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January Wrasslin' |OT| The Assassination of Daniel Bryan by the Coward Vince McMahon

So real talk...

Who would you want to punch in the face most (no consequences, etc.)?

Aiii, you LEGIT disgust me.
It really should. He was fuckin' robbed last year!
Ganon beat him fair and square. You're going to have to eternally hold dat L.
And then he'd punch her in the face. Aiiiii is a sick man. Also, bikini exercise thread is updated.

I feel like posting a "Oh great, here comes WrassleGaf to shit up yet another thread with their unfunny gifs" post. But those gifs are too obscure for normals to recognize as pro wrestling.

You lucked out this time, toolbox.


I have a theory that Aiiiiii was bullied by a girl when he was around 8 and now obsesses over girls that look like they could be in elementary/primary school in hopes that he can punch them as psychic revenge for his young self. BA*.


I don't remember Andre at WM 19. I don't remember WM 19 at all!


Maybe Aiii has a Jeff Jarett complex and the divas are his Chyna


It's your fault we have jiggly jiggly jew now, stro. It would have been forgotten with time, but you just had to bring it back.


Tell me Stro. Do you think wrestling trunks is a secret propaganda by women promoters to sexualize wrestlers or do they actually serve a purpose?


each poster gets one (ONE) post with a gif per page, NeoGAF-gold style.

Should you provide more than one gif per 100 posts, or do a bunch of stupid image quotes of someone else's post with the SAME FRIGGING GIF OVER AND OVER and I will do horrible things to your account privileges.

Thought the midnight wrestle-gaf nonsense would have sorted things out in a way everyone could understand going forward, I gave you folks too much credit :(

if you're sitting at your computer going "hmmmmm I wonder if quoting this particular image one more time is going to get me whacked? that is a mystery" then err on the side of caution and assume that yes, it will backfire mercilessly upon you and your colleagues will gather and laugh about how you got banned for double quoting that cool animated gif of HBK pantomiming playing the skin flute while some fan takes a swing from behind the fence.

one gif per one hundred posts per person, please give me an opportunity to make an example of somebody. I'm begging you.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
I wonder why WWE felt pressured to turn DB face again just because YES was on tv...

Do they think mainstream media is going to cover WWE events just because of YES?

Will we get 2 minute video packages of celebs chanting YES like they force fed us when people waved their hands in front of their face pretending Cena started that jester first? I don't even think anyone younger than the age of 25 really knows what that means and it's not because they "can't see me".

This is the same company that took time on tv to bash a newspaper that said WWE had hired a terrorist.



Just finished up the 1.18 New Japan Fantasticamania! That was a lot better than round 1 a few days ago. I really loved the last 3 matches, especially Rush vs. Nakamura. Some really fun spots in the six man tag w/ Okada as well.

I'm pretty pumped for Ishii and Naito, which might be the first time I've ever been pumped for anything involving Naito.


Straight Edge Society Punk = BEST Punk
I miss that guy a ton.

Triple H is going to have to put some work in to ensure he remains the less tolerable component of his upcoming feud. Which you wouldn't think would be needed seeing how Triple H has been the least tolerable component of any feud he's been a part of since getting squashed by the Ultimate Warrior.
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