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June Wrasslin |OT| When you lose, you're a jobber, when you win, you're Cena.


Here is an awesome write-up from pwinsider for every match at Chikarasaurus Rex: How to Hatch a Dinosaur” Saturday, June 2, 2012 . The show starts at 7pm.

The Colony, Eddie Kingston, and Jigsaw vs. GEKIDO (The Swarm, 17, and The Shard)

GEKIDO’s war on Chikara continues at full strength. The five members of GEKIDO teams teamed together for the first time at Aniversario, taking on members of the first graduating class of the Chikara Wrestle Factory. They won that match, with 17 injuring Dragonfly in the process, putting a stop to his attempted comeback. This time, they will take on the current King of Trios, the Grand Champion, and the only Chikara Grand Slam winner. GEKIDO has made it clear that they are going after the handpicked faces of Chikara, the darlings of the promotion in their eyes. GEKIDO have been going for the masks of the Colony with in every encounter so far, wanting to expose the Colony’s true identities. A preview video with words from members of the GEKIDO can be found here: http://youtu.be/ZghfNL0LwEg.

Campeonatos de Parejas on the Line:
FIST vs. The Young Bucks
Two out of Three Falls


The Young Bucks earned their three points during the recent sojourn through the Midwest. That same weekend, FIST regained the Campeonatos de Parejas from a weakened 3.0, becoming the first two-time champions in Chikara history. The Young Bucks commented that they would be happy to take the titles to “a higher stage,” specifically to Ring of Honor television. Chuck Taylor, writing on the Chikara Pro website, took umbrage to the idea that the Young Lions Cup is currently in Osaka Pro, and promised to fight “tooth and nail” to prove that he and Gargano are the best tag team in the world and to keep the titles in Chikara.

Mask vs. Hair:
Hallowicked vs. Tim Donst


Tim Donst is the self-described greatest Young Lions Cup champion in history. With that belief, he takes great exception to the thought that most fans have that Hallowicked is the greatest Young Lions Cup champion in Chikara history. The feud began in earnest at The Germans in November 2010 when Donst defeated Hallowicked with a rear naked choke assisted by a shoelace. From there, Hallowicked attacked Donst the following February, which caused Donst to lose a match to Max Boyer in 4 seconds. At High Noon, Hallowicked took possession of Donst’s Cup after Donst abandoned the match in an attempt to save his hair. Donst resorted to petitions, sneak attacks at intermissions, and trying to fight ‘Wicked in the back of a furniture shop (http://youtu.be/glF-HpJKfAw). In Easton last month, another post-match attack by Donst made this match a Lucha de Apuesta with Hallowicked’s mask and Donst’s hair on the line.

Ladder Match:
Icarus vs. Gran Akuma


Icarus and Chuck Taylor kicked Gran Akuma out of FIST and replaced him with Johnny Gargano almost two years ago at the first Chikarasaurus Rex. Akuma then made his return at last year’s Cibernetico with Icarus clearly in his sights. After a double countout between the two at the season premiere in January, Icarus successfully lobbied Director of Fun Wink Vavasseur to institute a trial series to Akuma’s roster spot. Akuma has survived Gregory Iron, Chuck Taylor, and a handicap match against FIST (with an assist from Iron). Now, a Chikara contract will be hanging above the ring, and it’s Akuma’s for the taking. His former partner will be on the other side of the ring, trying to prove what he’s thought dating back to July 2010: Gran Akuma can’t cut it anymore in Chikara. A new wrinkle was announced by Wink Vavasseur on Thursday: Gregory Iron will be the special referee. For a preview, watch this: http://youtu.be/ucl4MHV7pv4

Mixed Martial Archie and Colt Cabana vs. The Throwbacks

Archibald Peck and Colt Cabana both have major issues with Mr. Touchdown. Shortly after his debut, Archie’s now-former valet, Veronica, began flirting with Mr. Touchdown, leaving Archie behind. Veronica leaving him in the midst of a losing streak allowed Archie to embrace his MMA training and change his approach in the ring. Mr. Touchdown won Mixed Martial Archie’s debut match due to excesivo de castigo. Mr. Touchdown is more prone to break rules, which Colt Cabana found out first hand in New York City. So when Peck needed a partner, Colt stepped up (see it here: http://youtu.be/4Stw0L2cc_Q). Now, this match has the Loser Leaves Town stipulation added to it where the loser of the fall is gone. Sugar Dunkerton, the third member of the Throwbacks currently on sabbatical from Chikara, announced that he would be returning at How to Hatch A Dinosaur, so how he fits in is now anyone’s guess.

Ultramantis Black vs. Ophidian

Ophidian’s transformation began back at High Noon when he sprayed mist into the face of Amasis, his former partner who had just announced his retirement. He had the masks of Amasis and Hieracon, but he needed a catalyst to continue the evolution. He found that catalyst in Ultramantis Black’s staff. A video review of those events can be found here: http://youtu.be/fImPnRskzms. Meanwhile, Delirious has also been a thorn in Ultramantis Black’s side, promising to make his life miserable until 2014. Several of Delirious‘ appearances have aided Ophidian’s attacks. Now, with Mantis’s staff in his possession, Ophidian’s transformation is close to complete: http://youtu.be/MQ_qRtsHhVs. The newly transformed Ophidian will reveal himself in Philadelphia.

2 vs 3 Inter-gender Handicap Match:
Sara Del Rey and Saturyne vs. The Batiri

Over the past couple months, the Batiri have made Sara Del Rey their target of a verbal assault on their twitter account, @thebatiri. Sara Del Rey has been scheduled to take on each member of the Batiri individually, but in every one of those matches, the Batiri attempted to use their numbers advantage. After Obariyon defeated Del Rey in Indiana, the trio began binding her hands, which compelled Saturyne to make the save for her hero. Shortly after, Saturyne made the challenge for the 2 on 3 match. The Batiri continue their verbal onslaught on Twitter, but rumors have swirled on twitter that it will not be a handicap match, that the sides will somehow become even.


My Member!
Right on cue with my little rant, Heyman seems to have had his own little tangent in a similar fashion he posted. I'll repaste it since it's so good:

I walk into the offices of #Looking4Larry and there's a bunch of #ECW pics sent to me by George Tahinos (who is a phenomenal photographer) . I guess in honor of the #ECW DVD / Blu-Ray coming out next week and NO, I can't express myself in 140 characters or less and I couldn't help staring at this pic of me and Bill Alphonso from 1995 ...

and I'm looking at that pic and wondering "how fuckin' long was my hair back then?" #HolySh** And then I immediately thought, "Who would follow THAT rebel leader?

I look at some of these pics, and I realize how blessed I was in my career. Some guys have to wait forever for a lucky break. I managed @AustinIdolLive and Tommy Rich at the age of 21. Also The Orig Midnights, which I got to do on @ESPN. Got to debut in WCW on TBS at 23 years old.

So I was @JRsBBQ color commentator at 23 years old. NO ONE IS GIVEN THAT OPPORTUNITY IN TODAY'S ENVIRONMENT!

I will admit, with all modesty, I #Hustled my ass off, and GOT MYSELF the opportunity with ambition, politics, and pure assertiveness. Even "down periods" would give me the chance 2 work w/ people like Mean Mark. U know him as "The Undertaker" @WWE


At 26, I managed @SteveAustinBSR, Rick Rude,Arn,Eaton, Zbyszko ... The Dangerous Alliance (didn't forget @Madusa_Rocks)


I'm working with these legends, these giants of the industry, these absolute top guys in my 20s In today's system, most super talented people spend a great portion of their 20's just trying to make it onto the main roster and yes, that has to change.

I got to take over the creative of #ECW a week after my 28th birthday


By the time I became @JRsBBQ commentator on @WWE #Raw in 2001, I was 35 years old. STILL a "kid" but I was already a veteran with decades in the business, and yet a 35 year old today would just be getting that chance and working with @JRsBBQ on #RAW allowed me to commentate Wmania 17 and @SteveAustinBSR vs @TheRock.

By the time I worked with Brock Lesnar, which has become my best known managerial role, I was 36 years old. I look at some of these pics and videos #HustleTweeters send me, and I realize what an amazingly blessed career I've had.

I've had more lucky breaks, more open doors, more perfect-storm-timing-opportunities than anyone else I've known. These pics don't just remind me of "accomplishments," they remind me of what a lucky bastard I've been to be able to ...work with these magnificent people, and play these roles, under these various circumstances. I've hit the lottery so many times, it's easy to just "expect" the next opportunity, or get a sense of entitlement. But I've never felt entitled. Always blessed. Privileged. Lucky as all Hell. And yet, I know how much hard work goes into it, and how you have to SCORE with your opportunities.

The next generation in this (or any other business) doesn't just need to "Step Up," they need to "Stand Up" and "Get Noticed!" Think it was easy for @CMpunk? Think it was easy for @WWEDanielBryan? They had to scratch and claw and fight for every ...inch of turf they could pry away from the previous generation, who made them f**kin' earn it!!!

It's not about backstabbing. It's not about kissing ass. It's not about pulling a hot stunt and getting momentary publicity. It's about creating your own opportunity (like @SteveAustinBSR did with "Stone Cold") and working harder than every1 else looking for the big break, the next chance, the golden opportunity.

This isn't a pep talk. It's the lay of the land as I see it in today's sports entertainment industry. I would have written a blog, but who knows if anyone will click on the link? And while this may be a "stream of consciousness" diatribe, it's a message to those who may be getting frustrated a message to those who may be wondering "will I ever get that chance? that break? that opportunity?" DON'T WAIT FOR IT TO COME TO YOU! RELY ON YOURSELF!!! Do you think @SteveAustinBSR relied on anyone? Did HHH? Did @TheRock? Did Hulk Hogan? Did @CMpunk?

With great humility, I ask you, did I? F**K NO. If there was no opportunity, I created my own, pushed my way in, manipulated the circumstances to beg, borrow, plead, blackmail, bribe, cajole, threaten, bullshit and/or manufacture. All I wanted was a mic in my hand and a time frame in which I had to deliver my message. I knew I would score.

I've seen it in this business for ages. I saw @ShawnMichaels go from tag team wrestler to greatest all around in-ring performer ever. Think it was easy for him? I remember when Shawn and Marty were blackballed in the business, and could only work in Ala-f**kin-bama. Think it didn't take @ShawnMichaels everything "and then some" to break out of The Rockers and get a chance as "HBK"? AMBITION. ASSERTIVENESS and the ABILITY TO BACK IT UP is what it takes to create the next generation of main eventers.

And it's time for the next group of superstars to stake their claim and create their own generation for others to follow. Period. Excla-f**kin-mation point. The lecture is over. Pontification has ended. Hope I've been of help 2 ANYONE who follows this acct and maybe even to someone who doesn't!

We now return you to our regularly scheduled nonsense...."
All I can think of whenever I see veterans write "assert yourself/make yourself known/put yourself out there/step up/etc" is how badly Zack Ryder got buried by doing just that.
Well you DO like the inferior Cara...

Punk? He ain't even in my Fav Five...

1. Daniel Bryan
2. Sin Cara
3. AJ
4. Kane
5. Dolph Ziggler
6. Cody Rhodes
7. Zack Ryder
8. David Otunga
9. Big Johnny


more money than God
All I can think of whenever I see veterans write "assert yourself/make yourself known/put yourself out there/step up/etc" is how badly Zack Ryder got buried by doing just that.
What do you mean buried? He got a match against a multiple time world champion at Over The Limit!

Yeah it's crazy LOL. Those wrestling magazine pictures look nuts, he looks in his 40's.
Taking that into account, he seems to have aged well since then. He just hit that 40's look really early, lol.


My Member!
All I can think of whenever I see veterans write "assert yourself/make yourself known/put yourself out there/step up/etc" is how badly Zack Ryder got buried by doing just that.

I agree, he seems to be going into that kind of rhetoric that is typical of people inside the business, but he has a caveat about how younger wrestlers don't seem to get the chance he did and how lucky he was as well. And he seems to be saying more than that, basically "go into business for yourself" and don't listen to what anyone says type stuff - except yourself. Even basically saying, hey, fuck people over if you have to LOL. Heyman wasn't a saint, that's for sure, especially reading about the end days of ECW and some of Cornette's stories about him.


more money than God
To be fair, Ryder would likely have been fired by now, if he hadn't gotten himself over. Also, he's still a terrible wrestler, for the most part.


No One Remembers
One thing that irked me:
The next generation in this (or any other business) doesn't just need to "Step Up," they need to "Stand Up" and "Get Noticed!" Think it was easy for @CMpunk?

Punk did and look what happened. HHH / Vince didn't like the fact that he got so much attention and intervened and completely ruined that angle.


My Member!
One thing that irked me:

Punk did and look what happened. HHH / Vince didn't like the fact that he got so much attention and intervened and completely ruined that angle.

Yeah it's a problem when there's only one game in town.

If WCW only existed, then there never would have been a Stone Cold Steve Austin. He went from ousted from WCW to going in ECW and having an outlet to push some of his anger toward Hogan and Bischoff and be edgy, and then get noticed and picked up by WWF.

Back then you had three companies to take advantage of, and even regional backups like USWA that had ties with WWF, and Japan wrestling federations that were big.

Now its WWE and if you don't mesh well there and try to take that chance, you're cut and done.
I agree, he seems to be going into that kind of rhetoric that is typical of people inside the business, but he has a caveat about how younger wrestlers don't seem to get the chance he did and how lucky he was as well. And he seems to be saying more than that, basically "go into business for yourself" and don't listen to what anyone says type stuff - except yourself. Even basically saying, hey, fuck people over if you have to LOL. Heyman wasn't a saint, that's for sure, especially reading about the end days of ECW and some of Cornette's stories about him.
Well yeah. Heyman had to do that because if he didn't, then he would've gone out of business.
One thing that irked me:

Punk did and look what happened. HHH / Vince didn't like the fact that he got so much attention and intervened and completely ruined that angle.
HHH only got involved because Nash couldn't pass his physical.
Heyman looked older when he was young because his hair started thinning really really early. He had a big ass bald spot when he was 25.


To be fair, Ryder would likely have been fired by now, if he hadn't gotten himself over. Also, he's still a terrible wrestler, for the most part.
Ding ding. Point to a match Zachary carried as well as a young Shawn Michael or Steve Austin. Hell compare him to Dolph Ziggler.


No One Remembers
Yeah, but I will be there live in the front row trying to get Garrett sucks chants started up. I would try to start a fuck you garrett chant, but they would probably kick me out for that. Not sure the rules on profanity.

So keep my eye out for Vader in the crowd??
Ding ding. Point to a match Zachary carried as well as a young Shawn Michael or Steve Austin. Hell compare him to Dolph Ziggler.

I would, if they had ever given him the chance. And comparing him to Austin or Michaels? That's a ridiculous request and you know it. Shit was way different for them compared to today.


My Member!
I would, if they had ever given him the chance. And comparing him to Austin or Michaels? That's a ridiculous request and you know it. Shit was way different for them compared to today.

Ryder would have been a great Attitude era type midcarder, I'm not sure why people expect greatness out of him though.


more money than God
It's almost midnight. You know what that mean. It's time to talk about wrestling.

I always thought this was such an underrated triple threat match. A lot of the time in TTM's, they tend to have one guy out, while the other two go at it, but in this one, they made an effort to get everyone involved most of the time. It's a limited combination, but they made up for it with smart pacing, and some nice spots. Anyone else have anything to add?



Yeah, but I will be there live in the front row trying to get Garrett sucks chants started up. I would try to start a fuck you garrett chant, but they would probably kick me out for that. Not sure the rules on profanity.

Also boo Brooke Hogan if she's there too!
Ryder would have been a great Attitude era type midcarder, I'm not sure why people expect greatness out of him though.

Agreed. I never thought he should just be given the world title or anything, but I would've liked to see them at least give him a chance to shine with the US title instead of fucking it up like they always do.


Agreed. I never thought he should just be given the world title or anything, but I would've liked to see them at least give him a chance to shine with the US title instead of fucking it up like they always do.

I was just baffled from the start when they randomly put a soon-to-be-departing John Morrison against Ziggler for the U.S. title at Survivor Series when Ryder was red hot at the time and ready to win that belt at MSG.


Impact was pretty fun tonight. Aries vs. Sabin was the best match I've seen in awhile. The gut check promo seemed pretty legit and controversial, to me at least.
I was just baffled from the start when they randomly put a soon-to-be-departing John Morrison against Ziggler for the U.S. title at Survivor Series when Ryder was red hot at the time and ready to win that belt at MSG.

Alot was baffling before Survivor Series. Like why did John Cena destroy Truth and Miz on a weekly basis by himself to the point where noone took them seriously as challengers to Cena and Rock? The booking in this company is so shit.
Ryder would have been a great Attitude era type midcarder, I'm not sure why people expect greatness out of him though.

I expect Zack Ryder to be a midcard comedy act who can back it up a bit, not another complete dweeb loser in a sea of jobbers. Nobody expects "greatness" but Zack Ryder was absolutely ASSASSINATED in one of the worst ways in recent memory. That's enough to make people NOT want to try to get over and just wait until the Creative™ monkeys mash out a storyline they deem worthy.



I was just baffled from the start when they randomly put a soon-to-be-departing John Morrison against Ziggler for the U.S. title at Survivor Series when Ryder was red hot at the time and ready to win that belt at MSG.

Didn't they also trick Ryder into showing up to Raw and then telling him he wasn't even on the card?


I would, if they had ever given him the chance. And comparing him to Austin or Michaels? That's a ridiculous request and you know it. Shit was way different for them compared to today.
A match is a match. Its no different today than back then.

I could point at great Cody Rhodes matches. Great Dolph Ziggler matches. Hell Tyson Kidd has a more impressive resume of matches and he was stuck on superstars just like Zachary. Ryder got over as a comedy act. He is going to be treated like one.


Well I haven't been watching wrestling. I've been watching weird pre-taped segments, commercials, and 3 old men deciding whether or not Tom Selleck should be a TNA wrestler.

I thought Joey Ryan was comic gold. He never dropped his character and went full heel. However what he said about somebody else picking up the money... I can understand how he shouldn't have done that and yeah that was pretty disrespectful. That had to be legit I was surprised there wasn't a punch thrown.
Looking back at the Joey Ryan thing and reading comments on twitter from Ryan, I have to think they signed the guy. Otherwise what's the point of wasting 20-30 minutes over 2 shows on someone not under contract? The gutcheck is so out of place on Impact though. Talking about characters and gimmicks and then last week talking about a script. It just takes me out of the whole thing when I'm constantly reminded it's fake.
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