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Jurassic World SPOILER THREAD | Boy, do I hate being spoiled all the time

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Nobody gives a shit about context either. This movie is portraying the dinosaurs in a completely different way, interacting with a human actor in an open, broad-daylight setting. Doing animatronics for something like that would be the opposite of sensible. I also prefer the animation and nuance that CG can provide. CG is much more fluid and flexible. Animatronics make sense for very small-scale shots where you only see a portion of the element in frame, but when you have an actor surrounded by a pack of raptors as each one of them sort of reacts and does their own things, CG is far more practical.

...which is ironic, considering that people tend to superglue the term "practical" to non-CG devices, but what practical really means is what would work the best and most efficiently for what you're trying to capture. Three sequels in, I'm ready to see the dinosaurs portrayed in new ways.
I lasted about two seconds in that other thread. Some people just want to watch the world burn I guess.

I knew it'd be like this regardless, but at least this thread has mostly been a fun ride. I'm appreciative to everyone even CFK who despite being on the fence until he falls off on release date has been a good sport.

Artwork submitted for the Jurassic June event:


Loving these so far.


Unconfirmed Member
"Love in the Time of Pterosauria" wowww

Also just noticed some bonus tracks on iTunes:

It's a Small Jurassic World
The Hammond Lab Overture
The Brockway Monorail
Sunrise O'er Jurassic World
"Aw, it's not for you. It's more of a shelbyville idea..."


I knew it'd be like this regardless, but at least this thread has mostly been a fun ride. I'm appreciative to everyone even CFK who despite being on the fence until he falls off on release date has been a good sport.

Artwork submitted for the Jurassic June event:

Loving these so far.

Links to more?


Unconfirmed Member
I lasted about two seconds in that other thread. Some people just want to watch the world burn I guess.

I skimmed through and read:

"Most people say it's the best JP sequel? Lololol must suck! Lololol who are these ppl, the movie makers??"

Of course no one's going to like it and it's going to be terrible and bomb (just so people can inflate their egos and "I told you so"s). Fortunately it won't actually happen :p
I don't either, was just kidding. I mean, Avengers has like 90 something. lol

But really, it's a kind of fun metric around these parts, but nothing to take too seriously.

Though the extreme sides of the spectrum are generally right. It's the in between that is a bit muddier.


I saw Tomorrowland the other day and thought it was fantastic. What's its RT score again? Oh right-- I don't give a shit.

That's how I am. Wanted the RT to be high so more people will give it a chance like we saw with Mad Max. But overall I don't really care. For example Tron Legacy is a rotten movie yet it's one of my all time favorites. So as long as I enjoy it, that's all I really care about.


Unconfirmed Member
Rotten Tomatoes needs a neutral in their scale. Some movies I watch and they are ok. Not really good, not really bad, they just are alright. Wouldn't rate them a rotten or a fresh.
That's how I am. Wanted the RT to be high so more people will give it a chance like we saw with Mad Max. But overall I don't really care. For example Tron Legacy is a rotten movie yet it's one of my all time favorites. So as long as I enjoy it, that's all I really care about.

This movie will succeed regardless of scores or general reception.

Mad Max needs the extremely positive reception. It's what's given it a bit of legs (in the US, at least).


That's how I am. Wanted the RT to be high so more people will give it a chance like we saw with Mad Max. But overall I don't really care. For example Tron Legacy is a rotten movie yet it's one of my all time favorites. So as long as I enjoy it, that's all I really care about.

No lie, the RT meter being at 99% caught me off guard completely for Mad Max. It was the one thing that kicked me into just going to see it in the theater. Really glad I did.

I think the RT meter, and just reviews in general can both help and hurt. When there's something THAT universally praised critically, yeah, I'll give it a shot, same if it's shat on by everyone, I'll catch it some day if it's free, maybe.

But it also has to do with the individual's taste. I love MOS, and recognize it's got issues, so I don't mind the RT meter or the general consensus on it. Same with TLW and JP3. I have nothing but fun memories of seeing those in theaters and still enjoy those movie's today.

So yeah. RT Threads are fun, but like CFK said, it shouldn't be taken too seriously.


This movie will succeed regardless of scores.

Mad Max needs the extremely positive reception. It's what's given it a bit of legs (in the US, at least).

Oh of course. Were pretty much guaranteed a new trilogy of films with the domestic forecast coupled with the world wide total. But there's nothing wrong with wanting more success.
Take with salt obviously but these comments just showed up on IMDB:

The trailers barely scratch the surface of this movie. If you think the "money shots" that Universal has released are the big set-pieces, think again. There is a TON being kept completely under wraps. For example, a lot of people think the helicopter crash into the aviary is part of the climax. It isn't. It's an impressive scene to be sure but it happens before Act 3 even begins.

Most scenes that some thought looked lackluster in the trailers were drastically altered in the final cut. That said, there will STILL be people who prefer the look of some of the more famous sequences from the 1993 film and that's because the majority of the big effect sequences in Jurassic World take place in daylight with no rain or shadows to hide the dinosaurs. Some might also take issue with the color grading and blue hues of the cinematography. That said, those worried that it falls into the Peter Jackson trap of having tons of random CGI creatures rampaging in and out of green screens can breath a sigh of relief. Every FX shot is carefully framed and timed and they do a spectacular job building the suspense by revealing dinosaurs very slowly before going into full-on rampage mode. The pacing of the dinosaur shots is very similar to the 1993 film. Less is more until the 3rd act. Ohh and the rumor about there being only one animatronic is blatantly false.
But I'm pretty sure everyone has already deduced that the helicopter crash is before ACT III, right?

I figured that, yeah, but maybe not everyone? I dunno.

Anyway found this, not sure if it's okay to post as it's from a magazine but here's a pdf of an article: http://www.jurassicworlduniverse.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/2015summer-sfx.pdf

A summary courtesy of someone on IMDB:

Trevorrow says that he didn't like any of the existing scripts for JPIV and asked to re-write it with his writing partner Derek Connolly.

As previously noted in his interview with EW, Trevorrow sees Jurassic World as a satire about Hollywood excess in reaction to jaded audiences.

Trevorrow felt that the problem with the second and third JP movies were that they left the park and just involved going to an island filled with dinosaurs (the 'Lost World' trope), when what makes JP dramatically compelling is the idea that you're going to a place that is suppose to be perfectly safe and then isn't.

Trevorrow's favorite dinosaur is Ankylosaurus, so they get a big action scene in the movie.

Regarding the Indominus rex, it was Spielberg's idea. Only he wanted it to be an undiscovered species of dinosaur. Trevorrow felt that broke the rules of the JP universe. The only dinosaurs in JP are real ones. So if Steven wanted his 'super-dinosaur' it would have to be genetically engineered hybrid.

Also regarding the lack of feathers on the raptors, Trevorrow says that was also Spielberg's idea as well, a result of the fact that when he did the TV series TERRA NOVA they gave the raptor's feathers which he (Steven) found "emotionally unsatisfying."

Trevorrow however sought an in-universe explanation for why the dinosaurs didn't have feathers and went back to Crichton's original novel where he found a line in which Dr. Henry Wu says that the dinosaurs aren't "pure" due to imperfections in the genetic material and that also the owners of JP didn't want feathers, they wanted "more teeth."

Lastly for people wondering how you get DNA from marine reptiles like a Mosasaur, Trevorrow says that you can get prehistoric DNA from places besides mosquitoes, like bone marrow is fossil fragments.

Damn, Colin showing more care there than Spielberg concerning the new dinosaur... also pretty cool that he at least went back to the book for a justification regarding the feathers.


That's a great read.

So we only have Spielberg to blame for lack of feathers.

And the new dino was his idea, too?

Really interesting to think what a sequel from him would've been like.
Makes me wonder if without Spielberg's insistence that Trevorrow would have had feathered dinosaurs. I think if anything, even if you're going to criticize this, that it shouldn't be aimed at the writers or director.

Trevorrow's favorite dinosaur is Ankylosaurus, so they get a big action scene in the movie.

My man.


Makes me wonder if without Spielberg's insistence that Trevorrow would have had feathered dinosaurs. I think if anything, even if you're going to criticize this, that it shouldn't be aimed at the writers or director.

My man.

I'm just happy it was said and there is in universe justification for the lack of feathers. Up until that article I just assumed that with how they were 'framing' real dinosaurs vs engineered, especially in what little dialogue we have seen from trailers/featurettes and what not they would completely gloss over the fact that the so called 'real' dinosaurs aren't really much realer then the hybrid they were putting into the movie. Disappointed in Spielberg though that he would use such a terrible show and budget to justify the no feather route but at least its not on the director which given his comments coming into the production made me think he was the main reason for the lack of feathers. I'm now looking forward to the movie believe it or not just on the revelation in a couple weeks when I was on the fence before.
You know, this might sound silly, but I'd be curious to see a sequel set in a post apocalyptic, maybe distant future where dinos run free. I don't know, a "jurassic world".
I'm just happy it was said and there is in universe justification for the lack of feathers. Up until that article I just assumed that with how they were 'framing' real dinosaurs vs engineered, especially in what little dialogue we have seen from trailers/featurettes and what not they would completely gloss over the fact that the so called 'real' dinosaurs aren't really much realer then the hybrid they were putting into the movie.

Yeah. I think feathered dinosaurs are very awesome and would have been awesome, but I still think that it'd be very hard for them to win over the particular folk who are obsessive over every quantity. I'm glad that Colin had the head on his shoulders to at least reference elements of the source material regarding this debate. It won't make it okay for everyone, but nothing ever will be okay for everyone.

But we do have a culprit...


You know, this might sound silly, but I'd be curious to see a sequel set in a post apocalyptic, maybe distant future where dinos run free. I don't know, a "jurassic world".

I'd be all for that as well, but the problem would be getting the dinosaurs off the island. Getting enough of them to the mainlands to sustain population growth would be a difficult task for the movie to explain.
I'd be all for that as well, but the problem would be getting the dinosaurs off the island. Getting enough of them to the mainlands to sustain population growth would be a difficult task for the movie to explain.

They could just get Ludlow's grandson to work all that out since talent skips a generation.
I'd be all for that as well, but the problem would be getting the dinosaurs off the island. Getting enough of them to the mainlands to sustain population growth would be a difficult task for the movie to explain.

Maybe for like the third sequel. Like InGen competitors were also making dinos and stuff, and that's why I said in the future (many decades probably),

Honestly, I don't think it'd be that hard to explain, most anything can be sold if it's done properly. Maybe an intro short explination a la Mad Max. I think it might be cool

Or like another movie in the same universe, but not a sequel in the traditional sense (a la Mad Max :p).


They could just get Ludlow's grandson to work all that out since talent skips a generation.

Even with all the talent that dude would surely have I doubt any government would allow the dinosaurs to be bred on the mainland. Especially after 2 parks and the San Diego incident.
Trevorrow just said in that interview that he thinks Jurassic Park should be about going to a safe place that isn't safe. Maybe he isn't doing the sequel because he's not sure how a sequel would go about fulfilling that idea; it seems like if they did more that they would involve a more widespread area. I think he personally just wanted to make one self-contained movie while Universal is interested in bigger plans if this one does well enough.
I was actually going to say, I would love it if they went against grain and chose a smaller, more self-contained story.

I don't really know how they'd do that in the context of the Jurassic Park WORLD, of course.


Trevorrow just said in that interview that he thinks Jurassic Park should be about going to a safe place that isn't safe.

That's why I'd be fine with another Site B setup. Send a team there (either from a rival genetics company or the current incarnation of InGen) to extract embryos only to find that after years the dinosaurs escaped the breeding pens and are thriving on the island to an extent that The Lost World never really showed. It'd be a lazy premise, but there was so much potential for Site B that TLW did nothing with.
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