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nib95 said:
Apparently a good tip to avoid motion sickness (though I've never had it myself) is to ensure the room you are playing in is very well lit. The better lit, the less likely you are of getting motion sickness.

Yeah I was playing in well lit room with the windows open but that didn't help much. But I think I'm getting used to it now, it was very disorientating at first.


FCMaxi said:
Yeah I was playing in well lit room with the windows open but that didn't help much. But I think I'm getting used to it now, it was very disorientating at first.
Try lowering the sensitivity on the aiming. That helped me get over my motion sickness when playing the demo.


Teknoman said:
:D yay. Put together a Killzone 2 MP playlist. Just feel the MP seems too epic not to have a soundtrack.

me too. I'm not the hard core type music wise, but I've got some good metal ready for this one.

This one one feature I really wish COD4 had back when that was my fps fix.
2 hours of MP on US Servers impressions:

- The game looks absolutely gorgeous.
- The map variety is really great. Each map has its own feel.
- Not a lot of medics running around (obviously everyone is low rank)
- The game mode variety is pretty awesome too. I especially love assassination.
- Zero to no lag whatsoever. No glitchers or cheaters that I saw either.
quick impressions before i go to bed. single player plays great, i always used the rifle in the demo but now i decided to go with that helghast gun, that if you get a headshot explodes thier heads. I was a little frustrated at first, but I'm learning you really need to shoot from the hip instead of trying to always zoom in.

multiplayer was pretty cool, kind of late so i had to stop playing. I dont know how to get in a ranked server? seemed after playing i didnt level up at all. or do you have to completely finish warzone before getting points? I was doing pretty ok i guess. it does suck if the enemy runs right by you and your struggling to turn around to shoot them. I started doing good after I took it a bit slower around corners and waited for enemies to run out in the open. love the chirp sound


TrAcEr_x90 said:
multiplayer was pretty cool, kind of late so i had to stop playing. I dont know how to get in a ranked server? seemed after playing i didnt level up at all. or do you have to completely finish warzone before getting points? I was doing pretty ok i guess. it does suck if the enemy runs right by you and your struggling to turn around to shoot them. I started doing good after I took it a bit slower around corners and waited for enemies to run out in the open. love the chirp sound

Hmmm this is one question I want to ask as well, I have been gaining rank but it's because I completely finish a round.

Also to the gaffers who have the game have you tried join friend option and does the voice chat in squad work?


impressions on multiplayer post beta:

-omg the new levels have some incredible vertical scale. Never had to look up and down so much in a game. Nothing better than when you're on a platform and tons of guys are camping under you oblivious to your glowing red eyes >:)
-took a game of getting owned before I got used to the controls again. Reticule expands and contracts like good ol CS, so obviously firing right after sprinting isn't going to get you a lot. So hip fire = good. Remember to look for the X (indicates a hit)
-surprising community, lots of people use headsets and almost everyone gets in squads
*edit: if you are level 1, you might not get invited to a squad yet, but persevere to the 2nd badge and you can create your own (not to mention invites would be more forthcoming)
-no more freezing yay!! and smoother than before. Encountered lag just once in 3 hours (Salamun, top bridge, background in full view, gunfight for capture point). They definitely worked out some stuff from the beta

@bigswords: Voice chat in squad works great, we communicate across the map and sometimes when we're near each other. Be careful because if you give commands or positions near enemies or right when they die, they hear it too

@develop: make your own and invite people, you get squad ability at level 2
Teknoman said:
Glad to hear that. One annoying thing about R2 MP was that everyone just ran around on their own.

It was like that in COD4 and Warhawk, but Killzone 2 and SOCOM betas, there was a LOT of people with headsets, even I started using headsets on SOCOM and Killzone 2 betas because of the amount of people that were using them.
Well my GS will be open at 10AM on Friday and they said that KZ2 will be there as soon as it opens.

Can't wait! The Mutiplayer impressions in here seem great. Been reading this thread for awhile (but never posted)

Can't wait till I can join the fight!

I don't use headsets. Please don't hurt me...:p


WiiRevolution1 said:
Well my GS will be open at 10AM on Friday and they said that KZ2 will be there as soon as it opens.

Can't wait! The Mutiplayer impressions in here seem great. Been reading this thread for awhile (but never posted)

Can't wait till I can join the fight!

I don't use headsets. Please don't hurt me...:p

In this type of MP, its probably better to use headsets to communicate with your squadmates.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
dork said:
the guide didnt tell me when i can be engineer :(

i want turrets!
Check the clan thread.



Rez said:
Just finished the campaign! :D
Overall impression? (quick one...)

What happened to your username, btw?

Edit: Nice to see you actually talking more about the game rather than defending the imbeciles that would come into the thread to troll the game all the time :p


Im only playing online.... :D Awsome game this is :)
Ive got the game but i need to start with the campaign.

Online realy owns... i just need to get used to the controls. (played a lot of CoD4)


I have a question about the a place at the end of the campaign where I died and gave up yesterday. Obvious spoliers:

in the room where you fight Radic he just keeps sending soldiers and after a while you get an objejtive to move up to the upper floor. Are you just supposed to kill all soldiers and after a while it triggers the next event? The rpg-shooters that come after a while are really hard.
SpokkX said:
I have a question about the a place at the end of the campaign where I died and gave up yesterday. Obvious spoliers:

in the room where you fight Radic he just keeps sending soldiers and after a while you get an objejtive to move up to the upper floor. Are you just supposed to kill all soldiers and after a while it triggers the next event? The rpg-shooters that come after a while are really hard.
I completed the campaign yesterday and
I used the sniper rifle to take out the RPG-dudes. If you run and hide in the corner closest to them, it's impossible for them to hit you and you'll have plenty of time to take them out one by one.
archnemesis said:
I completed the campaign yesterday and
I used the sniper rifle to take out the RPG-dudes. If you run and hide in the corner closest to them, it's impossible for them to hit you and you'll have plenty of time to take them out one by one.
Did you
take out all the soldiers before going after Radec, or take potshots at him in between? Once I get to the balcony, I can usually get two whole clips of sniper ammo into him before the second wave of guys comes, but by then there are just too many people running around for me to focus on him.


So are the controls different in MP weight wise? I'm fine with the way they are in the demo, but there certainly was a lot of debate over that when the demo came out.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Schrade said:
Overall impression? (quick one...)

What happened to your username, btw?
I don't have the energy to type out anything substantial at the moment, and even if I did it has already been said, and probably said better, by others in this thread already.

Basically, the game is excellent. It is incredibly polished, the levels are well-designed, the diversity in the environments is unexpectedly good (having not seen any videos of the Suleja Village area and onward, it was a nice suprise), the weapons felt great and the soundtrack was suitably epic.

Some random thoughts:

- I made sure to use a whole variety of weapons throughout the game, I never really just stuck to one, and I feel my experience was better off because of it

-Helgan is a really well realised world, it has a very distinct feel to it. The atmosphere of oppression and general despair is top notch.

-On that note, it was odd moving through the Shanty Town and seeing mundane things like shops and the like. The idea of a functioning society on the planet just seemed so bizarre to me, but it was actually pretty cool. Similarly, I didn't know how to feel in the Refinery level, just before
you get off the train, and you meet the only innocent Helgan in the game. The fact that he looked the same as the soldiers, was strangely off-putting, but also kinda compelling.
It makes me wish there were more encounters with everyday citizens of Helgan.

-The Sixaxis controls were fine. They were used sparingly, but were implemented nicely. I wish more developers would do stuff like that.

-The best level in the game for me was easily "Suleja Village". I think the reason why is both the fact that it was a somewhat dramatic environment change, coupled with the fact that it was the level where the controls, which were initially a bit of a hurdle for me, clicked and finally felt natural. The way the level progressed, and the way it presented itself with different opportunities to use different weapons was really neat. Plus, it was the first level with the two of my favourite weapons in the game, the awesome Bolt Gun and that awesome rifle without the ironsight (Sa-something LMG, maybe? I forget). It might speak to my general tastes in video games, but it says something that my favourite level had a long section of nothing but atmosphere, as well as some back tracking.

-On that note, the shotgun was great. I used it whenever I could.

-The worst level was easily the first level. From both a level design and technical standpoint. I'm going to replay the game now that I have a handle on the controls, my opinion might change now that I can actually aim where I want. :lol Also, I didn't like the tank section.

-The boss fight on the rooftop was easily the worst single thing in the game. It wasn't awful, but compared to how great basically everything else was, it stands out all the more brightly. The final boss was much better.

-The story wasn't great, and the (spoilers)
death mid way through came off as really awkward, to me.
. The story did pick up later on in the game though, and I actually came to enjoy it for what it was quite a bit. Visari is a great villain, and Radec isn't half-bad either.

- There's nothing like the feeling of empowerment that comes with AA guns, turrets, Mechs, and Uber-weapons. KZ2 delivered on all the above, and does so at good times, to appropriately pace out the firefights, to avoid combat fatugue. In fact, in the level with the
Lightning Gun
, I found it odd that GG kept placing ammo emplacements for all the other types of weapons throughout. I don't know who in their right mind would pass up the opportunity to use said weapon, as it has unlimited ammo and controls like a beast. That section reminded me of the end of HL2, it was fantastic.

- There was one unfortunate moment during the Shanty Town shootout (where you enter from the waterway below and have to hold out against a shit load of enemies above, I think it was level 5 or so) where a single enemy fell down to the below water-ways, and I was stuck wondering around for about 10 minutes, searching for that final enemy so that I could kill him and trigger the next event.

-I didn't like Sev as a character. I didn't like the way he looked, or the way he spoke. But he was basically just an avatar that symbolised me throughout, so I can live with it.

-Being on a semi-media blackout was most definitely worth it. Being suprised by the game pretty often as the game moved into the second half was great.

-If anyone cares, I used the default controls and sensitivity.

That's all that comes to mind at the moment. There's probably much more to be said about the game, but yeah. It was fantastic, and as someone who doesn't generally play military shooters (the last one I bought, and loved, was COD4), it was totally worth the money I spent on it.


Unlimited Capacity
THank god i have Street Fighter 4 to hold me over until this comes out. I would be going insane if not. INSANE.
makingmusic476 said:
Did you
take out all the soldiers before going after Radec, or take potshots at him in between? Once I get to the balcony, I can usually get two whole clips of sniper ammo into him before the second wave of guys comes, but by then there are just too many people running around for me to focus on him.
I don't even remember seeing Radec before I killed all his minions. When you get rid of the last wave of Higs you'll reach a checkpoint and you'll face Radec alone. He uses a cloaking device and teleportation, so be prepared to be even more annoyed.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
makingmusic476 said:
Did you
take out all the soldiers before going after Radec, or take potshots at him in between? Once I get to the balcony, I can usually get two whole clips of sniper ammo into him before the second wave of guys comes, but by then there are just too many people running around for me to focus on him.
You don't fight Radec until you deal with the enemies. I used the grenade launcher mostly, and ran to the sides of the balcony to deal with the RPG guys. I eventually switched to the Helgan assault rifle when I ran out of ammo.

Just stick with it, and play defensively. Make sure you make quick work of anyone who tries to flank you. Melee attacks can be your friends.


Game is fun and everything, but I just can not understand why they make you play for so long before unlocking classes. Makes it take longer then it has to to be able and vary on character depending on mood. They should have just kept weapons n perks/maybe secondary badges as unlockables etc...

Well that's my take on that subject. The game otherwise looks stunning and is fun. One thing though is that there's something strange with the whole aim thing, can't really put my finger on it, but changing sensitivity to highest made it a little better but I guess it is just something I have to get used to.
archnemesis said:
I don't even remember seeing Radec before I killed all his minions. When you get rid of the last wave of Higs you'll reach a checkpoint and you'll face Radec alone. He uses a cloaking device and teleportation, so be prepared to be even more annoyed.
Yeah, the entire time he's on the balcony near the front that you can't access. He turns invisible, runs around a bit, reappears, and starts firing at you. I kept firing at him with the sniper rifle.
Rez said:
You don't fight Radec until you deal with the enemies. I used the grenade launcher mostly, and ran to the sides of the balcony to deal with the RPG guys. I eventually switched to the Helgan assault rifle when I ran out of ammo.

Just stick with it, and play defensively. Make sure you make quick work of anyone who tries to flank you. Melee attacks can be your friends.

Anywho, thanks for the tips guys. I wasted almost two hours on nothing. -_-


Have a fun! Enjoy!
makingmusic476 said:
Yeah, the entire time he's on the balcony near the front that you can't access. He turns invisible, runs around a bit, reappears, and starts firing at you. I kept firing at him with the sniper rifle.

Anywho, thanks for the tips guys. I wasted almost two hours on nothing. -_-

I did the same mistake on my first go. Same with a friend of mine.
Which is odd, since the objective message appearing on the top of the screen clearly says to kill Radec troops.
I guess they should have make it more clear.

Ploid 3.0

CalamityDaunt said:
Has any one els had their order dispatched from Amazon UK yet?

Damn them fuckers!

Glad I canceled that order even though I'll be paying $5 more, and tax/gas money. I would have been getting this on March 3-4 otherwise. Can't wait to get it, hope I luck out Saturday.
Ploid 3.0 said:
Glad I canceled that order even though I'll be paying $5 more, and tax/gas money. I would have been getting this on March 3-4 otherwise. Can't wait to get it, hope I luck out Saturday.

TBH if it's not been dispatched by 3pm GMT today then im gunna cancel it and just buy it in town.


Nice write-up Rez, even more pumped for the game now!

I have a question for you UK'ers (that are better at English than me). My current Royal Mail tracker says (I ordered from ShopTo):

"Your item, posted on 25/02/09 with reference XXX has been passed to the overseas postal service for delivery in SWEDEN."

Does it mean that the game is here in Sweden now, or that it was passed to the overseas branch for delivery TO Sweden (that is, it's being flown to Sweden now and it's not here yet)? Would really like to know, since if it ain't in Sweden today, I'm probably getting the game on Monday. :(
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