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Nightz said:
Gah, I found a Target that started selling them on Sunday, but they were all sold out. The guy I talked to was pretty knowledgeable about games, and he said that they might get more tomorrow. I'll check other Targets when I get off work though.

Edit: This is in San Diego btw.
How many copies have they sold so far?
Bugnology said:
OK, now what's your PSN username so I can join your 'party'?
There's no need to bring very old games like H3, or even more recent games like cod4.
What's your PSN username sir? Let's play together, please.

PSN username is henderson1979. H3 and COD4 are classic FPS games. Believe me, I want to see somebody build a better mousetrap. Fierce competition in the gaming market benefits us gamers.


FUDGE, i'm getting my copy tomorrow here in Mexico.

people bitch and moan about the game not releasing even when it went gold weeks ago but it gave SONY time to ship the game worldwide and have it release the same week worldwide, i thank them for it :D


The Wise Old Man said:
PSN username is henderson1979. H3 and COD4 are classic FPS games. Believe me, I want to see somebody build a better mousetrap. Fierce competition in the gaming market benefits us gamers.
Thanks for the NON add, how much KILLZONE2 do you played? SP or MP?
Now I am on your waiting list.



i hate all of you motherfuckers!!!!!

Not really but I dislike all of you!!!!

Well, its really a jealousy thing mostly!!!



Bugnology said:
Thanks for the NON add, how much KILLZONE2 do you played? SP or MP?
Now I am on your waiting list.

Are you having fun yet? :p

I wish I had a domain so I could create an unwelcome hotlink for you. :)


The Wise Old Man said:
Sounds good. I'll add you when I pick the game up this Friday! :lol
:lol like all the xbots trolls, you shared your advice about a game that you don't have.
Are you a troll?


The Wise Old Man said:
I'm saying this as a guy who likes online play over the campaign stuff. Slow servers are one thing. I get it, it's day 1 for this game. That's totally fine. R2 had terrible servers at first and now they're lightning fast and it's wonderfully easy to jump into a game. What I'm faulting GG for here is leaving out a tried and true component that's essential to any reputable multiplayer FPS. It's 2009 people, get with the picture.

You do not even have the game!!! Yet you bitch and moan!!

Sounds good. I'll add you when I pick the game up this Friday!



JudgeN said:
I'm confused you just complained about 15 minute matchmaking problem without having the game?

How can you be confused about someone complaining about something they read on the internet?

Isn't that what makes the world go around?

edit: oops - I was wrong - its LOVE that makes the world go around


I have a question for people, when you're searching through servers, does it tell you if Friendly Fire, Team Balancing etc are on/off in that server before you select them?

If not, that needs to be added. As that will solve the problem earlier of people not knowing whether you can select teams before entering a game. Need confirmation on whether you can search for games with Team Balancing, Friendly Fire on/off as well. Because I want to play with FF on all the time so I don't want to have to create my own game with it on every time.

I still think it's a shitty decision to have FF off by default, that means that most people wont be losing points for accidentally team killing like I will be when I play. I'll be at a disadvantage in that regard.



I just picked up my copy RAWWWRRRR!!!!

If anyone needs this in orange county, Ca PM me for the location cuz i guess thats how it works now =/ .

Ima play this bad boy but ill come back in about 30 mins to check my pms


alterno69 said:
FUDGE, i'm getting my copy tomorrow here in Mexico.

people bitch and moan about the game not releasing even when it went gold weeks ago but it gave SONY time to ship the game worldwide (except Japan where the game comes out sometime in April) and have it release the same week worldwide, i thank them for it :D

There you go.


FFObsessed said:
I have a question for people, when you're searching through servers, does it tell you if Friendly Fire, Team Balancing etc are on/off in that server before you select them?

If not, that needs to be added. As that will solve the problem earlier of people not knowing whether you can select teams before entering a game. Need confirmation on whether you can search for games with Team Balancing, Friendly Fire on/off as well. Because I want to play with FF on all the time so I don't want to have to create my own game with it on every time.

I still think it's a shitty decision to have FF off by default, that means that most people wont be losing points for accidentally team killing like I will be when I play. I'll be at a disadvantage in that regard.

You missed the fun earlier. I was playing bots with TTP and I picked up a sniper rifle and blind fire headshotted a bot point blank.

so awesome.
The important thing to learn from all this is that it's absolutely hilarious to argue with people who have obsessed over this game for four years about how the matchmaking system essentially consists of a slow moving raccoon with a basket of bytes around it's neck scurrying back and forth from your PS3 to the GG servers.


Full Recovery said:
You missed the fun earlier. I was playing bots with TTP and I picked up a sniper rifle and blind fire headshotted a bot point blank.

so awesome.

This is like torture for me. I can just picture Wollan now, playing the game with a massive grin on his face, tears of joy rolling down his Norwegian cheeks! God, it makes me so sick!



Im sitting in South Jersey (near Philly) and I cannot even think of a place to get this early...gonna try target...best buy won't break SD...Gamestop where I have it pre'd won't break it....damn damn damn damn damn damn damn damn.


The Wise Old Man said:
The important thing to learn from all this is that it's absolutely hilarious to argue with people who have obsessed over this game for four years about how the matchmaking system essentially consists of a slow moving raccoon with a basket of bytes around it's neck scurrying back and forth from your PS3 to the GG servers.
Sir, I don't know shit about English language so to speak.?!?? I don't know.
You better stop shitting on every PS3 release, you chose the wrong one and you know it.
KILLZONE2 is untouchable. Merci, au revoir salope.

edit: your psntag is not real .


YoungHav said:
NYC people, the Game Champ in downtown Brooklyn on Nevins St is selling it, just got mine!

aww you got my hopes up, i just called and they're all out, was going to head by after work to get it >_<


The Wise Old Man said:
The important thing to learn from all this is that it's absolutely hilarious to argue with people who have obsessed over this game for four years about how the matchmaking system essentially consists of a slow moving raccoon with a basket of bytes around it's neck scurrying back and forth from your PS3 to the GG servers.



notjackbauer said:
Attention NYC- J&L in chinatown has it. I think i'm gonna hold out till tmrw, but you shouldn't! fyi they close at 830.

woah so much NYC love in this thread, all you New Yorkers better add me! Thanks for the heads up njb, that's just south a bit of work :D I'll be playing it before FFObsessed, time to get my sniper on buhaha


I might stop by the radio shack near my place on the way home. It's a little shit hole so they might not care when they sell it.
The Wise Old Man said:
Yeah, some dude mentioned it a few pages ago. It seemed pretty crazy so I just ran with it. Like the wind.
GAF said:
Negative commentary on given topics is by no means disallowed; however, such comments should attempt to be substantiated. No matter your supposed intent, if the forum administrators perceive you as a troll making unsubstantiated comments in an attempt to provoke the forum body, actions may be taken by the administrators.

Just sayin'.


Gamestop in Irvine CA having midnight launch tomorrow ;o Of course I have to wake up early Friday for work. Awesome how that works out isn't it ;'(



Went to Target and saw this:


They had about 10 copies on the shelf, grabbed someone to get it from behind the glass, they obliged, take it up to the front...scan...CANNOT SELL UNTIL FEBRUARY 27TH on the monitor. I tried telling them that other people have gotten them from Targets, but they said it's illegal...blah blah blah.

So are the people here that are getting them already just getting lucky when they scan it in? I would imagine that all Targets would have the street date thing come up on their computer.

I'm mad, I tried another store and the same thing.
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