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Justified - Season 4 - Timothy Olyphant & Walton Goggins - Tuesdays on FX

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"Gettin' a stiffy yet?"

"Lil' bit."

That needs to be gif'd. Immediately. Would be so perfect for announcements and teasers and reveals and such.

And what perfect timing, just before a new Nintendo Direct.

"Any opinions?"
"On your stiffy? No."

and of course: "I have this stiffy much longer I'm going to have to contact my physician."

I miss 24 greatly, and Justified is the only show since to mix both suspense with surprise with "They did that?!" moments. God bless you Graham Yost and all involved.

What an amazing episode.



I dunno why but this made me chuckle quite a bit.

Great episode. Was not expecting Raylan to be taken like that.


Always a good sign:

The show is legitimately firing on all cylinders. Multiple standoffs all playing out in manners that don't allow them to become repetitive. One episode alone has multiple plot lines deftly weaved into one another. Incredible stuff.


Hunky Nostradamus
Great episode. I hope this isn't the last we've seen of the preacher.

I love that "Marshall stiffy" has become a recurring joke.
Great episode. Last week's was good, but it was sorta flat after the season opener. This one made up for it.

The opening snake attack was amazing. I knew the snakes were going to factor into what happened, but I was pretty surprised at how vicious the attack was. I wondered what was going on when New Devil actually survived all the way back to Boyd's place...

Tim and Rachel got some screen time! (And a little bit of characterization.) I hope we see even more of them.

That was a great final scene with Boyd at the church tent. We need a gif of the final snakebite with a "Where is your god now?" superimposed over it.

And poor Raylan... but I think we all suspected that relationship wasn't going to pan out for him. I was surprised his hot, babydoll-voiced bar owner girlfriend was around as long as she was in the show.

Is anyone fully buying into this stuff with Johnny being a turncoat all of a sudden? Not sure I'm believing it. The writers made sure we saw that Boyd and co. didn't know where Johnny was or what he was up to, but that doesn't mean he isn't trying to maneuver something for Boyd's benefit behind Boyd's back... though using the same "Boyd put me in this chair and woe is me!" act again would be sorta sloppy. (I don't know that I buy that as his sole motivation either... but didn't we see him trying to make moves on Ava, or thinking about it, last season?)

As for the "psychic" woman, I think we're going to find out she has some connection to the fighter ex-husband. (Who is maybe more than an ex to his ex now... lawl.) That would explain how she knew Raylan would be meeting the guy to fight later that day and how she knew which boxing place Raylan was talking about. (Otherwise, are we supposed to believe she actually might have powers? No thanks!)

Theo Tonin again.

Yep, Dixie Mafia! And we know what that means, don't we boys and girls? Quarles cameo coming sometime this season!

He's got info on the DM, and he's surely locked up somewhere the Marshals can get to him if they need him. I predict we'll see him again if Neal McDonough has the time to guest-star.

Man I'm glad they do recaps. I'm not used to watching a TV show once a week. I already don't remember the details about Waldo Truth or who Drew Thompson is. Apparently a pilot hired him or something? Yeah I'm out of it.

edit: caught up via the Justified Wiki. The real Waldo hasn't been seen in 30 years, he left with a pilot named Drew Thompson, Art recognized that name. Art remembers Drew once parachuted with cocaine and died which was shown in the intro - yet it was revealed to be Waldo because of a scar on his body consistent with the one his wife described giving him. So now Raylan has to ask his father where Drew is.

Thank you for that. I had actually totally forgotten who Drew Thompson was while watching the episode.


That's pretty fuckin' lame.

Also, that's kind of a dickish way for Yost to put it.
You'd think he'd say "And we're sad to see him go. He was great." or something.


Well shit. I didn't take that away from how that scene ended. I'm pretty disappointed with that.


Did not think this was the case. But I guess it makes sense with what the episode discussed earlier with
how that other guy should have been dead from the poison.

Still, the way it was filmed didn't suggest this strongly enough.
As for the "psychic" woman, I think we're going to find out she has some connection to the fighter ex-husband. (Who is maybe more than an ex to his ex now... lawl.) That would explain how she knew Raylan would be meeting the guy to fight later that day and how she knew which boxing place Raylan was talking about. (Otherwise, are we supposed to believe she actually might have powers? No thanks!)

She used a pretty standard technique for psychic in that she guessed at a few small things and then when she was right, she let the person fill in all of the blanks. Raylan is the one who told her (he was actually telling Tim) what gym and at what time he was meeting Randall.
Wynn started working for the DM last season, right?

Does anyone rewind back when they watch the show just to catch the little things being said? I'm constantly rewinding, trying to catch everything. Even as far as using captions for somethings that are inaudible to me.


I shot people I like more for less.
Wynn started working for the DM last season, right?

Does anyone rewind back when they watch the show just to catch the little things being said? I'm constantly rewinding, trying to catch everything. Even as far as using captions for somethings that are inaudible to me.

Wynn's always been working for the Dixie Mafia, he just seemed more subdued last season since he had to take direction from Quarles.

And if I can, I watch every show with captions/subtitles, just so I don't have to rewind. Maybe I'm just weird though.
- FX Justified Blog: Q&A with “Truth and Consequences” Writer Ben Cavell

EDIT: Good interview and worth a read.
Q: Were those real snakes?

A: Oh, they were very real. Not only were they real snakes but they were real poisonous rattlesnakes as well as snakes that looked like rattlesnakes but aren’t poisonous and don’t have rattles, like a gopher snake. It’s funny, I ended up having to cast some of our snakes. The way I was made to do it was that the snake handler, who’s this wonderful Australian guy who had these buckets of snakes, had me over to his snake area and showed me his various rattlesnakes and then my task was to find a non-poisonous snake who could double one of the rattlesnakes. Basically you wanted a rattlesnake that had a non-poisonous stand-in. The other thing was that for the snake that actually ends up biting Preacher Billy, we needed a non-poisonous version for Joe Mazzello the actor to handle – which he was doing in the scene, that’s a real snake he’s holding, just not a real snake with a poison sac. The actual snake that does the biting is biting a prop arm and [it] is a genuine rattlesnake and the handler recommended to me that we find a non-poisonous double for his most aggressive rattlesnake because that was the one he could guarantee would bite the prop arm. And it did. No actor’s allowed to hold the actual poisonous snake, so the snake that Joe holds is the double and then you film an insert of the snake biting the prop arm and that was just a comedy routine because everyone had to stand behind this Plexiglass but the snake handler is there holding the poisonous rattlesnake which has been milked but is still very poisonous. He’s just holding that in his hands and basically when the camera starts rolling, he’s got to take his hands away, because his hands can’t be in the shot. So all of a sudden, this rattlesnake is free in the middle of everybody. It was insane, although he seemed quite sanguine about the whole thing. I was a little nervous because I expected the snake handler to have these sort of pieces of snake wisdom – “This is how you ensure it never bites you” – and for the rattlesnakes who, by the way, the other snakes, you can have a bunch of snakes in the scene with the non-poisonous snakes, like they crawl all over each other and they do their thing. But the rattlesnakes you can’t have them around any of the other snakes because there is the possibility that they just decide they don’t like one of them and will just kill them. That’s not good. And when he would take the lids off the buckets of the non-poisonous snakes, he would unscrew the lids. But with the rattlesnake buckets, he would unscrew the top almost all the way and then he would do the last little turn and jerk his hand away with the lid, and my reaction was, “This is the guy who’s protecting me, [who’s] here to see that I don’t get bitten and his big strategy is, ‘Move away real fast.’” That did not fill me with confidence.


Wynn's always been working for the Dixie Mafia, he just seemed more subdued last season since he had to take direction from Quarles.

And if I can, I watch every show with captions/subtitles, just so I don't have to rewind. Maybe I'm just weird though.

How do you do that. I spend the whole time just reading the words on the screen. You miss so much of the show.


I shot people I like more for less.
Wynn's always been working for the Dixie Mafia, he just seemed more subdued last season since he had to take direction from Quarles.

And if I can, I watch every show with captions/subtitles, just so I don't have to rewind. Maybe I'm just weird though.

I do the same thing. Subtitles are damn near essential for shows like Boardwalk Empire or Deadwood where the language is so complex and layered that its hard for me to really understand 100% just by ear. It's not really needed for Justified but i'm used to it at this point
I do the same thing. Subtitles are damn near essential for shows like Boardwalk Empire or Deadwood where the language is so complex and layered that its hard for me to really understand 100% just by ear. It's not really needed for Justified but i'm used to it at this point
I usually double dip and immediately watch the replay after my first viewing. I focus on what's happening in the first one, and then I leave it on for the replay while I'm posting on GAF and I'll rewind if necessary to check things I might have missed.


Hunky Nostradamus

Did not think this was the case. But I guess it makes sense with what the episode discussed earlier with
how that other guy should have been dead from the poison.

Still, the way it was filmed didn't suggest this strongly enough.

When people get bitten by rattlesnakes, they don't drop dead immediately. Now days it's actually rare for a person to die from a bite if they seek immediate medical help (which is precisely what happened on the show...), so I'd say that that was a pretty sloppy way for Joe Mazzello's character to be killed off.


When people get bitten by rattlesnakes, they don't drop dead immediately. Now days it's actually rare for a person to die from a bite if they seek immediate medical help (which is precisely what happened on the show...), so I'd say that that was a pretty sloppy way for Joe Mazzello's character to be killed off.

But when bitten, how long might it take for a person to faint or for the poison to take effect?


Hunky Nostradamus
But when bitten, how long might it take for a person to faint or for the poison to take effect?

I think it depends on the person's size, age, whether or not they have tight clothing on, the amount of venom injected, how long the snake is attached, if the person panics, etc. I'd say 30 minutes minimum.

Funky Papa

I had forgotten how good was this show. So, so good.

Random notes:

  • That snake-bang scene was nasty as hell
  • Isn't the preacher's sister True Blood's werepanther?
  • I told you the bartender was the trashiest piece of trash of the trailer park
  • Man, Raylan knows how to pick them
  • Stiffies all around


Hunky Nostradamus
  • Isn't the preacher's sister True Blood's werepanther?
  • I told you the bartender was the trashiest piece of trash of the trailer park
  • Man, Raylan knows how to pick them


You're very perceptive tell me more.

Yeah, two stinkers in a row. He should let Ava pick the next one.


When people get bitten by rattlesnakes, they don't drop dead immediately. Now days it's actually rare for a person to die from a bite if they seek immediate medical help (which is precisely what happened on the show...), so I'd say that that was a pretty sloppy way for Joe Mazzello's character to be killed off.

Yeah, that's what I thought. Unusually sloppy for this show.

Also, I wonder where they are going with this.
Is anyone fully buying into this stuff with Johnny being a turncoat all of a sudden? Not sure I'm believing it. The writers made sure we saw that Boyd and co. didn't know where Johnny was or what he was up to, but that doesn't mean he isn't trying to maneuver something for Boyd's benefit behind Boyd's back... though using the same "Boyd put me in this chair and woe is me!" act again would be sorta sloppy. (I don't know that I buy that as his sole motivation either... but didn't we see him trying to make moves on Ava, or thinking about it, last season?)

Last season it was Johnny that ratted out Boyd concerning Devil's murder, leading to him being arrested, right? So, not so sudden probably.


Unconfirmed Member
Damn I love this show. Anyone else think Raylan was a little worried about his GF geting back together with Randall? It seemed like he was trying to piss him off with all the sex talk, possibly hoping he'd blow up.
Rachel is so pretty. It'd be cool if her and Raylan hooked up.

And that sucks about Joe Mazzello. I enjoyed watching his character.
Wait, is Billy's dead? Seriously? What the hell. Wow Boyd, that was supremely dickish.

And Goddammit Lindsay. I knew she would be bad for Raylan. And Tonin's involved again! Whoa. The psychic housewife was surprisingly hot for 50.


If little Timmy has truly gone to the great dinosaur park in the sky then I am mighty disappointed. The show is going great but I thought Preacher Billy had HUGE potential. I honestly thought he would play a part in whatever seasonal endgame they have planned.
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