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January Wrasslin' |OT|

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Monday Night Raw tomorrow! New Year! New Show! New Hope!


Is that like a New Day? Stables, stables everywhere.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Hopefully they repromote Koncessions Kane back to the home office so we can get Korportate Kane...in 2015.

Also besides Ho Ho Hogan I'd much rather get a HHH/Steph 20 minute promo then anyone else to open the show.

MC Safety

The only bad thing about Nipple H and Hunter Helmsley is that 15-minute introduction sequences become 25-minute introduction sequences.

Because wrestling needs a lengthy explanation about why these people are fighting.


The only bad thing about Nipple H and Hunter Helmsley is that 15-minute introduction sequences become 25-minute introduction sequences.

Because wrestling needs a lengthy explanation about why these people are fighting.

They probably read the secret and visualised it so hard that Cena brought them back. He gave no fucks about Edge.


So not worth it
I am asking this honestly and not telling people to remember this time stamp; Why don't you like H and Steph?

For one, this show needs to focus on wrestlers, not on part-time talent or the owners daughter. For another, we need another feud that isn't Triple H and Stephanie McMahon are so evil (this has been the continuing storyline since SummerSlam 2013, that's 18 months of pure crap and has resulted in the worst year of wrestling in WWE history... 1995 was better than this). Finally, both of them, but Stephanie in particular never puts anyone over. Ever. Triple H at least lost against Bryan at Mania... But not Steph, nope, She always has the last word, always wins every verbal exchange and she even won the one match she had (incidentally the only women's match and program that actually got some time and an actual build in the entire year, also a bad thing).

They add nothing to the program, they should not be the focus of the program regardless of whether they add anything and they are, for their part, responsible for making WWE worse than ever.

Also-aaaaah, I could do without-aaaaah, twenty minutes-aaaaah, of this-aaaaaah, shit-aaaah, at the start-aaaaah, of every show-aaaaah.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Rollins is getting good at being a heel. Great heel finisher too. Good lackeys, Show is a definite upgrade over Kane.


So not worth it
...The first half of 2014 was one of the best years wrestling wise the WWE ever had.

If by first half you mean a handful of Raw's and a great Mania, sure, it was.

Most of January sucked, February itself kind of sucked, March was okay-ish and April had Mania so that was good.

Let us not forget that the first half of 2014 gave us the amazing angle of Daniel Bryan running away from THE DEMON KANE.



...The first half of 2014 was one of the best years wrestling wise the WWE ever had.

If ever only covered the last few years, I'd agree. It still wasn't great, just Bryan was on every card and pulling out great matches and The Shield had 2 very well booked feuds with the Wyatts and Evoluton and that was about it really.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Since we were talking about Saw the other day. If you want to make it wrasslin related, you can just watch a Jun Kasai match instead.

It'll make you wince more than Saw ever will.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Raw was fine week in and week out until June. More importantly than that I really enjoyed most of the PPVs

RR was good despite the fan backlash.

EC was great.

XXX was probably my overall favorite mania.

The PPVs after that were really good too. Both Evolution matches were nice, The Cena/Wyatt last man standing match was great, and I enjoyed a lot of the lower card matches as well. Money in the Bank was really good too. After that...yeah. The cracks really started to form. RAW was not good the last half of the year. Summerslam was fine, I guess.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Show as in Big Show? Upgrade? No sir.

Over Kane? Yeah, I think he is and I'm a Kane mark.

Kane always loses. Big Show...only loses at PPVs. Plus they have a nice dynamic out there the past few weeks. Show makes a good buddy heel. Jerishow. Mizshow. Kane and Show.




Alternate choose your own adventure style reply (snarky):

I wouldn't risk it, Ryback normally sends me to sleep :lol :lol :lol

Over Kane? Yeah, I think he is and I'm a Kane mark.

Kane always loses. Big Show...only loses at PPVs. Plus they have a nice dynamic out there the past few weeks. Show makes a good buddy heel. Jerishow. Mizshow. Kane and Show.

I'd love to give you an honest opinion, but I've skipped the seek bar through all their segments since before Survivor Series.


Despite being back to work last Friday, I consider this to be my first day back proper.

So WK9 is lined up and ready to go, tea to one side and out of office on e-mail. Good times.
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