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Journey |OT| Perfect Strangers

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
I learned to study my partner chirp symbol ( each player has unique chirp symbol) so I can determine if this is the same partner as moment ago or not.

Also by the completeness of their cloak pattern, though this is not as effective, as there's only 4 level of completeness. Or even by the length of their scarf

You're definitely right, there are ways to discern your partner, but I was mainly talking in a Snow frame of mind as the effects on your character on that level can make it hard to see much other than scarf length.


hmm, is it me or people don't want to play with white cloak?

I tried this white cloak, found 3 companions, and they all abandoned me quickly

Lol, I played with someone with a White Cloak on the bridge level, he actually left me cuz I didn't have his power to skip the level with infinite jump.
I haven't read much about this game, other than all the praise it's been getting. As someone who bought into the Flower hype, and was disappointed with that game, I purchased Journey with reserve.

I just finished my first playthrough, and I loved it. I even earned the companion trophy, that some people have apparently had trouble with. I basically followed the first companion that I came across. He seemed to be an experienced player, and led me through the entire game. At one point, my companion just sat on the ground, doing nothing. I thought he was trying to trigger something, so I started mashing O seeing if anything would trigger. Having gone in with zero information, I had no idea about the meditation trophy. :lol Resigned to the fact that I was never going to sit down, my companion began playing again. We got all the way to the last area, where we lost track of each other. After failing to relocate each other for several minutes, I decided to continue without him. As I reached the end, I thought he was waiting for me, but it must have been someone else, because the ending said I came across 2 companions. After beating the game, I checked the trophy list for the first time, and I guess that meditation trophy is the only online trophy I still need.

One surprising part was when
one of those flying beasts in the snow area spotted us. We both ran under cover, thinking we'd be safe. The sky beast just fixed on our location with its red beam for a few seconds, then swooped down right through our cover, lifting us into the sky. It was the first time all game that I had my scarf torn, which I didn't know was possible.

If I didn't have other things I have to do, I would have immediately started a 2nd playthrough. Just thought I'd stop by the thread to read a few pages and post a quick first impression.


bish gets all the credit :)
They did that to purposely avoid giving the players any means to communicate between each other while playing.

Just have pen and paper ready when the credits start rolling :p

I know that. I'm talking about after completion.


the collapse on the mountain is supposed to be your death, and the flight to the summit is supposed to be your ascension into Heaven, right? I know it's interpretive, but I wanted to see what other people were understanding.

the cloth creatures could have saved you after you collapse (?), but that still doesn't explain how your scarf reappears in the final ascension.

are the gravestones static i.e. their number and location never changes throughout the game, no matter when you play? Or do gravestones appear based on where people drop out of the game?



man I haven't done fanart in years. turned out okay. :p


Just played through the game from start to finish with a single companion. While nothing will ever match playing the game for the first time through with a handful of new companions, re-playing it from beginning to end with someone else who has beaten it before is still pretty awesome. Despite both of us being experienced with the game (I was wearing white, he was red but with more designs than me), we still managed to show each other some stuff that we had missed. I showed him the hidden flower, and then we both discovered a wall painting in the last stage that I had missed before.

We also shredded the sand duns with spellbinding synchronicity and made our
final ascent
by swirling around each other in an almost choreographed fashion, chirping at the top of our lungs.

Getting the Companion trophy was just a nice bonus. :)


I just finished my first playthrough, and I loved it. I even earned the companion trophy, that some people have apparently had trouble with. I basically followed the first companion that I came across. He seemed to be an experienced player, and led me through the entire game. At one point, my companion just sat on the ground, doing nothing. I thought he was trying to trigger something, so I started mashing O seeing if anything would trigger. Having gone in with zero information, I had no idea about the meditation trophy. :lol Resigned to the fact that I was never going to sit down, my companion began playing again. We got all the way to the last area, where we lost track of each other. After failing to relocate each other for several minutes, I decided to continue without him. As I reached the end, I thought he was waiting for me, but it must have been someone else, because the ending said I came across 2 companions. After beating the game, I checked the trophy list for the first time, and I guess that meditation trophy is the only online trophy I need

If I didn't have other things I have to do, I would have immediately started a 2nd playthrough. Just thought I'd stop by the thread to read a few pages and post a quick first impression.

If you get companion trophy, then the guy at the end was the same guy you played the entire game with


It is indeed very powerful ending

and the ending credit theme seals it

It dawned on me how special this game is when on the very last level I lost sight of my new best friend that I had been traveling with. We'd just
survived the snowy ascent
together which was emotional enough. Now I was at the
waterfalls at the mountain's summit
and we'd gotten separated. I waited and called out for close to five minutes hoping I'd see him pop up. I was actually a bit sad when I finally decided that I had to turn around and continue on alone.

I normally HATE any kind of multiplayer stuff in games. This game makes multiplayer something quite special.

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
wicked image.jpg

For someone who doesn't do a lot of fanart i'm guessing you must do at least a little "other" type of art... very nice use of color.

I also got my white cloak two days ago and have been playing through repeated times since learning the eb and flow of flying through the majority of a lot of levels. Guiding solid red cloak players through levels.. showing them glyphs and the best surfing paths and helping with certain trophies...

played a few nights ago and was working on my meditation trophy. Had 4 or 5 plays enter the bottom of the temple room ... run up to me as i chirped like crazy... watched me sit down and then either bounced out of the game entirely or continued on through the level and shortly afterwards disappeared. Finally... a glorious white cloak enters the game... runs up to me chirping .. sees me sit down and instantly knows whats up. Sits down, chills... Ding. This one experience is what determined my attitude playing as a white cloak myself. I can't turn anyone away when it comes to guidance... and the fact that i've shown no fewer than 5 people the safest path through the underground tunnel makes me smile almost as much as the heavenly ascent level ... every single time.
Really loving the hell out of this game. True replay value.
Okay. Okay.

I know its been said. Over and over.

But I need one final nudge. Tell me I wont regret it.

I just need to hear it before I spend 15 of my psn bucks.


Damn you gaf and your universal praise, I don't need another game in my backlog...


It's a short game meant to be completed in one sitting. It's not gonna do much harm to your backlog ;)

Okay. Okay.

I know its been said. Over and over.

But I need one final nudge. Tell me I wont regret it.

I just need to hear it before I spend 15 of my psn bucks.

This is the first $15 downloadable game i've ever bought and it's easily worth the money.
Okay. Okay.

I know its been said. Over and over.

But I need one final nudge. Tell me I wont regret it.

I just need to hear it before I spend 15 of my psn bucks.

As long as you're someone who can appreciate games as an art form, and not someone who plays them with the purpose of "winning," you'll dig it.


the collapse on the mountain is supposed to be your death, and the flight to the summit is supposed to be your ascension into Heaven, right? I know it's interpretive, but I wanted to see what other people were understanding.

the cloth creatures could have saved you after you collapse (?), but that still doesn't explain how your scarf reappears in the final ascension.

are the gravestones static i.e. their number and location never changes throughout the game, no matter when you play? Or do gravestones appear based on where people drop out of the game?

the way i figured it...
cutscene=acceptance into heaven - through the hard journey, deemed worthy by the higher white robes to reach heaven and be born again, ascension
final area= the tall mountain peaks of heaven, birthplace and home of the divine cloth
into the light= rebirth, now with knowledge of the cloth and how the lesser white robes abused its power, so as not to make the same mistake again
credits= sent down from heaven as embryonic shooting star to land right where you began

it is possible in my mind that the white robed narrator/s are higher beings, who then created the world and the lesser white robes in their image as seen in the first cutscene. this, to me, explains the dissonance in the death cutscene of why the white robes have the power to accept people into heaven. i dont think the lesser white robes would have such a power. but then again maybe all white robes are the same and its something different.

also no, the gravestones are immovable and not dictated by player interaction.
Been loving this and had the saddest Companion trophy last night.

I played most of the game with the same player, like from the first blue sand area onward. We really helped find cubes for each other and it felt really good.

I lost him or her on the final level to heaven. It made me feel so sad that we journeyed together so well but we didn't cross the final pearly gate together.

I love the attention to details, I've seen my cloak get more and more elaborate the more I play the game. Hopefully I'll get the white one soon!


Got my white cloak today. Loved it, have all the trophies except "Return" but I don't feel the need to change the date on my PS3 for that one.

One of my runs was with an insanely helpful white cloak. Did several levels with him and he really made it fun to find the stuff I had missed - luckily I was actively searching for glyphs and symbols so it was cool to be lead from one to the next. He even realized I was trying to get the bridge trophy and basically carried me over the gap.

Funny how I was watching the 'tapestry' cutscenes for the nth time when I realized
the second half tells you about a war where the people created the stone dragons and ruined their civilization. Kind of sad that only the dragons and ruins remain, but I did notice much sooner how the tapestry tells you about the elevated road you are on to the mountain (a pilgrimage even then?) and realized you see the ruins of that elevated road in the open desert and at the bridge
I just did not pay close enough attention or something lol, it's like the most basic story told as simply as possible and I just nodded along like a dummy.


Omg :')

Finally got Companion with someone and at the end...ugh, my heart.

I went to go draw a heart in the snow at the end...and when I completed half of it, my partner drew in the second half. ;_; Then we stood at the bottom of the heart together and chirped.
Funny how my experience during my first playthrough, while awesome, left me frustrated that I couldn't be as immersed as I wanted, yet as time goes on, my emotional response to the game becomes stronger and stronger. (its only been one day lol)

Seriously, I cant stop thinking about it.

Wow thats incredible ^


Been loving this and had the saddest Companion trophy last night.

I played most of the game with the same player, like from the first blue sand area onward. We really helped find cubes for each other and it felt really good.

I lost him or her on the final level to heaven. It made me feel so sad that we journeyed together so well but we didn't cross the final pearly gate together.

Yeah, it's almost fitting, if a bit sad, how incredibly easy it is to lose track of each other in the last level. :( I ended up waiting for my companion for quite a while after we got separated luckily
just as I started to go up the golden path right at the end I saw a glimpse of light behind me and found him. We went through together, which was especially nice as he had been with me the whole way


Third playthrough tonight.

Ended up with a white cloak right at the beginning in the desert. We stayed together the entire game with him playing mentor and me student. He showed me alot of secrets I had no idea about, I really appreciated it.

The best part is that we stayed together in the last level literally dancing around each other in the sky chirping like mad, doing circles around each other ... unbelievably beautiful. The emotional hit of the last level is SO much stronger when you and your friend don't lose each other at the end ... so joyful. Sadly I missed a statue somewhere so I didn't get my white cloak ... next time I hope!

Strange but the feeling of the game isn't really losing any impact at all on me through subsequent play throughs. If anything I can't WAIT for the finale after trudging through the snow under the shadow of the mountain.

I really enjoyed some parts this time around as well that hadn't hit me as hard ... skiing through the desert in particular was really beautiful this time around. I can totally see myself playing this game many more times to come. There's something really zen about it, the whole game is just a celebration of human spirit ... and of course the music is just epic.


Omg :')

Finally got Companion with someone and at the end...ugh, my heart.

I went to go draw a heart in the snow at the end...and when I completed half of it, my partner drew in the second half. ;_; Then we stood at the bottom of the heart together and chirped.

I wrote penis


Somebody at Penny Arcade pointed this out:

The broken machinery you free the scarves and tapestry-fish from, those are BROKEN VERSIONS of the DRAGONS later in the game that menace you. Those are the war machines that were built that were apparently powered by trapping the cloth creatures inside of them.


Don't know how I didn't see that before


Reluctant Member
Somebody at Penny Arcade pointed this out:

The broken machinery you free the scarves and tapestry-fish from, those are BROKEN VERSIONS of the DRAGONS later in the game that menace you. Those are the war machines that were built that were apparently powered by trapping the cloth creatures inside of them.


Don't know how I didn't see that before

I think I noticed that around my fourth playthrough. I like how subtle that detail is.


Somebody at Penny Arcade pointed this out:

The broken machinery you free the scarves and tapestry-fish from, those are BROKEN VERSIONS of the DRAGONS later in the game that menace you. Those are the war machines that were built that were apparently powered by trapping the cloth creatures inside of them.


Don't know how I didn't see that before

What?! I never paid close attention to that at all, good stuff. Can't wait until Friday so I can play again.


Okay. Okay.

I know its been said. Over and over.

But I need one final nudge. Tell me I wont regret it.

I just need to hear it before I spend 15 of my psn bucks.

I would like to say that you'll regret if you don't buy it.
I've gone out and recommended all my friends with a ps3 to buy this game, and if they don't I recommend them to sell their PS3, since they probably don't care much for games.

In the last 24 hours I've played through the game 3 times, the first time I wasn't really in my best state of mind, but the experience was incredible... And I mean INCREDIBLE.
On a few places where you ascend a dune and then the scenery beyond, just opens up in front of your eyes is amazing.

And once I got to the sunset-sand-surfing part I felt as if I was having the best intercourse ever, it was... angelic

Had a few run-ins with random people and managed to get the
Companion achievement
, which was a pleasent experience.

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
Some more experience with other white cloaks out there...

we met up at the small area that acts as a landing on the sand surfing level ... we unlocked all the cloth in less than 20 seconds probably .. watched them gather and then just... played. It was like we set up this little playground where we could practice floating... flying apart just long enough to meet back up and not really descend that far.. chirping when needed or laughing or asking one another to follow. We spent almost 10 minutes in this small area ... finally at one point we were both low enough to the gathered cloth and charged up to the opening without even bothering to float... stopped on the edge of the slope chirped for a moment and then danced the rest of the way down.

after another half a level maybe my daughter woke up and i had to get her down again... sat down before i left and jumped out of the paused screen to see him sitting down with me in the dark. I don't know how long he waited... i was gone for at least another hour... but it bummed me out. This game is insane.


This game........just wow.

If a game ever was to be described as a moving painting, this should be it. Specifically the
sunset surfing parts. That was just beyond incredible
Just an all around amazing game. Length should get no complaint, as any longer and Co op wouldn't be anywhere near as effective.
Okay. Okay.

I know its been said. Over and over.

But I need one final nudge. Tell me I wont regret it.

I just need to hear it before I spend 15 of my psn bucks.

after seeking advice in this thread, I played it all saturday night and feel like next to investing in google 10 years ago, its the smartest investment one could make with 10 dollars.

Your fate was already sealed the moment you entered this thread.

Word, i can vouch for that!


WOW! Just wow! Played through the game (in one sitting of course) for the first time and I met a companion right away who then followed me to the end. First of all, it's a gorgeous game. Absolutely spectacular visuals! When we finally reached the end the first thing that popped into my mind is that I just played through an interactive poem. And I actually shared the experience with someone without saying a word to each other. We were just obviously in awe at the same things and ocasionally "holding hands" through the experience.

Sword Familiar

178% of NeoGAF posters don't understand statistics
Somebody at Penny Arcade pointed this out:

The broken machinery you free the scarves and tapestry-fish from, those are BROKEN VERSIONS of the DRAGONS later in the game that menace you. Those are the war machines that were built that were apparently powered by trapping the cloth creatures inside of them.


Don't know how I didn't see that before

I don't necessarily think they are all
dragon parts, but more like vessels for energy. If you pay close attention to the story cut-scenes, you'll see that the "white cloaks" discovered, or created, the "mats", then they used the carts to transport the energy the mats produces, which made their cities bright with light. The mats, however, were finite, and war then started for control over power. The dragons where then created with the same tech in order to wage war. At least that's what I think.


I just played the first 3 or so levels. It was an amazing experience. I came across someone who was obviously more experienced than I was and just sort of followed me around. Over time we developed a pseudo language using our songs.

At the end of the play session I wanted to send him a PSN message to say thank you, but I couldn't find journey listed in my "Players Met" list.

Fantastic game.
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