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January Wrasslin' |OT| The Assassination of Daniel Bryan by the Coward Vince McMahon

Having not watch wrestling since Cena squashed Sandow for his MitB - Youtube tells me that was Oct 28 - I feel like giving it a go tonight, Old School stuff cannot be bad. I might be even about to stand Cena if he does his old gimmick,

I feel like there is more stuff they could do to make me happy than to make me sad.



Best of Memphis in the 80s Part 10

Rock N Roll Express vs. Lanny Poffo & Randy Savage (7/9/84)

Pretty solid way to kick off the second half of the disc. Their first match was really fun. Morton and Savage start the match. Savage attacks and runs him into the corner right away, but a huge right hand puts a stop to everything. Morton gets a fist up for the ax handle, then tags Gibson in, who immediately does a sunset flip. In comes Lanny. Lots of stalling from the Poffos. Dropkick from Morton. Savage comes in, throws Morton to the floor, and does an ax handle as Lanny prances on the apron. Lanny just moves so...strangely. Not even effeminately or anything like that. He moves like he's made of rubber. Morton has settled into FIP mode. Savage tries to piledrive Morton through the table again. It was reversed and Savage bounced off the table because Memphis gets their tables from Japan. Hot tag to Gibson. Angelo takes his boot off and starts pounding Gibson, causing a DQ. Morton went after him and Randy went insane over it.


Tommy Rich vs. Masao Ito (7/9/84)

Ito is a generic evil Japanese brute in America kind of deal. Nerve holds and chops. A lot of them. Nothing of note. Jimmy Hart kept interfering and Rich kept kicking out. Tojo then gives Rich salt to throw, and Rich gets the win after using it.

Jerry Lawler vs. King Kong Bundy $10,000 Challenge (7/16/84)

Bundy hits the avalanche in the corner before the bell even rings. I assume the challenge is $10K if King can slam him. He continues to squash King around the ring. King goes face first into the ring post. Bear hug. Bundy misses an elbow drop. King gets Bundy to chase him around the ring. Bundy finally gets a hold of him, but he's tired. He misses a splash. The strap comes down and King fires off some punches. Rick Rude jumped on the apron and also got decked. Bundy got an international object from Jimmy Hart and hit King with it to score a win.



Randy Savage vs. Rick Rude (9/3/84)

Savage cuts a promo before the match, but it's too hard to make out what he was saying. Regardless, he's in CWA and is now a face. Or at least getting face reactions and facing heels. He chases Rude and Hart out of he ring. Rude also does some promo work that is hard to hear. A lot of stalling and avoiding. Savage chases Jimmy well into the crowd. The ref is terrible. He checks Rude for weapons and somehow misses the weapon in the knee pad that Rude then puts in his tights. They have a pose off before finally locking up. Savage gets a top wrist lock and a long airplane spin. Rude throws Savage over the top while Hart has the ref distracted. Savage also went into the ring post. Snake eyes. Lariatooo. Rude randomly rubs the ref's bald head. Savage fires up with 10 count head smash in the corner. He throws Rude to the floor and nails the ax handle. Cross body in the ring. King Kong Bundy comes out and hits Savage with a chain or something. The ref was out with Jimmy Hart I think. Rude wins.



Jerry Lawler/Randy Savage vs. King Kong Bundy/Rick Rude (9/10/84)

Former bitter rivals turned partners. King and Rude start the match. Savage gets a hold of Rude from the apron. He tags out to Bundy. Bundy was massive here. I think he was bigger than his WWF run. He runs into Rude on accident. King and Savage are just too fast for Bundy. Rude and Savage have another pose off. No offense from the heels. Just continually being shown up. Rude finally gets an eye rake on King. He then attempts a piledriver that Savage breaks up. These heels are bumbling idiots. Airplane spin. He should have tried it on Bundy. Bundy gets some offense on King. Spinning neck breaker from Rude. Not quite a Rude Awakening. Piledriver on King. King fires up on Bundy. Savage starts swinging at everyone and hits the ref as well. They all start brawling on the floor, with the steps and chairs being used, but the match is thrown out.

Jerry Lawler/Randy Savage vs. King Kong Bundy/Rick Rude No DQ (9/17/84)

This had a promo before it with Savage walking around with signs and confetti. No stalling for this one. Right into the action. Rude is thrown over the top and hit with a chair. Ax handle to the floor. Inverted atomic drop on King. Just brawling around. Bundy puts the table on King and stands on it. Piledriver on Rude. Bundy splashes the ref to break the pin. A second ref is brought out and Jimmy Hart prevents him from counting, but the original ref counts a fall for Rude on the other side of the ring.



Dutch Mantell vs. Eddie Gilbert (9/17/84)

Dutch gets Eddie to the mat and locks on a side headlock. Mid ring collision sends Eddie to the floor. Dutch suplexes him back in. Back to the headlock. Eddie gets up and they throw some punches, ending with a near back drop drivaaaah. Dutch gets his leg wrapped around the ring post. Eddie then uses a chair and the ropes to continue to work the leg. Figure four. Dutch gets pissed and knocks Eddie to the floor, then slams his face into the table a few times. Eddie gets a roll up with his feet on the ropes. Eddie won a title because every damn match on this set is a title match, apparently. King has won or lost a title in every singles match on this set. The ref was told of Eddie using the ropes, so the match was restarted. Dutch quickly won with a roll up. Eddie delivered a DDT after the match.


Dirty White Boys vs. Randy Savage/Mark Batten (10/13/84)

Finally, a studio match. I prefer the studio stuff. The wrestling is tighter and faster paced in the studio. Batten starts out. Tony Anthony would be doing the Dirty White Boy gimmick 10 years later in the USWA. It's kind of the reverse Road Warriors, where Animal started out as The Road Warrior, then Hawk joined the team. I don't know who Batten is. He gets his ass kicked for most of the match. Hot tag to Savage. Maybe it wasn't a tag, since Batten was pinned moments later to lose the first fall. Batten continues to get his ass kicked in the second fall. DWBs are disqualified in the second fall for hitting Savage with a chair. Savage would then get tied up in the ropes and beaten until Some dudes tried to save him, only to be thrown out of the ring. Eddie Marlin came out to stop it and they didn't listen to him. There was a promo with Savage for the upcoming match. Jimmy Valiant is his street brother and they are going to rip eye balls out.

BONUS: Breakup of New Fabulous Ones

Eddie is in a rocking chair at I assume a grandma's house, talking about how he's hurt and angry. He got sick of Tommy Rich taking all the credit for their team. Eddie was hurt that Rich picked Tojo instead of him to manage him for Rich's International Championship match. Once Rich won a singles title, he had no plans to go after the tag titles again and instead went for another singles title. Eddie let King Kong Bundy use a chain against Rich. He's never going to be Rich's partner ever again.

We then get a promo with Jackie Fargo and Tommy Rich. Fargo will be Rich's partner for I think an upcoming tournament. Some weird undertones with Fargo calling himself Big Daddy and calling Rich Baby, while saying he'd never leave him. Maybe they were overtones.

Another Rich promo. Eddie had busted Rich open.

We're then shown two fans presenting a tag team of the year award to Gilbert and Rich. The voting went on for the whole year, even if the team isn't together right now. Eddie accepts the award and takes the chance to shit all over Tommy for being too much of a big shot to even come to TV anymore now that he's International Champion. As it turned out, he WAS there and knocked the shit out of Eddie. Eddie got to say some words after the break, still covered in blood. He feels like maybe he has done something wrong and maybe he was jealous. He asks for Tommy to come out to apologize. Tommy came out and they hugged. As they were walking to the back, Eddie attacked. SWERVE!

Coming up: More Savage, the return of Adrian Street, a new version of the Sheepherders, Bruiser Brody, and The Freebirds.
Having not watch wrestling since Cena squashed Sandow for his MitB - Youtube tells me that was Oct 28 - I feel like giving it a go tonight, Old School stuff cannot be bad. I might be even about to stand Cena if he does his old gimmick,

I feel like there is more stuff they could do to make me happy than to make me sad.
That was my B Day. I broke my hand in frustration.
Anyone else think hey will go naito/ tanahashi route? Naito can blame tanahashi for Ruoning is dream of main eventing the Tokyo dome

Also Kane and taker vs the shield makes the most Snes e for mania. Taker has beef for injuring him. Kane has beef with reins for bearing his elimination record and beati. Him for the tag titles


Having not watch wrestling since Cena squashed Sandow for his MitB - Youtube tells me that was Oct 28 - I feel like giving it a go tonight, Old School stuff cannot be bad. I might be even about to stand Cena if he does his old gimmick,

I feel like there is more stuff they could do to make me happy than to make me sad.

Exactly the same for me. WWE finally managed to really break me.
Hopefully I'll be able to watch until WM.
slightconfuse said:
Anyone else think hey will go naito/ tanahashi route? Naito can blame tanahashi for Ruoning is dream of main eventing the Tokyo dome

I really don't know where Naito's going, but his match with Ishii will be a good indication - I think they're reluctant to turn him heel, as he seems to do quite well for them, merchandise wise, especially with the younger fans. Also, while I'd really like Ishii to win the NEVER title, I could see Tanahashi defending against Nakamura, Naito defending against Ishii and then challenging Tanahashi to a unification match. The NEVER title is pretty worthless, especially as they no longer run the NEVER student shows, and a feud with Tanahashi resulting in an IC title run would be good for Naito. Alternatively, Nakamura wins the IC title back and Naito feuds with him.
Don't know if anyone has seen it, but there is a New Japan show on 2/2 at K Hall that features a Goto/Tanahashi/Naito vs Ishii/Okada/Nakamura match as the main event, and this match may be the greatest thing of all time.

Naito needs to show some killer instinct

I vote he starts by throwing Yujiro off the damn Seibu Dome :p

Poor Yujiro :(

The situation with Naito's weird - he comes out and there's a whole bunch of kids with Naito merch and women screaming for him, but then every time he does try and be a bit more aggressive, he gets booed for it. Even when it's against supposed heels like Nakamura, Okada & Ishii.

Tanner1495 said:
Don't know if anyone has seen it, but there is a New Japan show on 2/2 at K Hall that features a Goto/Tanahashi/Naito vs Ishii/Okada/Nakamura match as the main event, and this match may be the greatest thing of all time.


That should be awesome, the Ishii/Naito interactions were great in the main event of the New Year's Dash show yesterday;



Having not watch wrestling since Cena squashed Sandow for his MitB - Youtube tells me that was Oct 28 - I feel like giving it a go tonight, Old School stuff cannot be bad. I might be even about to stand Cena if he does his old gimmick,

I feel like there is more stuff they could do to make me happy than to make me sad.

they will find a way to crush your enthusiasm!
NJPW desperately needs a figure line. Nakamura was born for this since Japan has an obsession of including multiple facial expressions with their figures...


Cool that they're getting Austin. Hopefully that means all the Attitude Era shows will be up day one, at least.

If you can watch any show uncensored that be great.

Maybe even create some sort of category system.

Like say you just want to watch HHH or something. You know.

edit: I hope it's a decent price too. Heck Austin might even stop watching pirated stuff on youtube.
This is the WWE Network stuff, right? Hopefully it's what everyone wants it to be - a Netflix type service.

Please, I'll sign up day 1 if so.

If you can watch any show uncensored that be great.

Maybe even create some sort of category system.

Like say you just want to watch HHH or something. You know.

edit: I hope it's a decent price too. Heck Austin might even stop watching pirated stuff on youtube.

3MB's Greatest Hits.
Goldberg's Run.


So is this a CES announcement?

edit: I see and related

The WWE is reportedly no longer going to attempt to erase the memory of Chris Benoit.

According to a report from F4Wonline.com, WWE sent out a memo stating that footage of Benoit will be allowed to air on its new network, but with a caveat. There will reportedly be an advisory played before every piece of video he appears on.

Benoit murdered his wife and son before committing suicide in June of 2007. Since then, WWE has taken measures to all but erase him from the history books and has used archived footage of him only when it absolutely had to.

WWE is expected to announce the launch of its new network at the Consumer Electronics Show Jan. 8 in Las Vegas.

Read more at http://www.philly.com/philly/blogs/...enoit-on-new-network.html#jCi2ItEoPhHf4Amp.99

guess I missed the news...
Are they gonna edit out all the WWF mentions or Chris Benoit appearances, the fans ask





So not worth it
If you can watch any show uncensored that be great.

Maybe even create some sort of category system.

Like say you just want to watch HHH or something. You know.

edit: I hope it's a decent price too. Heck Austin might even stop watching pirated stuff on youtube.

Rumors are it's going to be between 9,99 and 14,99.

Are they gonna edit out all the WWF mentions or Chris Benoit appearances, the fans ask

No, they're adding an advisory message before any footage with Benoit in it.


Are they gonna edit out all the WWF mentions or Chris Benoit appearances, the fans ask

As seen above, Benoit is back in with a warning. The WWF logo/mentions has been slowly reinserted into videos on WWE's Youtube, so no more blurring and bleeps.

The only problem I see coming is the licensed music. Especially during the early 00s era.
Poor Yujiro :(

The situation with Naito's weird - he comes out and there's a whole bunch of kids with Naito merch and women screaming for him, but then every time he does try and be a bit more aggressive, he gets booed for it. Even when it's against supposed heels like Nakamura, Okada & Ishii.

That should be awesome, the Ishii/Naito interactions were great in the main event of the New Year's Dash show yesterday;


Yujiro can just go back to banging fat chicks!

Naito is baller, but I can't wait for him to go full dickhole on people. Fuck the kids!
I don't mind that Benoit isn't going to be edited out, as there's too much content that just wouldn't make sense if they Noob'd him. ECW, WCW & WWE. No idea if they'll have any Japan footage of him.

What he did at the end of his life was and still is terrible, and if I'm honest contributed to small break I had from wrestling around that time. However, part of wrestling is the suspension of belief and detaching yourself from the real person and believing in the character, so I guess that'll help slightly when it comes to watching the wrestler Chris Benoit again.


The best part about the -11 temp right now is that I can sit a drink on my window sill and have it ice cold in a few minutes. Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. Diet Coke not quite cold enough? Put in on the window sill for 4 minutes.


Fantasticamania cards have been announced and there's some good stuff there

***CMLL NJPW FantasticaMania 2014***
1) Bushiroad & Titán vs Taichi & Taka Michinoku
2) Fuego, Rey Cometa, Stuka Jr. vs Niebla Roja, Shigeo Okumura, Vangellys
3) Jushin Liger & Máximo vs Gedo & Jado
4) Naito & Volador Jr. vs Kushida & Máscara Dorada
5) La Sombra & Rush vs Shinsuke Nakamura & Último Guerrero
6) El Desperado, Hiroshi Tanahashi, Mistico vs Mephisto, Okada, Rey Escorpión

El Desperado immeaditely out of the gate with the big boys! Volador and Mascara Dorada going up against on another!

1) Bushiroad & Titán vs Gedo & Jado
2) Fuego, Rey Cometa, Stuka Jr. vs Rey Escorpión, Shigeo Okumura, Vangellys
3) Jushin Liger & Máximo vs Taichi & Taka Michinoku
4) Kushida & Volador Jr. vs Máscara Dorada & Naito
5) Mistico & Rush vs Mephisto & Shinsuke Nakamura
6) El Desperado, Hiroshi Tanahashi, La Sombra vs Niebla Roja, Okada, Último Guerrero

Another big trios for Desperado. Brothers team up vs Mephisto and Nakamura and more Volador and Mascara Dorada going up against on another!

1) Fuego, Rey Cometa, Stuka Jr. vs Shigeo Okumura, Taichi, Taka Michinoku
2) Máscara Dorada & Titán vs Mephisto & Vangellys
3) Rey Escorpión vs Máximo [CMLL LH]
Rey Escorpion is champion. Sixth defense.
4) Mistico & Rush vs Niebla Roja & Último Guerrero
5) La Sombra vs Volador Jr. [lightning]

Rey Escorpion with probably another great title match and then La Sombra and Volador's first interaction with each other since Volador turned technico.

1) Máximo vs Taichi vs Jado
2) Rey Cometa & Stuka Jr. vs Shigeo Okumura & Yujiro
3) Fuego, Kushida, Tiger Mask, Titán vs Niebla Roja, Rey Escorpión, Vangellys, YOSHI-HASHI
4) Bushiroad & Volador Jr. vs El Desesperado & Máscara Dorada
5) Rush vs Shinsuke Nakamura
6) Hiroshi Tanahashi, La Sombra, Naito vs Ishii, Okada, Último Guerrero
7) Mephisto vs Mistico [MEX LH]
Mephisto is champion.

Rush vs Nakamura! Last year's match was on the precipice of Mad Man Rush so this match should be even better with 2 crazy men! Mistico gets a title match for a belt he's a little too small for, but OG Mistico had the belt at one point too.

1) Mascara Don & Máximo vs Taichi & Taka Michinoku
2) Rey Cometa & Stuka Jr. vs Shigeo Okumura & YOSHI-HASHI
3) Bushiroad, El Desesperado, Fuego, Tiger Mask, Titán vs Gedo, Jado, Niebla Roja, Vangellys, Yano
4) Naito & Rush vs Ishii & Rey Escorpión
5) La Sombra vs Último Guerrero
6) Hiroshi Tanahashi, Kota Ibushi, Mistico vs Mephisto, Shinsuke Nakamura, Yujiro
7) Volador Jr. vs Máscara Dorada

El Desperado finishes off the tour with what is probably a cibernetico win. Rush/Escorpion combines with the Naito/Ishii issue to make a good tag match. Sombra and UG face each other in a match where UG gets to do a UG match and have the crowd ooo and ahh since the crowd rarely see an UG match. Semi-main is the traditional Tanahashi/Jr HW champ/biggest CMLL star trios. And then Japan gets a real treat. Volador vs Mascara Dorada. Holy shit that match will be amazing. Not even Mexico gets that


Supposed Raw Segment tonight:

As of this past Friday, WWE officials were planning to do a Piper's Pit segment on tonight's Old School RAW with Roddy Piper and The Shield.

The idea behind the segment is that it will further the storyline where WWE has been teasing tension between Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose.

That would be great. Also, Dean will meet the legend everyone compares him too.
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