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Just finished halo now I have a Question??

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
After playing the last mission I got the impression that the entire game was set on halo?

I thought it was just the last mission?


they call me "Man Gravy".
Do The Mario said:
How did a beach, jungle and grasslands get on that floating ring?

Umm, you can't seriously be asking that, can you? Here's a hint ... it's a game. There's a lot of stuff in there that isn't really plausible.

And besides, you must not have read Niven's Ringworld books.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
None of these details are present on the ring when it’s depicted from a distance?
Halo looked very dull in all the cut scenes I suppose thats why I didn’t believe some of those vibrant levels were on Halo, I just assumed there was a bit of confusing dialog.


Nerevar said:
Umm, you can't seriously be asking that, can you? Here's a hint ... it's a game. There's a lot of stuff in there that isn't really plausible.

And besides, you must not have read Niven's Ringworld books.

Oh come now, the only truly implausible part is that the effort necessary to build such a structure is astronomical. Physically there is nothing impossible about it.


Bregor said:
Oh come now, the only truly implausible part is that the effort necessary to build such a structure is astronomical. Physically there is nothing impossible about it.

First we need to learn to make new planets ;)


Bregor said:
Oh come now, the only truly implausible part is that the effort necessary to build such a structure is astronomical. Physically there is nothing impossible about it.

except for that little issue called 'gravity'.


john2kx said:
except for that little issue called 'gravity'.

It spins, your momentum presses you against the surface of the ring, giving the illusion of gravity. Simple physics.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Are we arguing the realism of a videogame? Next thing we will have a Star Wars/Star Trek debate.

Deku Tree

Do The Mario said:
None of these details are present on the ring when it’s depicted from a distance?
Halo looked very dull in all the cut scenes I suppose thats why I didn’t believe some of those vibrant levels were on Halo, I just assumed there was a bit of confusing dialog.

The details are depicted from a distance if you look closely.


Do The Mario said:
None of these details are present on the ring when it’s depicted from a distance?

Well, one explanation for this would be that the ring is supposed to be huge, not just like some spacestation outpost. At least that's the impression I got of it. Compare the ship that crashes on Halo to the scale of the ring for example. I suppose the overall vegetation structure would be possible to spot from space, unless there are clouds or something covering the "sky" of Halo. But IIRC, it is possible to see that there is something "on" the ring.
Do The Mario said:
After playing the last mission I got the impression that the entire game was set on halo?

I thought it was just the last mission?

never really thought about it but if you think abou it - there are no sequences showing you leaving halo for the duration of the campaign - so; yes. the entire game is set on halo.

can someone recap the gist of Halo1 story? I can't remember the in and outs of it. and I'd like to before I play Halo 2


Just for reference, Larry Niven's Ringworld, the inspiration for Halo, has a radius of 93 million miles - as large as Earth's orbit! Halo doesn't appear to be anywhere near that big, but still is apparently large enough to include an entire ecosystem, with plants, seas, etc., on it's inner surface.


TheGreenGiant said:
never really thought about it but if you think abou it - there are no sequences showing you leaving halo for the duration of the campaign - so; yes. the entire game is set on halo.

Actually, doesn't Master Chief travel around by ship a couple of times in the game after you've completed certain levels?
Kiriku said:
Actually, doesn't Master Chief travel around by ship a couple of times in the game after you've completed certain levels?

yeah .. but no interplanetary travel / cross planet sequences so it just sticks in your head; he's moving around halo. He did get off Halo to go onto the covenant drop ship at one point... I think. It has been 2 years since I played it.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Well anyway I had a great time with the game, played it on normal and found it a bit too easy, if I pick up Halo 2 at launch I think I will dive into it up on heroic.

Anyway I few improvements I hope to see in Halo 2

- The removal of some repetitive parts of Levels
- A few more enemies
- No Flood please, maybe just a cameo

Still the game was great fun, GOTY imo :)
Do The Mario said:
if I pick up Halo 2 at launch I think I will dive into it up on heroic.

they did say they upped the ante on difficulty on ai. Good luck; I'll be happy with one notch up from normal. Sometimes; its good to playthrough a title on a moderate difficulty so you can finish it without too much angst *cough*viewtiful joe*cough*.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Bregor said:
Just for reference, Larry Niven's Ringworld, the inspiration for Halo, has a radius of 93 million miles - as large as Earth's orbit! Halo doesn't appear to be anywhere near that big, but still is apparently large enough to include an entire ecosystem, with plants, seas, etc., on it's inner surface.

If Halo was so big how would one ship blowing up destroy it? Maybe it didn’t get destroyed but it was an illusion?


Do The Mario said:
If Halo was so big how would one ship blowing up destroy it? Maybe it didn’t get destroyed but it was an illusion?

Since it's spinning, it's under a lot of stress- damage the structure enough and it will tear itself apart.
Do The Mario said:
If Halo was so big how would one ship blowing up destroy it? Maybe it didn’t get destroyed but it was an illusion?

did Halo explode? :D I need that recap - can someone do a quick rundown or post a link to a site so I can refresh my memory.

* there is more than 1 ring world / halo right? I think I remember that.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Bregor said:
Since it's spinning, it's under a lot of stress- damage the structure enough and it will tear itself apart.

But the damage would be insignificant to such a large object, and wouldn’t it take time to break apart?

Anyway it was a fun game but I think a few of a questions raised in this thread could have been addressed in a better manner.


Do The Mario said:
But the damage would be insignificant to such a large object, and wouldn’t it take time to break apart?

Anyway it was a fun game but I think a few of a questions raised in this thread could have been addressed in a better manner.

Depends on the size and location of the explosion- but I agree with you actually. It should have taken quite a bit more to destroy the Halo.


Can some tell me the story in a nutshell? Ive played and finished the game but that too long ago. And i just pre-orderd Halo2 because the gameshop had 1 LE left, so i took it.


If we're going to discuss ringworld structures, it's worth noting that after Niven's original 'Ringworld' novel came out, a bunch of MIT goofballs proved the ring structure was unstable. So...the real question is, how did 343 GS keep Halo stable in the first place :D


He didn't need to. The Forerunners designed it to be what it is. We're not supposed to understand their tech. Hell, they have time/space warping crystals and possibly created an organism that can adapt to any biological and has intelligence.

The planet the Halo is orbiting is a gas giant, that's why Keyes put the PoA down on the ring.
And Cortana notes the ring has atmosphere before you land on it. When you first encounter snow she muses that inclimate weather seems to be what the Forerunners wanted on Halo. The parts you see in the game are apparently only a small faction of its actual size.


they call me "Man Gravy".
Do The Mario said:
But the damage would be insignificant to such a large object, and wouldn’t it take time to break apart?

Anyway it was a fun game but I think a few of a questions raised in this thread could have been addressed in a better manner.

Mario, Bregor ... it's a game. The whole basis for playing a game requires you to suspend your sense of disbelief.


Gorey said:
If we're going to discuss ringworld structures, it's worth noting that after Niven's original 'Ringworld' novel came out, a bunch of MIT goofballs proved the ring structure was unstable. So...the real question is, how did 343 GS keep Halo stable in the first place :D

The position of the Ringworld in relation to the system primary is unstable, since it is not actually in orbit. Since the Halo is a much smaller body in orbit around a larger body, it doesn't suffer this problem.


Nerevar said:
Mario, Bregor ... it's a game. The whole basis for playing a game requires you to suspend your sense of disbelief.

I didn't say it bothered me- I just agreed that it wasn't realistic.


can someone spoiler tag what happens at the end? I never did finish it, and would like to know before I start with Halo 2 next week.


The position of the Ringworld in relation to the system primary is unstable, since it is not actually in orbit. Since the Halo is a much smaller body in orbit around a larger body, it doesn't suffer this problem.

Absolutely. I was just trying to be sarcastic, but oh well :D

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
343 GS convinces Master Chief to activate halo, hes about to and cortana figures out that the whole purpose of Halo is to destroy the flood, to destroy the flood it elimates the floods food source. Food source being every living thing everywhere. Master chief says "oh shit" then you run back out of the tower, back through a couple of levels blowing shit up along the way, then all the way back to pillar of autumn where you detonate its engines and break HALO apart.

If you do it on legendary you get and extra 3-5 seconds of a marine fighting with an elite, they see the explosion, the human says something like "this is it big guy" and they hug.
seiously, start up Halo, let it sit in attract mode and look at the inner surface of the ring... you can see the land masses and bodies of water...


I have three questions.

1. From where comes The Flood and why?
2. What is the Halo weapon?
3. Why the hell didn't Bungie put subtitles in the cutscenes? :|
Why are we caring about spoilers on a game that came out in 2001? Seriously folks, if you haven't seen the ending by now, you deserve to be spoiled.


Deepthroat said:
I have three questions.

1. From where comes The Flood and why?
2. What is the Halo weapon?
3. Why the hell didn't Bungie put subtitles in the cutscenes? :|

1. We don't know. We know the Halo was for studying them. We don't know if they are a natural phenomenom or a biological WMD. We don't know who created them.

2. We don't know exactly what the Halo fires, just that it can kill every lifeform of sufficient biomass to sustain a Flood infection within 25,000 light years. There are other Halos at the ends of each other's ranges. When one is fired, the others fire, thereby wiping the universe clean.

3. The whole plot doesn't take place during the cutscenes. So you'd have subtitled cutscenes, but most of what Cortana says during gameply would be lost.


Okay, thanks. That sounds logic.

But the Covenant's and the Flood keeps fighting with each other all the time. It's basically cause the Flood wants to eat them? Have I understood it right? :p


Yep. The Flood want to eat everything, at least at that stage of their evolution. The theory on the thing that absorbs Keyes was that it was getting smart enough to pilot the Truth&Reconciliation, and the Covenant were smart enough not to let that ship take off. That's why they didn't abandon the damn thing and run for the hills, and ostensibly why there was a giant hole in it that leaked coolant - they sabotaged it rather than let the Flood off Halo.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
I don’t really care about how real Halo was when blowing up, I just wish it was made it clearer WTF Halo was, yes it was a weapon but how did it work? why the hell are there so many different Environments on it?

What is the point of creating such a creative gaming world if you’re not going to expand upon it?

Btw then the thread is titled I have just finished halo now I have some Questions?

Do you think there will be spoilers?
Do The Mario said:
I don’t really care about how real Halo was when blowing up, I just wish it was made it clearer WTF Halo was, yes it was a weapon but how did it work? why the hell are there so many different Environments on it?

What is the point of creating such a creative gaming world if you’re not going to expand upon it?

Btw then the thread is titled I have just finished halo now I have some Questions?

Do you think there will be spoilers?

OMG....dude. It's a game. Do you always ask questions when you watch sci-fi show and people are flying in little cars or going faster than the speed of light in space ships?

You'd be the last person I'd take to see Starship Troopers. "How did bugs get that big? How are they shooting out of their butts? Why don't they just make a big can of bug spray and spray them?"

They don't explain it all because there's a deeper mystery to it. They know Halo is a weapon but how it works is unknown. They know it was used to contain the Flood but how they were supposed to be utilized is unknown. There's a lot of unknowns about it that will be explained in later games. The point is, they will expand upon it.


This is how Bungie is, though. Their games are always fairly deep story-wise. Halo was never meant as a one-off game, it was planned as a universe. The first game leaves questions to keep you wondering about the story. I expect the sequel to bring up twice as many questions as it answers.
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