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January Wrasslin' |OT|

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Man God

Non-Canon Member


(Then they go to the UK for a month)

Also correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this literally the first live TNA show since Slammiversary?
New Year Dash starts on NJPW World in a minute or so, no matches announced other than Liger vs Despy, so we get a mystery show!

Also, I see that Lionheart (British wrestler who got his neck broke taking the Styles Clash) was tweeting links to pirate WK9 until the Bucks called him out on it. Pretty hypocritical for a guy who works mostly in PCW, which is the promotion that took Chris Masters round some dorks house who had been pirating their DVDs and intimidated him into giving them back, then uploaded it to youtube as a 'message' to other pirates.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
DESTINATION: GLASGOW really doesn't have the same ring to it.

They will do so much better business there though it's not even funny.

I'm still definitely at least recording TNA on Wednesday. I want to see what their roster looks like.


So not worth it
New Year Dash starts on NJPW World in a minute or so, no matches announced other than Liger vs Despy, so we get a mystery show!

Thanks for the heads up, thought this was tomorrow. Can't wait for the main event, wonder what else is on there.
Thanks for the heads up, thought this was tomorrow. Can't wait for the main event, wonder what else is on there.

From what I could make out during the opening announcement, we're getting a Bucks & Omega vs Time Splitters & Taguchi match and Shibata's in the main event tag, not sure against who.


So not worth it
From what I could make out during the opening announcement, we're getting a Bucks & Omega vs Time Splitters & Taguchi match and Shibata's in the main event tag, not sure against who.

Hm, I just assumed Liger vs. Desperado was the main event, given how good that feud has been and because it's a title match.

This is the card according to the NJPW website.

Don't know if it's still accurate though.

Seems accurate, so far.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
This match didn't need to be 35 minutes long. And Yoneyama works better in tag team environments. She really don't have a Taiyo quality war crate. I loved seeing the drunken master bit though.




And WWE really needs to adopt the 'wrestlers come out to watch the main event/title match but don't interfere' thing. Especially for something like Bryan/Triple H.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Wow, Winger still wrestles?

Yo remember that time Muta was like come with me if you want to live


Triple H needs to give it up. Dude looks embarassing coming out trying to be a dollar store Muta

Total Divas had some good moments but some of the writing was really sloppy. The Bella breakdown felt off and Nattie trying to have a fender bender while having a TV crew inside the car AND a car full of production people 2m behind them the whole time was a poor choice. All that should have been done in retrospective interviews cut back in with Nattie in the moment not saying anything and just driving wildly into a fender bender. Writers should hang their heads in shame at that shit.

C+ because Paige was great and will be great. Gives the writers a "look at this wacky foreign white chick being young and dumb!" angle to play with now.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I'm not going to post this and link it instead because it might be a little extreme. It's not blood or gore or sexual or anything like that. But it poses a question and it's the question I have as well.

Hah, fucking smarks at Korakuen chanting for the Young Bucks.

Also, that gif is nuts Data - Kasai's done a few of those 'ring deconstruction' deathmatches and they never end well. Most insane one I saw was in M-Pro, Sasuke took a disgusting powerbomb on the exposed ring frame.
Gotta make room for the Dudleys/Stang/Legion of Doom 2010/Al Snow/Bats, Dave Bats/eight million other premieres.

Wait the Dudleys are coming back? *googles* Well then. I'm not sure how I feel about this, though them using tables again would definitely pad out the current 2-man Hardcore division of Ambrose and Wyatt (or at least that's what it felt like in the last few weeks of 2014).

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Well, the worst, predictable parts about Kasai's death matches are when you see the big, 'holy shit they're not gonna do that' spots... you know Kasai is taking it. Because he's the only one who's gonna. Even if he was the one setting up the spot.

There's also a double underhook piledriver on the wooden ring with no mat. But the match before it, the semi-final with Takeda and Kasai is WAY worse. There's a part where Takeda gets a gusset board and just wails Kansai multiple times in the head with it. You see more and more blood get on the wood then he knees it into Kasai's face. And you watch the ref in the background, and she puts her hand over her mouth like, 'what the fuck am I watching'

Also I think it's hilarious that we're at the pointn ow where it's like, 'Pft light tubes? Fucking whatever' when I remember back when light tubes was like the most hardcore shit ever


Total Divas had some good moments but some of the writing was really sloppy. The Bella breakdown felt off and Nattie trying to have a fender bender while having a TV crew inside the car AND a car full of production people 2m behind them the whole time was a poor choice. All that should have been done in retrospective interviews cut back in with Nattie in the moment not saying anything and just driving wildly into a fender bender. Writers should hang their heads in shame at that shit.

C+ because Paige was great and will be great. Gives the writers a "look at this wacky foreign white chick being young and dumb!" angle to play with now.

how scripted is Total Divas? Because i remember hearing one of the divas (i think it was the Bellas) on Jericho's Podcast talking about how the camera is basically with them 24/7 and most of the stuff is basically real.

I'm sure there is some acting going on for the cameras but some of the stuff seemed real. Like the stuff with Nattie being slapped by Summer Rae and the consequences of that. The whole bitchiness between the divas seems like it's real.


So not worth it
Okada doing the John Cena "worst year ever" gimmick (but actually losing and having a bad year) until he wins the G1 and then the big one at WKX next year. Sound storytelling, I could get behind that.

Also, so much for Ishii taking time off to heal, I suppose.
My car brokedown, so I'm driving a company car. Holy shit. I've went from driving a matchbox car, to some sort of Jeremy Clarkson sex car. It's very odd.
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