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Just finished halo now I have a Question??


I see HALO spanning off in the horizon...does this game called HALO take place on HALO?

Holy SHIT!! Is that the same background image with the HALO spanning off in the horizon that can be found in EVERY FUCKING OUTDOOR SCENE? Maybe this game really does take place on the HALO.


I'm guessing we'll get more backstory on the Halos across the galaxy in Halo 2. Gonna have to hold tight for a couple days. :D
Son of Godzilla said:
Wow I had no idea. Owned the game for like two years and I always thought Halo was orbitting a planet and you crashed onto the planet.

+1 clueless gamer.

Serious. The ring world aspect of Halo is pretty cool. That frist shot. I don't like how the horizon/mountains is like 11 big kinks.

halo ring looks like an inverted g-string


First tragedy, then farce.
How could you NOT know.. umm.. you realize Star Wars is set in a long time ago in a galaxy far far away right?
StoOgE said:
How could you NOT know.. umm.. you realize Star Wars is set in a long time ago in a galaxy far far away right?

I'm wondering the same thing. I mean the skybot in outdoor levels has the Halo on either end of the sky. The second level puts you on a canyon that overlooks an ocean that goes all along one side of the ring. It's right there plain as day. They don't hide it at all.


[22:20] <IJoel> well.. UNSC gets to halo by pure coincidence
[22:21] <IJoel> when they get there, they see all this covenant armada and realize there's something going on
[22:21] <IJoel> anyway, they are attacked and forced to land in Halo and protect Cortana (earth's coordinates) from falling into the covenant's handas
[22:22] <IJoel> after that, well, it starts as a recoinnasance (sp?) mission and then evolves into finding out what the covenant is looking in Halo
[22:24] <IJoel> so cortana manages to find out they are looking for the control room of halo (the covenant)
[22:25] <IJoel> and so, thinking halo is a weapon, they set out to get there first
[22:25] <IJoel> that's when they get to the beach level and assault in the control room
[22:26] <IJoel> once they get to the control room, cortana stays there while MC goes looking for Keyes when cortana realizes that halo isn't really a weapon
[22:26] <IJoel> so MC goes to stop Keyes from unleashing the Flood, but he gets there too late
[22:27] <IJoel> once MC escapes the breached containment area, he meets guilty spark
[22:28] <IJoel> and so, guilty spark, the halo construct AI has been programmed with annhilation of the flood in case of a containment breach and possibly the flood getting outside of Halo and spreading, since it's pretty much uncontrollable
[22:29] <IJoel> and he (guilty spark) believes MC is the person (what's the word?) to do this (and this is a heavy hint of human's association with the front runners)
[22:32] <IJoel> they go through the library to get the control room index, which in short is the key to activate Halo's defense mechanism against the flood
[22:32] <IJoel> and MC is all for that, of course... and so they do that
[22:33] <IJoel> only when they get to the control room, Cortana bitch slaps Guilty Spark, and informs MC that the defense mechanism pretty much means starving the Flood... which means killing any potential food, which means killing all life in the galaxy..
[22:34] <IJoel> anyway... the halo defense mechanism would connect it to other halos in the same galaxy and they would cause a huge ass explosion to erradicate life in the galaxy and destroy the flood
[22:35] <IJoel> sooo... after Cortana bitch slaps guilty spark, MC and Cortana realize they need to destroy Halo to stop the flood from leaving Halo and possibly spreading
[22:37] <IJoel> soo... the only way to cause an explosion big enough to fuck up Halo would be by destroying the nuclear reactor in the Pillar of Autum
[22:37] <IJoel> and blah blah blah... they do it and escape



+1,0000 IJoel. Holy crap, that should be the 'official' rendition of the Halo 1 story, everytime anyone asks.


Junior Member
I wonder how it would be able to maintain an open and stable atmosphere(theoreticaly of course).

I cant believe some people are aguing about how a small ship could destroy such a structure. Wayyyyy to many unknown structural/chemical variables to even consider such an event not plausible.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
callous said:
I think Do The Mario might actually be a Hypello?

No do the Mario pre dates this hypello , I first joined up back in 2002.

I can’t believe people are getting stuck into me for wishing the story was better presented in Halo.


Do The Mario said:
None of these details are present on the ring when it’s depicted from a distance?
Halo looked very dull in all the cut scenes I suppose thats why I didn’t believe some of those vibrant levels were on Halo, I just assumed there was a bit of confusing dialog.
Most of the scenes show Halo from the outer side of the ring, where it's mostly metal and dull. The forests and ice and stuff are on the inner side of the ring. Maybe that's what confused you.


Do The Mario said:
No do the Mario pre dates this hypello , I first joined up back in 2002.

I can’t believe people are getting stuck into me for wishing the story was better presented in Halo.

Hypellos are creatures fom FF that end all their sentences with a question mark even if they aren't formulated as questions?

I will get off your case now?
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