The day Randy can't hit the RKO anymore will be a sad one. It's such an impactful and versatile finisher, and it's one of the best protected finishers too.
It won't be hard to get tickets. And Steen is not a draw. He'll be lucky to get Bull Demspsey level heat. NXT runs house shows you should be good, brah.
Sure why not.
Is "top guy in the company and face of wrestling" the only measure of success?
To be honest, these days it almost seems like it's either that or jobbing (in battle royals at best).
Jimmie John's sucks, but Jack Link's is delicious. I can't decide where this puts me on the Brock-o-meter.
Their signs have a way nicer fontJapanese crowd representing
I hope KENTA is looking forward to being the next Yoshi Tatsu.
We hate Stardust now?
edit: Xseed and their smut peddling getting called out by Huffington Post, lol. Just tell them that everyone is 1000 year old demon.
*generic cynicism*
Not really. There is a "main event" and upper card, below the face of the company.
It's far from ideal but it's not "Cena and everyone else is a jobber".
I think if KENTA can rich the "Upper card guys" spot he would be considered a great success, given the history of Japanese wrestlers in WWE.See I kinda put the bolded in that same "top" umbrella, especially since most of them are frequently in title matches. The hierarchy seems to go:
- Cena
- Would be top guys if not for Cena (ex. Orton, Bryan pre-injury, Punk when he was around)
- Upper card guys that still get title shots pretty often, usually because they're filling those last couple spots in Elimination Chambers and MITBs (ex. Cesaro, Sheamus)
- IC/US division (IC basically being the jobbers championship until recently)
- jobbers
- Divas
Aaaaaaaand, there's next month's thread title.
I wonder if it says more about the state of WWE or of it's audience that wrestling fans can be such a pessimistic bunch.
Aaaaaaaand, there's next month's thread title.
I wonder if it says more about the state of WWE or of it's audience that wrestling fans can be such a pessimistic bunch.
Bit of both. It's really easy to be negative and just have a moan but at the same it's hard to be positive with Vince & Dunn still running the show and the companies track record speaks for itself.
The highest a Japanese wrestler has ever climbed WWE ranks was Tajiri winning the United States title once.
So tell me, your statement of 'generic cynicism' vs my statement of Tajiri playing a pervert creep, a yakuza boss, Suzuki playing a wife beating, Japanese imperialist, Taka and Funaki using Godzilla dubs and 'choppy choppy your pee pee', Yoshi being named Yoshi and coming out to DDR music,
Yeah guys, you should totally be optimistic about KENTA's chances.
Don't worry, Ithil... I agree with you!How about "open minded" and "seeing where it's goes" instead of complaining and dismissing before the ink is dry on his contract?
If it turns out bad, it turns out bad, oh well. It's this process of writing him off instantly with complete apathy that is tiresome. He's being given a fair amount of hype for his signing (he is certainly the first to have his signing announced on since at least Sin Cara three years ago), he'll be going to a stimulating environment in NXT, and I hope to enjoy what he does.
That's all.
Sure, but not even a hint of interest or excitement at the potential matches he could have in NXT with guys like Zayn, Devitt, Steen or Neville? Just "who cares yoshi tatsu let's move on"?
I hope they make KENTA an anime nerd and he brings a body pillow to the ring, then gets really angry when someone tries to touch it.
How about "open minded" and "seeing where it's goes" instead of complaining and dismissing before the ink is dry on his contract?
If it turns out bad, it turns out bad, oh well. It's this process of writing him off instantly with complete apathy that is tiresome. He's being given a fair amount of hype for his signing (he is certainly the first to have his signing announced on since at least Sin Cara three years ago), he'll be going to a stimulating environment in NXT, and I hope to enjoy what he does.
That's all.
Kenta to be managed by a 1000 year old deamon.
But what happens when he has to choose between his love for pillow-chan or the temptations of a 1000 year old demon? I can smell the high drama already.
Well that does kinda suck but I suppose if you don't watch NXT then you're just waiting for Vince to get hold of him a few months down the line and ruin him.
I understand the reason, and they have a terrible, terrible track record with Japanese stars, but they are handling guys like Sami Zayn and Adrian Neville as the top guys in NXT, which they never would have had under Johnny Ace. Zayn in particular seems to be HHH's favourite, non-body builder as he is, so I've been given enough rope to think he (KENTA) will at least do well in NXT for the time being and potentially become a "HHH guy", which means a lot more than being a Vince guy.I'm saying when you have a track record THAT bad, you have to prove to me that you can do right. WWE no longer gets a 'free pass' with this stuff, they have fucked up so many times in the past that they have to prove otherwise. They are guilty of this bullshit until they prove otherwise because they've fucked up too many times before.
But what happens when he has to choose between his love for pillow-chan or the temptations of a 1000 year old demon? I can smell the high drama already.
Kenta to be managed by a 1000 year old deamon.
How about "open minded" and "seeing where it's goes" instead of complaining and dismissing before the ink is dry on his contract?
If it turns out bad, it turns out bad, oh well. It's this process of writing him off instantly with complete apathy that is tiresome. He's being given a fair amount of hype for his signing (he is certainly the first to have his signing announced on since at least Sin Cara three years ago), he'll be going to a stimulating environment in NXT, and I hope to enjoy what he does.
That's all.
Well that does kinda suck but I suppose if you don't watch NXT then you're just waiting for Vince to get hold of him a few months down the line and ruin him.
I hope KENTA is looking forward to being the next Yoshi Tatsu.
Kenta to be managed by a 1000 year old deamon.
I think cynicism regarding KENTA is justified, since we have like 20 years of history on our side.
I say he'll be coming out to Hatsune Miku while eating a box of Pocky until WWE proves otherwise.
But what happens when he has to choose between his love for pillow-chan or the temptations of a 1000 year old demon? I can smell the high drama already.
WWE's been needing to trim the fat for a while. Hopefully Rosa's gone next.