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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable OT What a Beautiful Duwang

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
thanks. maybe he'll pull kira into to jojo's punches, that would be nice

thats probably a duo combo attack in eyes of heaven. also do you need an avatar king boo? I hook you up with my mad photozhop skills
edit: oh no top of page


The scene at start with Shigechi being confused at what was happening really hit my heartstrings, it's easy to forget he was somewhat mentally impaired, but the scene really pushed the point of how terrifying the entire thing was for him.

This was terrible, and really annoyed me too like, common sense out the window lol.

Unfortunately that seems up to standards in Japan, the average person doesn't like to get involved in such things.
Once I saw someone in the other side of the street feeling ill, started lying on the ground, yet dozens of people purposely ignored her and kept walking, took a few minutes until someone stopped to ask her if she needed help.

Heard similar stories from friends too. So when the girls ignore Shigechi I wasn't particularly surprise or shocked. Just annoyed.


The scene at start with Shigechi being confused at what was happening really hit my heartstrings, it's easy to forget he was somewhat mentally impaired, but the scene really pushed the point of how terrifying the entire thing was for him.

Er... he was? I thought he was confused because a significant percentage of his brain was suddenly embedded in his skull.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
The scene at start with Shigechi being confused at what was happening really hit my heartstrings, it's easy to forget he was somewhat mentally impaired, but the scene really pushed the point of how terrifying the entire thing was for him.

Unfortunately that seems up to standards in Japan, the average person doesn't like to get involved in such things.
Once I saw someone in the other side of the street feeling ill, started lying on the ground, yet dozens of people purposely ignored her and kept walking, took a few minutes until someone stopped to ask her if she needed help.

Heard similar stories from friends too. So when the girls ignore Shigechi I wasn't particularly surprise or shocked. Just annoyed.

well they tried but not by a large margin.
When I saw killer queens(song) lyrics and learned killer queens'(stand) powers were based off of them I was overcome with joy. Have other stands been like this?


Did you not see the arc where he was introduced?

He's essentially a 6-8 year old in a 14 year old body.

But because of what? 'Cause it's certainly not his height. And if we're talking intelligence, I didn't see any signs of him being mentally impaired, and he was smart enough to come up with creative uses for Harvest. If he showed signs of blatant stupidity, then how does that compare with Okuyasu?
I just realized that there's a hand catalogue in the OP. They also most likely teased KQ's power in the OP as well. Either they added things to it later on or they stealth teased a lot of shit that you don't understand until you notice it after the fact.


But because of what? 'Cause it's certainly not his height. And if we're talking intelligence, I didn't see any signs of him being mentally impaired, and he was smart enough to come up with creative uses for Harvest. If he showed signs of stupidity, then how does that compare with Okuyasu?

He's certainly creative, like a child, but he's not very intelligent, he's very simple minded, he has no social intelligence, he doesn't know the kanji in "Kasu (Borrow)" (something you learn at around 10 years old), he licks stamps to see if they taste differently, his emotional state tend to change quickly and between extremes (Happy/Angry/Crying).

See his reaction to Josuke telling him that he's doing a great thing by collecting change, or even cries when Okuyasu calls him smart because "no one ever done that before".

That's certainly not how a 14 year old acts, it's all closer to the actions of a 6-8 year old.

He does get a bit cumming during the fight with Josuke and Okuyasu, but that's due to being a character in JoJo, everyone is battle smart in this series, even babies and rats.

That's why it's hard to be mad at him for what he did Josuke and Okuyasu, it's not that he was a bad person, it's just that didn't know better.

Okuyasu is just dumb.


Shigechi is just socially awkward kid and maybe a little bit power drunk after getting Stand, there's no reason to really hate him.


My memory is a little fuzzy but thinking about it...the manga didn't really made me feel bad for Shigechi. Having the girls ignore him and him thinking of his parents (that detail where he was drawing his parents was actually cute; like a real kid) made him a lot more selfless than he was in his debut arc.

He also didn't sell out Josuke and Okuyasu too, though I guess he needed Josuke to heal him, haha.
Man I'm doing a rewatch of both eps. That moment when Kira's eyes roll into the back of his head as he's rero reroing those sauce covered fingers kill me.


Kira's frightening because he's more real. Villains like DIO don't exist in real life, but villains like Kira do.
Kira's frightening because he's more real. Villains like DIO don't exist in real life, but villains like Kira do.
I know there are people really like this, I'm really just enjoying the dark humor in his portrayal though. Dio's just a fucking dick, but Kira has legitimate issues though that people that have walked this earth have suffered from.


Kira's theme is great, specifically because it's not overtly sinister. It starts out so pleasant and simple, then it really gets going and that edge creeps into it. A nice fit.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I'm still blown away from the explosion animation. They censor open wounds but not those inflation explosions!


Yo. I thought I'd check out this show, just watched the first "arc" in the last couple of days. Last episode I watched was a time skip to NYC with a new Jojo, Joseph. I'm a guy who really wants to like anime, but has hated most anime he's tried to watch. I'm hoping this one actually goes somewhere.

So, 1) is Crunchyroll just ass? On the third or forth episode, it keep crashing when coming back from commercials, so I signed up for the free trial premium account just to skip commercials, but it still crashed on me a couple times... Plus the UI is trash. Watching on Xbone. 2) Everything I've heard about this show is that it's bonkers, but so far it hasn't been too whacky. It just seems like a Pretty Cool fighter-anime so far. I haven't *disliked* it, but I'm kind of missing what is the hook here. Is it going to get weirder / cooler / more interesting? I know there's a thing called "Stands" and that hasn't happened yet... 3) goddamn everybody's faces look like ass wtf why are they so bad at drawing humans?

PK Gaming

Did you not see the arc where he was introduced?

He's essentially a 6-8 year old in a 14 year old body.

Dude, no. He's a middle schooler. A JoJo middle schooler. I'm not sure I like the implication that he was mentally impaired when 90% of people in JoJo are hyper-aware assholes. For God sakes he talks about puncturing someone's carotid artery and using money to buy woman on the streets. He's a bit slow, sure, but not to a point that's concerning.

Innocent that boy ain't.

dame dame dame dame dame dame~

Best line in the episode.


Episodes 1 to 9 are "Part 1" of the series, it was written back the 80s and is less bizarre and more generic than the later parts.

Stands come in at Part 3, but you'd probably like Part 2, because that's where it gets truly "bizarre". This is the thread for the currently airing Part 4, so maybe make an LTTP thread if you want to avoid spoilers.
Yo. I thought I'd check out this show, just watched the first "arc" in the last couple of days. Last episode I watched was a time skip to NYC with a new Jojo, Joseph. I'm a guy who really wants to like anime, but has hated most anime he's tried to watch. I'm hoping this one actually goes somewhere.

So, 1) is Crunchyroll just ass? On the third or forth episode, it keep crashing when coming back from commercials, so I signed up for the free trial premium account just to skip commercials, but it still crashed on me a couple times... Plus the UI is trash. Watching on Xbone. 2) Everything I've heard about this show is that it's bonkers, but so far it hasn't been too whacky. It just seems like a Pretty Cool fighter-anime so far. I haven't *disliked* it, but I'm kind of missing what is the hook here. Is it going to get weirder / cooler / more interesting? I know there's a thing called "Stands" and that hasn't happened yet... 3) goddamn everybody's faces look like ass wtf why are they so bad at drawing humans?

It gets a lot better and crazier as time goes on, in part 2 especially (which it looks like you're at) then even more in part 3

The artstyle will change when you get to part 4 then again when they do later parts, but it's going to be the same in part 3, though I wouldn't at all say it's bad, just my opinion though

Stands come in at part 3 (stardust crusaders)
As someone who is only loosely familiar with the manga and has only heavily invested in the series through the anime, would discussing the intricacies of Killer Queen's abilities be considered spoilers?
I don't understand what was meant by blowing them up from the inside out. The coin exploded, but how did that rearrange the brain into his skull? The explosion appeared to come from the coin, and damaged Shiggy's face as it was right in front of it, but I'm confused as to how this affected him so severely internally.

Yo. I thought I'd check out this show, just watched the first "arc" in the last couple of days. Last episode I watched was a time skip to NYC with a new Jojo, Joseph. I'm a guy who really wants to like anime, but has hated most anime he's tried to watch. I'm hoping this one actually goes somewhere.

So, 1) is Crunchyroll just ass? On the third or forth episode, it keep crashing when coming back from commercials, so I signed up for the free trial premium account just to skip commercials, but it still crashed on me a couple times... Plus the UI is trash. Watching on Xbone. 2) Everything I've heard about this show is that it's bonkers, but so far it hasn't been too whacky. It just seems like a Pretty Cool fighter-anime so far. I haven't *disliked* it, but I'm kind of missing what is the hook here. Is it going to get weirder / cooler / more interesting? I know there's a thing called "Stands" and that hasn't happened yet... 3) goddamn everybody's faces look like ass wtf why are they so bad at drawing humans?

Part 1, while required reading, has a fairly straightforward protagonist and setup that introduces a lot of concepts without going too crazy with them. Therefore, while it isn't actually bad, it's generally considered one of if not the weakest section of the series by many fans.

Part 2 builds on concepts established in the first part, ramps everything up to 11 and has one of the best characters in the series in the form of Joseph. He's a total prick and his wild behaviour carries the show into a mad spiral of rapidly escalating action that culminates in some absolutely ridiculous bullshit.

And uh, try not to read too much from this thread. We're deep into part 4, and part 3 alone has over 50 episodes, lol. :p


They're getting away with less censorship than SC, it's nice.
Jotaro's censored smoking was so obnoxious, I wish he was aged up a tiny bit to get around the TV policies. Not like him being 20 or something would have made that much difference from 17 in the end. ;P


As someone who is only loosely familiar with the manga and has only heavily invested in the series through the anime, would discussing the intricacies of Killer Queen's abilities be considered spoilers?
I don't understand what was meant by blowing them up from the inside out. The coin exploded, but how did that rearrange the brain into his skull? The explosion appeared to come from the coin, and damaged Shiggy's face as it was right in front of it, but I'm confused as to how this affected him so severely internally.
Killer Queen spawns explosions from the bombs it's created, and since Shigechi wasn't holding the coin directly, the explosions mashed the side of his head into his skull and brain. And then when he died for real, the explosions were spawned directly inside his body, and disintegrated him.


because he's being careful, he has no idea what Kira's stand does

and it was really obvious Kira was trying to bait them by pulling the coat
Killer Queen spawns explosions from the bombs it's created, and since Shigechi wasn't holding the coin directly, the explosions mashed the side of his head into his skull and brain. And then when he died for real, the explosions were spawned directly inside his body, and disintegrated him.

So it's more like the objects designated as "bombs" themselves do not explode (as the door handle and coin were fine afterwards) but can cause these sort of remote detonated implosions in a radius around them?

Hold on...

Why the fuck didn't Jotaro use his Stand to freeze time and open the door?

Likely because once his two seconds were up he'd be at risk of getting his ass beat by an extremely powerful stand with entirely unknown abilities. Stands can do literally anything, and charging in and going "lol what's the worst that can happen" will get you fucked up like what happened with Ratt.



Go to work.
Come back home.
Watch JoJo
Me: "Today was a good day"
Watch Berserk
Me: "Today wasn't that great after all. I guess JoJo was alright."

I should learn my lesson and watch Berserk before JoJo.

Add Mob Psycho 100 to the list. yes it updates on Mondays but you can always save watching it til Fridays like I do ;)
...but yeah watch Berserk first then finish off your friday with JoJo, Mob Psycho 100 and Thunderbolt Fantasy.

I love this episode.
couldn't Josuke use his stand to just restore the button back to the jacked, follow it and find Kira that way?

Nah he'd need
the thread that tied the button to the jacket. As is a button is a button, it would have a small crack and fixing it would just repair that crack

Yo, man. Kira is amazing.
That 'no, no, no, no" line was so smoothly evil.
Dio has the charisma, but Kira has the deceiving suit-and-tie swag. Soooo good.

I was almost expecting Shigechi to make it, but....fuck. That was heavy. RIP middle school Dodoria. ;___;

I kinda want to call shenanigans on Kira hiding in the closet of the shoe store at the moment Jotaro and Koichi arrive, but I'll let that slide because....

This tank reminds me of those creepy deformed toys from Toy Story for some reason. lol

Pretty sure he wasn't in a closet but rather in the hallway at the back of the store.

thats probably a duo combo attack in eyes of heaven. also do you need an avatar king boo? I hook you up with my mad photozhop skills
edit: oh no top of page

Wrong thread bro ;P


I really don't think Josuke not punching the button to find Kira is an oversight. I mean just think for a minute.
It would mean they would have to run right towards a serial killer that managed to avoided getting caught for 15 years, who they know have a Stand with unknown powers. In the worst case, it would lead to them having to confront him right there and then, best case Kira would be alarmed that there's something fishy going on.
There is just way too much risk in that 'plan'.


And there's a risk of the button flying away too fast for them to track, it's tiny. Star Platinum might be able to do it, but if Jotaro loses track even once, it's gone.
So I thought Shigechi's injuries might have been drawn less grotesquely because it being an anime (never seen the manga, is it the same there?), but for someone having like a ton of his face blown up those kids in the hallway seem fucking stupid for not going into "holy shit call the ambulance now" mode.
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