5. He prosecuted black civil rights workers during his time as U.S. attorney.
One of Sessions's most notorious cases was against the activists Albert Turner, his wife Evelyn Turner, and Spencer Hogue, who worked to give African Americans more political control after the passage of the Voting Rights Act. Sessions brought so many charges against them that they were facing 100 years in prison. "They called them voter fraud cases, and we called them voter persecution cases," said Hank Sanders, a defense lawyer for the activists. A jury found them not guilty on all counts.
As the New York Times points out, "As attorney general, Mr. Sessions would be responsible for upholding civil rights laws," but Sessions has received consistent F scores from the NAACP on its legislative scorecard. He was called "a leading voice for the Old South and the conservative white backlash vote" in The Nation.
"There was discrimination that impacted adversely the ability of the African American community to progress. People were in denial about that fact," Sessions said on Politico's Off Message podcast. "I began to realize it. I don't feel like I did anything to damage the advancement of racial reconciliation and civil rights, but I wasn't any hero in it either."
He supported Trump when he claimed that voter fraud was the only way that Hillary Clinton could win in Pennsylvania. "Well, there's cheating in every election," Sessions said. According to Zachary Roth in his book The Great Suppression, "studies have found that people are more likely to be struck by lightning than to commit voter impersonation fraud."