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January EGM: Most stacked review schedule EVER?


ElyrionX said:
Dude, you're already off the mark. From MarkMacD's statement, it can be easily inferred that there is at least one 10 score among the scores for those games......

No, it can't :) I was making a general statement separate from MP2, since people were also discussing 10s


Mrbob said:
I sense multiple 10s in the "holiday" issue.

What does that mean, anyway? A fancy name for the January issue or are we getting a 13th issue this year? That means subscribers are getting it too?

It means that now EGM comes out 13 times a year. And yup, subscribers get it too.
More work for us. BONOS for you!


MarkMacD said:
It means that now EGM comes out 13 times a year. And yup, subscribers get it too.
More work for us. BONOS for you!

More EGM work tho = More ca$h money for Mark McD and he doesn't have to have his ride pimped by Xzibit.


Did Rockstar take away resources to include a half assed seperate mode of multiplayer for their game? No.

Or somehow does multiplayer become some sort of magical bonus for nintendo games?


Mrbob said:
Did Rockstar take away resources to include a half assed seperate mode of multiplayer for their game? No.

How should I know, I'm not in touch with Rockstar? Are you?

I'll be the first to admit that I always thought including multiplayer in Metroid was pretty damn dumb from the very beginning, but it shouldn't negatively impact the game if the core single player campaign is solid and complete.

On the other hand, if they did cut corners on the single player because of it, then yes, fuck Retro. They should be slammed for it. Guess I'll have to wait and see...


Why should MP2:E get a free pass if it is lacking in the multiplayer department?

Because it's just an added bonus. THe first one got knocked for not having a multiplayer at all, to knock the second for adding one would be silly.
Mrbob said:
Did Rockstar take away resources to include a half assed seperate mode of multiplayer for their game? No.

Or somehow does multiplayer become some sort of magical bonus for nintendo games?

Mr. Bob, can you please tell us from your hands on experience how the multiplayer is in MP2, and why is it, according to you, lacking and in what respects? Thanks!

J2 Cool

Metroid series is a fps competing with Halo which has an amazing multiplayer. If they have a weak one then it could be knocked despite all the intangibles a title like Metroid has and is trying to accomplish. For SA tell me another game out there with a better multiplayer in a world like that


Haha, I'm not getting into specifics again. Do a search for MP2:E threads.

How should I know, I'm not in touch with Rockstar? Are you?

I'll be the first to admit that I always thought including multiplayer in Metroid was pretty damn dumb from the very beginning, but it shouldn't negatively impact the game if the core single player campaign is solid and complete.

Why not? Those were resources taken away that could have been used to make a killer single player campaign even better.


Mrbob said:
Or somehow does multiplayer become some sort of magical bonus for nintendo games?
Well it depends on the game really. Multiplayer might be seen as an integral part of something like Mario Kart 64 (and should then be judged more harshly) but it's something of a bonus in games like Star Fox 64 (where any review focusing on multiplayer aspects is disingenious to the game's merit). I'd say Metroid probably falls more into the latter, multiplayer is a tacked on extra really, and not central to the basic game design or developer focus. It literally is a "bonus".

Should Dynasty Warriors 2-4 have been docked points because their multiplayer might not have been up to par, and those resources could've gone into refining the single player experience?
Mrbob said:
Why not? Those were resources taken away that could have been used to make a killer single player campaign even better.

You're rational is stupid. Not only is it premature and ignorant (have you played either game?) but it can also apply to either one of them. That would be like someone saying Halo 2's campaign suffered because their first and foremost concerned was the Live aspects of the game. If they had not taken so much time and resources for Halo2's multiplayer, single player experience would have been much better. It works both ways.


Listen, I'm not saying to lay the hammer down on MP2:E. Obviously one area must be weighted more than the other so single player should get the bulk I'm saying to take it into consideration while you guys are saying to ignore it.


Mrbob said:
Did Rockstar take away resources to include a half assed seperate mode of multiplayer for their game? No.

Or somehow does multiplayer become some sort of magical bonus for nintendo games?

What resources were taken away by Retro? For all you know, they could've pulled a Bungie and had 4 people work on the multiplay section that had no effect on the team in general.

If the reviewer does their job correctly, then the only game that MP2 will be compared to will be MP1. Not Halo 2. Yes they can compare the single player side, and they can say that they wished there was an online mode for MP2, but it would be silly for them to deduct points because there is no online. Nintendo doesn't have any online titles, so to dock points for that would be stupid. MP2:E should be rated for a single-player game that happens to include a multiplayer bonus.


Mrbob said:
Listen, I'm not saying to lay the hammer down on MP2:E. Obviously one area must be weighted more than the other so single player should get the bulk I'm saying to take it into consideration while you guys are saying to ignore it.
I'm certainly not saying ignore it thanks, I'm saying put focus on what's deserving. If Prime was being pushed as a multiplayer title, then that area should be given much more scrutiny... but really that's not the case. It's disingenoius to directly compare Prime 2's multiplayer to something like Halo 2 or Killzone and review the game overall accordingly, as clearly it's hardly being given the same resources there.

Stop making me defend Prime games, they suck anyway. :p


Mrbob said:
Why should MP2:E get a free pass if it is lacking in the multiplayer department?

What do you care about a nintendo game anyway? It just sounds that you try to affect the review scores since editors of magazines appearently read this forum.

Metroid has always been a single player game until recently when they added a multiplayer mode as a bonus.


Metroid series is a fps competing with Halo which has an amazing multiplayer.
I believe nintendo calls metroid a FPA(first person adventure) not FPS so i guess by nintendo's word it isn't competing with halo2
Spike said:
If the reviewer does their job correctly, then the only game that MP2 will be compared to will be MP1. Not Halo 2. Yes they can compare the single player side, and they can say that they wished there was an online mode for MP2, but it would be silly for them to deduct points because there is no online. Nintendo doesn't have any online titles, so to dock points for that would be stupid. MP2:E should be rated for a single-player game that happens to include a multiplayer bonus.

Thanks for saving me the time and aggravation :)


Console Market Analyst
I remember MrBob getting all up in my ass for suggesting the complete focus on Halo 2 multiplayer at trade shows and in media for over two years, might not bode will for singleplayer.

I'm glad to see that, finally, he's come around to see things my way. High five, bud.


Goreomedy said:
I remember MrBob getting all up in my ass for suggesting the complete focus on Halo 2 multiplayer at trade shows and in media for over two years, might not bode will for singleplayer.

I'm glad to see that, finally, he's come around to see things my way. High five, bud.

Hasn't Bungie always stated that the intent was to create a great single player game first?
There is, or ought not be some arbitrary system of weighting unless you hold that weighting constant for all games to be reviewed (in such a situation, a game without a multiplayer mode would have the categorical weighting as a product of zero).

If the game would get a 10 prior to the multiplayer mode, and the multiplayer mode was simplistic, you wouldnt weight down the package and say it's worse off as a result.

If the addition of the multiplayer mode adversely affected the single player mode, that much would be evident when the reviewer was evaluating the single player aspect of the package. You wouldn't need to "discount" that factor again on account of the fact that a multiplayer mode exists. You'd have to be a fucking moron to suggest that's the case. Sorry bob, the shoe does fit.


I wasn't even going to bring up Halo 2, but now that it is mentioned I can think of many very specific items why Halo 2 multiplayer is going to blow away (HA HA HA) MP2:E multiplayer. It's true.


Mrbob said:
I wasn't even going to bring up Halo 2, but now that it is mentioned I can think of many very specific items why Halo 2 multiplayer is going to blow away (HA HA HA) MP2:E multiplayer. It's true.

As I said, the multiplayer in Metroid Prime 2 is just a bonus and doesn't mean to be serious like Halo 2.

Retro has expressed that almost all resources has been put into the single player.

Kon Tiki

Mrbob said:
I wasn't even going to bring up Halo 2, but now that it is mentioned I can think of many very specific items why Halo 2 multiplayer is going to blow away (HA HA HA) MP2:E multiplayer. It's true.

MC does not have to worry about getting owned by a Powerbomb? :p


Console Market Analyst
Mrbob said:
I wasn't even going to bring up Halo 2, but now that it is mentioned I can think of many very specific items why Halo 2 multiplayer is going to blow away (HA HA HA) MP2:E multiplayer. It's true.

You've invoked the name of Halo 2 in nearly every Half Life 2 and Metroid thread I've seen on this board. It was only a matter of time. You're a sick, sick man. :D

So, let's take your MP:E criticism and run with it. If Multiplayer IS half-assed in Echoes, and fully developed and dedicated in Halo 2, which game will suffer in the sinple player portion because of it ? Hmmmmm....

It just doesn't make sense, Bob.

king zell

Multiplayer was never a part of a Metroid game

just deducting points from the game becuase Multiplayer is not as good as (insert game) will be stupid

Just because the game is in First person view doesn't mean its a shooter.. it wan never a shooter.. Metroid is Metroid

I'm sure EGM editors understand this already.. any gamer should not find it hard to understand it too

anyway GAF will never be the same when these reviews start coming out


Mario Power Tennis - GOTM and GOTY


Seriously though, I'd really like to see some title that isn't getting blown out of proportion take the coveted GOTM award. Then this board would truly implode.


Drinky Crow said:
Metroid Prime is NOT Metroid; it's not even a good game. I'm certifiably smarter than you and even *I* know this.

Yes, it is Metroid, and yes it is a good game.

J2 Cool

so when do you guys think this EGM issue will come in? They usually came at the end of the month for me but the Halo cover issue came in the middle of the month


J2 Cool said:
so when do you guys think this EGM issue will come in? They usually came at the end of the month for me but the Halo cover issue came in the middle of the month

As mentioned earlied in the thread, subscribers will see it end of next week, then it hits sores the week after.


Goreomedy said:
You've invoked the name of Halo 2 in nearly every Half Life 2 and Metroid thread I've seen on this board. It was only a matter of time. You're a sick, sick man. :D

So, let's take your MP:E criticism and run with it. If Multiplayer IS half-assed in Echoes, and fully developed and dedicated in Halo 2, which game will suffer in the sinple player portion because of it ? Hmmmmm....


Haha, you may be able to get me to plead guilty on Metroid Prime 2, but not Half life 2! Hl2 and Halo 2 are the holy duality in November!!

Here's the deal. I'm still coming to grasps with hawt lock on multiplayer split screen action. Since Metroid has always been so single player focused any resources taken off that hurts the game. Even a LITTLEEEE. Conversely, Halo 2 is just expanding upon the roots of the first games multiplayer so that was always part of the plan.

I'll save the single player discussion for the middle to end of November. :D But I do have to give you credit. At least you try to discuss the issue!


Yes, Spike, you never should have been the one to bring up Halo 2 in relation to MP2:E. :p

Halo 2 + Metroid Prime 2 + comparing the two = thread explosion

SantaCruzer, I'm a huge Metroid fan. Why do you think I wasted 80 bucks on a Metroid Prime GC bundle? I'm probably a bigger Metroid fan than most of the people on these forums. I love the series. I'm getting ready to get blown away by the single player side of echoes. I just have some issues with a multiplayer metroid. Same way I still dislike the control scheme. I adjusted to it but still don't prefer it. Doesn't change Metroid Prime from kicking copious amounts of ass. Yes Metroid Prime rocks and yes it does the series justice and yes it does a fantastic job of creating the world and characters in 3D.


I think Metroid Prime 2 would've been fine merely as a single player game. I don't see why developers bothered with the multiplayer portion of it, as opposed to doing something like adding a co-op mode or something that would've fit better with the MP-style gameplay.

This is not saying MP2 Multiplayer will suck as it might be quite good and in the end it might be quite worthwhile. This is just a comment on what I personally expected of it. I would've been happy with a strong story-telling single player experience.

In a way it's like music albums. Some albums are great with 10 songs but adding 2 more songs that are not up to the quality of the album somehow dilutes the overall product. Yes, it's more for the buck, but does it make the game actually better? Once the cat's out of the bag, you better deliver, or expectations in terms of the quality expected for that portion of the product will fall short.


IJoel said:
I think Metroid Prime 2 would've been fine merely as a single player game. I don't see why developers bothered with the multiplayer portion of it, as opposed to doing something like adding a co-op mode or something that would've fit better with the MP-style gameplay.

This is not saying MP2 Multiplayer will suck as it might be quite good and in the end it might be quite worthwhile. This is just a comment on what I personally expected of it. I would've been happy with a strong story-telling single player experience.

In a way it's like music albums. Some albums are great with 10 songs but adding 2 more songs that are not up to the quality of the album somehow dilutes the overall product. Yes, it's more for the buck, but does it make the game actually better? Once the cat's out of the bag, you better deliver, or expectations in terms of the quality expected for that portion of the product will fall short.

faulty analogy. more like an album with 10 songs (single player) plus two bonus live tracks (multiplayer) that don't detract from the original work.
Drinky Crow said:
Metroid Prime is NOT Metroid; it's not even a good game.

Someone has the right idea in this thread!



Console Market Analyst
Skip knows what he's talking about.

Don't see how anyone can suggest this multiplayer mode means a neglected single player experience in Echoes. If they had stressed multiplayer and not shown us anything in SP, I might join the suspicious...


Metroid had to evolve as a franchise.... it did and it's better for it. We still get our 2d Metroid lovin on the handhelds so it's all good.

I think it's funny that the Metroid Prime detractors alwasy go back to the same flaws, it's as if the game was designed so well that that is all they can latch on too. But, who can blame them... the control (not a problem in my eyes) is the about the only thing that can be counted against it.

You need to stop living in the past, Metroid is a 3D franchise on the consoles now.


skip said:
faulty analogy. more like an album with 10 songs (single player) plus two bonus live tracks (multiplayer) that don't detract from the original work.

I guess now we know how it was rated.

I disagree though. As I said, they shouldn't be excused with "multiplayer is extra" because it's still part of Metroid Prime 2. This is akin to saying that Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow should've been reviewed merely on the merits of its single player component. Well, it wasn't. One of the strengths of the game was the multiplayer component. Would it have scored the same if it had a weaker multiplayer portion? Wouldn't it have counted then? Is it selective depending on the quality of it?
Ani: I'll only believe you if you can CERTIFY that you're smarter than me. Having a degree in Smartness from Brandeis, I would NEVER do something like edit two sentences together and confuse them. EVER.
skip, if you gave MP2 above an 8, I'm going to be quite cross with you. Tears are forming in my eyes as we speak, and I'm turning away.


I agree with the sentiment that they shouldn't have wasted time with multiplayer. If there's no speed boost, or Samus doesn't move any faster and they took time on multiplayer..that would piss me off. The main weakness in Prime was that it needed a faster way to go through levels. Perhaps ball cannons and screw attack will do this.
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