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January Wrasslin' |OT| The Assassination of Daniel Bryan by the Coward Vince McMahon



LOL. That's really good. I honestly haven't noticed.


Wrestle Kingdom was pretty much on par with Wrestlemania in terms of production values (and anything WK lacked in budget they made up for in creativity), which is insane given the vast gap in size between NJPW and WWE.
Wrestle Kingdom was pretty much on par with Wrestlemania in terms of production values (and anything WK lacked in budget they made up for in creativity), which is insane given the vast gap in size between NJPW and WWE.

can't wait to catch up. avoided the OT since i wanna go in fresh.


I'd rather it was a Disney/NJPW crossover. Donald thinks he's out of danger when suddenly BOMA YE outta nowhere.


WWE Best PPV Matches of 2011 (3 Disc Set)

Disc 1
1) Royal Rumble (Jan 30th 2011) – Edge vs. Dolph Ziggler (World Heavyweight Championship Match) ***1/2
2) Elimination Chamber (Feb 20th 2011) – Kane vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Wade Barrett vs. The Big Show vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Edge (World Heavyweight Championship Match) ***1/2
3) Wrestlemania 27 (Apr 3rd 2011) – Cody Rhodes vs. Rey Mysterio **1/2
4) Wrestlemania 27 (Apr 3rd 2011) – The Undertaker vs. HHH (No Holds Barred Match) ***1/4

Disc 1 Thoughts: Ziggler vs. Edge started extremely slowly but thankfully came to together in a great way by the end, same can be said about the elimination chamber match which only became worthwhile once Drew McIntyre got in there and started flinging people around. They managed to make something special from the chamber match allowing the final two to work but it did take its time. No idea at all why Rhodes vs. Mysterio is on the set, it certainly wasn’t bad but just a run of mill match. As for HHH vs. Undertaker it was a good match though within minutes, literal minutes they are selling like they have been battling for hours and it just makes it a do a move, rest, do a move, rest, kind of affair, which severally neutered its impact. It had the drama and ring work for the most part but it was not this exceptional contest everyone hailed it as being, that instead came a year later.

Disc 2
5) Extreme Rules (May 1st 2011) – Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio (World Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match) ***3/4
6) Capitol Punishment (June 19th 2011) – Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk ***1/2
7) Money in the Bank 2011 (July 17th 2011) – Rey Mysterio vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Alex Riley vs. Evan Bourne vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. The Miz vs. R-Truth vs. Jack Swagger ***
8) Money in the Bank 2011 (July 17th 2011) – CM Punk vs John Cena (WWE Championship Match) ****3/4

Disc 2 Thoughts: The Christian Ladder match was less about the spots and more about the drama and I feel it really paid off. Mysterio vs. Punk had genuine moments of greatness though it didn’t quite take that next step it still was very enjoyable and satisfying. I really believe the wrong Money in the Bank ladder match was included on a DVD set that proclaims it’s the Best PPV Matches of 2011, why not give Daniel Bryan his due especially as the match given was a little underwhelming while still having plenty of flashy spots. Now on to the Match of the Year that was CM Punk vs. John Cena. It is still fucking glorious and truly magnificent in every way possible, the insane crowd and storyline payoff make for one outstanding match. It gave something for everyone and they both shone creating a forever lasting memorable match.

Disc 3
9) SummerSlam (Aug 14th 2011) – Christian vs. Randy Orton (World Heavyweight Championship No Holds Barred Match) ****1/4
10) Night of Champions (Sept 18th 2011) – Mark Henry vs. Randy Orton (World Heavyweight Championship Match) **1/4
11) Night of Champions (Sept 18th 2011) – CM Punk vs. HHH (No DQ Match) ***
12) Hell in a Cell (Oct 2nd 2011) – Beth Phoenix vs. Kelly Kelly (Diva’s Championship Match) **
13) Hell in a Cell (Oct 2nd 2011) – Alberto Del Rio vs. CM Punk vs John Cena (WWE Championship Hell in a Cell Match) **3/4
14) Vengeance (Oct 23rd 2011) – Big Show vs. Mark Henry (World Heavyweight Title Match) **1/2

Disc 3 Thoughts: Orton vs. Christian was exceptional and an all out wild fight and it totally took me my surprise. I really, really enjoyed it and could I not with how hard they both worked. The Mark Henry moment was ok I guess, I suppose as match it was passable but exactly what you would expect. HHH vs. Punk was more about a brawl rather than a straight up match and while we were treated to some cool spots, it didn’t have the full lasting impact I was expecting. It still entertained in its own overbooked way and help set up a potential rematch, if one ever happened as it left quite a lot in reserve. We get treated to a Divas match and it was a totally acceptable match, it was given quite a decent chunk of time too.

On paper a three way Hell in a Cell match seems like fun but since the cell is barely used for anything it just makes for an awkward match, where more could have been achieved with just a standard match. There was very little in regards to momentum or even anything interesting until the final stretch so it was hard to get behind either wrestler and care about their comebacks. They seemingly did try and it certainly was decent it just never reached any high point. Oh joy, next up is another Mark Henry match and it is against The Big Show and to my surprise it was far more entertaining than I would have expected. They did have nearfalls the crowd cared about and a huge awesome moment with the ring imploding so i’ll take it.

For whatever weird ass reason we don’t get any Survivor Series or TLC PPV coverage which, dumbfounds me even further when obviously they aren’t on the 2012 set either, which makes the set feel incomplete. A bit of a mix bag overall but still enough here to enjoy.


WWE Best PPV Matches of 2011 (3 Disc Set)

Disc 1
1) Royal Rumble (Jan 30th 2011) – Edge vs. Dolph Ziggler (World Heavyweight Championship Match) ***1/2
2) Elimination Chamber (Feb 20th 2011) – Kane vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Wade Barrett vs. The Big Show vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Edge (World Heavyweight Championship Match) ***1/2
3) Wrestlemania 27 (Apr 3rd 2011) – Cody Rhodes vs. Rey Mysterio **1/2
4) Wrestlemania 27 (Apr 3rd 2011) – The Undertaker vs. HHH (No Holds Barred Match) ***1/4

Disc 1 Thoughts: Ziggler vs. Edge started extremely slowly but thankfully came to together in a great way by the end, same can be said about the elimination chamber match which only became worthwhile once Drew McIntyre got in there and started flinging people around. They managed to make something special from the chamber match allowing the final two to work but it did take its time. No idea at all why Rhodes vs. Mysterio is on the set, it certainly wasn’t bad but just a run of mill match. As for HHH vs. Undertaker it was a good match though within minutes, literal minutes they are selling like they have been battling for hours and it just makes it a do a move, rest, do a move, rest, kind of affair, which severally neutered its impact. It had the drama and ring work for the most part but it was not this exceptional contest everyone hailed it as being, that instead came a year later.

McIntyre was absolutely awesome in that Elimination Chamber match. A shame that it really didn't lead to anything for him, as I still feel that he has the talent to do something besides 3MB.

I liked Rhodes vs. Mysterio when I saw it live in the Georgia Dome, haven't seen it since then.

Still absolutely love Taker/HHH and will never forget the Tombstone spot and the subsequent reaction from the live crowd.


Ezekiel Jackson is still under WWE contract??? Apparently the story is he was able to work out so hard while coming back from an injury that he re-injured himself and is getting surgery today or tomorrow. Honestly, going by a photograph he tweeted, I can believe it. He's enormous.
Ezekiel Jackson is still under WWE contract??? Apparently the story is he was able to work out so hard while coming back from an injury that he re-injured himself and is getting surgery today or tomorrow. Honestly, going by a photograph he tweeted, I can believe it. He's enormous.

Forgot to mention, as I read it while Wrestle Kingdom was on, but was this posted already?

The feeling this week is that when Roman Reigns does his babyface turn and split from the Shield, likely in February, that he'll be replaced with a new guy in the group. The name
Mason Ryan
has been thrown around as a possibility.

Jeff Jarrett Junior - Triple J. The hero of Wrestling.

That's just the tip of the iceberg....what is there's a Konnan Jr. out there somewhere? Just waiting to horrify audiences worldwide.

I don't think I've ever hated a wrestler as much as Jeff Jarret. Fuck that guy.

Fucking THIS. I don't think I've enjoyed anything he's ever done, except for beating Hogan bloody with a guitar at that press conference in Japan and the brief MMA Jarrett phase he went through.


I'm legit pumped for Old School Raw just for the intro and then the shots of the crowd while the sirens continue to play.

WERE LIVE IN ALBANY, NY!!!!! Tonight, Bret Hart speaks live via satellite from the set of Lonesome Dove!

Jamie OD

He was Vince McMahon's "Chosen One"...does that mean Vince doesn't know shit all about picking future stars?

The thing is I don't remember McMahon coming out and saying that, it was just McIntyre telling everyone he was Vince's guy. I always thought the gimmick would end when the two finally met and Vince just asks him "Who the hell are you? You said you are my chosen one? You're fiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrred!"


I only enjoyed Jarrett when he was tagging with Owen and they had Debra managing them.
And that's entirely due to Owen being awesome.

In fact, I think the only time Jarrett was genuinely cheered by the WWE crowd was on the RAW the night following Owen's death when he proclaimed "Owen Hart never was a nugget" before defeating Test with the sharpshooter.

The thing is I don't remember McMahon coming out and saying that, it was just McIntyre telling everyone he was Vince's guy. I always thought the gimmick would end when the two finally met and Vince just asks him "Who the hell are you? You said you are my chosen one? You're fiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrred!"
Nope, Vince really did come out and declare McIntyre to be his guy. Even called him a future WWE World Heavyweight Champion. And we're still waiting.


He allowed Miz to leave Wrestlemania's main event as WWE Champion. Does that answer your question?

Miz was probably the last great heel WWE Champion, so I would say that is a non issue.

I still rather have Vince calling the shots then some of the absurdness I see in here. Vince only has problems with racism and the ladies.



Best of Memphis in the 80s Part 6

Bill Dundee & Jerry Lawler vs. Adrian Street & Apocalypse (11/27/82)

I'm not sure who Apocalypse is. There are a number of guys who went by the name, but the vignette before the promo is exactly like the Barry Windham Stalker promos the WWF did in 1996. Except done with a cam corder, probably in the woods behind either the Lawler or Jarrett estate. Actually, this is so much better. Besides being filmed in the woods behind someones house, it features a dude with weird face paint using nun chucks in Wayne Manner, a terrible voice over, and Flight of the Valkyries. It's very Memphis. The basic idea is that he's a great solider trained in everything you can be trained in and came back from war offering his services to the highest bidder.



Street and King start the match. Street skips and dances around, making King and the studio audience laugh. King doesn't take him seriously and gets a series of forearms in the chest. King does some gay strutting of his own. Dundee falls off the apron laughing. Street was talking with Cornette about how mad he was and King blind sided him. Apocalypse and Dundee are in and the tone changes a bit. Corny is pulled into the ring and punched by Dundee. Dundee and King are declared the winners of the first fall by DQ since Corny was in the ring. Street and Dundee start the second fall. Street wins it with a quick roll up a few seconds into the fall. 1-1. Dundee gets on the mic to say how disgusting he thinks Street is and says that if you're fat, you don't tell fat jokes. Apocalypse is double teamed at the start of the third fall, but he turns it around pretty quickly. Street has solid European uppercuts. King gets tired of the double teaming and fires up. Dundee gives Miss Linda a big kiss. It distracts Street and King rolls him up to win the match. Street is pissed at Linda and drags her to the back by her hair.


Jerry Lawler/Bill Dundee/Dutch Mantell/Terry Taylor vs. Bobby Eaton/Sweet Brown Sugar/Rick McGraw/Sabu (12/4/82)

Not the well known Sabu. This Sabu was more well known as Cocoa Samoa and wrestled mostly in the Pacific Northwest. He starts out with Dundee. All the heels make quick tags and take turns on Dundee. Hot tag to Terry Taylor. He's cut off with some eye pokes and other assorted cheap shots. King and Dutch double team Bobby Eaton. Eaton is able to make a tag to Koko. As they lock up, Eaton comes back in with a knee to Dutch's back. It breaks down for a bit with everyone in the ring. It appears King and McGraw are the legal men. King gets the first fall with a sunset flip. Eaton and King start the second fall. Suplex from King. Dropkick. Sabu comes in and gets an atomic drop. Jimmy Hart tries to claim this is was a low blow. Koko knocks King over the top rope with a punch and things again break down on the floor. I must have missed the finish, but the faces won the second fall as well.

Ronnie Garvin vs. Lanny Poffo (ICW 1982/83)

I'm not exactly sure why ICW stuff is included on this set. Especially since it is only this match and the next one. ICW is the Poffo run outlaw promotion. Angelo Poffo, of course, being the father of Lanny Poffo and Randy Savage. They were unaffliated with any association or alliance and ended up being direct competition to the CWA before going under and being absorbed into the CWA. Garvin works a tight headlock on Lanny. Lanny is quite a bit more defined than he was in the WWF, but also a bit thinner. Garvin throws Lanny to the floor and won't let him back in the ring. When he finally gets back in the ring, Garvin beats him down with cheap shots. Lanny fires back with some punches and has Garvin begging off. Back drop. Elbow and a punch, followed with a standing back flip. Weirdly, Lanny is doing the commentary for the match. Lanny fights out of a piledriver, but not the sunset flip. He's able to use his weird flexibility to roll through a crucifix. Garvin does a bear hug, which Lanny counters with a a guillotine. Garvin runs him into the corner to break it. Big body slam. Lanny gets back into it with an abdominal stretch. He's quickly thrown back o the floor. They brawl on the floor for a bit and Garvin is sent into the ring post a few times. Flipping senton from Lanny. Moonsault! Definitely not a lot of guys in the US doing moonsaults in 1983. Garvin kicks out. Sleeper from Lanny. Rope break. Mid ring collision sends Lanny to the floor. Garvin gets a chain out. He hits Lanny and wins via count out.



Ronnie Garvin vs. Randy Savage Steel Cage Match (ICW 1982/83)

Lanny does commentary for this as well. Maybe he did the commentary for all of their shows. Savage comes out to Fame by Irene Cara, Sin Cara's aunt. His beard is bigger than it would be in the WWF/WCW and his robe has fucking dragons on it. They lock up and Garvin immediately backs Savage into the corner. Savage fights out and locks on a standing guillotine. It goes to the mat and Macho really wrenches the neck. Garvin gets up, throws some bombs, and then works a school boy like a submission hold. Macho is sent into the cage. Again. One more time. He's been busted open. Garvin does what he can to open the wound further. Savage fights back with eye rakes and sends Garvin into the cage. He then awkwardly trips over Garvin. He starts firing off punches and makes a pin, but Garvin is able to get two rope breaks. Savage misses the flying elbow. Big elbow from Garvin. Top rope knee drop to the throat from Garvin. Stuck the landing. Macho kicks out. He fights off a piledriver, but is shoved into the ref. Garvin takes the ref's belt off and throws a punch with the belt buckle sticking out. He then begins choking Savage with it. Savage gets the belt off and goes to town with it. However, his fire is put out when he gets back dropped into the cage. Garvin goes back up top, but Savage crotches him. Piledriver. Macho Man wins. He was attacked by Pez Whatley after the match. Lanny ran down to make the save.



Bobby Eaton/Sweet Brown Sugar vs. Jacques Rougeau/Terry Taylor (1/1/83)

The Rooster and Eaton start out. Mustard colored tights aren't a good look on anyone, Bobby. They have an even exchange with drop downs, slams, arm drags, and kick offs. Koko tags in and goes right into a headlock take down. Shoulder block from Taylor and a tag to the Mountie. Pretty solid kip up from Mountie. Test of strength. Mountie wins and does a huge monkey flip. Standing drop kick. Koko begs off and tags out. Mountie and Eaton fight over side headlocks. Bobby gets out, hits a jab, and tags out. Hot tag to Taylor. Eaton stops it with an elbow right to the bean. I notice a regular spot in Eaton matches is a guy getting a hot tag and him cutting it off about 10 seconds in. Slingshot into a powerslam. Great knee drop from Eaton. Koko works a rolling and grounded cobra clutch. Hot tag to Mountie. Second rope missile dropkick on Koko for the win.


Bill Dundee vs. Adrian Street/Miss Linda/Jim Cornette Lumberjack Strap Match (2/6/83)

The ref hides behind Dundee when Street flirts with him. Street chases him all around the ring trying to play grab ass. Street rolls out of an arm bar and keeps rolling, then prances around. Linda gets knocked off the apron and whipped. Corny also gets some. From what I can see, the Fabulous Ones, King, and Terry Taylor are lumberjacks. There may be more. It's pretty crazy that a woman is in this and getting strapped just as much as the men. It's your typical lumberjack strap match, and since all the lumberjacks are faces, the fans are super into various heels getting strapped around every few minutes. It's mostly a comedy match. Street hits a piledriver. Neck breaker. Corny gets his nose exploded at some point. Dundee won with his rebound cross body.

BONUS: Nick Bockwinkel Promos 1982

It starts out with footage of King pinning Bock (whose feet were on the ropes) to win the AWA Championship. The reaction from the fans was amazing. Bock jumped out after the match and cut an angry promo to Lance. The officiating in the South is ridiculous! The bottom ropes in this area is 6 inches higher than regulation. He uses more big words, mentions how he doesn't want this tape to wind up missing like some Nixon editing job, and how this issue isn't resolved. His feet were on the ropes!

I like the AWA Championship. TNA totally aped it for their current title. He doesn't care that King has a win over him in the past.

We're shown highlights of the match. Actually, this looks like one of the matches from earlier on the disc. I'm not sure if this is from 1982 or 1984, but it is a music video that makes it look pretty boss. Definitely 1982. This is the match where King made the pin and the bell rang, but it was declared a DQ. Bock spoke with Lance about an hour after that. Bock gives a really interesting promo about how long it takes to unwind after a big match and that he's been informed a rematch is coming. He could put it off with all the games and bureaucracy. He's in pain now, but after tomorrow, he'll probably be eating soup for a few days. He dominated the match with wrestling, but all King knows how to do is punch. He's going to bring the rematch up quick, but with the stipulations that King must pay $500 per punch he throws. This is a great promo and I really want to see this match. King would agree to the match. He's shooting for 20 or less punches, which would be worth it to win the title. He agreed to the punch stipulation as long as he could get another ref, one that wouldn't get knocked out. The second ref would be Austin Idol.

We're shown highlights of the match, which featured a ref bump, a second ref tackling Jimmy Hart, and Idol counting a fall for King. However, Bock was thrown over the top rope and the title was held up.

Coming up: The Fabulous Ones, The Moondogs, Jesse Ventura, Stan Hansen, heel Dundee, and Savage vs King.
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