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Katamari Damacy ships! Anyone get it yet?


I'm further and the game rocks.
The King of the Cosmos is the biggest dick I know. Star 5 I got 2.3 instead of 1.5 and he was totally unimpressed. It's like hearing "YOU LOSE" in Street Fighter when you win a perfect fight.

I LOVE this game. It's something I can come play anytime and always be impressed with. The graphics are great and the scope is amazing. Things just keep zooming out and stretching off into the distance. I'm more than impressed.

And the cutscenes are so funny. "But thats what he said on tv". ha!


Control scheme. I want single analog control!


the camera is killing me at points. i just finished star 5. the stage select song alone is worth the price of the game. the music kicks so much sweet ass. 6 stars? i only have 5 and the rest are all conselations or whatever the fuck you wanna call em. theres like 6 of those.

another thing...i forgot how good it is to play a game without having to worry about dirty disc errors. fucking xbox.


Yeah, I had some camera problems... there seems to be one particular size that makes it easy to get lost in a clump of trees. Other than that, the camera's automatic zoom does a pretty good job.

Here's hoping Katamari 2 makes trees transparent when you get caught behind them.


i think i just got a hidden jab at sega. :lol i was on the cancer roll and a messege popped up that said "nothing to do with monkeys" mid level.


BeOnEdge said:
i think i just got a hidden jab at sega. :lol i was on the cancer roll and a messege popped up that said "nothing to do with monkeys" mid level.
:lol Ha, I just got that! That would also help to explain:

Collecting the swans was a difficult task for me. How the hell was I suppose to know which eggs had ducklings from which had swans.


ok...where can i find the soundtrack? MY GOD. i'm on the swan stage now and this song owns!!! "i wanna roll you up in my life" :) how can you NOT be happy playing this game?? this is what game music is all about!!! not that MTV EA trax bullshit. the world is a better place with music like this!
Someone send this thread to Namco and maybe they'll make more copies of the game :p

"If we make more Katamari Damacys, we can SELL more Katamari Damacys..."


hell no. then i wont be able to sell extras for $200 each on ebay later.

:lol PWN3D!!!


Don't be silly people.....if the game is sold out, then obviously Namco is going to print more copies. Games go out of print when they are FAILURES (like Rez), not when every single copy pressed gets bought.

I will laugh when another 100,000 copies go to market and all the eBay losers hoarding copies get fucked. This will be somewhat like ICO, imo.....where the game gets a cult hit status but is made in such heavy numbers that it can't really ever increase in value.


I pronounced it as

kah tah mah ree

dah mah cee

They know what I meant.

Yeah, if you pronounce it that way then you might have some luck, but if you say it witht he chi/she ending they'll just say "NO".
border said:
Don't be silly people.....if the game is sold out, then obviously Namco is going to print more copies. Games go out of print when they are FAILURES (like Rez), not when every single copy pressed gets bought.

I will laugh when another 100,000 copies go to market and all the eBay losers hoarding copies get fucked. This will be somewhat like ICO, imo.....where the game gets a cult hit status but is made in such heavy numbers that it can't really ever increase in value.

I think you're hating since you only have one copy.


Hehe =)

At $20, it makes a reasonable Christmas/birthday present if the game never goes up in value. It's not as bad as those suckers that bought like 3 copies of Ikaruga for Dreamcast, thinking that it would be the next Radiant Silvergun.
LOL.. Ikuruga was a good game though. To bad you can find it at bestbuy and a lot of other stores easily. The same can't be said about disgaea. They're still going for 40+ on ebay. I'm thinking of releasing my sealed copy before it drops in price.
Can somebody get some screen grabs of the King's dialogue (or just copy it down)? I've only got the import and I'm curious as to how he sounds in English :)


I got my press copy today.

So amazing. I'll probably hang onto the one I pre-ordered from EB Games.

Anybody have the O.S.T.?


ok...where can i find the soundtrack? MY GOD. i'm on the swan stage now and this song owns!!! "i wanna roll you up in my life" how can you NOT be happy playing this game?? this is what game music is all about!!! not that MTV EA trax bullshit. the world is a better place with music like this!

This is IT for me. It's been a LONG time since I can honestly say that I've sat playing a game just smiling nearly the whole time. Other games make me want to beat them or give me chills, or make me frustrated or whatever, but playing KatDam just left me with a smile and a seriously happy feeling. A rare trait for a game, indeed.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
I got lucky and found a game yesterday at EB Games in Plainview... went home and played it. Impressions:

The music gives me a major Rugrats/Mark Mothersbaugh vibe to it... it's interesting and the vocals are funny.

The game controls a lot more natural than I thought it would control, the graphic design is awesome, and the level designs are hilarious... The tapes spinning around, mice carrying stuff, the golfer putting...

Man, this Filipino family whose house I'm in is DIRTY...

I've got 77/54% of Cancer (not sure what that means) and got the first 3 stars... ran out of time when trying to make a 1 meter large katamari.

The king's dialogue reminds me a LOT of Bangai-o's dialogue.

... overall, the game rules and lives up exactly to the hype.

Today is a beautiful day. That's a magnet set on the bottom, in case anyone's wondering!

I really like Wanda Wanda in the tutorial stage, by the way, and the US dialogue and item descriptions are GREAT. For the guy who asked, it's not in my rip of the soundtrack because it wasn't in the original game. It IS on the officially released soundtrack, though. And for those who were interested in the rip (Flynn, etc), I'd link you to it but last time I did that the thread got locked. If you have AIM you can find me under the name "scummu," though, and I'll link you to it.

I can't even find the words for how rad it is that all of you are playing and loving the KD. Rock on and keep spreading the love!


Tag of Excellence
So I beat the game, I got it yesterday and I'm still having tons of fun with it.

My local EB got in about 20 copies of the game, it's crazy they are pimping it hard thanks to me (oh and I made the the guy working there put the game in and play it, apparantly it's now going to be a permanant part of the store rofl).

So my largest Katamari ball is 845 m approximately (ignoring the cm). I unlocked Eternal 3 in that stage but even with unlimited time I only racked up 813m on my second try.
bobbyconover said:

Today is a beautiful day. That's a magnet set on the bottom, in case anyone's wondering!

I really like Wanda Wanda in the tutorial stage, by the way, and the US dialogue and item descriptions are GREAT. For the guy who asked, it's not in my rip of the soundtrack because it wasn't in the original game. It IS on the officially released soundtrack, though. And for those who were interested in the rip (Flynn, etc), I'd link you to it but last time I did that the thread got locked. If you have AIM you can find me under the name "scummu," though, and I'll link you to it.

I can't even find the words for how rad it is that all of you are playing and loving the KD. Rock on and keep spreading the love!
that poster would look so beautiful on my wall... :D


djtiesto said:
The king's dialogue reminds me a LOT of Bangai-o's dialogue.
bangaio's charm came from the intentionally broken translation. in contrast, katamari's translation is very well done. i heart the king. sooo egomaniacal/condecending. i love his dialog when you fuck up a level (the prince is in a trendy minimalist phase.) the royal "we" is great, too.


I got my three copies yesterday. *High fives BoE*

Well, it's a ton of fun, but the King needs to shut the fuck up and let me play, talks so damned much.


I was up until 2:00am playing last night, couldn't get passed the BA-NA-NA level after the 3rd try so went to sleep. All night long I dreamt I was rolling things around in the real world...

GOD! I love this game!!


Last night I secured my copy from the EB, where the guy behind the counter was ranting about how he couldn't wait to get home and play his own copy. Sorry, GameStop, no love for you. I've got a new favorite souless corporate chain store.

I've got to divide my attention between Katamari and the last Dark Tower book, so I hit what looks to be the standard stopping point for the first night of play: three stars and Cancer. It is, of course, freakin' awesome.

I'll be heading over to a particularly geeky birthday party later tonight where Katamari is going to make the scene. Oh, yeah.



Drunky McMurder
dark10x said:
Holy f*ck, this game really does rule.

Just rolling around with the music playing is enough to make you feel happy. :) What a crazy experience!

The early levels reminded me a bit of Toy Commander (environment only, not the gameplay)...only with way more "stuff" sitting around.
The game reminds me of dreamcast games in general. Very fun, extremely simple, and ridiculously fun. I love it.

And by the way, going to EB and asking for Katamari Damacy and asking what time next week Shin Megami Tensei 3 is due in is not the best experience I have had. I think I gave the clerk a stroke when he tried to pronounce the names I said.
I for am glad to hear that it may never become another $100 eBay game. The more people who play the game ther merrier.

On my end, I finally got my copy, and from Gamestop. Not only that, but it's the one I used to hate the most (on Broadway and Astor in NYC). The other day I asked the guy if it was in, and he said no, but they were getting (only) three copies the next day. I asked if they could set aside one for me, and surprisingly he said yes. And the guy was a man of his word! If you're reading this "Joe" (I think that was his name).... YOU ARE A KING AMONG MEN!!!!!

Meanwhile I still have a copy pre-ordered at EB waiting for me. If Gamestop got theirs, I’m assuming EB must have as well. They’re supposed to call me once it's in, but I have yet to see those fucktards ever do anything that even somehwhat resembles the basic function of their jobs. So I’m guessing if they haven’t sold it already, it was probably put on shelves for anyone to buy, and of course that means the game is probably gutted already (and the game disc already scratched and the manual already crumpled up), and if I tried purchasing it, they’d have the gal to charge me full price! But if it’s actually there, and untouched, I’ll still pick it up. Christmas is around the corner…


Apparently it's $15 at Fry's in SoCal this weekend.

I guess it's not that rare - they were really pushing it on their flyer.


My copy from amazon.ca arrived....Pretty fast considering I didn't use the fast shipping option. Normally I don't preorder stuff, but I couldn't take any risks of this not coming to my local stores. Awesome awesome game.


The dialogue reminds me a bit of the Pikmin 2 letters as well...

Anybody notice the cool Katamari Damacy watermark that pops up whenever the camera gets buried in a wall?

Nice touch.


Floater said:
Apparently it's $15 at Fry's in SoCal this weekend.

I guess it's not that rare - they were really pushing it on their flyer.

untrue, usually when fry's gets a game, they get dozens of copies..even stuff like disgaea, fighter maker, yanya, et. al, they have at least a few dozen

i just came back from the dallas store and they got a total of six, and the guy there i talked to said they already sold four
so in that big humongous store they have just one little copy left

hurry brothers, time is of the essence!


EBGames.com just relisted KD. Gamestop.com has KD on backorder. More copies were stocked at my local EB and more were sold when I returned from class. I hope it's TOS all over again for Namco, which is a good thing.


I got mine just 2 minutes ago. :D

The disk and case are so hot I could cook an egg on them-- literally! Those ups #$%$@# have no respect.

The box was huge-- Gamestop could've fit 10 games in there. There was no bubble wrap and poor katamari was jiggling like a ball. There is some dust (or some mysterious tiny particles) on the disk so I need to get an air compressor stat. :(
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