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Jon Tron Show - Reviews, Lists, Madness

Eh these are ok. Just watching these guys play games out of character isn't doing it for me. If they're gonna go this far, I'd rather just have a podcast, the visual medium is a bit unnecessary without the ECHS or constant jokes ala Game Grumps.


It might be Yooka-Laylee, I think I saw that he was asked to voice a character in it? Probably something else but it'd be cool if he got a role big enough for him to have to take time off his personal stuff for it.
Stuff with the Sleepy Cabin crew I imagine.

I was about to say, that looks like the Sleepy Cabin headquarters/location. Not to mention that I listen to Sleepycast and 1-2 episodes ago they mentioned that Jon was around town doing some shit (I think cons) and that whenever he was done that he was going to join them. Probably to do sleepycast and also some video or something.


Seems to be a series of reviews of Star Wars games, but also with a plot surrounding them.

This is the impression I got, I feel it's more likely a series than a single video. Anyhow looks like there's a lot of production value there and could be pretty funny.


Gives all the fucks
Should've had the first video today in time for "May the 4th be with you" day. Still, nice to finally hear news on his newest videos.

Can't wait to see which Star Wars games he'll discuss. I saw Kinect Star Wars, Pinball FX2, some PC one. I imagine the SNES ones will be discussed.

This won't be the rebirth of the Nostalgia Critic crew in Jon's channel. He has had friends in older videos he played with or that appeared in his videos. This seems like he was just having fun for his fans and brought friends along.

We can start calling doomsday once "JaneTron", the sexy female JonTron equivalent, gets a show on his channel/normalboots


Huh. More Jon's always a good thing, and this seems like a big project for him. I can't wait to see how this turns out!


I can't wait to see more StarCade. It has an MTS3K vibe that I really love. Also I just can't wait until I can finally find out what Star Wars games are actually good besides Lego and Battlefront.
Every time a reviewer slams through an Atari game and says "There's no more levels or anything", I wonder if they tried the Game Select switch. Maybe there's nothing, but I've seen it missed before.


Where did all that budget come from? Also, it seemed like Jon wasn't that big a Star Wars fan, or liked Atari games.

I can't wait to see more StarCade. It has an MTS3K vibe that I really love. Also I just can't wait until I can finally find out what Star Wars games are actually good besides Lego and Battlefront.

Lego and the Battlefront games are the last few good games of a LONG history of fantastic games.
Oh cool, there's an official Jon Tron thread! I love his videos. Aside from AVGN and the Super Best Friends he's one of the few gamers that I watch the most of. His Nuts and Bolts video is the greatest GOAT of all time.


Gives all the fucks
I didn't actually mind the plot stuff, but he BREEZED through the games. I'm hoping later episodes don't do that as much
Agreed. I get Atari games might not have a lot to talk about, but I can't help but think of how James Rolfe/AVGN spent much more time on talking about these games in his Star Wars episode.


The sketch went on too long but it's nearly as bad as your typical Channel Awesome sketch. The audio was a little echo-y on the set though. I get the impression that this was done on Maker's dime.
Yeah, that video was pretty terrible. Atari games may be simple, but they're not so simple that you can cover them in five seconds! The first Star Wars is a pretty solid game for the Atari, it deserves a lot more than two seconds of screen time (beyond that ad). It's amazing that they got a rail shooter working at all on 2600, but they did. Empire Strikes Back is a very highly-regarded classic, often considered one of the best 2600 games. It is dated and simple, but it's fun, and he says nothing about how you actually play it. Jedi Arena, most don't like it but I think it's good; it's kind of like a weird two player version of Warlords, I guess. The controls take some getting used to, but it's frenetic and fun, and Atari paddle controllers are amazing. Of course he says nothing about how it plays in the video.

He does a better job covering Death Star Battle and Ewok Adventure, but saying almost nothing about the other three games, when they're the best-known and more popular ones (ESB particularly), makes this a pretty poor video where the actual games are concerned. I know that covering a lot of games in a short time is hard, but still, it must be possible to do better than this.

Also... Starcade is the name of an actual early '80s TV videogame gameshow...


Wow, my real life best friend Dominic Ninmark is seemingly responsible for doing the music for this series and he never even told me. Surprising as hell. Check out his music, he's good.

Bit of a meh episode but that's because for the most of the part I've never found Atari games to be that funny to "make fun" of.
Imo Goosebumps was the high-point of JonTronShow, but the Nuts & Bolts days would be second.

Yeah the Goosebumps/Are You Afraid of the Dark videos are the best for me but Food Fight is also pretty high up there.

Haven't watched the video but I doubt this will become a regular thing for Jon. Seems like he wanted to try out something different.

edit: Just watched the video. Wasn't as bad as I expected after the comments here. I think he had to get through the intro which was 4 minutes and probably didn't have much to say about the really simplistic titles in the Atari. Admittedly there was no rush.

We already know there's more live action bits due to the trailer though.


My JonTron high point honestly was when he wasn't as popular and still living in California before Game Grumps and all that. I think Apples and Grapes is still my favorite video.


he owns the titles, it's just easier to capture/edit footage

I know, I just don't like seeing the super sharp image pixels, it's obviously roms he's playing. Just rubs me the wrong way for honestly inexplicable reasons. That's one thing I like about AVGN, he always uses footage from the actual console.



Another update. Basically the say that StarCade isn't replacing JonTron and is just something he's doing on the side, some sort of miniseries, he's still putting everything together for the main show but soon he wants to release like another season like he did last year.


Is it my impression or was he nervous during that video? As if someone forced him to record it and was pointing a gun at him behind the camera.
Eh doesn't do video blogs often he probably is alittle nervous with them, but I do sorta agree he could have maybe done the video once more or two to iron out the nerves.


I know, I just don't like seeing the super sharp image pixels, it's obviously roms he's playing. Just rubs me the wrong way for honestly inexplicable reasons. That's one thing I like about AVGN, he always uses footage from the actual console.

He could maybe perhaps be using an XRGB mini with RGB modded consoles.

Ah who am I kiddin, its emulators. Doesn't bug me too much though, since I'm there for his comedy, not an actual accurate representation of the games.
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