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Jazz-Hop & Instrumental Hip-Hop |OT| - R.I.P. Nujabes


awesome, I loved sketchbook.

I forgot I had even downloaded it until just now. Never did unzip it so it never got scanned into my library. Was surprised to see I had a folder already for him.


Marcus D's album is set to release on April 2nd!


Also, the artwork was done by the Black Arrow, who also did Evil Needle's Qualia and atu's Pictures on Silence.
Dude's an artistic beast.


I got Uyama's latest release on vinyl!

It also has a track that isn't released yet on the other side.

Edit: Hahaha holy shit.. Segawa Tatsuya liked and commented on the picture of the vinyl that I posted on Instagram!

Edit2: Thomas Prime just posted this to Facebook:
Finally finished my official remix of Emancipator's With Rainy Eyes.
It will available on he's next Loci Records compilation.

Loci Records compilation? I'm in.

New Thomas Prime mini-EP. 2 tracks.

Also, forgot to post that there's a new Substantial album!


Pretty sure I'm LTTP, but I picked up that new Joseph Jacobs. Love Better Frame of Mind. More than happy to support this artist.


I downloaded like seven Brock Berrigan albums :lol

this guy is pretty dope. I like the samples he drops in, From movies and whatnot. Helps the albums flow together well album despite being entirely instrumental.

Toddimus Prime

Neo Member
Before my account was approved, this was by far my favourite thread on Gaf. This stuff really takes the edge off a long working day (along with a wee dram of scotch too.)

Apologies if this has previously been asked, has Joseph Jacobs released any collection of his music? Love his stuff and couldn't find anything particular.


damn. Realized I got the early cd option for the lone wolf album. I don't think I've gotten mine yet, wonder if anybody else has

I did, too.
Haven't received mine, either. Hmmm...

In other news, here's a pretty good emancipator write-up.

He scrolls through audio files in a work-in-progress, each track a different color. It looks like a Lego fortress. There are 157 tracks on the song, “The Key,” today, a good chunk of them percussion. The track’s nearly done, and Appling says the pressure will set in if he doesn’t release a new album this year. Usually he waits three years between releases -- he might work even longer on his tracks, and still has songs from college he’s toying around with.

Possibly another new emancipator album by the end of this year?? I'm down. :D
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