're told the entire front of his house must be re-plastered. To do the job -- which is especially expensive because it's Venetian plaster -- will cost around $15K. There's another $5,000 in damage to the entry, including various doors that must be re-stained.
How do eggs even do that much damage? Are there any pictures of the house after he egged it?UPDATE:
20 thousand in damage.
It's right in the quote.How do eggs even do that much damage? Are there any pictures of the house after he egged it?
How do eggs even do that much damage? Are there any pictures of the house after he egged it?
20 thousand in damage.
20 thousand in damage.
8:26 AM PT -- Deputies are detaining Justin in his garage right now while they search. We're told they are also looking for surveillance video from Justin's house that might capture the egging incident.
We're told this is a FELONY search warrant -- meaning Justin is under a microscope for a crime that could land him in prison.
Here's the thing ... If in the course of the search cops find something illegal -- like drugs -- it's fair game.
We're told there's a battering ram at the scene.
That house must be expansive as fuck if eggs did 20k worth of damage
That house must be expansive as fuck if eggs did 20k worth of damage
Eggs are corrosive. They could easily ruin the stain of a door if not removed absolutely immediately. Stucco I don't know about, I'm just going to assume it's really nice stucco and can be ruined pretty easily.