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Ceb said:
During the opening in the New Sun, some of the flight crew are talking about

An exo suit? Or did I mishear that? They say it's not working, but "maybe it'll work the next time". Killzone 3 foreshadowing? :D

Is the mecha seen in trailers


How does the mic system work in this game?

Is it like Socom where its PTT (push to talk)
Open mic like Battlefield?
OR like Resistance where its a mix of both


Junior Member
Rapping Granny said:
Is PSnation holding a contest for this game?

Yes, but not right away. They didn't have any additional copies to send us, but we're working on having one or two to give away soon.

Best we could do :D


Junior Member
StateofMind said:
R:FOM was closed mic, and open mic for squads. That was perfect in my opinion.

Is this how Killzone 2 works?

If you are in a squad, it's open mic and your squad-mates can always hear you.

No matter what, the rest of your team can only hear you when you are in a close proximity to each other.

There is NO push-to-talk

I really like what they did for voice-comms in KZ2. I do hope, however, that they add a server setting for open comms for all (it may already be there, as I haven't dug that far in ever)
:/ tinfoil hat time:
Still calling GS's to find a midnight launch. Two different BIG stores have now told me they were doing one but cancelled it this week. Two more stores I've called have told me they have a list of the ones doing it, then totally abandoned me on hold for 15 minutes, and I can't get an answer when I call back. WTH?

Edit: so Finally, I hear that the ONLY store anywhere near me doing one is store 2820.
I look up store 2820 after I hang up....It's in California
I think Sony is made I bitched about the game for a month and they out to get me lol
Seriously, they cancelled Midnight launch AFTER the pre0orders went up, but they are doing one for RE5...fuck
The live chat will be starting soon

Starting at noon Pacific/3pm Eastern, Jan-Bart Van Beek and Geert Donker will be joining us live from Amsterdam. They worked on the Killzone 2 TV spot that was revealed last week using KZ2’s game engine. They’re on hand to answer questions about anything you saw in that ad and the recently announced “4-D” PS3 app, where you’ll be able to take a closer look into the world revealed in the ad.


Model 500

I've played the single player campaign for about two hours now, it hasn't grabbed me as anything special yet. I'm playing on medium and the gun fights feel a bit boring. Oh well, I guess this is all about the online mode, I just wish I could join a game, I'm getting a network error code 20007 all the time...


I'd be in the dick
BobTheFork said:
:/ tinfoil hat time:
Still calling GS's to find a midnight launch. Two different BIG stores have now told me they were doing one but cancelled it this week. Two more stores I've called have told me they have a list of the ones doing it, then totally abandoned me on hold for 15 minutes, and I can't get an answer when I call back. WTH?
Gamestop is always really bad about midnight releases, especially when they add them last minute. It's because they're only allowed to do a couple per year per store. The only one I've actually been to was the one for SSBB.
Xater said:
Argh are the servers gone?
Probably down for maintenance.


Servers are down so they can fix the scrolling issue (server side fix).

Killzone 2's online debut has been a surprising success today. Servers during beta were unstable and Killzone.com seemed to be having problems just this Monday but everything today (minus scrolling) has been operating flawlessly. *thumbs up*


Oh well than I guess that's enough for me today.

I will continue to play Medic. Engineer is totally not my thing. He's a totally different beast compared to Team fortress. It really sucks that I have to share turrents with other Engineers.

Model 500

Pizza Luigi said:
Ok, what the fuck.

I'm still in the first level and just opened the gate for my teammates to pass through (awesome use of the sixaxis btw).

Now they say "Cover us from above", but I'm waiting already for about 5 minutes and nothing has happened or is happening.

Is this a bug?

No, just push up on the dpad and follow the arrows. It's quite an atmosphere breaker to see 5 guys just sitting still in cover doing nothing and reacting to nothing when there's supposed to be a full blown war going on, the bullets are whizzing and the missiles banging but the guys just sit lifeless unless you move forward to where the next action trigger is...I've found I enjoy the game most if I just run and gun, this way I can somehow keep the atmosphere from breaking.


I'd be in the dick
Chat started on with the guys that made the bullet time commercial on the PSBlog. You know, for the other unfortunate souls that don't have the game yet.
Dubbedinenglish said:
Fix for the scroll thing should be done soon

"Hi folks,

quick update. We have a fix and are checking it now. If you see the servers going down briefly its for the deployment of said fix. Sorry for the inconvenience and if anything else pops up we'll try and solve it. All in all I think it was a very successful Day 1. Thanks for the support."

Gotta love the Power of Gaf. Thanks for the heads up. Nice to know someone from GG took the time to give us a little server update.
BeeDog said:
I just talked with someone who said there's a nasty bug in the singleplayer (some part right after
a tank part or whatever
), where nothing will happen and progress is locked (unless you restart, I guess). How could they let such SP bugs slip?! Anyone heard if they're gonna adress stuff like that?

I am on the last battle on the last level of the game, and I have not seen, witnessed, or experienced such a bug. Maybe it is more of a glitch if you get yourself into a weird situation.

Can you give more details on exactly which part? Maybe he has not completed an objective, thus he cannot move on?
Welp, found it. The only store that didn't cancel their Midnight launch is in Grand Junction....
237 miles away. I would really just rather not give GS my business on this, but I don't think any other store will even have it on Friday. BB and wally Mart here do NOT care about game releases.


FFObsessed said:
So what's everyone's initial impressions, gameplay wise? You likey?

I haven't played the SP that much only got to 14%, the MP is like the beta but a lot more maps. MP is also a lot more polished with the cool spawning effect.I do get the feeling that its easier to get headshots, at least easier then the beta.
I really like it so far and I hope they can ad more features. I hope this game will be a succes like Halo.
BobTheFork said:
:/ tinfoil hat time:
Still calling GS's to find a midnight launch. Two different BIG stores have now told me they were doing one but cancelled it this week. Two more stores I've called have told me they have a list of the ones doing it, then totally abandoned me on hold for 15 minutes, and I can't get an answer when I call back. WTH?

Edit: so Finally, I hear that the ONLY store anywhere near me doing one is store 2820.
I look up store 2820 after I hang up....It's in California
I think Sony is made I bitched about the game for a month and they out to get me lol
Seriously, they cancelled Midnight launch AFTER the pre0orders went up, but they are doing one for RE5...fuck

i had nothing but troubles. preorderd at a gamestop, then they told me they would not be doing midnight launch, swithed my preorder to another store which told me they would. then this week they told me they werent, so i had to switch it again last night to one they told me definetely would be. so hopefully this all goes smoothly on thursday.
I didn't even notice the "Usually ships in 1 to 2 months", on Amazon, for the Real Triggers, until you guys mentioned it, in this thread. I placed my order, yesterday, and I was pleasantly surprised to see it shipped, today! It's nice to have it be Prime-elible, too.


Torgo said:
If you are in a squad, it's open mic and your squad-mates can always hear you.

No matter what, the rest of your team can only hear you when you are in a close proximity to each other.

There is NO push-to-talk

I really like what they did for voice-comms in KZ2. I do hope, however, that they add a server setting for open comms for all (it may already be there, as I haven't dug that far in ever)
If I'm currently in a game in a squad, and I got four guys about to join my game. How do I form my own squad with the four other guys where we can all hear each other all the time? It's squads of four if I remember.. Is it possible to have a bigger squad or at least communicate with more than 4 ppl at a time (if they're all on your friends list)?
Ceb said:
During the opening in the New Sun, some of the flight crew are talking about

An exo suit? Or did I mishear that? They say it's not working, but "maybe it'll work the next time". Killzone 3 foreshadowing? :D

Play the game, it will make more sense later.


Ready for action EuroGAF.....tomorrow. SP is calling me today! :D

Full Recovery said:
Yeah that "scroll" bug is back, they said they fixed it but well.. they didn't.

They will probably be back up soon.
Just wondering Full, will you be able to start a clan by launch. I don't know how long it takes to level up


I feel late to the party and the game hasn't officially launched yet!

But I finally got to try the demo. Right off the bat I was liking what I saw, particularly the fact that you can play no crosshairs and no HUD. YESH!!! More games should do this.

The death animations are great, but they are so exagerated that sometimes it looks a bit out of place. Like when a guy is crouching behind cover and you get him in the head. A couple times the guy stands up, wiggles around a lot, and then falls forward over his cover. Bullet must have hit a nerve cluster or something.

The A.I. was also noteworthy. The enemies don't mind moving quite a bit, flanking, getting right behind you. I hope there are lots of open rooms so this comes out often.

Hand Cannon! Not a bad manditory weapon to have if they're going to stick you with one. The knife release is equally sweet.

I'll definately be looking for a copy come Friday.


A question for the guys who played the beta: Is the Assault class slower because of the double armor? Because Assault+Turret could be pretty cool because you would not have to rely on the shitty shotgun. ;)


BobTheFork said:
Just wondering Full, will you be able to start a clan by launch. I don't know how long it takes to level up
I created GAF US East this morning, so if you have the game just search for it and join. (I have to accept for it to go through)

TTP created Euro GAF 1 today as well.


beast786 said:
So my EU friends.

Was it worth the wait?
Was it worth the hype?
Will it take you away from COD?

I'm not your friend ;)

-what is cod?

edit: real answer




Xater said:
A question for the guys who played the beta: Is the Assault class slower because of the double armor? Because Assault+Turret could be pretty cool because you would not have to rely on the shitty shotgun. ;)

Turret is Engineer's primary ability, only the engineer can use it. The shotgun can also be devastating with practice.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I just talked with someone who said there's a nasty bug in the singleplayer, where nothing will happen and progress is locked (unless you restart, I guess). How could they let such SP bugs slip?! Anyone heard if they're gonna adress stuff like that?
I think I know which part they are referring to. It seemed to me that you had to advance to a certain point in order for the game to continue (follow the waypoint). That part did seem a tad awkward to me, for some reason. The game starts out well enough but it takes some time to really get going. The first 1/3 of the game is solid, but it becomes significantly more exciting and interesting as you progress.
Full Recovery said:
I created GAF US East this morning, so if you have the game just search for it and join. (I have to accept for it to go through)

TTP created Euro GAF 1 today as well.

I will be going home and trying it now, If I have to level up first, I will do that, but I will join that badboy tonight. This is what I have been waiting for.

I am on the list, BTW. Peace bro.


Gah, I found a Target that started selling them on Sunday, but they were all sold out. The guy I talked to was pretty knowledgeable about games, and he said that they might get more tomorrow. I'll check other Targets when I get off work though.

Edit: This is in San Diego btw.
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