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January Wrasslin' |OT| The Assassination of Daniel Bryan by the Coward Vince McMahon


you can be my friend.

We just gotta find 10 more

Great, we are the Kofi and Miz of WrasslinGAF



If I had to guess, I'd imagine that was the spot Miz was normally in when he got into fights in school. He doesn't know any better.


The Jerry Lawler Show

You can/should skip it, but it's up. Maybe watch the Kareem segment for all the slurs.


The Gilbert Family

Eddie Gilbert vs. Ken Raper (3/19/88)

Hot Stuff does a pre match promo spilling the beans that Randy Hales has taken over Eddie Marlin's spot as promoter. The change in Eddie Gilbert from the break up of the New Fabulous Ones to 1988 is staggering. It's like a completely different person. His demeanor, the way he carried himself, even his accent changed. I can tell that Brian Christopher was a huge Eddie Gilbert mark, which is interesting since Eddie was a huge King mark. Lance wanted to show footage of the King/Eddie match, but it is in Eddie's contract that footage of him can't be shown unless he gives permission. Randy refused to allow Missy to join in on color. Eddie confronted Randy about it, calling him out for being power hungry and not realizing who draws DA RATINGS. Hit this string bean, Eddie. HIT HIM! What actually happens is Tommy and Doug Gilbert came out. Tommy attacked Randy while Doug held Lance back. Eddie threw a fire ball. That was quite a scream Randy let out. Included was a promo for Evansville for Lawler vs Gilbert no DQ.


The Parking Lot (3/26/88)

King talks with Lance on the phone. As they were talking, Eddie came out and told King to stop ducking him. He then hangs up on him. Lance is sick of Eddie trying to take over the show. Eddie has taken out King, Bill Dundee, and Jerry Jarrett. The only guy left is Lance Russell. As it turns out, King was on the phone from the parking lot. King is in the building! The fight is on. They fought all the way to the parking lot. They were still fighting after a commercial break. This is the same parking lot where Eddie would run King over with a car. King is body slammed into a wind shield. King would come back into the studio to say he can take anything Eddie can dish out. King threatens Missy Hyatt by showing him piledriving the last YAK who got involved in his matches. King was fired up as fuck and is going to make sure Eddie gets fired up as well.



Doug Gilbert + Eddie Marlin (4/2/88)

Lance talks with Eddie. Eddie says that he can't properly be a booker as long as there are Gilberts around. Doug comes out with one of the worst mullets of all time. Doug blames Eddie for his brother getting burned. Eddie says he had to watch King/Randy/Jerry while they were in pain and he's sick of it. Tommy Gilbert comes out and attacks Eddie with his cowboy boot. Jeff Jarrett would make a save until Gary Young ran out to help the heels. Billy Travis also ran out to event he odds. This is kind of akin to someone beating the shit out of Jack Tunney. Baby Jeff and BT would cut a promo after the break. Eddie came back out and challenged Tommy to a cowboy boot match.

Jerry Lawler vs. Scott Levy (4/9/88)

Eddie had put a big bounty on King. We're shown clips of Hennig vs King, where Curt tried to rebreak King's leg to get the bounty. Scott Levy (Raven) would interfere and get a piledriver. Another masked man showed up with ETHER and tried to kill King. This was assumed to be Eddie Gilbert, but it was never revealed who it was. Lance would talk with Raven in the studio. Raven is SO young and in shape. Eddie didn't pay him, but did offer him a date with Missy Hyatt. But he hasn't had the date yet. Missy comes out and asks if Lance is trying to say that Eddie was reneging. King completely squashed poor Raven. Looks like Raven isn't getting his date. Missy slapped him. Raven looks strikingly similar to a young Matt Hardy.


Eddie Gilbert Promo (4/9/88)

Eddie gives a promo with his back to the camera, presumably because he doesn't want to show his burns. Eddie knows King's family. He knows what King's mom looks like. He turns around to show his burns and says he will have the last laugh.

Some good shit in here. I really can't stress enough how big of a change Eddie Gilbert went through in just a few years. Off hand, I can't think of someone with a more drastic change. Maybe Hogan from generic big guy heel to Hulkamania brotherjackdude coked out of his mind promos.


Decision made. I'll go to the final day of the 16 Carat Gold tournament in March. I'll buy a second row ticket tomorrow.


Jerry Lawler vs The Gilbert Family

I recommend watching all of this. It's only 41 minutes and is full of great stuff.

Also, I had a dream where VINCE was my principal and I got to talk to him about the Memphis stuff while at half time of a school basketball game/convo. We also got served spaghetti for some reason. He had his Pops blazer on it. It was rad. HHH was also there and chastised me for drinking Gatorade when Vince was rolling out his own sports drink.

Jamie OD

Be sure to say hi! Epic WrassleGAF meet-up of two people. :p

Also what are you guys talking about with that Payback stuff? A link for the uneducated please?

A group on Twitch called NewLegacyInc. They usually play the WWE games and often mess around and try to break stuff. A recent stream was just a bunch of random matches they joked would be the entire WM 30 card and last week they continued that idea for Extreme Rules. So they now have their own warped continuity of random angles where they try to figure out why they were booked. Examples include
Sin Cara becoming the GM, teams and stables forming and splitting up out of nowhere and wrestlers cashing in more MitB briefcases than there should be.


A lot of their humour is immature and they have no problem making jokes about people like Benoit, Owen Hart and Debra but they are still very funny streams.


Friend was at a house show last night. Looked pretty good. Punk, Shield, Wyatt, shit even Barrett even though he's rubbish. Wish I would've gone now
Drew Mcaintyre needs a gimmick where nit living up to expectations has affected him. He couldn't live up to the pressure of Vince declaring him yhe chosen one. It can either be a heel,or face.
Guys, I'm going to my first live event ever (RAW in Chicago on March 3rd). Needless to say, I'm pretty excited.

So what should I expect? Being in Chicago, I'm assuming it should be better than average and the crowd should be hot. Any advice for my first show?


Guys, I'm going to my first live event ever (RAW in Chicago on March 3rd). Needless to say, I'm pretty excited.

So what should I expect? Being in Chicago, I'm assuming it should be better than average and the crowd should be hot. Any advice for my first show?

Be prepared for a lot of looking at the screens and seeing actual commercials. Also be prepared for the pyro destroying your ears. Try not to look at the stage or follow camera men, because they will absolutely ruin the surprise of any run in. You'll hear the same 30 seconds of the Raw theme all night. You'll also see people make their jobber entrances in the dark while a video is playing and then the show comes back on as if their music had been playing the whole time. Shield will hold their pose for what seems like an hour. You'll also see the replays of what happened on the app all night. The things you just saw.
Be prepared for a lot of looking at the screens and seeing actual commercials. Also be prepared for the pyro destroying your ears. Try not to look at the stage or follow camera men, because they will absolutely ruin the surprise of any run in. You'll hear the same 30 seconds of the Raw theme all night. You'll also see people make their jobber entrances in the dark while a video is playing and then the show comes back on as if their music had been playing the whole time. Shield will hold their pose for what seems like an hour. You'll also see the replays of what happened on the app all night. The things you just saw.

...but it's going to be fun...right?

Guys, I'm going to my first live event ever (RAW in Chicago on March 3rd). Needless to say, I'm pretty excited.

So what should I expect? Being in Chicago, I'm assuming it should be better than average and the crowd should be hot. Any advice for my first show?

Always cover your ears when you know someone's entrance involves pyro or you'll regret it. Most people forget the show starts with a shit ton of pyro so cover up for that lol
An episode of Portland wrestling;

Pacific Northwest Wrestling - (Portland 1982.05.22)

. Matt Bourne vs Brett Sawyer - 02:54
. David Schultz vs Chris Adams - 21:32
. David Schultz interview - 36:20
. Mike Miller & Dizzy Hogan vs Brett Sawyer & Tommy Rogers - 2/3 Falls - 40:22
. Rip Oliver & Matt Bourne interview - 59:33
. Curt Hennig interview - 01:11:26
. Brett Sawyer & Tommy Rogers interview - 01:23:53

Bourne vs Sawyer and the 2/3 falls match are both fairly good, worth a watch.
TV Tapings are horrible. So stop-start. That stupid out of the ring spot they do to go to commercial is overplayed and kills the live crowd as NOTHING happens.
El Desperado debuted another finisher at Fantasticamania this morning; La Guitarra de la Muerte - not sure if he used it just because it'd be real hard getting a guy the size of Vangelis up for Guittara de Angel, or if he switched moves because he almost killed BUSHI twice with it, lol. Here's both of them, neither look particularly safe;

La Guitarra de Angel;


La Guitarra de la Muerte;

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