"Nah, nah, nah. I'll take that deal when it's a great experience. They gave all the nuance to Adam Driver, all the nuance to Daisy Ridley. Let's be honest. Daisy knows this. Adam knows this. Everybody knows. I'm not exposing anything."
How do you spell I-N-C-O-M-P-E-T-E-N-C-E???I still don't understand why they didn't just go the Peter Jackson route and film the entire trilogy at once with a cohesive plan in mind.
It's because any time a person of color feels wronged or if they fail, they blame racism. As opposed to the fact that there might be other reasons involved, or that maybe they just suck, or failed.Agreed. After TFA, I was sure Finn was not only a lead character with Ray, but also convinced he would be trained in the force, but he was wasted in VIII and criminally underused in IX.
However, I don't think Disney did this on purpose because John is black and I don't think his character story arc would have changed if Finn was white.
As a TLJ fan, I do think Finn's arc could've hit harder had the elevator scene and alternate Phasma scene was used; but it was assumed that the next movie would complete his arc. So with TROS being the final result, it's more than understandable to use TLJ as ground zero for said untrajectory.
But like holy shit TROS fucked everyone to the side, and from the looks of it here it sounds less like a JJ thing and more like executive meddling.
I mean how the fuck to you go from this:
To this:
Jfc this stupid movie. Finn was done dirty.
TLJ fucked his character turned him into a joke from the first scene. quit blaming TROS for Rian's fuckups. dude was handed some prime ingredients and proceeded to smear them on the wall.As a TLJ fan, I do think Finn's arc could've hit harder had the elevator scene and alternate Phasma scene was used; but it was assumed that the next movie would complete his arc. So with TROS being the final result, it's more than understandable to use TLJ as ground zero for said untrajectory.
For sure. Boyega comes across to me like one of those black guys who didn't find out he was "oppressed" until social media told him that he was, and then he went full blast with it.
So many people I went to high school with and knew for a while after high school turned into those types. Grew up more wealthy than most whites in the area, had a great childhood and life, but then by 30+ years old, discovered they were actually victims of racism all along! They just didn't know it until now!
What's 'Vale of the Force'? Google isn't bringing up anything.Vale of the force is on the way. Wibbly wobbly timey wimey, that's shit didn't happen.
He is just mad that he fucked up and disney left him. Disney made him a star. He pulled some SJW BS on fans and now he will probably fade away into obscurity.
Furthermore, Boyega spoke out against the fact that his role was constantly minimized by discussions of his race. Saying that he was “the only cast member who had their own unique experience of that franchise based on their race”.
“It makes you angry with a process like that,” Boyega stated. “It makes you much more militant; it changes you. Because you realize, ‘I got given this opportunity but I’m in an industry that wasn’t even ready for me.’”
no, he was literally pushed to the side because he was black.It had nothing to do with him being Black, it was because he was male.
no, he was literally pushed to the side because he was black.
or rather, he was taken from the side, shrunken down to 1/3th the size, and inserted beneath BB-8.
that is what i hear. perhaps they would be less so if international movie companies stood their grounds which they so loudly proclaim time and time again and made the hero the same size on a poster. i guess money is worth more than racial justice to them. also funny how we can just blame the other country when it is an American company that decided to indulge that racism.Aren't Asians really discriminatory against Blacks?
Aren't Asians really discriminatory against Blacks?
TLJ fucked his character turned him into a joke from the first scene. quit blaming TROS for Rian's fuckups. dude was handed some prime ingredients and proceeded to smear them on the wall.
honestly Rian could have come up with a story. Finn goes off to find out where he is from? Finn and Poe have a buddy cop adventure (like everyone in the world wanted)? something interesting and character building?
instead he came up with "Finn only cares about Rey like he is some idiot puppy also him giving his life to defeat the new Sith Lord was a lie, still a coward" and you want to blame JJ lol.
All he said in that quote is to not make it seem like non-White characters are gonna be a big deal in the story and then back-pedal when things are heating up.
Disney is fake-woke. When it counts, they can't commit.
no, that was Rian's own lack of writing skill. he admitted he was unable to think of something for them that wasn't boring.Hell, Rian was gonna have a buddy cop adventure between Finn & Poe, but I suspect that was shut down by higher ups and not by Rian think "they'd look too much like the same character" because, you know... the "implication."
"Honestly, I actually wrote, in the very first draft I wrote of it, Poe went with Finn on the mission to Canto Bight, and the two of them were going to be together on the mission," Johnson confessed. "And it didn’t work at all because those two get along so well and it’d be really boring."
This comment section is fucking weird, I've gotta say.
Boyega is right. The initial marketing for the first movie had him front and centre. They made it look like he was gonna be the main dude and his initial story started out intriguingly. Then it turns out nope, Rey's the one.
All he said in that quote is to not make it seem like non-White characters are gonna be a big deal in the story and then back-pedal when things are heating up.
Disney is fake-woke. When it counts, they can't commit.
Respect to Boyega for calling them out. He's right. It was obvious what they did and it was bullshit.