Dr Duncan Steel
I think Alpha 3 is very underrated if I say so myself.
Haha, yup, Capcom made gamers pay 15 bucks to play Decapre and 4 retreads from SFxT.I bought Ultra SF4 kinda blind, apparently I just bought an add-on to SSF4 that is SFxT
What a fucking waste of money
Oh thank you sir. Couldn't agree more.SF4 series along with 3S is among the worst SF games in the series.
Definitely worth it if you enjoy sf4 at a high levelHaha, yup, Capcom made gamers pay 15 bucks to play Decapre and 4 retreads from SFxT.
Arcade edition's probably the best version of SF4 but it's in no way the best fighting game ever.Super SF4 2012 is probably the best fighting game ever.
Is it similar to EA MMA? That game had some quirky controls too.The EA UFC demo is pretty ok. Nothing amazing.
I guess people are moaning that the controls are too complicated but I dont know.... I just spam the "kick the other guy in the head" button.
Cesaro is feuding with BNB? Why?
Is the plan to turn Cesaro into a credible heel "be an asshole to everyone who is cheered?"
You guys, Cena is so rebellious. He's going up against the Authority. Do you think they'll fire him?
Don't you ever bad mouth the greatest fighting game of all time ever again.SF4 series along with 3S is among the worst SF games in the series.
The man FEEDS US.
On the other hand, DB looks like something you need to feed in regular intervals.
This is a days old quote, but I meant to ask, when is this available as a download? There seems to be about a 2 month delay for PWG between the event and when it is released as a download and DVD.
Do you know when Progress 13 will be available, too?
You guys, Cena is so rebellious. He's going up against the Authority. Do you think they'll fire him?
On the other hand, DB looks like something you need to feed in regular intervals.
Thank you Cena. ;_;
Why is there a caption when it's already captioned? Da fuck?
Delete your save. Your game is broken as Brody doesn't job.
* SmackDown opens with Triple H and Seth Rollins coming to the ring to the Evolution music. Rollins is still wearing his gear. Fans boo Rollins and call him a sell out. Triple H says he told us he wins. Rollins takes the mic. Rollins gets a lot of heel heat here but says only he knows why he turned on The Shield.
Don't you ever bad mouth the greatest fighting game of all time ever again.
Is it similar to EA MMA? That game had some quirky controls too.
So now that Rollins left the shield heart broken...when will Bo join The Shield so we can Bolieve in the Shield?
Don't you ever bad mouth the greatest fighting game of all time ever again.
Have.If you would of said after midnight, I'd have given you a 5.
Nobody even brought up Persona 4 Arena though
Why would they want to MAKE THEM STARS?FUCK why don't they just have two MITB matches. One for the title and one for the case. Put Kane and have Bryan defend against the participants. Make it a showcase for all those involved and MAKE THEM STARS. It worked with Cody and that's what everyone needs right now. A non-Wrestlemania moment that'll make their stock in the company so much higher.
Hawk's buffs alone are worth fifteen bucks.Haha, yup, Capcom made gamers pay 15 bucks to play Decapre and 4 retreads from SFxT.
Go on....Hawk's buffs alone are worth fifteen bucks.
Welp. Botched that one guys.I knew it looked weird but I couldn't pin point what it was. Thank you based Plywood for the answer.
The Hawk buffs feel sooooooo good.Hawk's buffs alone are worth fifteen bucks.