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January Wrasslin' |OT| The Assassination of Daniel Bryan by the Coward Vince McMahon

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
WCW Rude was prime Rude
Best matches
And he no longer just looked like he'd steal your girl
He looked like he'd steal your girl and beat you senseless
That Cena / Nexus story is depressing but I can see it. Nearly every main eventer who has any kind of creative control always does the same. Cena is basically WCW Hogan at this point. Gotta keep my spot safe brother!

Also there was that rumour that maybe Jeff Hardy will be in the rumble? If that happens does that mean the wellness policy is officially dead?


Ok, this match is fucking incredible

Averno (c) vs Titán for the Mexican National Welterweight Championship

Holy shit this match is amazing. Averno is simply the best, and Titan simply exploded this year and has actually lived up to the hype. The original title match was amazing and this is somehow better. The best lucha matches are the ones that subvert the usual lucha spots and try to tell a story. It's like what happens when you see indy guys on NXT. Everything is simple but with a new twist.


Meh, no one cares about your indie darlings.

We got Eva Marie


Oh bby

DM, you want to start a tumblr with me and post Eva Marie pictures and fanfiction?

We can have hilarious reaction gifs like that one with the cat with the big eyes and the caption says [Heavy breathing]


Oh bby

DM, you want to start a tumblr with me and post Eva Marie pictures and fanfiction?

We can have hilarious reaction gifs like that one with the cat with the big eyes and the caption says [Heavy breathing]

As long as I can use #feels over and over


Neo Member
Meh, no one cares about your indie darlings.

We got Eva Marie


You know, Im pretty sure that's exactly how Ronda Rousey does it. Its amazing that they actually put that on right after the Lesnar segment.

In saying that its actually nice to see that things are unpredictable for a change. Plus Wrestle Kingdom should be awesome, cant wait.


When I put the Memphis stuff on YT, should I upload the matches individually or upload whole discs at a time (about 4 hours per disc) and just do time stamps?
When I put the Memphis stuff on YT, should I upload the matches individually or upload whole discs at a time (about 4 hours per disc) and just do time stamps?

time stamps are usually more practical.


some more shoot-style goodness:

Bob Backlund vs Nobuhiko Takada - UWF 1988

Ken Shamrock vs Masakasu Funaki - UWF 1990

Super Vader vs Nobuhiko Takada - UWFi 1993

Yoshihiro Takayama vs Kazushi Sakuraba - UWFi 1996

this last one is bit special, since i'm pretty sure it's the only admitted worked fight in MMA (there's been more, but no one ever confirmed them 100%):

Mark Coleman vs Nobuhiko Takada - PRIDE 5 1999
That Cena / Nexus story is depressing but I can see it. Nearly every main eventer who has any kind of creative control always does the same. Cena is basically WCW Hogan at this point. Gotta keep my spot safe brother!

Also there was that rumour that maybe Jeff Hardy will be in the rumble? If that happens does that mean the wellness policy is officially dead?
What are you talking about? That man feeds us!

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
DM thinks strobogo hates Marc Mero more than me.

How dare you DM. No one hates Marc Mero more than me. No one.
oh man, just saw Lesnar's RAW segment. pure gold, that eagle scream, genious, only him could pull it off and make it sound badass.

now Batista... not feeling it at all. Brotista was still the same poor wrestler with a new coat of paint.


So not worth it

You're all just afraid to show yourself, it's pathetic, I bet YOU'RE ALL FAT!

You're all just afraid to show yourself, it's pathetic, I bet YOU'RE ALL FAT!

Listen here Alex Riley, I speak on behalf of WrassleGAF. We think you're once cute lovestruck puppy eye gimmick over AJ Lee has taken a sinister twist now that you've been demasked.

We're frightened for the WWE Superstar Diva Geek Girl, and think the puppyeyes have changed over to creep eyes. I'm saying this to YOUR FACE.

Don't listen to him AJ. There are no Puppies in his van. No puppies.


Listen here Alex Riley, I speak on behalf of WrassleGAF. We think you're once cute lovestruck puppy eye gimmick over AJ Lee has taken a sinister twist now that you've been demasked.

We're frightened for the WWE Superstar Diva Geek Girl, and think the puppyeyes have changed over to creep eyes. I'm saying this to YOUR FACE.

Don't listen to him AJ. There are no Puppies in his van. No puppies.

Looks like I'll be AJ's rebound after Punk dumps her for Paige

I'll take her to a dadaist museum.



Best of Memphis in the 80s Part 2

Jerry Lawler vs. Terry Funk No Disqualification 3/23/81

King knocks Terry around right as the bell ring. Terry knocks over the chain that works as the guard rail. Funk does a cheap shot and it goes to the floor. Atomic drop. Awesome punch combo from Funk, followed with a leg drop. King gets up and hits some punches of his own, sending Funk rolling through the rope. This is clipped a bit. Funk is busted open on the announce table. King is throwing bombs in the ring. Second rope stomp to the back of the head. Jimmy Hart breaks up the pin. King goes after him. He runs under the ring. Headbutts from Terry. Funk then starts biting and spitting the blood out. Jimmy Hart takes another cheap shot. King is starting to fire up. The strap is down! Punches everywhere. Second rope first bump. Jimmy gets in the ring with a chair and gets decked. Funk hits King in his still freshly healed leg. He hits it a few more times. He's ripping the tights at the knee. Spinning toe hold! King punches out of it. Jimmy gets the chair back in the ring. King starts busting the shit out of Funk's legs with it. Terry rolls all the way to the announce table and King was hitting him with the chair the whole way. Funk was counted out. King wins. This was Punch: The Match. All wrestlers should watch these two to learn how to throw a boss punch.



Jerry Lawler vs. Dory Funk Jr. 3/30/81

Dory was coming in to get revenge for his brother. Dory takes King to the mat with a headlock take down right away. Jimmy Hart is above the ring, hanging on a cable. Lawler is able to get out with a wrist lock. Arm ringer. Dory gets out and uncorks some stiff European uppercuts in the corner before getting King back on the mat. He does some more uppercuts and sends King to the floor. King is repeatedly slammed into the announce table. More uppercuts. King had a chain pulled out, but the uppercuts made him drop it. Vertical suplex. King throws a few punches and Dory bails. King chases Dory into the crowd. They trade punches and uppercuts in the ring. Dory again bails and they brawl on the floor for a bit. Dory hit a cheap knee to the balls. Dory misses a punch and the strap is down. King may have just kicked Dory in the balls. Ref bump. Jimmy is able to throw a chain into the ring while the ref was out. King is drilled with it. King kicked out! Dory now begins choking with it. King gets his own chain back and decks Dory a few times with it. The ref tries to grab the chain from him. King throws him off. Dory gets a pin with his feet on the ropes and is caught. Dory forearms the ref. They continue to trade shots, but the ref has disqualified Dory. Jimmy is lowered into the ring and tries to take some shots. It didn't work out for him.


Jerry Lawler vs. Terry Funk Empty Arena Match 4/6/81

In the opening, Lance wanted to get an intro just in case and lit up a cigarette during it. It was kind of interesting because it was an intentional behind the scenes kind of thing long before anything like that was common. Terry comes out and wants to know where that SON OF A BITCH Lawler is. He came to prove some son of a bitching thing. Terry counts King out and declares himself the winner. Terry has heard and is tired of all the shit from Lance, King, and the fans of Memphis. This couldn't have been aired on TV, right? King finally shows up, that JACKASS. It cuts to the WWE 24/7 airing, which means the quality is pretty good, but I can't imagine the pre match stuff aired on TV since it is Funk yelling shit and jackass over and over. They start swinging wildly and quickly take out the first few rows. Funk starts breaking random shit. He hits King with a sing of some kind. Piledriver on the floor. Funk tries to gouge King's eyes out and is making some weird noises. He then breaks the ring steps and has a spike made out of it. Funk's screams sound just like original creepy Mankind. Funk tries to stab King's eye. Lawler gets up and kicks Terry's hand, sending the spike back into his own face. MY EYE! MY EYE! MYYYYYY EYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEE! YOU BASTARD, MY EYE! My eye. My god damned eye! Where's Lawler? He's yellow. YOU YELLOW PIG! PIIIIIIIG!


Bill Dundee/Dream Machine vs. Kevin Sullivan/Wayne Farris 5/2/81

Dundee and Dream Machine are AWA Southern Tag Team Champions. There had been a lot of arguments that they had been staying in the Memphis area instead of defending in other territories, so they were forced to make a defense in Florida. Because of it, this match was to take place at the big arena show, but was moved to TV since they would be in Florida Monday. Holy shit, Kevin Sullivan was jacked. I forgot all about him being a body builder before he was the devil. He's almost unrecognizable. He isn't as SWOLL as Paul Ellering, but he definitely has more STRIATIONS. Dundee and HTM start out. HTM quickly tags out. Sullivan gets decked. He wins a shoulder block and does some posing, only to get dropkicked out of the ring. HTM's green and orange tights are disgusting. Why can't someone punch him in the mouth really hard? I'll never understand how he got a big role in the WWF during the boom period when he wasn't good in the ring, was annoying as fuck on the mic, and had a body that Vince should hate. Dundee is attacked on the floor. HTM has blonde hair and a brown mustache. Dream Machine takes a weird bump in the corner. Sullivan looks very similar to Steve Keirn/Skinner from the same time period. HTM also takes a weird corner bump. Sullivan works a bear hug on Dundee. I'm not really feeling this. HTM and Dream aren't good. Jimmy Hart pulls the middle rope down while Dundee is running, sending him crashing to the floor. When he gets back in the ring, Sullivan rolls up him. New champions!



Jerry Lawler vs. Crusher Blackwell 5/4/81

The match starts with Crusher doing a dropkick, which is quite impressive for a man of his size. Stinger Splash. Damn, dude is fast, too. He's probably not even quite as tall as King, but is definitely over 300 pounds. He's billed at 460ish. I'm not sure if that's accurate, but he is very large and can move. He slams King on the floor and continues the assault in the ring. Lariatoooo. Big elbow drop. King is getting decimated in here. King starts firing off punches. Takes about 5 before Crusher goes down. Fist drop. One big punch from Crusher sends King flying. Back suplex. King does one of his own. Standing splash from Crusher. He could have won, but pulled King up. Straps are down! Back body drop. Second rope fist drop. King misses! Crusher misses a splash and King wins! I liked this.



Dutch Mantell vs. Kevin Sullivan 5/9/81

I wonder what made Sullivan give up body building and settle for being a solid, but portly Satanist. Seems like Dutch has had a face turn since the last time we saw him. Did Jimmy Hart manage every heel in Memphis? Sullivan has some weird hold on the mat, trying to get a pin at the same time. Dutch gets out and Sullivan bails. He gets back in the ring and is knocked back out. Atomic drop. Sullivan gets Dutch down and works a headlock. Sullivan posts Dutch and then slams him into the announce table for fun. Sullivan slams Dutch around and goes back to the headlock. LOOK AT THE STRIATIONS! Dutch fires up and nearly gets the win until Sullivan chops him in the throat. Dutch chokes Sullivan with his singlet. Dutch is bumped into Jimmy Hart. Sullivan uses it to roll Dutch up for the win. New champion! Dutch says he's coming for Jimmy.


Blonde Bombers vs. Rick & Robert Gibson Concession Stand Brawl 4/11/80

Rick Gibson is Robert's older brother. Many say the Gibson brothers were an even better team than the RnR Express. When we're shown the footage, it appears to be near the end of the match. Robert is handcuffed to the ropes and Rick is getting pounded on. They jump behind the concession stand and continue the fight. I feel like having bleeding, sweating dudes fighting all over food areas is a pretty big health code violation. Robert finally gets uncuffed. Danny Davis drills him before he can make it to help his brother. Ricky Morton also showed up and get drilled. Eddie Marlin, Jimmy Valiant, and a few other wrestlers get involved. It's not really a match. Rick is trying to max out the Muta Scale here. After the footage is over, Robert Gibson talks with Lance. Rick isn't in much better shape than he was the night before. The handcuffs tore Robert's wrist up pretty badly. Oh shit, the Bombers came out. The fight continues. Bill Dundee, Ricky Morton, and Steve Regal (not that Regal) made the save.


Terry Funk promos. He sent in a promo for King. Jerry Lawler is the son of a jackass. He is a lover of chickens. He has a one track mind like a hog at supper time. But with money instead of food. Although King was pretty tubby, so maybe the food part too, Terry. King has the fans, officials, and police on his side in Memphis. This is the promo for the empty arena match. He doesn't care about the money, he just wants King to personally say that Terry Funk is the better man and better wrestler. This was pretty awesome. Started out really slow and calm and got progressively louder and crazier. We're shown Lawler's reaction to the challenge. There wasn't much of one. He just said okay and walked off. Should have been, "Hey Terry....I'll think about it."

The next promo is from after the empty arena match. Terry is missing some teeth and has permanent eye damage, but King is still afraid to show his face. This is hyping a cage match. He's going to make sure this is King's last match. He has no respect for anyone like Jerry Lawler. He has a hatred for Lawler and he's going to remove that sickness from his mind.

The next promo is Terry interrupting a TV match, looking for King. King was in Florida. YOUUU AREEEE A LIIIIIAAAR. He gets in the ring and knocks the shit out of the guys in the ring. He attacked the faces and heels alike. He starts punching a chair and then slamming it into his own head. I don't know if you guys know this, but Terry Funk is fucking crazy. He's losing his got dang mind. This is now horse country and he will be the biggest stud around. I can definitely see the influence on Foley in this stuff.


Coming up: Japanese invasions, Bobby Eaton and Koko B. Ware, Dutch vs King feud, and Lawler vs Flair.


So not worth it
Listen here Alex Riley, I speak on behalf of WrassleGAF. We think you're once cute lovestruck puppy eye gimmick over AJ Lee has taken a sinister twist now that you've been demasked.

We're frightened for the WWE Superstar Diva Geek Girl, and think the puppyeyes have changed over to creep eyes. I'm saying this to YOUR FACE.

Don't listen to him AJ. There are no Puppies in his van. No puppies.

But AJ's almost 27 :(

I guess I'm going to have to find a new gimmick.

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