Kadokawa confirms Sony sent an acquisition letter


Why they and anyone at all should care about tantrums of some petty manchildren?
Honestly, I'm here for it with popcorn. 99% of the dudes I know that stan Fromsoft games are the ones who have their entire identity tied to this idea that by playing hard games they're better gamers than everyone else, as if most of us weren't playing super hard games 40 years ago without the benefit of internet guides and co-op to walk us through it like children (and we mostly WERE children).


Gold Member

Spit Take GIF


Gold Member
Im curious, where did Kadokawa say they are willing to sell?
I don’t think they have but objectively these could be signs.

1. IP buyback with Sony’s involvement:

2. Puffing themselves up (this typically occurs before a purchase):


Honestly, I'm here for it with popcorn. 99% of the dudes I know that stan Fromsoft games are the ones who have their entire identity tied to this idea that by playing hard games they're better gamers than everyone else, as if most of us weren't playing super hard games 40 years ago without the benefit of internet guides and co-op to walk us through it like children (and we mostly WERE children).
And without save points (admittedly games were a lot smaller then, but still)
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Honestly, I'm here for it with popcorn. 99% of the dudes I know that stan Fromsoft games are the ones who have their entire identity tied to this idea that by playing hard games they're better gamers than everyone else, as if most of us weren't playing super hard games 40 years ago without the benefit of internet guides and co-op to walk us through it like children (and we mostly WERE children).
Okay, Imma be honest here. Not exactly a full Fromsoft stan nor a Souls stan. More like an Armored Core and Another Century stan and part time Demons Souls and Elden Ring enjoyer.

Souls was a massive departure from what I grew up with. Granted I didn’t start 40 years ago. More like 25. Basically the 90s. Most if not all games were pretty linear in design.

Had no experience with roguelikes as they were not mainstream per se. Dying and losing basically all your currency and experience was a huge slap in my face. Even worse, it actually punishes you even more by reducing max HP. The fuck are these slow ass molasses animations and basic enemies that can one shot you. Fucking red eye knights. What the fuck is a world tendency.

I even resorted to dying like a retard falling down the upper staircase at base so I can glitch my way to max level only to die again only I last longer. I had to completely reset my gaming instincts and find out what the hell was I doing wrong. Completely restarted from the beginning and work my way around the game step by step. I had to do this. I bought the game full price. I was a broke ass student and no way I gonna waste that money.

I’m not saying games weren’t hard before. We just had it easy before Demon’s Souls took over. Basically PS1 and PS2 gens. And yes, no difficulty options certainly didn’t help. Can’t grind your way to victory either with the popularity of rpgs.

Sorry for the long rant.


They will succeed inevitably because destroying spontaneous and natural organization is what leftism has perfected.

There will be no genuine cultural production left once they do this.


Okay, Imma be honest here. Not exactly a full Fromsoft stan nor a Souls stan. More like an Armored Core and Another Century stan and part time Demons Souls and Elden Ring enjoyer.

Souls was a massive departure from what I grew up with. Granted I didn’t start 40 years ago. More like 25. Basically the 90s. Most if not all games were pretty linear in design.

Had no experience with roguelikes as they were not mainstream per se. Dying and losing basically all your currency and experience was a huge slap in my face. Even worse, it actually punishes you even more by reducing max HP. The fuck are these slow ass molasses animations and basic enemies that can one shot you. Fucking red eye knights. What the fuck is a world tendency.

I even resorted to dying like a retard falling down the upper staircase at base so I can glitch my way to max level only to die again only I last longer. I had to completely reset my gaming instincts and find out what the hell was I doing wrong. Completely restarted from the beginning and work my way around the game step by step. I had to do this. I bought the game full price. I was a broke ass student and no way I gonna waste that money.

I’m not saying games weren’t hard before. We just had it easy before Demon’s Souls took over. Basically PS1 and PS2 gens. And yes, no difficulty options certainly didn’t help. Can’t grind your way to victory either with the popularity of rpgs.

Sorry for the long rant.
Nah, you're good. I mean if you're playing it on your own terms and not cheesing your way through shit with guides and videos and all that then I say hell yeah. Play that game as intended. I just get annoyed when people I know that literally spend all their time watching videos on how to get good act as if they got there by virtue of their own skill rather than simply copying what better players have done.

My intent certainly isn't meant to say that all Soulslike players are this way, but man it seems to attract a fucking lot of them.
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One way to tone down the meltdowns if this trully happens is if the same day they announce the aquisition they also announce Bloodborne Remaster coming out on PC and PS5 Day one and Elden Ring optimization patches.
They don't care about meltdowns. They will announce From's new IP published by PS Studios and the trailer will have only PS5 logo. One year after the release they will announce PC version with PSN account mandatory. And they will act like Xbox doesn't exist.

Actually Hermen Hulst already teased a collaboration with FromSoftware in 2022 so a PS exclusive may be already in development and will come out regardless of the acquisition
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One way to tone down the meltdowns if this trully happens is if the same day they announce the aquisition they also announce Bloodborne Remaster coming out on PC and PS5 Day one and Elden Ring optimization patches.


Do Sony/From owe PC gamers something?
Why would anyone celebrate this? Legit question. Is it just about being a fanboy and giving people the middle finger to other gamers like it’s 2002 or something.

I don't want it to happen but looks like the company is in danger of a hostile takeover and wanted to be purchased instead. So in that case I'm fine with this happening because who knows what the other owners might do. From/Sony have worked together a lot and one quote from Miyazaki he said that he loved Bloodborne because he got to do what he wanted to. So this relationship just seems best for everyone involved. Plus who knows Miyazaki might demand\request that his games remain multiplat and I doubt Sony is going to push to hard if he does. If he doesn't though then man Xbox is going to get fucked.
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I cry about Xbox and hate PlayStation.
I remember you being okay with MS/ABK Activision and even called it fair when Bethesda and ABK games were thought to go Xbox exclusives.

You were fine with Xbox (the one with the actual worst gaming record) acquiring Bethesda and ABK. Now you're panicking at Sony (with 10 GOTY nominations in the last 10 years) "ruining" From?

How come?
Because he's an idiot that's why , I love his malding since this rumor started.

Mr Moose

I remember you being okay with MS/ABK Activision and even called it fair when Bethesda and ABK games were thought to go Xbox exclusives.

You were fine with Xbox (the one with the actual worst gaming record) acquiring Bethesda and ABK. Now you're panicking at Sony (with 10 GOTY nominations in the last 10 years) "ruining" From?

How come?



NaughtyDog Defense Force
Why would anyone celebrate this? Legit question. Is it just about being a fanboy and giving people the middle finger to other gamers like it’s 2002 or something.

Sony has to bolster their first-party lineup. They can't always rely on third-party time-exclusive deals.



The funniest shit Is they are doing worse than ever in the console space.
The funniest shit Is they are doing worse than ever in the console space.
The MS/ABK acquisition is one of those things that will always be remembered in video game history for the changes it forced on Xbox. It will be right up there with the Xbox one E3 fiasco. I would have been cheering on the acquisition myself and I knew it would force MS to go third party.
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Writes a lot, says very little
It could very well be true, but a lot of people are rightly pointing out that the screenshot in that tweet doesn't say anything about Sony.
This is true and even if it did, Sony owns a part of them already, they would do this even if they were not buying them 100% or something.


Why would anyone celebrate this? Legit question.
Because they are happy to see FromSoft getting more money and resources, and/or because they are happy to see FromSoft being a first party studio of their console.

Both positive things that it's totally understandable and normal that people may be happy about.
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