely neglecting the fundamentals like GOOD LEVEL DESIGN and INTERESTING PUZZLES and PROPER GAMEPLAY PACING.


When you people are predicting scores, why do you order them randomly?(7.5, 6, 9.5).
Why do that when you have no clue who will be reviewing the titles or in which order.

10, 9.5, 8
9.5, 8, 7.5


Subscribers should have the issue later next week, newstands the week after.

And just a reminder, '10s' aren't 'perfect 10s,' nothing is perfect in this world! :D

EGM had some weird rule about -never- giving out 10s early in its life. 10s are incredibly special and very, very, VERY carefully given, but we believe in using the whole scale so they -are- used when a game deserves it.

Also, it became easier for games to get a platinum award (all 10s) when EGM switched from 4 reviewers per game down to three a few years ago.


Drinky Crow said:
Nope. Nostalgia got the better of the review crowd last time, but now that the novelty of OMG OMG SAMUS IN THREEDEE has worn off, I'm hoping they'll actually recognize the shitty-ass cumbersome controls and gimmicky scanning/visor mechanics for what they are: shallow Splinter Cell-styled Western game overdesign where context-sensitive actions are rejected in favor of giving the player THINGS TO DO (tm) all the while sorely neglecting the fundamentals like GOOD LEVEL DESIGN and INTERESTING PUZZLES and PROPER GAMEPLAY PACING.

Please, the level design in prime is better than halo's.
I think it will be Halo2 10 10 10, MP2: 10 10 10 with GOTM being awarded to Halo2.

I'll be seriously pissed if they dock points for multiplayer and no online on MP2. Who's honestly expecting either one a non-online enabled console? And if they can give a game a 10 based on online multiplayer alone (Splinter Cell 2) then they better score MP2 on its strenghts which are obviously in single player.
jarrod: I wasn't a huge fan of the original's game design: for every classic platforming moment like the Bowser levels, Tick Tock Clock, or the pyramid level, there was a stupid koopa/penguin racing mini-game or timed encounter that was about as fun as punching one's self in the face. I also despise the "revisit the same area with a different objective" scavenger hunt mechanic unless the levels are sufficiently large to make sure identical terrain isn't retread ad nauseum.

That said, from what I've seen of SM64 DS, it's really damn ugly: the frame rate DOES appear to be 60-ish, yes, but the backgrounds seem to have a lot of missing details, the textures wibble like nobody's business, the translucencies range from awful screen doors to barely passable single-level translucency, the effects like fire and smoke are HIDEOS, and the pixellation is awful. It's a serious downgrade across the board.


MarkMacD said:
Subscribers should have the issue later next week, newstands the week after.

And just a reminder, '10s' aren't 'perfect 10s,' nothing is perfect in this world! :D

EGM had some weird rule about -never- giving out 10s early in its life. 10s are incredibly special and very, very, VERY carefully given, but we believe in using the whole scale so they -are- used when a game deserves it.

Also, it became easier for games to get a platinum award (all 10s) when EGM switched from 4 reviewers per game down to three a few years ago.

How much have you played of Echoes and how do you like it?


Drinky Crow said:
Nope. Nostalgia got the better of the review crowd last time, but now that the novelty of OMG OMG SAMUS IN THREEDEE has worn off, I'm hoping they'll actually recognize the shitty-ass cumbersome controls and gimmicky scanning/visor mechanics for what they are: shallow Splinter Cell-styled Western game overdesign where context-sensitive actions are rejected in favor of giving the player THINGS TO DO (tm) all the while sorely neglecting the fundamentals like GOOD LEVEL DESIGN and INTERESTING PUZZLES and PROPER GAMEPLAY PACING.

I, for one, found Metroid Prime to be the best game inthe series not because of the awe factor of Samus in 3D, but because it was a fantastic game, and imo the best of this generation. The controls are great. Perfect for the game that it is. The level design is great, the game is paced wonderfully, I don't see any of your points.

MP2:E has just as good of a chance of scoring GOTM as GTA and Halo 2 do. Didn't Metroid Prime beat out Vice City for GOTM in 2002? (i think they were the same issue).
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