Really like this track.
Very atmospheric. Gonna have to get the album.
Very atmospheric. Gonna have to get the album.
Wow. Maybe my favourite JJ track ever.
Really liked this, thanks!Debut By P. Morris
wwooowwwwNew album by Lakim is out on Soulection's bandcamp. It's great. Probably not strictly jazz-hop, some general electronic stuff in here, but it's pretty chill.
Really liked this, thanks!
I've never listened to this guy, but I really love this album. Not the guest rappers really, but the beats are excellent.
Finally finished my official remix of Emancipator's With Rainy Eyes.
It will available on he's next Loci Records compilation.
One of my favorites, the Watermark High, just released a new EP. Haven't been able to listen yet (stupid work computer won't play music off of Bandcamp).
As a thank you to everyone for all the support, all my albums on bandcamp will be available for free download this weekend. Cheers and enjoy
Brock Berrigan just made this announcement on FB:
Don't sleep on this, GAF.
Brock Berrigan is dope.
Apologies if this has previously been asked, has Joseph Jacobs released any collection of his music? Love his stuff and couldn't find anything particular.
damn. Realized I got the early cd option for the lone wolf album. I don't think I've gotten mine yet, wonder if anybody else has
He scrolls through audio files in a work-in-progress, each track a different color. It looks like a Lego fortress. There are 157 tracks on the song, The Key, today, a good chunk of them percussion. The tracks nearly done, and Appling says the pressure will set in if he doesnt release a new album this year. Usually he waits three years between releases -- he might work even longer on his tracks, and still has songs from college hes toying around with.