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[Jpn] The PSP online pre-order onslaught begins!


being watched
DCharlie said:
oh fucking fuck.

i wonder how many GAMERS actually purchased the unit rather than the usual sony whores who just want the latest gadgets?

DC.....what's your bank account again...I have some cash to wire your way. :p

Fuck DS up the arse.


Reiko! Rage. Rave & Ridge Tracks....lions and tigers and bears. OH MY! PSP is the Lion!

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
we are just bitter
Who's "we"? o_O

because even people in the office who have no interest in gaming think the PSP is a must own device because they think they can plan their DVDs on it.... groan....
I doubt anyone could be so stupid to not understand that such big disks as DVD could be played in a device that small. Chances are they know what they are talking about (to be able to watch movies on it but on special disks)


Marconelly said:
Who's "we"? o_O

I doubt anyone could be so stupid to not understand that such big disks as DVD could be played in a device that small. Chances are they know what they are talking about (to be able to watch movies on it but on special disks)

Belive it. I'm a manager at Gamestop and I hear people try and tell me that the PSP will play DVDs. I am then called a liar when I tell them that it plays movies off a UMD. Should be amusing when I see someone try and stuff a DVD in it when we launch it next year. You know at least one jack-ass will stand with a DVD in one hand and rotating a PSP in the other trying to find the slot.


You know, now that you mention it, adding DVDs and CDs support (ideally with PS1 backward compatibility) would have been possible and very cool, even for a device of that size.

You plug the disk from the upper side, have most of it fit inside, a small circular cover that normally rests inside the device, and as needed can be pulled out with a rotating motion and covers the part of disk sticking out.

Add some PPC like functionality (touch screen for serious apps, some flash memory to install an OS and common use apps, button for voice recording, ability to run software from memory card), a couple expansion ports (for me GPS and cellular phone for internet browsing), and would be the dream device.

Or I need a PPC with good joypad and buttons to play games. Lots of emulators on a single memory card > bringing a pack of UMDs along, anyway.

awesome boxart


Mrbob said:

Well it is somewhat true. He always seems to want to get that new piece of Sony kit and then complains about it a few days later. Remember the PSX??? :lol
:lol No shit. I'm not defending Sony's shatastic hardware, but he's ironically in that group of gadget whores he was talking about. It's like he can't learn or something. "Sony...they've changed now!" Two days later: "God, they haven't changed at all!"


And even i am moderately surprised
"Well it is somewhat true. He always seems to want to get that new piece of Sony kit and then complains about it a few days later. Remember the PSX???

No shit. I'm not defending Sony's shatastic hardware, but he's ironically in that group of gadget whores he was talking about. It's like he can't learn or something. "Sony...they've changed now!" Two days later: "God, they haven't changed at all!""

he he. Yup - that is true. But i never go in with the expectation of "This time , Sony are different..." - i always expect there hardware to be good. The PSX was a clusterfuck, sure, but everything else games wise has been fine.

I'm just a games slut and fortunately i get paid enough so i can buy most things that i want to try out even if they are potentially shitty *nudges copy of Killzone...*

Although i DON'T expect the PSP to be shitty - after playing with the TGS models, i expect it to be kick ass.

"I doubt anyone could be so stupid to not understand that such big disks as DVD could be played in a device that small. Chances are they know what they are talking about (to be able to watch movies on it but on special disks)"

You'd think huh?

re: TetREZ.

"Hehe, how is it coming ?
I hope you are proceeding with a little bit less pain and suffering compared to me and PlayStation 2"

My code doesn't look like mainframe code any more! ;)
Actually, it's not going so bad. It's not far off being done, but i dunno what to do with it even if i finish it.
Desperately want to start something original, and have a few ideas, so might try and box this off and leave it.
I'll send you the final build so you can have a laugh at my crap skills! (McWild did the graphics, which look real nice)

RIGHT, so - it's 9am - stores open in 1 hour.
Despite creating and consuming the worlds hottest home made curry last night, despite the fact that i'm effectively "leaking", i'm going to hit up Tsutaya / Bic / Sakuraya / Akihabara.

I might document this in picture form....
No pre-orders being taken at Bic Camera, Sakuraya or Tsutaya in Shibuya. There's no Yodobashi Camera in my area, so I'm not sure about that. Maybe this is just pre-orders for Online sales, initially.


Ar_ said:
You know, now that you mention it, adding DVDs and CDs support (ideally with PS1 backward compatibility) would have been possible and very cool, even for a device of that size.

You plug the disk from the upper side, have most of it fit inside, a small circular cover that normally rests inside the device, and as needed can be pulled out with a rotating motion and covers the part of disk sticking out.

Add some PPC like functionality (touch screen for serious apps, some flash memory to install an OS and common use apps, button for voice recording, ability to run software from memory card), a couple expansion ports (for me GPS and cellular phone for internet browsing), and would be the dream device.

Or I need a PPC with good joypad and buttons to play games. Lots of emulators on a single memory card > bringing a pack of UMDs along, anyway.

Damn, that would have been tight. The only downside to this device is that movies and music have to all be re-bought on UMD, and that idea would have solved everything.


And even i am moderately surprised
"No pre-orders being taken at Bic Camera, Sakuraya or Tsutaya in Shibuya. There's no Yodobashi Camera in my area, so I'm not sure about that. Maybe this is just pre-orders for Online sales, initially."

Yeah, i went everywhere today - no joy.


mmm, I'd have thought they'd have started today - 4 weeks to launch :/

I don't like the whole online preorder thing. Doesn't seem in keeping with Japanese cultures preference for retail stores, and queueing(sic?)

And it could backfire against Sony. What if all their first run is taken from online preorders? Noone will be buying them in stores, therefore no nice publicity photos, or interest from passers by.

john tv

Keep us posted!

BTW, Andria/DC/Jonny/etc -- any of you planning on waiting in line overnight for PSP launch? (I am. I need company! Let's have a lil PSP-launch party on the street while we wait in line. :)
Bless Sony for making the launch on a Sunday.

If there's no pre-order program (thus eliminiating the chance of my obtaining the 10 that I need to obtain) count me and my girlfriend in (I'll use her to get a second system).
AndriaSang said:
If there's no pre-order program (thus eliminiating the chance of my obtaining the 10 that I need to obtain) count me and my girlfriend in (I'll use her to get a second system).

I knew women had to be good for something!

john tv

Cool. Even if I preorder, I'm still prolly gonna do the all-night thing. It's a rare experience! I'll bring my DS, a couple of mangas and a whole lot of coffee. It'll be fun. :)
john tv said:
Cool. Even if I preorder, I'm still prolly gonna do the all-night thing. It's a rare experience! I'll bring my DS, a couple of mangas and a whole lot of coffee. It'll be fun. :)

I'd imagine I'll have to get up pretty early that morning to make it to Brian's bday in time ... I could be well in danger of passing the 24-hour barrier.


Fafracer forever
Hey Faf, why not drop a hint. You don't need to give the details, just a thumbs up or a thumbs down.
That'd be more then a hint no? Unfortunately the anonymity of this nickname isn't what it used to be 4 years ago, so I'll have to pull an Oxy here and just give you a hint smiley:

Anyway sorry all for the tease, but I just started to play with battery emulator and I was a bit excited - you know how it is with engineers and new toys. :)


And even i am moderately surprised
awesome, i'm guessing the life is good :)

i need long battery life for that trip to Italy 3 days after launch! :)

All nighter - yeah, i could well do that.... only issue is with places like Bic, they'll just form another queue that splinters off from the Gaijins! :)


The PSP will be hit hard by the upcoming harddisk mobile phones next year. Media functions will always be a tough area. In the mean time i doubt UMD will be affected negatively.


Cool. Even if I preorder, I'm still prolly gonna do the all-night thing. It's a rare experience! I'll bring my DS, a couple of mangas and a whole lot of coffee. It'll be fun.

I would love it... but I doubt my bank want to lend me the money to come back to Japan... without having payed yet the last one... (freelance sucks :( )


And even i am moderately surprised
they need to stop cock teasing and give out a pre-order date...

every store is saying "oooo very soon! But we can't tell you when"


Ok well we know there have been 2 million DS preorders...so are these sites listing their PSP preorder numbers as well?

Just because they sell out of preorders doesn't necessarily mean that the numbers are through the roof.


I'd hope that online gets shitty numbers just so they can announce 'all sold out in 30 minutes!"

That'd also leave at least some units for normal stores, to get the traditional queue round the block. With DS launch 10 days earlier, they need to make a splash.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
DCharlie said:
awesome, i'm guessing the life is good :)
Bad Guess. Faf is just stringing you along so you'll be sure to buy a PSP as soon as you can find one. The board will then benefit from the hilarity that ensues when you rush on to post your negative impressions and whinge about how Sony screwed you again ;)

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
I pre-ordered mine from NCS, and if it means anything, I believe I was among the first to do so, but I don't expect to get a system at launch.

If there's really only 200,000 coming, there's no way importers are going to get many of them, and certainly no way they'll keep the price tag decent for a little while. :p

Vagabond said:
PSPs are region free, right?

And is the menu in english, or at least have icons which I can identify with?

I think I just found my Christmas present.

Supposedly the system will play games from any region, but UMD movies will be locked.
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