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Jon Stewart is leaving The Daily Show "later this year"

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On the one hand, John Oliver has not only picked up the satiric news show idea, he's surpassed Jon Stewart in so many ways. So Jon leaving isn't the end of the world.

On the other hand, fuck, this sucks. I wish he'd stuck around for another two years and finished on a high note with one last election.

He's on HBO and only once a week though.


Hodgman could be great. I think.

I don't know. Glad I don't make these decisions.

Hodgman wouldn't work.

I have no idea who would host the show. So much of the show is him. For as much as the writers get credit it was when the writers weren't there(writers strike) the show shined the most.


NPR did a great interview with him last November where they talked a bunch about this:


STEWART: I think that's - you know, it's always difficult. I do feel like I don't know that there will ever be anything that I will ever be as well suited for as this show. That being said, I think there are moments when you realize that that's not enough anymore, or that maybe it's time for some discomfort. And sometimes, the comfort of that - you know, I'll never - I'm certainly convinced I'll never find the type of people that I've been able to work with in that environment and be able to have that feeling of utilizing sort of every part of something that I think I can do. I felt like I utilized to full capacity on that show.

And I'm still really proud of - you know, I'm really glad that you brought up those bits. I think there's other bits that we've been doing - I think there's a tendency when something's been on the air for a really long time to dismiss it only because of its familiarity. And it's hard to retain that first blush of love that you have when you first find something that takes you, whether it be, you know, artistic, material or music or other things. But I'm still really proud of the work we do day in and day out and hold up some of the bits that we've done recently to anything that we have done in the history of the program.

And so that is the difficulty - is when do you decide that even though it's this place of great comfort and you feel like you're plugged into it like you've never been plugged into anything else that you've ever done, you know is there also a part of you that - you know there are other considerations of family or even in the sense of just not wanting to be on television all the time. You know, there are - you can't just stay in the same place because it feels like you've built a nice house there. And that's really the thing that I struggle with. And it is unclear to me.

Seems he wants to transition more into directing, looking for that next mountaintop to climb. Doubt he'll do anything related to a talk show.

Best of luck to him.
But who will make the 2016 election tolerable now?!?!

I was thinking taking over just before the election would make the job harder, but it might actually be a little easier - I mean, if you're going to get paid to make hay out of political buffoonery, Election 2016 is guaranteed to provide so much more ammo.


Jon Stewart discussed this possibility pretty extensively on a Fresh Air/NPR Interview, without ever revealing what his final decision would be.

He wants to do other things. He might have stayed if they had allowed him to have a shorter contract, but it sounded like they wanted him to sign on for another 4-6 years.


This explains that conversation he and his guest had on the previous episode about Jon being there for way too long and them locking eyes for a good long while.

Too bad for Comedy Central, as the prime person to replace him, Colbert, was snatched up by CBS.


I rescind my Hodgman suggestion. This one's much better.



I'm also thinking doing a weekly show is a hell of a lot more attractive than doing a nightly show too.

Yep. Plus they hired a bunch of reporters from high end news sources to do their special reports which have turned into the highlight of the show. I'd say a Daily Show vet (still on the show) has much better odds.

Jon Hodgeman, Jessica Williams, and Samantha Bee are all excellent picks.


Damn, what an end of an era. One of the all-time greatest talk show hosts, essentially this generation's Johnny Carson, and arguably one of the best news journalists in America today, which says something about something.


What?! Fuck no, fuck, god dammit, fuck. This is terrible.

I guess there goes the major reason I had to watch Comedy Central as I can't think of anyone left who can fill his shoes. Now that Colbert has the Late Show and John Oliver has his show on HBO. God this news has ruined my day.


I rescind my Hodgman suggestion. This one's much better.

That came to mind but I think he would have an aneurism on air by the end of his first year.

But he certainly has the charisma, intellignece, and humor to successfully fill Stewart's shoes.

Could he be a good interviewer though? That was honestly what set Stewart apart from, well, everyone. Even Colbert.


The only way I'm going to keep watching is if they replace Jon with someone like Craig Ferguson or Bill Burr (not going to happen though)


This has to be the last time CC ever lets one of its hosts go off to pursue a project right? Rosewater ended up costing them Oliver and Stewart.

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Times are a changing, that's for sure.

Comedy Central must be shitting themselves at this point. I guess they still have South Park.
Wow. On the one hand, I understand both him and Colbert leaving. Colbert must have been sick of playing the Colbert character endlessly. Stewart, for a while now, hasn't seemed like his heart was in it.

But it's really tough to lose both. It would be easier if John Oliver was on more than once a week.

At least we can hold out hope they'll find a good replacement. I don't think he's impossible to replace, but it won't be easy.
I would love to see Jason Jones and Samantha Bee co-host. For being married, they have great chemistry.

Comedy Central the new home of It's Always Sunny and Archer reruns.

Naw...Key and Peele, South Park, Broad City, Inside Amy Schumer, Workaholics, Tosh.0...I would say we've been in a (now less so) golden era of CC.


G***n S**n*bi
Well fuck me. My day is officially ruined. I fucking love this dude, man. :(

This really, really sucks. ......

Daily Show is a bastion of sanity. I need this shit in my life.
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