we all know your secret now
It's a secret to everybody.
Good cue
You and your mask
we all know your secret now
Good cue
that what going on
What's going on in here???
There are only trufax here!
Good cue
Chariot has a new avatar :O
Oh dear. The stickers are spreading! ;P
Oh dear. The stickers are spreading! ;P
im peacefulWhy you so violent?
i m not a bear
wtfwhat's that one website where you can hit rikka from chunnibyou?????/
Well, if you have your Paras, I have my Loco.
Chariot has a new avatar :O
what's that one website where you can hit rikka from chunnibyou?????/
peaceful i just like noise she makes
what's that one website where you can hit rikka from chunnibyou?????/
Still need to choose one to preorder
If you had to choose one, and only one Renge is the winner if you ask me.
If you had to choose one, and only one Renge is the winner if you ask me.
But I love them both equally...
Then buy both!
Where are you thinking of ordering?
Not sure. Is there any place to get them cheap?
You guys and your changing avatars!
I will never change.
I will never change.
I will never change.
so I got my laptop again ~