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Katamari Damacy ships! Anyone get it yet?

Due to the hysteria initiated on this very board, I wound up with two. Played it for an hour, it's the most original game I've played in years. Great stuff. Wish I didn't have to come back to work.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Wow. I just gave a call to a local EB, and they told me that
a) They don't know what I'm asking about
b) They don't have the game in the database after I spelled it out for them.

And it was only yesterday that they told me they have had the shipment but it was all sold out to people who pre-ordered.

Also, the game is completely removed from the EBworld.com database. If you search for Katamari, you will get zero results. What the hell is going on?? :(

I also gave a call to Best Buy but they too don't have it in their database.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Went cruising around western Nassau looking for this game during my break - the Gamestop in Levittown had 3 copies, but the guy told me that there were more reserves than copies! Best Buy and Target didn't even get them in... But the EB Games in Plainview had a few copies they JUST received, by the time I got there. The guy and the girl behind the counter had no idea what I was talking about, at first, so I was worried they were all sold out... but then the guy figured out what I was talking about (I explained it was the game with cows on the cover), and he then asked me about it, because he heard people talk about it... So I told the guy and the girl working there what I knew about the game, explaining how I heard it was like the best game to come out this year and everything.

Word of mouth is gonna make this game into a big seller, once Namco puts out some more copies. Which is good... more games like this, less "thug life" games.

Well, back to work for now... I'll play it tonite... these next few hours are gonna go by so slow and I have a presentation at 3 :p

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Just for the record, I have NEVER seen a game released in the America that didn't make it into all the regular stores. Is it really possible that stores like Best Buy, Walmart, etc. will not be carying this game?


Marconelly said:
Just for the record, I have NEVER seen a game released in the America that didn't make it into all the regular stores.

Really? It's getting more and more common from where I'm sitting -- a number of Mastiff's titles, Atlus' titles, more GBA titles than I could count on my fingers and toes. The niche stuff is always getting the heave-ho for the casual/blockbuster titles, and it's only gotten worse in the past couple years.

I still have yet to see a copy of Road Trip: Shifting Gears (I'll say it again -- best GBA racer) at retail.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
GBA titles than I could count on my fingers and toes
Yes, you are probably right, but I wasn't really looking for GBA games. Although, it's true that I've never seen GBA 'Wings' at retail, for example.


Well, if it's any help for anyone here, I ordered my copy from http://www.videogamesplus.ca. I ordered it one day before it was released, and it was shipped the same day the game was released. Maybe they still have a few copies left in stock? And yes, they're very fast and reliable.


I expect to run into a little trouble getting something on the release date from Atlus or Working Designs, but not Namco. And usually Amazon (where Katamari is still not listed as in stock) carries every single console game you can think of (though I don't know about their GBA stock).

Maybe the word of mouth on this game will convince publishers that relatively short, very inexpensive, original games make for an excellent business model.
I got all three copies of my Katamari Demacy today. I bought two at eb games at union square. And my online order just got here today. I am soooooo happy. Let's just hope this is the next rez and I can get 40-50 bucks for it.


And, once again, the Game Stop around the corner for me doesn't have the game in stock. "Maybe tomorrow", I'm told. "Nah, I can't reserve one for you", I'm told. So, I call the EB up the road. "Yeah, I'll set aside a copy for you", I'm told. Now, that's what I want to hear.

FnordChan, who should be getting his Katamari on in four hours or so
I just bought a copy off of ebay for $23 including shipping. I won't have it until next week, but it beats looking all over town for it.

Funny, I had never even heard of this game until I read this thread two days ago.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
just dropped in the local EB down the road... some cutey was working (this store seems to be loaded w/ hot chicas, Glendora CA baby!), but she said they didnt have it in.... so i put money down for halo 2 LE (store is opening at midnight) and gta-sa and left.

the second i get home, i get a call on my cell from that girl telling me she just pulled ONE copy out of the box which she'll hold for me. me = chick magnent


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Oh yes, I managed to get ahold of it. They got all of 3 copies in down at EB and I grabbed the only shrinkwrapped copy there (the other two were gutted for the shelves).

Also, according to someone who was standing in the store at time of purchase, the cover looks "gay". I can't imagine that he will be the only one to feel that way. :( Oh well, it's their loss...


From all of the previews I've read this game looks really good everyone seems to love it. The only problem I have with it is that in every single freakin image I've viewed all the text is in japanese!!! Maybe I'm just another arrogant American, but they are FOOLS if they don't make a version in english!!!!! Please tell me they are smart enough to translate it b4 it ships in the states. But when all is said, for only 20 bucks I'm gonna buy this game for sure.

Don't know if this was posted anywhere yet, but it's an ebgames.com review. Thought it was kinda funny.
I picked my copy up along with Agent Dormer today. Our EB had a bunch of pre-orders, so they got a lot of copies shipped in. I love this game.

Oh! I feel it! I feel the cosmos!


Managed to pick up the Spartanburg, SC EB's shelf copy before they even had time to put it out. They only got in 3.

Can't wait to take it home and start playing!!


Wow, just called my EB and they got it in today, but preorders have them all reserved. God damnit.

Wtf? Who knew you'd have to preorder an essentially unknown $20 game? Damn you, word of mouth!


op_ivy said:
just dropped in the local EB down the road... some cutey was working (this store seems to be loaded w/ hot chicas, Glendora CA baby!), but she said they didnt have it in.... so i put money down for halo 2 LE (store is opening at midnight) and gta-sa and left.

the second i get home, i get a call on my cell from that girl telling me she just pulled ONE copy out of the box which she'll hold for me. me = chick magnent

Yeah well at my EB games, the feebish looking hobbit said he'd hold the game for me after I pre-paid for it.
Oh yes, pre-paid.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Time to play

Here's some scans to increase your frothing demand






I did not spend 3 hours at gamestop waiting for this to come in. FedEx was arriving as I finally gave up, so I'll head back in here in a few hours. On the positive side, I've got them holding an extra copy for me.

edit: now they're saying to try back again around 6 or 7. i believe this delay can be attributed to the fact that they are goat fuckers.


^In the Canadian copies, they have the PS2 slip and the manual in french on the outside of the box, but underneath they have the American copy, with the american slip inside the case, and the english manual.

It's so sad hearing all these horror stories! :(
Woo, I just picked mine up at the Gamestop on Los Coyotes and Spring in Long Beach. They still have two more copies there.

Amusingly, when I was asking about the game I caught myself pronouncing it "Katamari Damashi" out of Japanese word habit. It looks like I had the right idea. =)


works for Gamestop (lol)
Everything seems to be intact for the localization. Wacky cutscenes, awesome music. The 1st level does indeed have a different music track from the Japanese version, but if you have the official soundtrack, you've heard the track before already (Wanda Wanda). The cutscnees with the lego-type people are now dubbed in English (I assume they were in Japanese in the JPN version), and the voices are pretty good so no worries about the voice acting. There probably isn't much voices anyway.

Dialogue from the King seems pretty weird at times, heh. But yeah, awesome game so far. The scaling when you go from a smaller Katamari to a bigger one is just awesome. The game world looks smaller when your ball actually gets bigger. And it can get pretty huge...

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
The 1st level does indeed have a different music track from the Japanese
What's the difference? Are yo utalking about the tutorial level or the actual Level 1 that is supposed to have "Katamari on the Rock" song.


works for Gamestop (lol)
The actual level 1 that has the 'Katamari on the Rock' song. It's replaced by the track "Wanda Wanda" from the official soundtrack. I'd prefer the Katamari song but Wanda Wanda ain't bad either


Wario64 said:
The scaling when you go from a smaller Katamari to a bigger one is just awesome. The game world looks smaller when your ball actually gets bigger. And it can get pretty huge...

And it's done so smooth too...it wasn't until I had played for a few hours I thought about that the game zooms out your view automatically...it just felt so natural.


Unconfirmed Member
Agh! My Katamari came in but THE DISC IS BUSTED. There are little divets in the disc and it doesn't play (actually, it did manage to labor through the opening video and tutorial but it took a hell of a lot of effort and could go no further).


My update:

This morning I called an EBGames near my work and they had only one copy which they put on hold for me. So I take off for lunch and when I get to the shopping center, I just realized that I went to the wrong one...oops =P

So I checked the EBGames there anyways and found that this store got 12(!) copies of the game. The person working there said that they knew about the game and had 4 pre-orders on it...because of that they ended up getting a decent shipment of them.

When I got back I checked my order at Gamestop.com and cancelled that one.

(Also when I got back my Logitech PS2 USB Microphone for Karaoke Revolution and Gamecube component cable arrived in the mail...dope!)

BTW, the EBGames I went to is in Marina Del Rey, CA...good hunting y'all =)


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
wow, just wow!

i'm still getting a hang of the controls, but the game is pure joy. best music and best cutscenes ever! i'm having a blast and cracking up so much. the game is sooo eccentric and yes, well gay, but in a good "big gay al" sort of way :p

i just did my third star, and having the katamri start at 10cm then finishing with ~80cm, i'm just barely beginning to see the sense of scale in the game, and its already incredible :)


Unconfirmed Member
Oh thank god...A store by me says they have it, and the girl even said she would exchange it for me if I brought it in tonight.

Day = possibly salvaged.
I went to EB and asked for my pre-ordered copy of Katamari Damacy, the girl at the counter started to browse throught some Xbox games, I was standing there with a "WTF" on my face. Then the manager told me it still hasn't come in.
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