Science changes over time; like the bad conclusions about fats/cholesterol.
That doesn't mean eating only meat products suddenly makes more sense.
If you guys want to experiment on yourselves, be my guest.
The Challenge of Reforming Nutritional Epidemiologic Research
A great example of a terrible study.
It's not just fats/cholesterol. There is a whole host of things that they have gotten upside down and backwards for decades. Calcium, sodium, fiber, etc. It doesn't help that big food has been behaving like big tobacco for decades as well. Nutritional science is corrupt.
This is a post of mine from 9/1/18, btw:
Very interesting perspective and good information about how the Carnivore diet. She is super cute too! I see another rising star.
Yeah, I'd recommend staying away from them on any diet. I was just making the point that if it's meat and zero carbs, it falls under the umbrella.
I see you fast as well. I've been carnivore for about nine months and eating in a 2-4 hour window for about three. I haven't felt better in a very long time.
A college friend that I had lost touch with for about eight years was carnivore when we were in school. His only inspiration for doing it was Owsley. We all thought it was the dumbest thing we'd ever heard. I contacted him back when I was considering giving it a try. He's been going strong for about a decade now.
I'm not fully convinced one way or the other in regard to long term. There have been so many benefits, though, that I can't see myself stopping without some hard evidence that there are serious consequences. And I love the simplicity.
I'm not experimenting anymore than you or anyone else are. If you don't know exactly why you are putting something in your mouth, you owe it to yourself to do a little legwork. I think you'll be surprised what you find out there.
You're counting on following the advice of an establishment that has been proven to be wrong again and again and again to keep you healthy. I refuse to do that. People who appear to be perfectly healthy on the outside, following conventional wisdom and winding up with high blood pressure or diabetes out of nowhere, getting knees replaced in their fifties, having heart attacks and strokes in their sixties and seventies, dementia, etc.. No thank you. I advise everyone to take their heath into their own hands and do their own research. Read more than headlines. If someone takes the time to really do their homework, does so with an open mind, and comes out a vegan, more power to them. Hopefully, we can have a healthy debate that will probably go nowhere but ends without them hating me for eating their little cow friends.
If you do have any interest in understanding why so many people take issue with the scientific "consensus," you could start here:,aps,161&sr=8-2 That's a great book that does a pretty good job of covering the history of malfeasance in nutritional science by the government, big food, and big pharma. I can list other books on that topic as well, if you're interested. If you want to see some of the evidence backing an animal product-only diet, check out Vilhjalmur Steffansson or Weston A. Price. Skip The Carnivore Diet by Shawn Baker. I disagree pretty strongly with his simple "eat meat, drink water" mantra after transitioning away from that long ago myself, but he is doing good things with I expect The Carnivore Code by Paul Saladino, which comes out in a week or two, will be excellent, though.