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January EGM: Most stacked review schedule EVER?


I didn't rate it for egm, so I don't know.

and yeah, we totally disagree. it doesn't matter how poor/irrelevent/good the single-player of SCPT is as long as the multiplayer makes the whole package worth purchasing.

likewise, it doesn't matter how poor/irrelevant/good the multiplayer of MP2 is as long as the single-player makes the whole package worth purchasing.

Deku Tree

IJoel said:
I think Metroid Prime 2 would've been fine merely as a single player game. I don't see why developers bothered with the multiplayer portion of it, as opposed to doing something like adding a co-op mode or something that would've fit better with the MP-style gameplay.

I don't follow how a co-op mode would fit. I mean Metroid is an exploration game with platforming, puzzles and huge boss battles. To me, co-op just doesn't fit into the metroid style of gameplay.

Multi-player, on the other hand, could be cool as a secondary part of the game. Its just that lock on and split-screen are two elements that make most people think the multi will stink.


Console Market Analyst
Drinky, come now. Not only is Metroid Prime the best game ever created, it gives the world hope that polished perfection CAN be attained in all facets of life, as long as one expends tremendous effort and cultivates natural ability and talent. Let us all kneel at the alter of Retro, and pray that we've been as blessed with the sequel. In Samus' name, Amen.
I don't need any certification. It's a well-known fact.

I can multiply any two single-digit numbers ENTIRELY IN MY HEAD.

Also, I thought Metroid Prime was crap, which at LEAST makes me smarter than the average game reviewer.


Deku Tree said:
I don't follow how a co-op mode would fit. I mean Metroid is an exploration game with platforming, puzzles and huge boss battles. To me, co-op just doesn't fit into the metroid style of gameplay.

Multi-player, on the other hand, could be cool as a secondary part of the game. Its just that lock on and split-screen are two elements that make most people think the multi will stink.

Oh, I was just pointing out a potential multiplayer mode rather than the obvious typical FPS multiplayer modes. The point is to include something that fits with the game if they are to include a multiplayer mode.

As for skip's comment, there's a difference between what makes the game worthy of a purchase and what i'd consider a proper review. I agree with that last statement, but I don't agree with someone pushing aside flaws from the multiplayer component (or any component for that matter) from any game in order to be able to explain a rating/review. The game is the whole package, not the sum of its parts (again, from what I consider should be the reviewing perspective.)


if there's a deficiency in any part of a game, it will (or should) be mentioned in the text of the review, and then explained why it does or doesn't bring the overall experience down.


IJoel said:
I guess now we know how it was rated.

I disagree though. As I said, they shouldn't be excused with "multiplayer is extra" because it's still part of Metroid Prime 2. This is akin to saying that Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow should've been reviewed merely on the merits of its single player component. Well, it wasn't. One of the strengths of the game was the multiplayer component. Would it have scored the same if it had a weaker multiplayer portion? Wouldn't it have counted then? Is it selective depending on the quality of it?


Pandora Tommorrow multiplayer = 9/10

Pandora Tommorrow single player = 2/10

Although I wold argue PT got scored too highly solely on its multiplayer m ode.


SantaCruzer, I'm a huge Metroid fan. Why do you think I wasted 80 bucks on a Metroid Prime GC bundle? I'm probably a bigger Metroid fan than most of the people on these forums. I love the series. I'm getting ready to get blown away by the single player side of echoes. I just have some issues with a multiplayer metroid. Same way I still dislike the control scheme. I adjusted to it but still don't prefer it. Doesn't change Metroid Prime from kicking copious amounts of ass. Yes Metroid Prime rocks and yes it does the series justice and yes it does a fantastic job of creating the world and characters in 3D.

If you are a huge fan, why are you talking crap about it the whole time? This was the first postive metroid post I have seen from you.

"does not deserve a freeride" etc. BS.


Call me a Metroid purist then.

If you have been paying attention I have been very specific about any criticism leveled against MP2:E. Go do some thread searching if you want to waste your time. :D


Mrbob said:
Call me a Metroid purist then.

If you have been paying attention I have been very specific about any criticism leveled against MP2:E. Go do some thread searching if you want to waste your time. :D

Have you played the full game? It's weird when people critisize a game BEFORE it's out. Especially since Metroid Prime 1 is a critically acclaimed game. I could understand if the first one was utter shit.

Been a fan of the metroid series since the first one. I was against the change to 1st person, but it worked because it had alot of exploration like the previous games. It also had a nice level layout with super metroid art. :)


SantaCruZer said:
Have you played the full game? It's weird when people critisize a game BEFORE it's out.

Only Metroid purists do that...

Considering that Metroid was the very first video game I actually owned, does that make me more or less of a purist than MrBob?

It's always bitch, bitch, bitch about everything. Who cares if they added a multiplayer segment? I don't care, I'll have Halo 2 and Half-Life 2 for my online multiplayer games, but there are many people who only own a Cube and this is for them. How can it possibly detract from the game? The single-player game is still the primary focus. This is just an added bonus and another reason why the cube has 4 controller ports.


Have I played the full game? What kind of question is that? The game is coming out November 17. Of course I haven't. Are you trying to convince me the single player sucks? I won't hear it! :D

I don't need to play the multiplayer portion to know it'll suck compared to the amount of ONLINE multiplayer games I play right now.


Mrbob said:
Have I played the full game? What kind of question is that? The game is coming out November 17. Of course I haven't. Are you trying to convince me the single player sucks? I won't hear it! :D

I don't need to play the multiplayer portion to know it'll suck compared to the amount of ONLINE multiplayer games I play right now.

The single player will rock. As always with metroid games.


MrBob, I dont' want to argue with you on the point that it shoudl be docked for a shoddy multiplayer... but all reports point to an even more expansive and difficult single player campaign than before... so tell me, how does multiplayer detract from the single player aspect again?

Shouldn't THAT count for something in the review score?


I don't think MP2E's multi should take away from the overall score of the game, from what I played.

That's all I have to say about that.
It's been a while but...

I'd be amazed if GTA:SA didn't win. The only other game that comes close in that issue might be Halo 2 and it's kind of short and had some important features stripped.

what, can you not kill children now??

Originally Posted by cubicle47b:
Gran Turismo 4 is going to rule this year, though (for me).

Good thing it didn't have any feature stripped.

I don't play consoles online so GT4's online mode was never important to me whereas I was underwhelmed by Halo 2 and thought the missing features (that I was looking forward to) might have made a big difference.


Drinky Crow said:
I can multiply any two single-digit numbers ENTIRELY IN MY HEAD.

Also, I thought Metroid Prime was crap, which at LEAST makes me smarter than the average game reviewer.

No. You liked Mario Sunshine and you didn't like Metroid Prime? No, no, no, no!


cubicle47b said:
It's been a while but...

I don't play consoles online so GT4's online mode was never important to me whereas I was underwhelmed by Halo 2 and thought the missing features (that I was looking forward to) might have made a big difference.

You have Halo 2?


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